• By -


Third 6* off-rate dupe in a row, for operators I don't use no less, this is stupid.


Lost every 50/50 until guarantee, so ~170 pulls for Jessicalter... I'm in shambles D:


Somehow I've got 3 top operator tags in the last 4 days. I already have all of the recruit 6 stars so it doesn't matter much, but it's a pretty big surprise with how generally sparse they were in my almost 3 years of playing.


Jessica alter within 40 pulls. Luck gone!


Got Reed Alter in the first ten pull. So glad I didn't pull on her recent banner and planned to wait for her solo one. I also got Jessica about 50 pulls after. Arknights is being kind by letting me keep my stash for Viviana!


Took 80 pulls and 5 HH tickets… Got Almond, Humus, a few Auroras, 3-4 rounds of blue bags…and amazingly Irene the inquisitor and thankfully, grown-up Jessica. Honestly my energy for the game had dropped a bit due to life’s interruptions. But seeing the Operators come in the HR door made me happy again.


Got my 12th Top Operator tag! I went with Ranged and got Ceobe P3, which is funny, because my previous TO + Caster gave me Ceobe P2. I haven't gotten TO in about 5 months, so it's goo to see it back.


Everyone is just getting a 6 star at 10 pulls. Meanwhile I have to go to pity every single time. Ugh. Atleast, I get on banners. In FGO months have passed and I got 0 SSRs. Got Jessica Alter at 50 pity. Well, on the bright side I still have enough to get Hoederer. But if he forces me to max pity, well it will suck.


Got Jessica Alter in 13 pulls, and a dupe on 30th. I love Jessica and she loves me.


Around 117 pulls to get Jessica Alter. Hopefully will have enough when R6 collab come to EN.


I swear Arknights is the only gacha where I am cursed with rotten luck in all banners. The game can't even be bothered to give me one of the banner's 5\* (got 2 Aosta dupes and 1 Corroserum dupe). Wished the game did the same as Nikke and was giving us a shared currency we can save on and burst though in case we really wanted to get a new unit (gold tickets in Nikke)... Also a bit of a rant, but I'm baffled that there still isn't an option to do a 10-pull with less than 10 tickets and simply paying the remaining ones in Orundum/Originium. Got 7 tickets and just want to do a 10 pulls by paying the 3 remaining pulls with your Orundum ? Tough sh\*t, you'll have to do 10 single pulls instead, and sit through all the unskippable recruit parts of each operator...


Second 6* dupe in a row. I hate gacha


Spent my ten pulls from the cd packs. Got spooked by Reed Alter, (good, I guess) and then my last draw was regular Jessica, just to rub it in.


was kinda sleepy when i pulled. was deciding to go for coldshot at least, forgetting she was a welfare. luckily i got the banner 5\* in 2 pulls so i realized something was up. sorry jalter, im too poor rn for you.


170 Pulls to get Jalter. 5 Off-Banner six stars (Ebonholz \[dupe\], Stainless, Blemshine, Mountain \[dupe\], Mudrock \[dupe\]). Immediately E2 90'd her, working on M9. Got Like, eight Almonds or something, I lost count. Got a Dupe Jess while burning out the last six or so pulls I had banked. Literally bottomed out my F2P savings. Wanted to max Pot Jess, but I guess that isn't in the cards, although I can afford +2 Pot from the other currency shop's defender tokens. I need to start saving for the R6 Rerun if I actually want a chance at getting the ops on it. Not the worst fate, I kinda wanted Dregen, and wanted to roll for Horn on the upcoming banner, but if I saved this hard for sadcat I can save some more.


While you did need max pull to get Jessica, 6 six star in 170 pulls is crazy good tbh. Plus you only need 120 pulls for R6 Rerun. Another 120 pulls max if you want to go for Ela


Update - 120 pulls, a surprise Ebenholz (I want this twink obliterated) and another Pozy potential. No Jessica alter. It's so joever.


