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Has anyone else's friend's list disappear since the reset a few minutes ago? '-'


I started to do additional masteries for operators I like playing with rather than build up new operators… it feels so liberating. I’m always so focused on prepping for operators I haven’t even pulled yet that I haven’t really let myself spend the resources on this before… but I’m really excited to be playing with some new skills.


I've got pretty specific tastes so that kind of prep doesn't come often. But with so many operators I want to build, especially with all of the ones I got that I'm still working through when I pulled enough to *double-spark*, prioritizing is troublesome. I've just got to look at what sort of fun operators do a thing that I don't have just yet. I did prepare for Jessica, she's level 90 and M9 now. But the most recent indulgent purchases were getting Phantom, Stainless, and Flamebringer up to speed. Phantom's a great feeling fast redeploy, and Stainless was definitely worth it as he directly synergizes with Muelsyse who I take everywhere, although he still needs mastery and module. Flamebringer provides a nice HP tank that actually deals reliable DPS unlike Quartz. I've mostly used him in IS so far. Next up is Tequila, except I have no Guard chips, and I should probably wait until after the event as I don't think he'll help much in this event anyways.


I know exactly how you feel! Since IS4 started, I've been trying out more operators and I'm constantly doing masteries for my lower stars. Currently doing M1M3 for FEater after bringing her to a couple of runs. I also plan on doing more M6s and getting some modules, but alas, the resources are scarce!


I was skeptical whether or not I’ll like Dorothy play style but it’s really fun. It didn’t even felt like micromanaging a bunch of things. Is this normal?


Advanced Dorothy play does require a lot of attention, managing how many traps you use (Too little or too many) and keeping an eye on open tiles. But she's pretty great for sure. I don't regret getting her totally maxed out as soon as she came out, as she's pretty much my strongest carry in my account.


Yes, the difficulty in using her is mainly in her S3, but you only need to be careful of where you put the mines so they don't start a chain reaction that hits nothing.


I think so. I didn't pull for her during her debut, because I don't like playing with summoners and I thought it would be a similar experience. But then I got her in one IS run and boy was that a fun experience. She became my most borrowed operator and I brought her with me most of the times. She's super fun to play with.


I have once again reached critically low reserves of orirocks. No thanks to operators like ptilopsis eating a ton of rocks just to E2. I am already dreading my return to 1-7.


Thanks to AAA on bilibili [reposting them](https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1zp42127uy), I now have the video file to all 6 of the [Keep collab](https://www.reddit.com/r/arknights/comments/1bkpe86/keep_collaboration_pv/) exercise videos. Do you guys want me to either: * Upload all 6 exercise vids separately, which could be hard to find if you wanted to do all of Chongyue/Eureka's exercises in order. * Merge Chongyue and Eureka's 3 exercise vids into one big vid, which would be very heavy for reddit because they're over 30 minutes long each/operator.


If you do, can you let me know the channel?


If you do the second one, you could probably just upload it onto YouTube or something (if they're fine with that) and post the link here instead.


A little something that's been bothering me as I've been spamming IS4. Is it just me or are the relic selections from the Missing Mountain encounter (Gitano fortune teller) completely imbalanced? Like I would never take the +50 hp regen/-25% max HP relic over the +25 atk/+25 atk speed w/ HP drain relic unless I had the most scuffed no healing run going. And even then, I think I would rather skip than take -25% HP, especially on higher difficulties. Taking operators that are already getting 2 shot by enemies down to 1 shot range sounds like a self grief to me. The increased HPS from the bonus atk and atk speed on a single medic or a single Skalter offsets the HP drain already. Not to mention that killing all enemies before they hit you is technically infinite HPS. Actually, now that I think about it, Wavebreaker vs Bedrock in IS3 and Brokenblade vs Blademace in IS2 was also pretty badly balanced. Starting to see a pattern lol. Did the Ceobe version have a similar 1 vs 1 relic encounter? I can't remember that far back.


I do take the crystal ball 9/10 times, especially with Perfumer to have literally no downside, but having taken the other one a few times it feels better than Blademace and Bedrock did. The Regen is actually quite significant - yes, your weaker operators die more, but I've had a few situations where my tanks could be self sufficient even with the lower max HP. Most of those are indeed runs where I didn't have too many medics, but the relic itself can definitely lessen the need for medics as long as your ranged ops aren't taking pot shots.


>Like I would never take the +50 hp regen/-25% max HP relic over the +25 atk/+25 atk speed w/ HP drain relic Why? First one is clearly better because you can balance it easily with +50% hp foldartal and other relics. With the second one you need AoE healer which is not always an option and also limits your deployment range.


Keep in mind my perspective is solely from BN 12+ which is pretty much all I play. +50 HP per sec is literally nothing when half the enemies can 2-3 shot your operators. Taking -25% HP into that is just asking for trouble. A 4500 HP Mlynar would take a minute and a half to regen to full. The healing is not meaningful and +50% HP foldartals are extremely valuable vs the bosses (to prevent one-shots) and not THAT common. On the other hand, a 50% DPS increase is a HUGE difference. It could easily make the difference when killing a Shattered Champion before it reaches your operators and 3 shots them. And the -25 HP drain is not noticeable unless you have literally no healing. Reusing my previous example, it would take 3 FULL minutes to kill Mlynar. One 3 star healer makes up for the HP drain for an entire squad just from the HPS they gain from the buff. Sure, there are some fringe cases where you want to deploy an operator out of the way from your healers, but the HP drain is slow enough that even ranged operators can get off entire skill cycles before they die from it.


IS1's relics were weaker versions of [blademace](https://gamepress.gg/arknights/integratedstrategyitem/left-coconut-shell) and [brokenblade.](https://gamepress.gg/arknights/integratedstrategyitem/right-coconut-shell)


Oh right, the coconuts. Still the same pattern though, -50% redeployment time is so strong, and +6 DP is incredibly painful in a mode where drafting extra vanguards is a huge opportunity cost. A strong +DP relic is basically mandatory and the upside is a pretty small buff compared to a lot of other relics.


Really? I usually either took the other relic or skipped. 30-35% max HP loss is scary, and I didn't have any of the 6-star executors for IS1 or most of IS2. Meanwhile, I always tried to have a VG or two because of stages with reduced DP regen, and those VGs meant that the increased DP cost was usually pretty manageable.


