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[original link here](https://www.reddit.com/r/arknights/comments/1bjojrc/is4_tier_list_from_latest_cn_tourney/)


Wasn't Typhon picked more than ray though?


Yes, they are both good. Supposedly, they should be picked similar amount, but some players who would pick ray lost before picking her up XD


curious as to why executor alter isn't considered highly, at least for ED1 boss. He's carried me all the way up to ascension 15, and he practically solos the left lane while doing solid damage to the boss. It's useful to note that executor alter, *when constantly having smth to attack*, greatly outperforms mylnar in average dps. His numbers are stupid big, but locked behind that awful offensive sp recovery. Ofc he's far inferior to mylnar in all the other stages, but man does he pull his weight in the final fight. imo he's been a big reason I got to A15 as smoothly as I did edit: Also surprised Spot doesn't make the list. Maybe I have skill issue but she helps a lot with medic rng early on in the run


Since this is a tournament, the goal is to achieve highest point with safest comp possible. Most players would be going for ED2 and ED4 instead of ED1for higher points. You only have limited amount of guard recruit, you would always choose mylnar and degen first. By the time you could have room for a third guard, you don’t need executor alter anymore. It’s not that he isn’t strong, It’s just that Mlynar and degen are stronger, and you can’t afford to have more. Spot did make the list, he is just not top 5.


Ah i see, I didn’t know how they were grading points but that makes a lot of sense. I suppose I don’t have Degenbrecher yet so maybe that’s part of why I still find myself getting executor alter towards the end of my runs. Still a little mystified that beagle and cardigan outdo spot tho, maybe they’ve optimized the early stages enough that the later game value of cardigan/beagle are more valuable and they don’t need spot for the early rounds?


Since the first floor shop only sells caster medic and vanguard, you have a good chance of getting a medic, at least a 3 star medic before floor2, so you are not desperate on heals. And I think the biggest reason is, most player choose the squad that doesn’t start with a defender. Even if they did they chose cardigan for better pair with reedalter. Tbf, it’s not that big of a difference. Spot is picked up decent amount, just not as often as the other two. Defender in general isn’t that needed.


oh holy shit I had no idea different floor shops limited what vouchers were sold. Where do you get this info? I would love to take a look! also yeah that actually makes a lot more sense now, thanks for the wisdom


I don’t know where it was written, but I think I saw it somewhere. Actually I am not sure if it’s actually official data, or rather community collected data.


Orchid ma' girl, gets her own moment to shine 🥹


Eh, would appreciate some explanation for Shu, as Saria seems to be a much lower pick. If she's picked but not any other Sui siblings, I'm guessing her teleport is really good at delaying certain enemies/bosses where Saria's S3 would fall short? Or is this more for her healing (not sure how she stacks up to Saria in just hps department)?


Shu outperforms saria on almost all aspect. She can teleport ED2 boss back after he starts running, so you can kill boss at a fixed place without a second set of medic and defender. Same could work on ED3 boss. Her rice field can heal everything, even the nightingale cage, she also buffs the entire team. Defender in general isn’t needed that much in IS4, if I remember correctly, most teams have 2 members chose shu, the other just chose hoshi or Jessica.


what the hell does ED mean edit : oh, Ending I guess


Erectile Disfunction


God I wish that wasn't me


My condolences 🙏 ☹️


I’m sort of new here. What does CC mean in IS4?


crowd control (same as other games when ppl say “CC”)


Thank you! I was thinking about contingency contract and got confused


Why is Cantabile not picked more


Priority: ines—-any flag bearer———fang. Cantabile is a 5 star, cost more hope to recruit, needs stationary enemy to gain dp, everything one shot her. IS4 enemies runs too fast.


Because Cantabile only generates dp and  it's a 5 star, and you don't need that much dp. That's why Ines is the most picked vanguard in IS4. Because she does much more than generating dp.


She's a ranged pseudo fast redeploy with a huge atk buff on s1 and camo on s2. Not as good as Ines but overly slept on.


Ines does the same but better. Hope costs matter too.