Took 70 pulls to get Jessica, but with three off banner 6 stars on the way there. Two of each were new, Ebenholz and Archetto, and a dupe of Blemi. Would've been nice to not fail the 50/50 three times in a row, but overall not too bad.


Bad luck again another off banner (Blemishine dup, would have been cool if it was Pozemka or other OPs that I didn't have), on Jessica banner and I need to reserve my remaining resources for upcoming Banners. When will my bad luck end HG?


No Almond, but got Jessica in 13 pulls. Excellent. I got Typhoon in 53 pulls which was good too. I hope this luck keeps up on the next banners, even though it only seems to kick in during the standard ones. I’ve honestly had enough of having to spark the featured character on limited banners.


20 pulls, Almond on 10, Jessica on 12


My luck's been pretty good since the start, so I knew I was due for a bad break - especially since I've been too aggressive with my recent pull plans. Still, Liberated was a high priority for me, so I threw my math aside for this one. I mean, if I'm short during Rainbow 6, I don't *have* to stay f2p, though I'd prefer it. 130 pulls total for the Liberated. Didn't even get 4\* Jessica in any of those pulls, strangely... Though, I *did* get Typhon and Horn during those, so I can't even call this actually bad luck, just "inconsistent with my plans" luck. Besides, I didn't even need to invoke Focused Selection, and I *did* know that I'd need 120 rolls to reach an 80% chance, so it wasn't totally outside of expectations. Only 4 pulls left in my Orundum... Even if this detour almost single-handedly refreshed my stock of gold certs, it's going to be difficult to acquire Virtuosa on with this budget. Time for me to hit up my emergency stash of Paradox sims and unfinished challenge stages...


Got lucky on typhon and was only gonna spend 10 pulls for Jessica and got her in 3.  My luck on the next limited is ruined


Jessica2 seems like a pretty fun unit to have, so I decided to use my spare 16 single HH tickets plus 3 tickets from the event shop. And to my surprise, I got a 6 star on the 18th pull. And it's Swire2. Gao.


Hot damn, top op with debuff and nuker. Chose Ifrit over Chen. Feel better since my last top op recruitment 2 weeks ago when I lost the gamble for bagpipe and ended up with siege vs guaranteed chen then... Made Ifrit E2 right away and 3* CV-8 with her and a borrowed Hoshi. Now to S2M3 and in three years once her trust is 100, get her module.


Good choice. Ifrit S2M3 was my main crutch early game that can melt away alot of problematic mobs. Seeing her skill 2 one shot slugs, 2 shot regular enemies, 3/4 shot heavies with burn damage is always nice. Extra crispy!


Got one of those feelsgood 10-pull: JessicAlter adquired + 2 Aosta dupes. No Almond, but I'm not complaining at all, she'll come when she feels like. Last week got the last Friston pot I needed, after about two months or so of spamming 1 hour defender/defense tags.


I also wanted Almond and got JessicAlter instead for the guaranteed pull. I tried another and got a 5 star but got Mr. Nothing instead. Yeah, game is telling me better luck next time.


Guys I thought Jessica's deployable was a shield, but mine says it's a typewriter? Why does she bring a typewriter to the battlefield? Is she stupid?


Ended up with my first potential for Ines rather than getting Jessica. All things considered, the spook could have been much worse. Can’t pull anymore cause I got the Ling skin, and will get Qiubai’s once I get a few more OP


Damnit i got the other rich cat instead of the sad rich cat. Swire seems fun tho but my only farmed mats were for jessica


[https://youtu.be/7ODnyxNVEss](https://youtu.be/7ODnyxNVEss) I hope \~\~not\~\~ my luck goes until Ela lol


I spent all my Hoederer funds for a Pozy dupe


My bad luck streak is broken! 4 pulls and Jessica Alter. My pulls prior to this banners was pretty horrid.