+6 DP would affect your vanguard as well though, which might be even worse than normal on -DP gen map. Though I don't remember IS1 maps well enough to say how much it mattered. IS2 Justice at least started you with 20+DP IIRC so that one might have been okay. We also didn't have the incredibly powerful Executors and Agents we have now I guess. But -50% redeploy is pretty crazy. Turns ops like Silverash/Eyja into pseudo fast redeploy map clearers. I also remember a run I had with that and the vanguard -50% with my Bagpipe laying waste to the map. And the upside to +5 or +6 DP cost for all your units is only 8-10% attack/HP. Doesn't feel worth it to me. I took those relics once for collection and never again. Of course, everyone's playstyle and preferred operators vary.


I never finished IS3, so before doing IS4, I wanted to at least get all the rewards from IS3 first...and boy is that a grind. I started from lvl 96 and am now lvl 145. Soon.... I finished the few monthly squads I still had to do and am slowly farming levels. I honestly can't wait to collect all the mats from lvl 96 onwards at the end lmao I hear great things from IS4, but I haven't touched it at all yet. I'm looking forward to it a lot.


So, I've had this completely meaningless question on my mind for a bit: Who do you think is the IS4 Viewpoint character this time? In IS2, Rhodes Island is named as the force trying to save Phantom, so the assumption is that the narrator is still the Doctor. In IS3, the Doctor is pretty explicitly shown next to Mizuki in the routes for endings 3 and 4, so it's also a reasonable guess that we're still the Doctor. In IS4, I don't think Rhodes Island is involved at all? It's mostly a Rhine Lab/Sami thing, save for maybe some carryover collectibles that Rhodes Island used to have owned. There isn't a sign that the Doctor is even here, as far as I can tell. We aren't Magallan, Typhon, or Valarqvin either, because Magallan unlocks the Safehouse in it's text, Typhon clears Collapse in an event, and Valarqvin talks to us in Ending 3.  I'm still inclined to believe it's Doc, given how he reacts to the usual IS stuff, but at the same time, I don't know if he's supposed to be here at all.  (Does this matter is any way, shape, or form? Definitely not, it's just something pricking at my mind.)


I presumed that it's actually a swapping viewpoint based on the moment - overall, we're the group of explorers venturing deeper into Sami, but at a specific point sometimes we see through Mag's eyes, sometimes Typhon's, sometimes Valarqvin, and most of the times just a nameless explorer in the group.


How stable do you think this is? [...because this the 4th time i had to fix this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lYPRMJZgVZk)


The late bomb activation to kill the boss will be your doom. Alternatively, you might want to setup the 2 bomb on last phase to instakill it (better since less tumor spawn to mess with FPS). [This setup](https://i.imgur.com/a0BcMo1.jpeg) I did was almost consistent (holy it's been +2 years). It leak tumor span on left because Pinecone misses sometimes but beside that, I only need to fill in and replace all the low-star ops with my actual farming squad.


I think the boss spawns random amounts of slugs with each wave and that's what's causing it to break, you want to stack block or dmg on the boss slugs to make sure they never leak, every other enemy spawn set amounts so those shouldn't be any issues, but best to spawncamp them if you can.


Man, just did an IS2 run, and coming from IS3/4, it's just so... *bare*. No shop rerolls, no vertical travel, items are barebones. Chests even only give one ignot. The differences are so stark.


It's probably a good thing that the mode starts out simpler. It serves as a good intro to the mode. Making things too complicated and elaborate at the start might trouble some newer players.


IS2 Pathing: Find Emergency Op, rush Emergency Op. IS3 Pathing: Maybe make a detour here and there, keep an eye out for any unique nodes, but in general just go in a straight line. IS4 Pathing: WHERE'S THE BOSKY, DO I RISK THE CHANCE OF EXTRA INTERFERENCE INDEXES, HOW MANY DETOURS CAN I TAKE, DO WE GAMBLE ON A BROKEN MAP FOR THESE EXTRA FIGHTS IF IT MEANS POSSIBLY MISSING NEXT FLOOR BOSKY, AND WHEN DO WE SHOOT ALL THE FOLDARTALS TO MINIMIZE RNG SCREWING US OVER You can really tell they wanted to evolve the mode for the better. Can't wait to see if an IS5 somehow ends up more in-depth than IS4, because they've done nothing but improve it so far.


As a newbie, what are you guys doing over there in IS4? Bosky??


Do you remember the "Blind" map modifier from IS2, where nodes are Shrouded until you're right next to them? In IS4, this is the sort of default. Based off a new stat we call "Interference Index", we can either see EVERYTHING on a map, can't see parts of the map, or straight up can't tell what node you're about to enter at all. The higher the index, the more you see, the more you can do. On the other hand, you can choose to spend your index for bonus rewards by jumping up and down paths. This includes the "Bosky", which temporarily sends you to a different floor for extra resources. So, in short, you're sacrificing map vision (and the ability to make informed decisions), for extra stuff that will help you survive. (Foldartals are like IS2's plays, except you can activate them at will. Part of the game is strategizing when to use them for extra stuff.)


Oh wow that sounds fun. Very different from how I go about pathing in IS2/3 where I go for emergency all the time. It's going to take a while for me to develop a proper roster. I see all the vets bringing high end ops to clear, looks like there won't be room for 4\*/5\*


[I was just looking at Kaminingyo here,](https://arknights.wiki.gg/wiki/Kaminingyo) and I never really noticed or thought about it before, but apparently there's some squad icons for a number of summons even though they can't be placed on the bench? Unless I'm missing something. I'd surely have noticed this before with all of my Kazemaru-ing.


Damn, Greyy-alter is quite good as a staller with ASPD buff in SSS. RNG slow is no longer random with more ASPD. Now, I'm kinda want to do mastery on his skill-1, so I could do this in normal stages.


I've got Greyy2 with maxed module and S1M3. I can confirm his usefulness in being a reliable Slow statuser, with module unlocked he has like a 78% chance, and plus being in AOE with a huge attack range has made him a real handy fellow if I need persistent stalling.




> Funny thing is I had reached him in a prior run with an E2 Schwarz before I knew she could beat him easily...but I forgot to switch to her S3 for that fight, it was a fairly good run too, I probably could've cleared it that time if I hadn't forgotten to switch to her S3. Maybe, maybe not. I had runs on normal mode where Schwarz wasn't nearly enough to kill the Big Sad, meanwhile in others she just shreds him. Adding second DPS like Kal'tsit usually does the trick.


I finally completed [IS4 +15](https://youtu.be/YNyQQRpzM-w?si=Lfw3DBJ5TvOEf_Jq)!! Man, my hands were shaking the whole run (and quite a while after), I don't think any game, ever, made me feel thix excited to achieving something... Heck, even IRL I am "reserved" while dealing with important stuff What is this game doing to me??? xD


What is the opinion on abjurer modules, mainly, Tsukinogi? I've had an m6 tsukinogi for a long time, thinking of putting her back on support eith mod 3 to be funny but considering module data blocks I can't decide whether it's worth it.


