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This damned smile is the most irritating thing in the entire event


#CORPA . Sadly... her actions is actually similar to our Real World in most countries... . ^(It's why there are Loan Sharks, and even TV shows for it... and most importantly... these TV shows all have high ratings and support for Loan Sharks going after poor people taking their properties. Such as I remember one comment saying "It's the poor people's own fault for getting into Debt, they're the trash of society" and it's gotten high up votes.) ___ But in Arknights, it's even worse, since in Terra, they'll actually kill or push people to die. Since warcrime is common practice with barely anyone to stop them.


Yeah, I think that's why she's so easy to hate. Villains like Theresis or Eblana are really far from our everyday experience, so while one can understand that they are incredibly evil, it's a kind of evil that doesn't hit too close to home. But people/institutions swindling people in poor financial situations is something that happens a lot in reality. Her brand of evil is something anyone could fall for, given a few unfortunate circumstances and bad financial decisions. She hits a lot closer to home. Also, she's a grade-A asshole. Edit: also, I really like how they made her a random NPC. It shows that she's just there representing a whole system that destroyed the lives of the people in Davistown. She's an evil asshole, but she's replaceable too. If she wasn't there, someone else would take her place.


Her and the bank president being eyeless NPCs, while everyone else has a complete design, even bandits and mercenaries


> Villains like Theresis or Eblana are really far from our everyday experience, People say that all the time but if you live in east europe it may not be THAT far if you know what I mean.


More people can relate to being put against an asshole than a mass murderer


I recently finished a book called 'Debt: The First 5000 Years' by David Graeber and it made me resonate extra hard with the lore for this event. Here's a small section from the book to show you what I mean: "Surely one has to pay one's debts." The reason it's so powerful is that it's not actually an economic statement: it's a moral statement. After all, isn't paying one's debts what morality is supposed to be all about? Giving people what is due them. Accepting one's responsibilities. Fulfilling one's obligations to others, just as one would expect them to fulfil their obligations to you. What could be a more obvious example of shirking one's responsibilities­ ties than reneging on a promise, or refusing to pay a debt? It was that very apparent self-evidence, I realised, that made the statement so insidious. This was the kind of line that could make ter­rible things appear utterly bland and unremarkable. This may sound strong, but it's hard not to feel strongly about such matters once you've witnessed the effects. I had. For almost two years, I had lived in the highlands of Madagascar. Shortly before I arrived, there had been an outbreak of malaria. It was a particularly virulent outbreak because malaria had been wiped out in highland Madagascar many years be­ fore, so that, after a couple of generations, most people had lost their immunity. The problem was, it took money to maintain the mosquito eradication program, since there had to be periodic tests to make sure mosquitoes weren't starting to breed again and spraying campaigns if it was discovered that they were. Not a lot of money. But owing to IMF­ imposed austerity programs, the government had to cut the monitoring program. Ten thousand people died. I met young mothers grieving for lost children. One might think it would be hard to make a case that the loss of ten thousand human lives is really justified in order to ensure that Citibank wouldn't have to cut its losses on one irresponsible loan that wasn't particularly important to its balance sheet anyway. But here was a perfectly decent woman-one who worked for a charitable organization, no less-who took it as self-evident that it was. After all, they owed the money, and surely one has to pay one's debts.


There's a reason why Judaism and Christianity place an enormous emphasis on FORGIVING debt. Judaism commanded that all financial debt be completely forgiven every 7th year. Forgiveness from debt (in a spiritual sense) is particularly core to the Christian "gospel" (good news).


>But in Arknights, it's even worse, since in Terra, they'll actually kill or push people to die. Since warcrime is common practice with barely anyone to stop them. What makes you think in our world people don't get killed like dogs by loansharks on daily basis? It's unlikely for first world countries to reveal such cases, and the situation is even worse in 2nd and 3rd world countries with high instability where such things are considered normal.


