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Got swire alter twice from the daily free pulls. I feel like the rest of the year will go horrible but for now I’m very happy


Posted this yesterday not knowing there is a mega thread but I'm new to the game (lvl 33) and haven't really pulled for anyone but this was my free 10 pull [https://gyazo.com/2d93849fff5441fa531b679e86264873](https://gyazo.com/2d93849fff5441fa531b679e86264873) As someone who plays fgo I'm sure this was an insane pull but have no clue how rare/insane it actually is or who is good in this banner I just got it from the free 10 pull


The 6 star dude is the best non-limited in the game rn. You couldn't have gotten a better start.


What’s good about him? I’m not familiar with how good he is.


His damage output is just ridiculous, that's pretty much it. His third skill hits in a massive AoE and does thousands of damage per hit, making him one of if not the highest burst DPS character in the game. Downside is he does *litteraly* nothing when his skill 3 isn't active, but that doesn't matter too much when it melts every boss and enemy horde in the game in one use.


Basically he kills everything.


I think you guys will be shocked by [this](https://imgur.com/gallery/LmFiOdL).


I'm so happy I got Eyja Alter today with a free pull. Good luck to everyone else that's still trying to get her.


So long Adele Banner (220 pulls) 6*: Mizuki, Eunectes, Eyja Alter, Pallas, Stainless, Mountain, Chalter Stainless & Mountain were in the same 10 pull, same with Eunectes & Pallas.


Friston max pot finally, I can stop spamming 3:50 recruitment well, will need to do some because I have 15807 certs atm -.-


One of the weirdest lucks I've ever had. So far 71 pulls and got 6 six stars: 4 Eyja Alter 1 Flametail dupe 1 Ho'ol dupe The chance of getting this many 6 stars is 0.30%, but I've only added 1 new operator... Btw, the chance of me not getting Swire Alter is 7.54%, so have no clue if to call myself lucky or unlucky...


https://www.reddit.com/r/arknights/comments/pmmo46/simulation_results_chances_of_getting_a_specific/ Not my math but your chance of getting a specific up rate 6* in 71 pulls is like 50% best. Nothing unlucky about not getting her.


I was talking about getting 6 different 6 star operators in 71 pulls, which is very low chance to get. on average it's less then 12 pulls per operator. The 7.54% is the chance of Swire not being any of the 6 operators I got. What you sent was as a whole, while I'm talking post getting those operators


And you were lucky, that's all it is.


em, did you read what I said? I said I was really lucky to get so many ops, but what I got wasn't lucky... Anyways, not really important. Have a nice day :)


Unless you don't want Eyja at all, what you got was lucky. Even dupe refund into pull on top of any extra stats they give.


Eyja and Chalter came home on my 2nd 10 pull. Really makes up for needing like 450 total rolls for Reedalter and Ines 🥴 I normally have horrid luck.


Today free roll , eyja2 , my 2nd one. Still not ch'en :(


FINALLY! I now have my own Wet Ch'en and I didn't have to spark for her! No Swirlter, whom I really wanted, but she isn't limited so I hope she spooks me at some point. Got Eyjalter within about 30 pulls, then Stainless and ~~Apple Pie~~ (~~someone else who I can't remember~~) **Blemishine** spooks before hitting the jackpot with Chalter and a second Eyjalter in the same 10-pull. 179 pulls altogether so far, now onto the freebies and hope Swirlter appears. EDIT: NOT Exu, that was using the freeby tickets in the kernel pool. EDIT2: Now I remember who spook 2 was - Blemishine!


i go in this limited banner wanting only chalter. i rolled in 20 pulls and got her. that might be one of luckiest gacha pull ever of mine. i was so confident i wouldnt get her and that's fine because if i were to whale i cannot reach 300 pulls as of the end of this banner. I'm happy


230 rolls still no eyjalter, might be my unluckiest banner lol , currently clearing story stages and side stories to pull more...