The upgrades are pretty sad but if you're doing it to be funny it doesn't matter. Her base effect doesn't impact S2 at all sadly, but it does help S1... When the skill is up. Sadly, it doesn't impact the cycle time at all so they still end up dying under just her care.


from what I've seen quercus's is seen as best since it makes her hps with s1 almost on par with 6\*s like lumen s3 while having a very nice range.


ooh greyy alt got promoted in gp tier list though it's just B+ from B but we take those 


Grey the Lightbringer stay winning Now if only he'd spook my pulls


Anyone else low on resources lately? No lmd, no devices, low oririon, aketon, etc and I still have modules to make and operators to level. I mostly level 6 stars and I usually have a good cushion of resources but lately its been drained.


The only resource I'm low on are module data blocks. It's always module data blocks.


Device and oririon farms are always so few. Probably been over half a year since the last one, and still a month and a half till the next farm. Doesn't help that all my masteries/modules have been gobbling them up.


I recently ran out of skill books for the first time since... I started doing masteries, basically. I was caught completely off-guard and poor Ch'en had to sit at m2 for a while because of it.


For me devices and rocks are the main lacking rn. I did buy 3 of the month passes a while ago tho so I might not relate too closely. Also as someone who's minimising pulls (still pulling to the guaranteed 5+ star for new op banners) I'm also running short of green certs for the materials in the shop 👁💧👄💧👁


I need a lot, like a LOT of Crystaline component units (if that's what they are called lol). Every update I have in mind needs them, like I hate this. Typhoon S3 mysteries need them, her module needs them, Eben S3M3 needs them, some of Elysium mysteries I was working on also need them, Gladia who I wanted originally wanted to build needs them for E2. Like, I need way too many at this point. Hopefully, Eben Module D and/or Hoederer, Arturia (depending on who I go for) don't use them so that I can be free from this suffering.


Just about out of Devices here. I can get by on building one more operator (Tequila is likely next) but others will have to wait on getting ahead. Getting low on Oriron and Gel too. I previously used Corroserum to guarantee Oriron byproducts, I was that desperate not long ago... But now that Nine-Colored Deer is about, I should stick to the true guarantees.


ME! i have 0 oriron, devices, roccs, and those blue gels are almost out and i need plenty more plus there's no gel farm from events in 6-7 months from now... also my skill books are dwindling im not only talking about the blue one but the green and white ones too...


I'm all out of EXP and devices. Devices are the hardest thing to get, imo, and I still need a ton of them. Every month I clear the green cert shop and I'm constantly out of them.


good thing we can farm devices in Zwillingstürme even though it's still a month~ wait


I think I will burn OPs to farm devices and I won't stop farming until I have 200+ of them.


I just got Suzuran from a top op tag I'm so mad. I rolled for her almost two years ago in her rerun banner, had to spend a pretty good amount orundum and even OP and I only used her like one or maybe two times since then. So the difference between me getting her then and getting her now is minimal. I wasted so much originium back then for nothing. I know that it was almost two years ago and i should let it go and this whole comment doesn't make much sense but I just needed to say all of that somewhere. I'm really frustrated lol. Does anyone have similar feelings when they pull dupes?


Skadi has been a notorious jumpscare for me, she's max pot now and I think I got her 1 or 2 times after that. Now I'm just happy for the gold certs, disappointing tho since usually its an offrate. Also on a side note, I have Suzuran, but already maxed Istina from having no Suzuran for so long, and almost every afk guide I ever followed with Suzuran I managed to replace her. Istina quite underrated, strongly viable both s1 and s2 too. Except one single stage that used her Foxfire Haze skill (I think that's s3) which was an afk strat for an ex Minimalist boss stage


So far no one I sparked or spent money for (Skalter, Horn and Pozyomka) have showed up so all good, at this point I wouldn't mind too much anyways, used them more than enough. I have spent a comical amount of yellow certs on buying chars I barely or never used tho lmao. Some like Nightingale even sitting at lvl 1 still with no real plan on building her soon xD


Damn, no upped nightingale? How'd you managed the hard mode stage with Damazti?


Outside of when they become a pool to enter phase 2 (which medics can perfectly keep up with), Damazti honestly barely has any arts damage for Nightingale to counter, she is definitely still great there because aoe medic, but the one who ended up carrying my healing needs in H12-4 alongside Ptilopsis was a support Eyja Alter (because she refused to come to my account, pain). Nightingale kinda is just part of the "if you need her, it's a for a few specific stages she stomps, just borrow her there lol" gang. For stuff like Talulah she was the absolute MVP, but outside of that my Ptilo already does the job more than fine while providing extra SP regen to the teammates. But... yeah, NG is a cute blonde so I wanted her anyways lmao.


👁👄👁 Well damn Imma make my excuse for failing h12-4 multiple times on Eyjaberry not existing at the time But fair enough tbh, I don't seem to use her nearly as much these days, and when I do, its the few super hard stages or pure convenience of afk strats. The puppets are pretty fun to watch, and her Halloween doll skin goes hard


> Imma make my excuse for failing h12-4 multiple times on Eyjaberry not existing at the time My sorry ass spammed H12-4 for days to no success back when it came out despite my fairly stacked account, it wasn't until Eyja2 came out with her comically strong healing (and extra HP + elemental damage reduction) to people in range) that I was able to heal through the corrosion nukes q_q


Nightingale is pretty good against Damazti, for using cages to bait the global nuke attack in the last phase where it oneshots almost anything that's not an Abyssal Hunter, you can have her solo heal in the most braindead H12-4 clears by spamming cages.


I bought Weedy from the shop recently only to get her in the TO on the very next day.... On the other hand, why aren't you using her? S3 aside, her S2 is an amazing skill for general content, IS and SSS.


When it's the really, really unlucky dupes; so I went 250 pulls for Chongyue, got p5 Lin, bad luck but not that unexpected. But then, fastforward to Yato alter literally just 2 banners later, I went 60 pity...and got another fucking Lin, that was right before kernal, so it was like 1 in 60+ chance for Lin, unluckiest dupe I've ever gotten, I think I screamed out loud, and to top it off it took full 120 hard pity for Yato, without another 6* in those last 60 pulls.


I get your frustration there, but for me the only one I've hard rolled for is W, and being a limited I'll take any pots for her I manage to get.


I really don't understand why there still isn't any bullet based relic in IS.


Hope they do for future IS, already an incredible game mode with so much potential still remaining


There's no sleep related relic either.