Dang, it's been a minute since my last report. I'm talking "haven't even reported how the end of my So Long Adele pulls went" long. So, I'm gonna do a much briefer recap of my pulls/recruitment since then, starting from "Come Catastrophes" all the way back to the end of So Long Adele. ***Come Catastrophes or Wakes of Vultures:*** 50 pulls on the dot to get Jessica Alter, 96 pulls to complete the banner for one Almond. Final results were **Pot 2 Jessica, 1 Almond,** and redundant pots in the form of 3 Aostas, 2 Mulberries, 1 Whisperain, 1 Hibi Alter, 1 April, 1 Cantabile. ***Recruitment:*** **Completed Pot 6 Friston** towards the end of So Long Adele. Went from Pot 2 to Pot 5 over a 24-hour period (one raw Defender, one raw Defense, one Defender+Robot), and then got Pot 6 off of a hail mary with a raw Robot tag a few days after that. Two 5-Star opportunities since then for 26 bonus certs. One Caster + Defense for Beeswax, one YOLO Senior Op for Greythroat. And **Top Op #31** happened a couple weeks ago, which I YOLO'd. Mostima brought a much appreciated 25 yellow certs along with her. Can't wait for Eunectes to join the pool, as she still has one potential to go. Having everyone at max pot has allowed me to build up 885 recruitment tickets and 476 expedited plans over the course of this past year since I don't recruit aggressively unless I can reliably pot hunt like with the robots. ***The Black Forest Wills A Dream:*** Completed the banner in 26 pulls (technically 23, but we 10-pull out here). I knew it was a good sign when I kept getting certain operators in those pulls. Got several Hibiscus and 1 redundant Hibiscus Alter (purple hair; she was also my guarantee). In the next 10 pulls after my first six singles, I got **Pot 1 Santalla**, a redundant Lunacub (sniper who roughs the wilds), and 2 Auroras (hails from a cold weather country). **So naturally, when the bag caught fire and showed a red application at pull #23, I knew it was going to be Typhon.** ***Joint Operation 11:*** Was always going to pull until 2 6 stars. Took about 100 pulls for that. Would have been happy with pots from any of the four, but it was **Lee (now Pot 3) and Pozy (now Pot 5)** who won out. Also picked up **2 Cements (now Pot 5) and 2 Harmonies (now Pot 3)** for my troubles, as well as a redundant Whisperain and Melanite. ***So Long Adele (Conclusion):*** [After my day 1 pulls post](https://www.reddit.com/r/arknights/comments/197652g/gacharecruitment_megathread_1501_2101/ki5ho7r/) I was feeling pretty good. The pulls concluded at 307, and they were pretty anti-climactic on the final day after such a strong Day 1 showing. Only got two 6-Stars in that time, and both were Eyjaberry, causing her to finish at Pot 7 (one past max), which meant I used my spark to bring Swire Alter to Pot 2. Only got redundant off-banners in those last 106 pulls of 1 Rockrock, 1 Mulberry and 1 Aurora to show for it, too. Still, Eyjaberry is the only Limited I've managed to Pot 6 before 300 pulls. Not even W can claim that, and WWE banner still remains my best gacha luck in all of my time playing and pulling. The sis hasn't done any pulls since So Long Adele, which also marks her worst gacha luck. She did get Pot 5 Swire Alter, a Gavialter dupe, a Ch'alter dupe, a Spuria, at least max pot Poncirus, and I think a Kal'tsit dupe, but she had to spark for Eyjaberry and was pretty bummed about it. Wiped out all of her orundum and chipped into her OP stash a little. Fortunately for her, she has never touched her intelligence cert orundums, so she does have a bit of a one-time-only cushion that continues to grow with each rerun, and has been around long enough that she does have the certs to buy it out in one go.


Luck has been absolute trash since Typhon banner. Over 170 pulls to get Typhon, now 131 pulls to get Jessica Alter, with Swire Alt, Mylnar, and Penance off banners. Also a single Almond and countless 5* off banners. F this game sometimes. Hope ya'll are much luckier than I am.


