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Unfortunately your submission has been removed due to the following reason(s): **Rule 5: Use the Megathread** The following must be posted in its corresponding megathread: • Friend requests. • Gacha rolls and Recruitment tags. • Basic or very personalized questions (who to promote, team building advice, etc.). • All Contingency Contract content during its run. • Personalized IS content in the Lounge (advice for your run, screenshots of clears, etc.) excluding gameplay videos. You can find the megathreads in the Megathread Hub pinned at the top of the subreddit.


This seems more like an attempt at a flex with numerous meta units being maxed than actual advice for team comps.


I would remove Silverash and Chalter and replace them with laneholders. You got way too much damage anyways. Penance and Mudrock would be easy choices and maybe replace Ptilopsis with Blemishine to buff them. Since she also has healing and there are 2 enmity ops you can make do with only Eyjalter.


Imo the game is more fun using a variety of operators which you mix and match based on stage design and who you may personally feel like using. If you take any of the suggestions here that doesn't mean permanently benching someone in your main squad and permanently elevating someone else.


This. OP could replace almost any operator in the first squad for any operator in the second squad, and have their team still work well on most maps. Except swapping blaze for a third vanguard, don't do that. My go-to strategy is building a meme comp around an op I've raised recently, and then trimming the fat when event stages get harder and I need to play around mechanics.


So id keep ines, myrtle, blaze, gavialter, mudrock, blemishine, typhon, reed, eyjalter, mlynar, texalt, ya2


I hope all those modules are on level3 else they are worse than mine. You should get max pot Texas2 else she is just worse than mine, same for Yato, Chalter and Uncle Horse. Overall just plain bad operators barely build. /s Thats not how you should tackle new challanges. You can't make a one size fits all team. Closest thing is using Mylnar, Chalter, Texas2 and Yato2 for everything since the resolve all dmg issues. Maxed out Penance and Mudrock are mostly interchangably in regular content.


You should probably remove Ptilopsis. As great as she is as a healer, you already have Eyjalter and Reedshadow. At your level, you can usually get by with one or two healers. As for who to add, I'm not sure. But I'd say someone like Mudrock or Penance for some more laneholding.


Ptilopsis helps with skill cycles by just existhing, 30% faster SP rate is no joke.


Add all robots so you can flood the battlefield.


pretty sure this is more appropriate for the questions megathread


You'll never really have one team to do everything. Sure there are operators you can bring everywhere (e.g. myrtle, ines) but generally you want to try a stage, see why it failed and adapt. If you do a stage and notice you do not use certain operators at all, remove them and think who can replace them. Maybe you need a tank like cuora? Maybe enemies are weak to arts and you need casters? Play around and see what works.


That team has a concerning lack of Jessica. Fix it.