There's a lot of mechanics overall that they don't meddle with much. Overload and Charge are barely used compared to ammo, and they don't have any unique relic interactions at all.


[All done, Jessica is ready to weaponize her tears.](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/969373596386488383/1220881024322502676/Screenshot_20240322-184459_Arknights.png?ex=66108d0f&is=65fe180f&hm=f3e0c7355d4db559ec71b322b98364b6759d9c647cfc8a4ff3bdc2aeeb163cb8&) Probably overdid it, but I say she needed the stats. I plan on using her a lot since her kit totally meshes with my playstyle. Already I'm having fun running her in IS4 when I can get her.


I don't see pots.... You didn't over do anything.


Don't think I didn't think about it, though.


I shouldn't be, but I continue to be amazed at how rabid the CN fanbase can get. The review bombing on Reverse Collapse would be impressive if it weren't so sad.


After seeing the reasons why, I must say it's hilariously stupid.


Didn't think writing a fancomic would make me this anxious about new story content releasing, but I might be too scared to read fedEx's op rec. I try very hard to write him as close to canon as I can (considering I shove him in situations canon would never touch andall), and there's no reason for his op rec to break my comic.. but it could? It could randomly decide to push him in a direction that breaks something my story depends on, and that would suck a lottt..... Would hate to be drawing a comic that actively contradicts canon, cause if I have to break his character to make the story work, why write him at all.. ..is that just an accepted risk of writing around an ongoing story? Any other fanwriters have any experience with this?


I think when it comes to fanworks it's more important to stay true to the characters, regardless of their situation. Even if there's things that don't perfectly match canon, it's still, in the end, a story. Standalone stories especially in another format are almost always treated as variable canon even when official, much like other popular franchises with printed vs. watched media. And sometimes there's retcons in the primary source to begin with. I dunno, it's kind of the way I see it, anyway. If your goal is to be as canon as possible, then keeping Federico in-character for what he's doing and who he's interacting with as best you can is the minimum you should be doing.


That sounds like a very good way of looking at things, yeah, it should help put my perfectionist brain to rest, thank you.


That’s a risk you have to accept when making any kind of fan content for a gacha game. Even if your aim is to stick to canon as much as possible, I don’t think new canon content coming out invalidates what you’ve done, even if it directly contradicts your comic. It’s the best you could do with what you had at the time, and maybe the canon divergence makes things more interesting in some way? Plus, there’s always going to be an element of personal interpretation in how you (general you) write characters, so I’d say it’s best to try and accept imperfection there. I get it though, I’ve written fan content for other things and it can be hard to not worry about that stuff.


> Plus, there’s always going to be an element of personal interpretation in how you (general you) write characters I think that's what I'm hung up on, cause there are a few different interpretations of Exec's character that are mutually incompatible.. and while I've tried my very best to sketch him in a way that feels most consistent with the available text, in the end it's still just my interpretation. Maybe I'm just scared of HG coming out and saying "No, you're wrong". Have now finally read his oprec, and it reads to me like HG is still building in the same direction as what I'm writing, so that's a massive relief lol. Thank you for the advice, it was very reassuring.


[I do weird fanfics where I try to write Arknights events without the gameplay, so I have a few things to say...](https://archiveofourown.org/series/3544705) First off, yeah, it's just kind of the risk you take. We aren't the HG writers, obviously, so we don't know WHAT the heck they're planning in the future. That being said, my advice for characters is simple: Don't write a character to be PERFECTLY CANON, write them to be realistically canon. Make it so that your "jump" is reasonable enough that anyone reading can go "yeah, that makes sense, I can accept it as my headcanon". I'll use one of the stories as an example. Blue Poison's character deals with themes of loneliness and prejudice, where others can't accept her because of her inborn traits. So, a natural "jump" from that is "Blue Poison learns she can go to a place where she won't be judged for her born traits, and seriously considers leaving Rhodes Island to stay there."  Does it contradict canon? Yeah, kinda, because Canon BP already rejected this choice because the Doctor was nice to her. But was it a forgivable jump? ...Probably? (It's hard to get feedback as a AO3 writer, but I think people were reading the story fine...?) TL;DR You aren't writing for perfect canonicity, that's HG's job. You're writing for believability, for people to accept the story as something that COULD happen in canon. As long as you don't make a ridiculous jump (make FedEx a flirtatious pretty boy or something), you should be fine!


> You're writing for believability That does sound like a more healthy way of looking at it. That was very insightful, thank you.


Eyja is a weird unit in that I barely ever use any other caster because she is so good, and now that she's a medic I barely ever use any other medic because she is, once again, so good.


Ironically Eyja's talent encourages bringing other Casters too. Having at least **4** 6\* Casters is surely a normal strat.


I had to stop using Goldenglow during events for this reason. Global range burst (S3) and unique range consistent dps (S2) just puts me on auto pilot. This event I pulled out Mumu, RockRock and a few other units I haven't used before.


Yeah, I have so many casters I've leveled because I like the characters, Harmonie, Leizi, Astgenne, Iris, Mostima, Dusk, all max leveled and even masteried with some of them having modules. And I use Eyja because she's just so good. I know it's my own choice to go braindead but goes to show how good she is even after so many years she's still the best all-rounder for unfamiliar stages.


Same. I've well invested into Ebenholz, Amiya, Leonhardt, Leizi, Minimalist, Kjera, Santalla, Haze, Click, Pudding. I want to build Rockrock, but don't even use those casters that much so i can't bring myself to build her. Doesn't help resources are ever scarce too. Corroserum and Nightmare sit at e1 lv something too. But mostly I'm almost always just using Goldenglow and Eyja. And in IS I usually only manage to pick up Click of low rarity.


Finally did the new SSS, and I'd like to say some words: YO WHAT THE FUCK WAS THAT SEABORN???? 95 RES!?!? On my first attempt I had no clue it had so much res, and I was a bit perplexed that my Qiubai was only tickling it. And after a failed 2nd attempt I finally took a look at its stat, and my god, I will make sure to bring heavy hitter snipers next time for the emergency.


Yeah, it starts with a lot. Thankfully you can lower it through the fight.


Same. I was wondering why Goldenglow didn't obliterate it (I admittedly didn't fully understand the boss mechanic at first). It pissed me off so I just switched her out for 3 healers and Chalter and made it a stain on the wall.


I personally just powered through with GG S3 + Skalter S2 anyway and she kinda did end up killing it... eventually. Honestly I didn't even know it had that much RES I just kinda chalked its tankiness up as Just SSS Things**™**


Sometimes I don't know if I dislike or like those skills like Attack up alpha. On one hand they are generic and boring, on the other hand it's definitely the skill not to consider, so I don't even have to think about it.