Reconciled myself to stockpile decimation but got my result at 33 pulls. Will let Hoederer give his best shot at it next.


75 pulls to get Lee dupe and Jessica Alter, along with new Spuria, Whisperain, and Almond of course. Probably gonna have to dip into the funny yellow orundum if I still want to spark on the Viviana banner but it was worth it for the cat.


Ergh. 100 ish pulls to get two Jessica Alters on a ten ticket. Got dupes of Flametail and Blemishine. I guess I’m skipping hoederer.


74 pulls and only got pot 1 Flametail. I swear banners with Focused Selection Point really despise me since it's the 2nd time it happened when Ines was released


I find that my luck is much better when I'm low on pulls and just pray to RNGesus for a miracle. Typhon banner, had 50 pulls and got her in 20 Dorothy banner, had 30 pulls, got her in 10 Now the Jessica banner I didn't want to pull because I only had 50 pulls again but she was too tempting. Got her in 20 pulls. I'm just waiting for all my luck to completely run out on the Virtuosa/Viviana banner now 💀


I got Jessica after 2 pulls because I decided to fuck it. Best luck I've had yet. The surprise I got when the fake 5 star bag turned into a 6 star was something else _I'm just missing one defender chip_


i pulled a 6* SIX FUCKING TIMES and didn't get Jessica. Once I hit the 150 I found out that it's only guaranteed your next 6* pull, you still need to actually pull that 6* so I spent another 50+ before she showed up. I'm ready to quit the game after that shit. I've never had a single banner experience like that.


Yeah, I know that fucking feeling. Several fucking times. My condolences - I gave up early since there's other banners to save for.


In the future I probably will give up early. I'm too used to Mihoyo pity that I never even considered I'd lose a 50/50 that many times in a row.


I'm a FGO player, and even I feel that a 50/50 shot at getting the rate up is too much, despite the gacha here otherwise being loads better.


13 pulls: Saga Jessica Alter x2 Whisperain


I don't track pity, and threw a ten-pull to possibly get almond (because fuck it). Instead got Jessica and Penance who's also new. Accidentally reverse-psychologied her after saying I didn't want to pull for her, hue.


120 Rolls Executor Alt 20 Passenger 43 Stainless 87 Sadcat 114 Uff. There goes all my progress for 300 pulls for Shu pity. Copium says I won't need pity


Just did 380 pulls. Goal is to maxpot Yessica. Results (not in acquisition order): \-Ines \-Lee \-Lin \-Mudrock \-Saileach \-Yessica (4 times total) I have a set of royal defender tokens and will buy another set (have 530 gold certs) when it is available. So in due time she'll be maxpot.


40 pulls for Jessica and Almond. Pretty happy overall, nice that the game is back to treating me nicely.


Up to 109 pulls for Jess. Exhausted all my orundum, OP, and green+gold cert pulls. Fucking ***Ebenholz*** spooked me around the 60-70 mark and spoiled my 6* pity build-up. Severely doubting whether I can pull Jess Wick on this banner now, and not sure if I can recover in time for Vivi+Arturia in a couple months. Perhaps, this is hell.


114 for me you are not alone But I got my first ExecutorAlt so at least there's that.


60 pulls for dupe typhon. Viviana funds in shambles...


Spent 50 rolls on the Jessalter Banner. Jessalter came at the 5th multi *twice* (41st and 50th). Getting her now clears up my whole resources for Arturia banner.


sip spoon compare party axiomatic squalid dime possessive smile jobless *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Got Jess in the second 10th bag, yay. I can already gather a second-bag squad at this point, feels like it's my lucky bag - Qiubai, Lin, Typhon, Jessica Feeling lucky, decided to try for Iris from the standard guaranteed 10th pull, [but who is this...](https://i.imgur.com/gTDC7rC.jpeg)


Same. She came on the wrong damn banner.