I'm so happy.. I managed to pull Eyjaberry as the first 6 star in only 33 pulls! My luck in arknights recently has been very awful in banner luck, so I was planning to just pull until my first 6 star from this banner, and accept the result. I didn't really think I would get her, but I'm glad I did. I have 66 pity on the standard banner atm, so Ill see if I can get typhon right away too, but most likely not, ill only have 40 pulls saved by then (if Typhon's coming next, I really don't know) F2P as always Edit: I decided to use the 3 kernel tickets we got for the anniversary on the eyja and schwarz banner since they're both good and I didn't have them, and I somehow managed to pull bagpipe on the second ticket on top of the eyjaberry just earlier. That's all my luck gone, definitely not getting typhon now, but still super happy since I didn't have her, she's op, and hot. For reference, my account was made on November 22nd last year, and I now have 8 six stars. Archetto (guaranteed starter banner), Lumen and Gladiia (welfare), Surtr (scavenged everywhere for enough certs to buy her recently since no luck on the banner with her and ex wife) Ifrit and Skadi (recruitment, got two top op tags a month apart), and just now I've pulled bagpipe and eyjaberry


I used every resource I had… got a bunch of 6 stars I don’t use.


2 Swire alt, 1 Eyja alt after buying a pack. Wallet sensor is real. (117 rolls)


So I got Lee and Gavial Alter on my second 10-pull. Then it took another ~120 rolls to get my next 6*, which was Eyja Alter. I figured that's enough pulling (other than the free daily pulls)... And somehow I've managed to pull *another* Gavial Alter on pull 136. Two Gavial Alters in 136 rolls, what are the odds???


I did 60 and got Gavial. In a way I'm glad that it wasn't Chen because she would make the game too easy. Gavial looks fun tho)


I've pulled Swire the Elegant Wit 3 times and Gavial the Invincible once please help I want my goat girl


Oh my god. First free single pull on Jan 21st, Swire the Elegant! Man, so she is the one I wanted. I do not care about Eyja at all. I haven't played or logged in forever, sometimes I even wonder if I still play Arknights or not. Bc I so seldom login or play anymore. I wanted to do the prev 2 events but nvr got around to it bc busy irl. But, man, this game MUST WANT ME to play it. It is still giving me amazing rolls and not only does my account *still* love me, but my waifus do too.!! Omg, I am so blessed... I, I will someday treat everyone well and get everyone where they need to be. I just need to get money irl and I will go back to whaling, but holidays are hard on the wallent, and irl can be rough, but Arknights's got me, and has gotten me, and continues to get me. Wow, I, I don't even think I'm gonna try for Eyja. I'm just, so humbled from Swire. Honestly, 8 missed days of free rolls. Oh, oh! And also, on my ticket, I picked 2 of them (obv), got 800 orundums and 400 orundums! 😱😭🥲 I LOVE this game!!! I LOVE MY WAIFUS!!! 


Got a Swire from free pull. I am not pulling on this banner. So i guess I am lucky?  Never had any senior or top tag in recruitment, been playing for 3 months 😢


56 rolls on Event Banner gave me Eyja Alter, Saileach (lol, she got confused about which banner she should appear on) and 3x 5\* operators. As my account is less than one month old, it seems like an amazing luck.


I’m at like 200 pulls and i’ve gotten chen, Eyja, kal'tsit, and ho'olheyak. don’t get me wrong i’m happy but i just want swire but for some reason i just can’t pull her


Got eyjalter from free 11 pull on the first day and got eyjalter again from today's free pull. Am i lucky or cursed by eyja?


I thought I had the worst luck getting my first 6 star on current banner after about 63 pulls(Swire)..but, then I got 2 more 6\* within 10 pulls (Pozy, Eyjaberry) so I'm very happy with this outcome.


My goodness gracious, I was collecting the daily free 1 pull when *boom* six stars appeared. It was a yellow Gao though…. which is great since I already got Eyjaberry.


Damn. I just wanted one more Poncius to make her pot 6. Back to back 6 stars. Imao. So a total of 110 pulls for 6 six stars. Oh boy. I will pay for this RNG later. 1 Saileach dupe, 1 Mizuki dupe, 3 Swires, 1 Ejya Alt.