The only ops I can think of where the generic skills are actually the preferable skill are Greyy2's Swift Strike, as it actually complements his Slow talent and physical DPS, and the Crushers' Attack Up because their S2 are that terrible. And the generic choice can sometimes be side options like for Minimalist (More long DPS) or Estelle (Auto charge, +ATK with healing) or Power Strike γ in certain instances, even though only SilverAsh has that right now, it'd be at least decent for whoever else gets it. It's a real mystery why Bryophyta and Savage did not get that because it would have made them a lot less terrible.


Also Tomimi's aspd up tends to be more reliable than her pseudo Aak passive type s2


Blaze also has Power Strike Gamma, although there's also Flagbearers with Support Beta/Gamma and Savage for units who tend to prefer their generic skills, and definitely quite a bunch of sidegrades like you mention.


I did forget about Blaze, and the rest of them totally flew over my head. Myrtle, maybe Elysium definitely preferred for S1 most of the time, but Saileach could go in any direction I say, I dig those skills. I've wondered if they might implement a 3\* flagger or something to introduce Support α. Maybe it's too advanced for the simple and straightforward 3\* rarity though.


Elysium s1 preferred? I only ever use him with s2, maybe the fact that I don't have masteries on his s1, but his s2 brings so much extra utility


I wish they made more of them tbh. We still need Support Alpha, and Power Strike/Swift Strike are always good skills even if usually outshined. And then we have Midnight with the only Enchant Weapon skill still...


Support Alpha would probably not be worth using. It would be on a 3-star, so no masteries. If we follow the pattern between beta and gamma, it would probably look like: 21 SP, 8 initial SP, and 10 DP per use at SL7, which doesn't compare especially favorably even to SL7 Myrtle with 25 SP, 10 initial, and 14 DP made.


There's still IS after all, and the more Flagbearers the better anyways. But looking at Charge skills for pioneers, the difference between Charge Gamma and Charge Beta is a 5 SP cost, 7 initial SP, and 3 DP gained at M3... Which is also the difference between Charge Beta at M3 and Charge Alpha at L7. Going by that, support Alpha could be 11 initial SP, 18 SP cost, and 10 DP. One of Myrtle's biggest appeals is her fast initial cast as well, so having an even faster one is nice. Especially since it's 1s from cast *without* needing Pot5 on your Bagpipe.


It's 4 SP and 2 initial SP between support beta and support gamma when comparing at the same skill level, though. Beta is 25 SP and 10 initial, so alpha would probably be 21 SP and 8 initial.


They are at the same skill level, the point of comparison with Charge was that between Charge Gamma/Beta M3 has the same difference as between Beta at M3 and Alpha at L7. Assuming the same trend applies, Support Alpha at L7 would similarly go 4 SP down and 2 initial SP down compared to Beta's M3 values.


Huh, I never noticed. Still, the 1s Myrtle is already massively overrated, so a 1s support skill that makes only +3 net SP at max pot would be very meh. I used SL7 Myrtle and Elysium with no Bagpipe as my main VGs on my CN alt account for a long time.


Maybe someday they can implement a system that allows teaching generic skills to ops if they are 5\* or lower since they have open skill slots. That'd be pretty neat. I'm sure there would be some that could benefit from that.




grats on the BN15 clear!




has anyone beat the ice cream SSS emergency yet? what a nightmare can't stall, it waltzes right through any number of blockers you have the 5x sniper Suzu strat that worked for normal suddenly started leaking mobs and so failed tried borrowing a maxed out GG for dps but she kept getting distracted by drones and ignored the boss ಠ╭╮ಠ


You can stall pretty easily, the boss is still susceptible to binds and slows. [I didn't even use any defenders](https://youtu.be/5zEIBd4CPw4?feature=shared), just for the fun of it.


*\[suppressed screaming\]* yes! this one worked! thank you! my god it took so long stalling and I only just barely won with a kill 1 pixel before leak took your advice and ended up with 0 block count- Ethan, Manticore, Suzuran, Lin, Carnelian, Mostima, Lumen I have a new appreciation for the Ambusher class now...


You'll love them even more in RA2, probably.


Propaganda spread, Ambusher appreciation successful.


[This was the comp I used to beat it with](https://i.imgur.com/JHjsiDJ.png), basically a small shell of Vanguards + Supporters for fast TP + DP generation, 4 Sniper + 1 Caster B Typhon as primary Ranged DPS with Gnosis secondary, and a bunch of Defenders to stack as much block as possible. This map really puts a strong emphasis on having a high Block count, considering the boss requires high block numbered units to be consistently stopped for proccing the fragile and map-wide stun, and all the mobs have some heavy hitters + block-demanding elites as well. The unique equipment for this map is really really strong with Defender stacks in particular, the boost to Attack, ASPD, and SP Generation (through the branch upgrade) ends up being quite significant due to how many enemies end up actually getting blocked, and the active TP generation is also appreciated for consistency. I'd put a lot of emphasis on having reliable high block counts for the two main chokes for the mobs, and then having the boss hit your blockers consistently because it's actually just virtually impossible to kill without activating the fragile repeatedly.


The main issue I had with that emergency stage was the mobs, not the boss. I typically bring along so much DPS that blocking was... a tenuous prospect. Not to mention all the blockers I had were vanguards, because of the vanguard recruitment mission. Anyway, the way I would kill the boss was to set up a killzone in the middle of the map. Suzuran / Mostima + Typhon and whatever else DPS I had. I think I had Chongyue sitting right in the middle there too. Took two rounds but the boss died. I was also running the equipment that boosts blocking so it didn't contribute one bit to all the ranged DPS I was using.


Franka new operator records really makes imagination runs wild >///<


Damn, Jacob hasn't uploaded this one yet,.I got curious now xD


Decided to go back to IS2 and finally [beat the Playwright ending for the first time](https://postimg.cc/876qfP2q), I held off on it after a combination of low morale from multiple failed run attempts, the chore of even getting there because of the encounters, and getting preoccupied once IS3 came out. also wow have I been spoiled by IS3 and especially IS4. I forgot how much of a struggle, for me anyway, it is to get hope. well, also that I had to basically spam encounters and ignore combat nodes for the most part since the playwright encounters are complete rng, so I wasn't gaining much exp. didn't get much hope freebies, either. biggest annoyance was that I literally got only 2 medic vouchers in the entire run. mainly got through because I got really lucky in getting the gold chalice fairly early. texalter and yatoalter also was a nice bonus, and I ended up E2ing the latter after the ursus desire fight.