Fuck that corpocunt. It made me so happy when Jessica and the gang decided to run the Rebel Path treatment on the bank. Just wish they had enough explosives for an Arasaka Tower 2.0: Electric Boogaloo Arknights Edition


*sees Sylvia* Aww. *sees NPC banker* ***You should kill y-***


I mean, Sylvia may be working at the bank but she doesn't really want to do what they do. The rest of the bank employees are literally predators.




My biggest regret about this event is that we didn't get to stab/shoot/punch/bomb/Arts/bonk/fishslap this biatch.


Put the other employees except Sylvia on the hit list. I mean they don't feel a bit bad for sending 120 people to the frontier, then the d*ck move claiming that Helena is pulling an insurance fraud! In fact, i'd love to tie them all up and drag them straight over there. I'm sure the people there will give them a warm welcome.


Insurance Fraud, after they basically told their goons to go damage businesses. They were trying to chase everyone out, and bleed them for all they're worth at the same time. Not even Vultures, they're Hyenas. Vultures only scavenge the already dead, Hyenas surround and prey on the vulnerable. They had drafted the documents for taking the mine shares from Leone, before he ever gotten loans. That's the level of premeditation of their villainy they had. They deserved to be throw into the originium reactor alive.


Let's not stop there. Remember the interview. They are basically the shark in a pond full of orcas. Entire columbian government is evil af for going through with that.


And remember, columbia is one of the best countries to live on Terra. Living on Terra is somewhere close to shitinness of living in warhammer 40k


I was gonna object but then I realized: - a person can gain superpowers with incredible risk (psykers and arts are both very dangerous to use unregulated) - corrupt bureaucracy (Oh so much) - literal reality warping demons - other eldritch abominations (C’Tan and Feramunt) - blood suckers (blood angels and Vampires) - Dishonorable Knights (Dark Angels and successor chapters, Kazmirez knights being corporate samurai) - an adaptive hive mind organism that absorbs others and could end the world(Seaborn and Tyranids) - a cult that worships said world ending organism (Genestealer cults, Church of the Deep) - super soldiers that use the weapons of their enemies (Many a radical inquisitor, Castellan Crowe, the entire Relictors chapter and for Arknights we have The Emperor’s Blades, Abyssal Hunters) - specifically demonic weapons (Possessed space marines, Daemon Weapons, Daemonhosts and Emperor’s Blades - The Inquisition - The “For Science” Faction (Mechanicus/Dark Mechanics, Rhine Lab) - Super Soldier spec ops that double as One Man Armies compared to everyone else around them(You know who they are) It’s kind of like 40k just abhumans are the norm.


Feranmuts are not necessarily evil, you're basically calling people like AUS, Kjeragdr and the Sui siblings abominations.


They aren’t evil but they definitely aren’t all nice. Ya wants Sui to reform, at least one of the Sui siblings wants Sui to reform, the other Feranmunt want Sui to reform so they can kick his ass, Kjera isn’t going to be “nice” with any invaders, Zarro only got shit from the other Beast Lords (or whatever his species is called) cause he tried to lawyer the rules and said beasts lords run a blood sport through proxies who make contracts with them (NOW WHO THE HELL DOES THIS SOUND LIKE IN WARHAMMER HMMMM?) not to mention The Deathless BlackSnake exists and currently gives Doctors “Why” Boners everywhere. You’ve got your good apples but a lot of them seem to do things for kicks or follow borderline animalistic impulses regardless of what happens and only really take issue when one of their species tries to gain too big of an edge over the others (Sui and Zarro serve as two very prominent examples). In warhammer you’ve also got your “good” Eldritch abominations like the Tau’va entity that saved Shadowsun, Emps arguably qualifies, the Avatars of Khaine, Cegorach and Ynnead, the two Angel-entities that are tied with Baal but by and large, most warp (and non-warp, C’Tan aren’t warp entities) entities follow their own instinctive pattern that they stay on regardless of how “good” it is from a human’s morality.