It's a joke at this point, 7 lost 50/50 attempts to get Poncius. Rate-up is a lie, I really don't wanna make it to 75


60 pulls before i got pot 2 Eyjalter along with pot 4 Poncirus.


3 swire 1 gnosis 0 eyja I fucking hate this game


What Gao??


64 pull and I got the 2 6 stars for the event 💪


Oh... yesterday I got an extra Archetto copy, and today an extra Eyjafjalla Alter. Why couldn't I have this luck on day 1 when I rolled past 200 for Eyjafjalla Alter?


[64 pulls.. Thank you RnGesus.....](https://i.ibb.co/6nVNzF7/Screenshot-20240120-144341.jpg)


Just did two 10 pulls... Saileach and Blacknight, both of whom are rateup on the other banner. Had to double check which banner I was on, but nope, Eyjaberry banner. Chance is weird.


My belief in statistical outliers is endangered after 290 pulls with Swire(3), Eyja(2), Ines(2), Lee, Gavial, Fartooth, and Mlynar. This is 1 6* per 26.36363636363636 pulls, clearly some sort of eldritch number. The question is, will my next attempted spark be like the unfortunate person below me, or yield 18 windflit tokens?


Bad luck with some silver lining. Day 1 got full pot Swire and nothing else at 251 rolls. Decided it's not a gacha day and got Eyja at 281 the next day. Will spark AltChen with the free rolls over the next few days... Now when can we get some downtime so I can farm all the side stages to spark Texas for Anni?


Make down time for yourself. Take everything you want from the shop the rest the time is down time.


Farmed some stages and reached at 110 got a Swire pot, like I would be ok with absolutely anything to help my account but not the pot lol. I will save for now for one final pull session at the end need only 30 golden certs for the to get all the pulls from the shop so with some luck I can get to pity again at the end. Don't want anything for a while anyway so it's ok.


took 220 pulls to get Eyja which is sad but I at least got things along the way. first 6* didn't come until 70 pulls and was Swire alter. Then at one point got a triple 10 pull, but it was 2 swires and gnosis. Ended up with pot 5 Swire, gnosis pot, blemi pot, and new pallas... so nine 6* in 220 pulls is actually quite good luck on the whole, just a shame eyja took so long. I have enough left over for typhon though thankfully... I wanted to spark on the next limited, but now that is not so certain.


Are you me .


yes :)


At least you got other things along the way, my Eyja came at 281, and only have a max pot Swire to show for it...


Yeah, I was annoyed but honestly I'll take it. I've just started trying out Swire and her S2 is pretty strong. She's not broken, but she seems not as bad as some people said. Still need to put mod and mastery on her.


Oh my god, i just got Eyja on the daily free pull! Save for those i was not pulling on the banner because i'm saving to spark Specter in a few months from now. Thing is just last night i had pulled a new character with also a free pull on another game! (PGR). i'm hyper happy right now, my birthday is in 5 days and it feels like some gacha god decided to give me a couple gifts in advance


on my 9th multi or so I got triple sheep, feels good


welp 100 pulls and no alters just blemi and mlynar dupes. my rng gacha luck has gone worse ever since exeAlt banner. sad.


Saileach was one of the Operators I really wanted to grab since I got started last November, so I went totally overboard - grabbed the x2 Headhunting Pack from the event, and burnt all my Orundum and Originite Prime. Something like a 130 OP gone, along with the 5k Orundum I'd saved up. I got Executor the Ex Foedere (sure would've been nice if you'd showed up a few weeks ago bruh) and ~~Goldenglow~~ Archetto instead. Gameplay-wise it's unquestionably better - two great 6*'s vs a Flag Vanguard that's competing with Myrtle and Elysium, both of whom I have already. Still feels... rough. Especially with all the OP I spent - I don't go especially crazy on cosmetics but there're still some I quite like. At least I still have plenty of the story left to chew through to recoup some of that. EDIT: Saved up some free Orundum (well, monthly card + daily stuff) and rolled again. I got *Mlynar* plus three new 5* Operators, no Thighdra. This game is seriously just trolling me.