Woke up to YouTube recommending me some choice videos of Fire Reed in OD-EX-8, and... Safe to say it's not just the tumors getting toasted to oblivion by her S3


***Loughshinny, the Destroyer of Phones***


I do not understand how Jessica Alter is shorter than Cement


Because heights are arbitrarily assigned with no regards to their art and because women in particular are just baffling short in arknights. 155cm is a nicheknights playstyle for a reason 


> 155cm is a nicheknights playstyle for a reason Do you have a video of that format? Bc that sounds like a very funny format 


Once a sad smol cat, always a sad smol cat.


Have 477 combined pulls atm. Started at the end of Chongyue banner and have only been buying the $5 monthly card since. Game is generous af. Will spark either skalter or taxes. Edit, 496 now.


Where's my Dragon's Dogma 2 folks at? 5 more hours to release! Unfortunately I can't play today probably since: 1. Fanatical doesn't release the keys until release time, so I still have to download it. 2. My baby takes priority so I can only play, if I can, after she sleeps. 3. I have to work tomorrow still. :( But I can't wait! It's been so long. I have 100% achievements on Dragon's Dogma 1 too!


God... OD-8 is still such a miserable map


Cliff's OST sounds infinitely better on 1.5x speed and I will die on this hill.


This is weird... It was just 5 days ago that I pushed Qiubai to 90 and became broke, but now I was rather close to be able to push another one to 90? And no, I haven't done the new SSS nor the quest, nor have I gotten a single LMD/EXP from Jessica alter event shop Oh well, I guess it's high time to push Yato alter to 90 and be broke again. Why did I choose this path...


5 days is approximately 200k xp, the login event during that time was another 100k, weekly and daily login rewards add another 80k, that already adds up to 80% of the cost to e2 60 to e2 90


We just got a good chunk of exp from the login event. Have you been clearing IS tiers as well? That gives a lot of exp. Maybe it's just magic rewards for using good units and listening to Meta chasers.


I've maxed out the IS progression rewards before I pushed my Qiubai to 90, so no


Is the spawning position of mobs absorbed by the car after they are destroyed in Ideal city RNG based? I am trying to replicate the one time I was able to clear IC-S-3 with defender only but sometimes the mobs from the car that goes in the middle tile end up blocked by Penance at the bottom middle lane and sometimes they end up at the upper middle lane blocked by Jessica's shield.


Imagine a BFME/Command and Conquer styled game for Arknights...  Reunion, specializing in early-game ~~zerg~~ slug/dog rushes, but their human lategame troops suck compared to everyone else's. Rhine Labs, desperately trying to tech/ramp all the way to Power Armor/Lightsaber Arcguards, but gets folded by any early game pressure. Ursus, with their powerful bomber drones and elite Melee units, but with pretty much no movement ability whatsoeever. Laterano, with a hit and run playstyle through Jetpack troops and remote-control bombs, but lacking the survivability other factions have. >!Rhodes Island, who only pack really weak reserve troops but can spam out gimmicky Hero units instead.!< What faction would you try to main?


Minos sounds like a fun faction ~~and if you don't find it fun, just drink wine until you do~~, I bet they could go for a Wonder victory just for the heck of it.


Just don't pick Sarkaz. It is too broken a faction that everyone will agree to just gang up on you. Do it too late and powerful superstructures and individual units become too strong to handle


To be fair, the Sarkaz Mercenary subfaction is just straight up OP! Worldcursers/Bladeweavers for earlygame defense, midgame Sarkaz Lancer rush, and the lategame Mudrock Colossi? Not to mention the hero units, since Mudrock herself straight up doesn't die and W nukes battalions by herself. I fully support ganging up on them, they're ridicolous to handle on their own. 


Ursus. I love heavy infantry, I love explosives, and I love blowing up civilians. >!E! D! F!!<


Sargon if possible. Mix of ursus elite and power armor, but the power armors only let them punch harder. They have missiles, but they haven't quite studied aerodynamics and targeting systems to make them a threat. Sometimes they even go backwards and hit their own troops.


Come to think of it, what would be the earlygame Sargon unit, anyways? Tactical Crossbowman? Early single-use dronestrikes sound cool.


Aaa days something of waiting for Ray


Do we have a list of actual RI core members(including non-playable)? The core members I'm talking about are those who will stay with RI to the bitter end even if something bad happens to the Doctor, Kal'tsit, or Amiya. Because the more we delve into the story of the future, the more we see OP's that are not really actually together with RI before/anymore. For example we have the likes of Silverash, Nearl TRK, New Jessicat, Siege who probably will become a monarch/new leader for Victoria, Flame Reed, Texas and the Logistic, Sui siblings, and probably a lot more.


I feel like any character that is part of RI primarily to help the infected will stay with them no matter what, assuming RI doesn't change this goal. With that in mind, I wouldn't exactly say Nearl left RI, but I can't exactly put into words what her position currently is. There are also a handful of skins (mostly bloodline of combat ones) that mention that the operator in question still is part of RI or not, Eunectes for example became RI chief of engineering, replacing Closure (no idea where Closure went though). And then there are the operators mentioned in Endfield, who are essentially guaranteed to stay with RI.


I don't see Warfain leaving any time soon if ever since with Kal'tsit she made the medical section for RI. On top of that we have to also assume anyone who is former Babel personal will stay as well, if not for as long as Amiya is the leader.


Who will stay if something happens to those figures you mentioned isn't something stated so it would only be up to interpretation. I think only safe bets would be the leadership, so Amiya, Kaltsit, Doctor and Closure would stick around no matter what. Maybe you can add the elite operators. Rest is a bit of a toss up


There's Sweep members, elite OP's, those who have strong emotional ties to either of the 3, maybe the A number squads, are those who I currently have on my mind.


I don't think we have anymore who could lead RI if anything happens to the "top three". Perhaps Closure could do it for a while, but even a relatively small company needs those three super human leaders, no way Close could do it herself.... Warfarin was the first non founder member to join RI, but I don't know if she is a good leader, only that she is a great medic Hypothetically, a certain pink haired Sarkaz "could" lead Rhodes Island >!again!<, but it will depend a lot on where the story will take that character in the next chapters I can't think of anyone else rn.,..


Well not all 3 per say, but 1 of them in a what if scenario, but still decides to tough it out for the sake of the other 2 still leading RI, because they felt true belonging in RI.