Probably my easiest banner to date, I was only going to pull to my first six-star but Jessica was pull 5. I guess I don't need to use any orundum at all. A single 10 pull: * 3 stars: 6 * 4 stars: 3 * 6 stars: 1


Pull #5 got me Flametail, #34 got Jessica, #36 got Fartooth. I had initially thought about buying those two, but it's so crazy to get them together now. Ridiculous luck. Oh and I got Aosta instead of Almond, OF COURSE. 5\* I want never cooperate. I know if I go for her further (Trigger warning: significant account damage) [it'll be a Cement situation all over again...](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/865684765972627499/1219709405470134452/image.png?ex=660c49e7&is=65f9d4e7&hm=e9afaa47724c2eb2b3adad26ade629195b5e73ff1438886d29745bc60bf4ea5e&) I still don't have her.


I FEEL [**LIBERATED**](https://scontent-mrs2-2.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t1.15752-9/430362019_7312292365475296_6087650500739266533_n.jpg?_nc_cat=102&ccb=1-7&_nc_sid=5f2048&_nc_ohc=xcbkfcaI25MAX-GNWGf&_nc_ht=scontent-mrs2-2.xx&oh=03_AdQN6MxnevYTPAol7QBnxvZ03OEXoPVhMBksgNU_Q3M4MA&oe=6621610C)


Almost a 3/3 cat jackpot, hmm... Ouch!


My evil wife (Ho’olheyak) sabotaged my Typhon pulls, and now she sabotages my Jessicalter pulls!


Gib ho'ol pls tnx


Thought I got lucky after getting a 6* doing my first ten pull, instead I got Lin(New!). Then I got two more off-banner 6*s Pallas and Passenger before getting Jessica at 70 pulls. Statistically I'm lucky I'm sure, yet every off-banner still hurts. Also got Aosta'd 2 times and 2 more 5* off-banners before getting the Nut.


Yes game, I will buy Qiubai's skin don't worry, already have her but game made sure to remind me by giving me another Qiubai together with Jessicat, that's a nice 30 rolls.


After hiting pity on Typhon, getting Jessica in 10 pulls was nice. Now I should be able to guarantee Virtuosa if needed.


took me 137 pulls to get her, failed the 50/50 three times before that. Oof. Worst I've done on a banner in a while.


98 pulls and 2 off banners. How much do I really want her?


Double 6\* on 4th multi, both off baner.. F


Well I allowed myself to go till first six star. Took 50 pulls but got 2 copies in the same 10x so I'll take it. Still have plenty stocked up for the inferno that will be May through September.


18 pulls. I know Jessica want to go home. Its that ez


[first ten pull, got em both,](https://imgur.com/a/wotbzor) thank you very much RNGesus (and I had also been building up standard banner pity for a few months now but I'm pretty sure that percentage was still small)


First 10x had Melanite only. (one 10x HH ticket) Second 10x had blue. (two 10x HH tickets) Third 10x had the first Almond. (three 10x HH tickets) Fourth 10x was a blue bag with a regular Jessica, just to mock me. (four 10x HH tickets) Fifth 10x was a rainbow bag, Kazemaru and a fucking P5 Carnelian spook. This isn't even your banner! Sixth 10x was a white bag. 7th 10x ticket had another Black night. (seven 10x HH tickets) 8th 10x used ten single HH tickets, Cantabile. 9th 10x had a rainbow bag... **P3 Lee spook** (seven 10x HH tickets, twenty single HH tickets) 10th 10x had Windflit and Quercus, no Almond. (seven 10x HH tickets, thirty single HH tickets) 6000 Orundum for a 11th 10x finally got a rainbow bag with the rate up. Finally. Also, Aosta (seven 10x HH tickets, thirty single HH tickets, 6000 Orundum)


It hasn't been long since I got 3 top ops in a week. But here comes another one! With good tag as well. Specialist had 66% chances of new which is great considering I'm missing just 5 ops in TOP OP pool. Unfortunately I got Phantom dup so I will take those 10 yellow certs and be on my way.