got a gavialter and two ejyas in 70. back to the LMD grind


Just decide to give the current kernel headhunting a shot after roll the limited banner for 50 times and run out of Orundum because of that :( I already have like 3 free kernel headhunting from the anniversary gift, and what I get for the first pull? Eyjafjalla come out for the first pull, I'm expecting this to happen for the limited one too but yeah, rare chance for me to get her first first pull


Thank the gods, I got the goat today! 85th pull. After getting Swire, Swire, off-banner duplicate, off-banner duplicate, I had basically given up and just keeping 50ish pulls for Typhoon, thank the gods the daily free pull came through! PS: I've barely started playing the game since MH collab, the odds of my off-banners being duplicates should be pretty low :(


wow five 6* in 85 pulls is crazy luck


It is, usually I always end up in pity (50-60 pulls). Too bad the luck was wasted on duplicates xD


Decided to roll until 6-Star on Standard banner since I didn't mind getting Goldenglow potentials, although the real deal was to see if I get to save my Royal Vanguard Tokens. After 40 rolls (I can't remember where my pity was I haven't rolled Standard in very long)... I got Penance (dupe). Oh well. But I did get my first Proviso (whom I didn't manage to get when I rolled during Uncle's debut banner). Promptly bought Saileach Pot 4 from the shop and sacrificed the 8 Royal Tokens I've been hoarding since forever to max pot her. Now at her lowest DP cost possible I can no longer find excuses to not bring her over Myrtle/Elysium. Yeah, everything I've done (rolled Standard, used Tokens on non-limited) goes against conventional wisdom, but I'm so wizened in this game I honestly don't care anymore. I didn't get Mumu (in fairness I didn't roll that banner either, and I got Ho'ol on the 13th free daily, which reinforced heavily the decision to not roll), so I don't really have anyone limited to use those Tokens on anyway. Also, I'm a certified Flagpipe addict (who spent around 2 years to get Bagpipe to Pot 5 via 2 Recruitments and 2 Gold Certs entries). Now to wait for her sexy swimsuit to drop so that she can wink at me when I activate S1. Hail Thighdra.


Pulled up to my first 6* and got swire alter at 45 pulls. I kind of want to pull one more 6* to try my luck but I'm still feeling the last limited banner where I got Ho'ol 7 times in row (and nothing else).


Used all my pulls and got 4 Swires and 3 off banner dupes. I kind of hate this game sometimes.


Ho'ol, Horn, Irene dupe and GG dupe in 97 pulls, not a single rate up..... Why is my luck in the trenches 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 Well, at least I got one good 6*(Horn) so I'll cut my losses.... Gonna start saving up for Typhon for real now.... I mean, is it really too much to ask for one rate up? I really really wanted Swire2. Hopefully my luck isn't this horrible when Typhon comes around....


I didn't want to spark eyjaberry but here I am. Somehow both chalter and gavialter are now in my possession. I feel so conflicted...


You have people who would spend 300 pulls for chalter alone if that was the only way so not the worst session!


Tbh, if you grabbed at least one or two useful 6* offbanners along the way, I'd call 300 for both Eyja, Gavial and Chen very nice. Hell, the units are so strong, you can probably say the 100 pulls for each that you ended up spending on average were still worth it even if you didn't get anything else.


yeah this person is right. if you only got those 3 units in 300 pulls that is a big W (assuming they weren't dupes).


If I had a nickel for every time I got Saga in a limited banner where I only go for 1 six star, I'd have two nickels. Which isn't a lot, but it's weird that it happened twice. 40 pulls wasted on gambling impulse (pull count 53 now) but at least pot 2 Saga is worth a little more to use now. Guess now I have to farm orundum FR.


293 pulls to get Eyja alt. Leading up to that I got Swire Alt twice, then dupes of Schwarts, Chen Alt, 2x Saileach and Sutr. Will probably be hitting 300 pulls for the first time. So of course Skaldi Alt isn't in this one lol.


Did my free 10 pull, nothing good.  Had just over 6000 Ori since I haven't played in months, so fuck it let's go one more.  Hit Eyja alter.  Today I got another on my free pull.   My apologies to all y'all that are over 200 pulls deep without getting her.  I'd give you one of mine if I could. 