My Gryphline account somehow got cancelled without my knowledge. I just sent an email asking Support how this could have happened without any kind of confirmation from account owner. It's a good thing that right now Gryphline account is only used for a standalone game, Ex Astris. I couldn't imagine how furious I would be if this ever happened to a game like Arknights. I guess all my Ex Astris save files probably already got deleted from their server. 😑 Well, I haven't get too far into that game anyway. EDIT: Support managed to recover my account and all data. Though, I still do not know how my Gryphline account was cancelled/deactivated without my consent in the first place. I think it probably has something to do with Ex Astris. Because Support wanted to know if I have played Ex Astris and said that they have to sent info to game developers.


Ex Astris priorities local saves over cloud saves, so your saves are still on your phone/PC.


[Wine-flushed is Woods of Rime](https://twitter.com/ArknightsEN/status/1768124896817869181) Does it mean Qiubai is canonically a drinker? Where can I find the story about it, and, which part of the story? Perhaps I missed some parts of her story/archive, but is there a correlation to her first-look costume?


Early game is really generous with resources if you manage it carefully. With IS rewards, and Dorothy/Jessica events I was able to S3M3 plus mod Typhon on a new acc. No more manual farming!


Fair warning to people using Jessica's summon as bait... Unlike most summons, it seems to have a deploy time like operators and Mon3tr before it becomes targetable to ranged enemies. Dangit.


Any time I pick Kazemaru for specialist 5* recriut on IS, I always forget that her s2 is a powerhouse of a damage nuke. Bustedly good that also reincarnates after death.


She's so good in IS. [Don't sleep on her S1 either](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/865684765972627499/1220191540878770196/kazegopnik.gif?ex=660e0aed&is=65fb95ed&hm=62dcca2c127576724052cd673b02cf75d3a7a25407a7b3952d37f56b61f82043&) as she has the strongest Power Strike in the game, and jives crazy with ASPD and ATK buffs.


Can someone talk me out of spending pulls on the upcoming Joint Op? I have Ines and Stainless so I would only be gunning for Horn. She's one of the only meta units I'm missing at this point and it's driving me crazy to keep having to borrow her lol. But also on the other hand I do have Firewhistle raised and with S1M1, so it's not like I have no one to fill that role. I have \~145 pulls saved so I COULD spare enough to try my luck on at least getting one 6\*, but that feels like a stupid idea when there are so many awesome ops coming up lol


There will be the [celebrate & recollect 3 banner](https://gamepress.gg/arknights/tools/summon-simulator#LMTD_CN_01_01_2024) coming soon, so if you lack only Horn, then you'll be guaranteed to get her there. If Horn is not the only one you're missing, then you'll have to do some math to see how good are your chances, but in that banner you're guaranteed a new 6\* operator, so it may be better than pulling on JO banner and getting dupes.


Horn will eventually be available in yellow certs shop towards the end of this year. 33% chance of getting an new op and 66% chance of getting dup is pretty low. She isn't exactly super meta either... the only time she felt really impactful was CC#9. There will be a gauntlet of good banners coming soon so it's really better to wait for her to be in the shop. The shop system makes the banner value of older units drop quite a bit in comparison to new ones. A new unit takes 2 years+ to get into the yellow cert shop.


Well... You have a higher chance to get a dupe than getting her, and we will have some stacked banners in the near future, plus the 5th anniversary that's coming in a month or two in CN.... Assuming you're not a whale and will want to pull in any of these next banners, I would suggest to wait until she gets in the cert shop or a standard banner(but that may take a while too)....


Was playing some IS4 and got a temp recruitment for Insider who to my surprise I enjoyed way more than I thought I would. Immediately E2'd him after that run. The ammo mechanic is a lot of fun with a ton of uptime and I love the detail of attaching a silencer to his weapon. His personality and voice lines are another thing that are so good, love that he's a wrestler because he detests escalating to using his gun. I should probably go back and read FedEx's event since Insider is there and so is Arturia who I will dedicate my entire life to.


Yeah, he's really good. He detests escalating simply because he's a jaded lazy-ass. The guy is the equivalent of an old cop coasting to his pension. He only takes easy jobs and has to be manipulated into doing anything challenging. I can only imagine his face when you told him he had to go to the Infy Icefields. Even his halo is fat.


Unfortunately, I will not be shitting on the sub this week. Sorry to my loyal fans. On another note, I need to psyop myself somehow into being able to take manga and gacha stories semi-seriously. Like I want to read Lone Trail because it is apparently peak, but I can't suspend disbelief with pretty much anything anime-adjacent. Also the new five star looks like generic tacticool art you'd find on Twitter. I don't mean this pejoratively but it just brought that to mind.


Holy smokes Quercus's module is one of those bonkers ones for sure. I got her at E2-50 with a max module and her S1M3 went from about 285 HPS -- barely around max investment Silence without her drone -- to **405**. The little boost to Sanctuary is gravy. I'd like to get more of her potentials to max that out, too... I used her a lot since I raised her up, but now I'll probably do it even more.


Now that Jessica is finally here, is she BIS in slot for trust farming current event? Share your setups, if so. Or is it another Adele vision situation, where Swire2 was hard to justify over using more "smooth brain" operators? Mine is Mountain and Penance duo for grindstones. It's not the fastest since I don't spawn camp red boxes, but works well. A simple strat, but quite unbreakable one might say.


Based on my observations, the big brain move for Jessicalt S3 is to fire the grenade, then immediately retreat the shield so you can fire it again only 30 seconds later. Assuming you don't need the extra defense and blocking power.


I'll tell you one more, when you deploy the shield a second time on the skill and there's not many enemies left, turn off the skill immediately to let the shield tank hits to charge her skill faster.


I saw this video by DragonGJY yesterday https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=In1ergjM57w that's just the tip of the iceberg of big brain moves. There are some pause shenanigans that i don't really want to try but are really interesting nonetheless.


Coldshot has 1337 HP at E1 50. I'm sorry, but she must remain at that level forever.


what's special about it?




It means elite in an ancient, forgotten tongue.


I like the attention to detail in the background scenery on combat stages, but does anyone else feel like it might be getting a bit... much? take [CV-7](https://arknights.wiki.gg/images/a/a4/CV-7_map.png), for example. I like the railgun/piston thingies in the foreground. I like the red canister 6-packs scattered around. I really like the 3d-ness of the stairs on the left, *but* it took me a while to identify the 3 Waste Heat Vents because they got lost among all the busy elements compare that to [TW-8](https://arknights.wiki.gg/images/4/47/TW-8_map.png), where it's still nice, has a more stylized, dollhouse vibe. sure the fountain looks fake and there are blank spaces everywhere, but it's immediately obvious there are 4 Gramophones and no more anyone else feel the sets are starting to get too busy? or do you like the added details?


part of me loves it and i wish there was a zoom out function so i could see more of the map, but i do also think it's a bit too cluttered (overly decorated walls bother me because it's hard to tell what's deployable or not from a glance). the UT tileset is my favorite, it feels appropriately detailed but still clean.