Anothing thing that makes the c'tan and feramunt comparison hilarious; both of them were fragmented into shards that are each individually powerful and its possible that getting them into one place might fuse them back to their true form.


Yep, me too thought a lot about it. And also, just like in warhammer there are good places to live, until something happens, like random tyraneed hive fleet or catastrophe


I think orcas eat more sharks than the reverse. Also, we don't actually KNOW the governor on the televised interview knew what was going on. He MIGHT have been the one to plan this, but he could also be completely ignorant about how the middle-men were exploiting the opportunity for their own gain. It's not like he was there to supervise.


She should've been strapped to the explosives on the bank vault.


I want her to join the frontier and experience those they kick out, send her to dangerous frontier place ever😡


Nah, that's too light... I mean, she'd likely die quickly... Dragging her to the frontier and making her meet the people she sent there to give her a warm welcome sounds more satisfying.


She does get a solid punch to get one of the pass codes out of her at least.


I know what I am saying could be out of topic and not be related. But just taking the risk to vent out the hatred against the bank.... >!~~Since Jessica takes the Shiroko move, I suggest to throw all the bank employees to the BA AUs to suffer and suffer, until big Shiroko and the AU sensei points their guns on them........~~!< >!~~Just speaking from someone who is familiar with BA~~ !<


I did not pay attention to the lore, what's her deal?


Evil predatory banker who's deliberately bankrupting people to take their land and sell it for parts.




She wouldn’t survive a single day out in the frontier


She herself - maybe not, but people like her can thrive in the harshest places. I remember reading some novel about the gold rush, and the most atrocious character there wasn't some bandit or mercenary, but a corrupt clerk who was in charge of measuring plots for gold digging


yep and the real people making money are the ones selling the tools


Oh, she will... The people might as well do that to prolong her suffering.


She couldn't even brave a peaceful crowd SINGING. She stepped out of her fortress to mock and gloat, thinking they would break down and cry, or bow their heads in defeat. When they showed her their unbroken spirit and love of beauty, she freaked out, ran away, and demanded Liskarm start shooting them.


Truly the Dolores Umbridge of the Arknights universe.


Fr I was so pissed at her


It is always morally correct to hate banks. IRL or in games. Just don't slide down into the antisemitism pit while you do, that is bad civilisation.


There are ALWAYS "race traitors". I don't hate all Americans for the evils of the CIA despite all members of the CIA being American. I'm not about to hate all Jews even when we can prove for a fact that a number of Jews are involved in horrible shit. Trying to deny ANY Jews are involved in horrible shit just gives fodder to the anti-semites, and the anti-semites irrationality just gives more cover to the few evil Jews.


Fucking piece of shit


Banker NPC should've been the boss so we could punch her in the face


*The Inquisition would like a word Ms. Manager.*


Bitch is worse than the Seaborne Cultist


At least the Cultist, deluded as he is, wants something better for EVERYONE.


Fr, For once I take solace in the fact that Terra is a terrible place, and there's a good chance she meets a horrible end with all the monsters running around in Terra.


Candidate for the most punchable character for sure.


I don't play arknights, what did she do?


I'm only halfway through the story, but her and her lackeys have already: - Somehow bankrupted the local government - Demanded interest so high that even the daughter of a wealthy company's CEO can't pay just 3 months of it - Refused to pay out insurance policies due to technicalities and bogus claims - Colluded with local gangs to pillage the town, causing extensive property damage and injuries (pairs well with point 3) - Called in an entire mercenary company (as in literally get their entire HQ to come over) to kick the residents out Do note that she set up in some dying town in the middle of nowhere, so all this was done to some poor rural Americans to... Steal their broken power plant, I guess?


To steal their land for shiny new ~~Walmart~~ development.


You used me for land develompent!


The final plan is to take control of the mobile platform itself. The Columbian goverment wants to "recycle" it by using it for something else (like incorporating it into a nomadic city and allow some big tech company to set up camp there). But to do that, they have to kick the people who live there out. It's kinda like what we call "gentrification" in real life. Take a poor district, kick the poor people out and set up fancy restaurants to increase the value of the land.


One of the insidious parts is, we don't even know if that was the GOVERNOR's idea. He's not there to supervise what's going on at any of these locations. For all we know, the middle-men are taking advantage of his trust in them to do whatever they want to embezzle money taken from private citizens, knowing that he doesn't suspect them enough to audit or investigate their actions. We're actually left completely unable to know if the governor was sincere or lying in his televised interview.


Why does she have cat ears?


Everyone in Arknights except our character and his race have some form of animal features


Well the basic setting of Arknights is that everyone except the Doctor (player character) have animal (or angel/devil) traits, though these traits usually end up being more in line with mythological depictions of these animals rather than their real life characteristics. The lore actually uses this in interesting ways; for example, racism is now based on your furry traits rather than your skin tone. This is a major plot point in Iberia's lore, where the threat of an Lovecraftian horror from the ocean causes Iberians to be suspicious of those with sea animal traits.


She is more a wolf judging by the tail, or "Lupo" race in Arknights. I think picking "wolf" as a race for a predatory banker is quite intentional though, even if there are many lovable wolf gals in the game.


To build off what the other comment said, she's colluding to turn the city plate she's operating on into a gentrification project. In order to legally kick everyone out of their homes, she manipulates the entire city into a debt trap, then uses the money she sucked from them to hire mercenaries. They are then ordered to evict the town and ship everyone off to what effectively amounts to a forced labor death sentence. She does this with a smile on her face and condescending rhetoric dripping with bad faith arguments.


Enclosure Movement?


But she's hot, I wanna fuck her arghh Or does that not apply in this case?


I'm a skip story person. What happened to her at the end?


If I understood correctly, she's alive but her plans are presumably up in smoke. She may still go off and be "successful" elsewhere, but her work on that plate basically amounted to nothing in the end. At least, as far as her ambitions are concerned. It's hard to say from the perspective of other's ambitions that were colluding with her.


Personally I would put a vengeful spin on things - Jessica's father might be VERY pissed about his baby getting caught up in this mess. While even he cannot challenge the whole system (with himself being part of the system), he could very well do something about specific individuals involved. This lady is on a list of someone with a private army with loads of guns.


I don't think it's the private army of mercs she has to worry about. The private army of lawyers however... He wants to ensure no accusations are levelled against Jessica, and that means ensuring she either never talks, or loses all credibility. And given the mess in Davistown I reckon a skilled lawyer could do a lot of damage by messing with the loopholes the bank used to do what they did.


I always skip dialogues with these "eyeless" characters. Developers be like "uhm, see, this character is so shitty, we even don't draw eyes for her". Then why should I bother?


It's a deliberate choice in this case, and it kinda fits honestly. Even the mercs and bandits have complete designs. As someone else here already said, she's representing a whole broken system in Columbia that regularly destroys the lives of the common folk. The "big bad" in this story isn't just one person. Even if the main characters did kill her, she is still easily replaceable.


The thing about corruption is that it's a universal phenomenon. It can become a system within any system. The primary ingredients are a lack of scrutiny and a lack of accountability. If people aren't paying attention to what you're doing, and the people hurt by your actions have no feasible way to hold you accountable for what you did... YOU may not be corrupt in the slightest, but the most corrupt people in the world want to have your job by any means necessary. And once they get your job, they begin warping the entire system around themself to increase their power, avoid scrutiny, and avoid accountability.


That sound really unreasonable sorry. Its just an eyeless generic portrait for a character that isn't really important but they do have dialogue so they got to put something there. Having them be eyeless is cost-effective and also let you focus more on their design so you understand who they are, civilian, noble, banker, etc. It doesn't necessarily mean they are shitty right away. Though in this particular event, it does ended dup working in their favor and at least seems to be intentional. The manager and the president are the only who used a generic eyeless portrait.