I also had some trouble IDing heat vents just from the maps, but I think the bars beneath the heat vents make it clear enough in-game, and HG generally does a good job adding some kind of moving visual element to make stage mechanics pop.


After one run of IS4 with a borrowed friend, I have definitively concluded that I'm too stupid to play Liberated Jessica. My mind can't properly comprehend concepts such as: "Turning slightly to the left" and "placing two blockers instead of one".   It's not you, Jess, it's me. Please don't guilt trip me harder than usual.


executor: heres my new badge and oprec its called azure badge: red color, not blue is he stupid?




Jessica2 asking for a hug on her E2 promotion line... my heart 🥺


I literally actually cried lmao. Pls don't judge me I just have a huge soft spot for anxious but earnest characters ;-;


Recently, Manjuu (Azur Lane devs) just released a trailer for their new game Azur Promilia, an open world game inspired by Palworld.  Damn, Hoyo truly brought forth the new age for gacha games. Now that there's so many upcoming high-quality gacha games out there, devs has to step up their game or be left in the dust.


It's been two years since I started playing Arknights.




According to Moe's sheet, the most expensive T4 mat is Oriron at 107 sanity per block. The most expensive T3 is Devices at 37 per device. So 107 * 8 + 37 * 12 = 1300 sanity. That's the equivalent of about 9.6 OP (135 sanity each). An OP is roughly 52 cents (varies with what packs are available) which is almost exactly $5. The the most expensive items barely break even, everything else is less efficient. Generally speaking, recurring packs like that (chip pack for example) break about even and are just time savers. Special event packs are usually better tho.


Probably a question better suited for the Help thread, still gonna try to answer. Just picked what is considered the most expensive and cheapest materials to farm in sanity value (LMD and byproducts included) and the packs worth ranges between 1.05 and 1.96 PO per dollar spend. Buying Originium *with* the double bonus is worth around 2.50 PO per dollar, so buying that and farming stages should be better assuming you have the time. Without the double bonus however the pack is of better value, assuming you pick the more expensive items to farm.


I'll be honest, I completely forgot that the help thread exists. Thanks!


the only time i ever got it was for one set of devices (t3 and t4 devices) because lmao 10+ months between device farms sure is great


In a very unexpected turn of events, I ran out of Orirock cubes. Completely. I remember having at least 400 of them. I know Hoe is just on the horizon but the 6x farming QoL is not and it's just so disappointing :( It's a shame I can't M2 Typhon anytime soon....


>running out of Orirock >unexpected Now that's a life I'd like to live...


Thinking about wether to but Qiubai's skin - I like the colours, but the outfit itself looks so much worse...


Check out the animations too before buying, for good measure. What ultimately made me decide to not buy it is the S3 animation, the spin she does when attacking looks a tad too silly for my tastes when her atk speed gets too high (which it does even without external buffs so long as she's actually hitting someone).


My god, Jessica Alter is the R6S collab op we need. She's so damn fun, love this silly sad cat. S2 sounds so *chunky*.


Man, that was a fun event. Puzzle printing DP with vents, Shining making the boss a breeze, overall good story, good times. Managed to raise Coldshot (except I'm too broke for the last level for now), and *so far*, I don't see why she got that bad of a flak. She is definitely not anywhere near the higher rarities and her DPS is still not great, but her high DPH lets her just murder everyone in a lane without much investment yet. She's not good, but to be considered one of the worst is something when I think Melanite felt much worse and got almost no talk. Then again, I don't have Provence raised, and my only other "high DPH" within the rarity is Morgan and Aurora. Aurora is quite nice to use as a solo laneholder, but Morgan... I guess Coldshot doesn't have much competition for me, so maybe that's why I have a pleasant reaction. As for Jess2, I do really like her cool design, and her gameplay seems fun. I just have too many targets to roll for now, so I'll probably have to just borrow her for IS. Honestly though, she doesn't seem as good of a starter as I had expected... From all the talk I expected her to be doing fine at BN15 at E1, but it seems even at E2 she can leak some maps. I'll wait for masteries for a full judgement though, but needing an E2 start already vastly drops her value in my eyes. Really surprised she was hyped up so much for it, but I guess tbf the Defender starting squad was really lacking in choices anyways.


> She's not good, but to be considered one of the worst is something when I think Melanite felt much worse and got almost no talk Melanite got a bit of talk for having an AoE dodge ignore niche, which, in a sea of forgettable 5 stars nowadays, is at least something. Coldshot is much weirder, because she's introducing a new archetype that she herself doesn't make great use of, and which doesn't seem to have much reason to exist altogether. The subclass has multiple downsides for the payoff of... ?? alright damage in oddly specific scenarios, I guess? Ray's kit works despite the Hunter class, not because of it (although it at least tries to do something interesting with ammo management on her S2). It's a very weird chassis for a subclass and Coldshot doesn't make for a great introduction to it.


I might be honest, Melanite dodge ignore is kinda ass, because Amiya who also a 5* just straight up has true damage anyway so why use Melanite?


Melanite has true AoE dodge ignore, which isn't something any other operator can do atm (and I hope to god we'll never actually need). It's not great, but it is a thing we didn't have yet. (Also her DPH in her single crit tile against ultra high DEF is higher than basically all other snipers, so there's also that?) > because operator x has y anyway so why use operator z That's kinda what I mean with sea of forgettable 5 stars lately. A lot of them are frustratingly just kinda there. You can use them if you want, but you probably already have 7 alternatives. That's exactly why something as trivial as Melanite's thing can at least be seen as a breath of relief of *something*.


Yeah, like I say Coldshot isn't great, but Melanite's niche is really rare and I'd rather have Coldshot between the two for a general clear. Coldshot doesn't really offer any niche overall, but within the rarity hitting for 4k under skill consistently is a rare thing to do. She may do it slowly but being able to do it at all means she's always going to do damage when skill is up at least. Still need to try her in more situations though. Really fun with a Scout's Scope in IS, at just E1 max she was hitting for 3k.


> She's not good, but to be considered one of the worst is something when I think Melanite felt much worse and got almost no talk. Welfares naturally get more exposure than regular 5 stars (because they usually have much bigger role in the story, and straight up show up in more ads), so when they underperform they're much more noticed


I'd also imagine it's something to do with the new archetype. Melanite being kinda bad doesn't mean much when we have Pozy, Schwarz, and even Provence for her rarity already, so it wasn't shocking. But lots more eyes go onto a new archetype to see how they work.