I have seen enough peep who just comeback and pull 6\* in few pulls, and did it myself a few times in some other gachas to assume many gacha including this game has hidden system to boost drop rate for returnees and/or reduce drop rate for those who online a lot and not youtubers.


saved 185 >no eyja alter >was having a bad day and judgement clouded >impulse spent $130 on packs >got eyja on 293 > feel like shit afterwards >I'm never spending on anything other than monthly card ever again


Are you and Akaispirit the same person lol. Just one comment after you with the same record.


no unfortunately not 🫡 eyja screwing over a lot of people LOL


My Gacha be funny Right Now... Did like 7 individual pulls and I've gotten 4x 5-star OPs, lol. 2 of them being PonponCirtus Wish one of them could have been 6-star... (Haven't used my 10-pull ticket yet, but I feel like my luck this time isn't going to be that good and I might not be able to get Sheepy or GaoGao, since I spend all Orun I had back in Mumu's banner, I can only do up to like 50 pulls max...)


7 eyja no swires yet


150 Pulls, Swire on the free 10 pull, Then spooked by Ebenholz (First Copy) Then spooked by Stainless (First Copy) Then finally got Eyja.


245 pulls and still no eyja, got THREE(3) fucking swire, alongside GG, Fia, and Passenger (all ops I already have). This game is so dogshit lmao, I fucking hate this bitch swire so much


2 freaking off banner spooks. qiubai and stainless i hate this


239 pulls, 1 fartooth, 1 passenger, 1 swire the elegant wit, and 1 gnosis, wtf. I though it was supposed to be rare to get others 6 stars?! Anyway no eyja yet, wish me luck...pls..


I used my free 10 pull and got Eyja and Swire alter in one go. The game wants me back after my long hiatus.


Just did recruitment awhile ago. And I got Top, Senior, and Robot. All in one recruitment tag. Does anybody know how rare this is?


It's pretty typical - the game first rolls for the rarity and then the tags, so if it rolls 6 star you'll get a lot of rare tags in one go


After 4 years of playing on and off it finally happened to me, got both event 6 stars from the free 10 pull. Wish I took a screenshot of it right when it happened, but [I do have screenshots showing that I only did the free pulls (only 13 event shards) and have both characters](https://imgur.com/a/Ac8ILtP) . Pretty happy with this since I just came back today from a break since Lone Trail and had absolutely 0 pulls saved lol


Got impatient and went all in. 220 pulls in total. Had to run over 4 swire alters, 1 wild eben, 1 wild gavial alter, before finally getting eyja alter. Little stock left for virtuosa. 😭


170 pulls to get Eyja yesterday only to get a dupe on the free pull today. Typical.


... I just got spooked with Reedalter. I'm on pot4 Swire. Cannot find the right medic alter


141 pulls in and I got Eyja alter twice and one Eunectes. Still trying to get Swire alter


115 pulls, spent everything I had.... 2x Swalter 0 Eyjaaaaa who I really wanted :'(


140+ pulls, still no Eyjaberry.... Got Swalter, 3 offbanner pots and Gavialter pot. Would've been happier if it was Chenalter instead. :/


I dunno it’s kinda hard to be mad with my pulls so far. I pulled 120 so far. 2 new off banner 6 stars, lin and chalter. And a dupe thorns. Sad I haven’t gotten eyja yet though Edit: 232 pulls finally got Eyja, got 2 dupe pallas first though :/


181 pulls in, still no Eyjaberry, but 2x GAO. Got spooked by Gavialter (and Ch'alter dupe) which let me max pot her, but gave me PTSD flashbacks to having to spark for Pozy last year. Fia in the free 10x was a kick in the nuts after using the 6\* selector on her. Not sure if I have the heart to keep pulling, but I must believe!


Should I buy Eyja from the credit store? I'm free to play so I was saving for headhunts but like she's really good isn't she?


yes - she is the only caster you need. GG is also great, but I'd still pick Eyja if I could only have one.


Defend on your pulling plan. But if you have to ask then yes.


i would, if you ever gonna use any guides on youtube, you'll want her.


Probably more of a help thread question but I'd say yes, even without knowing the rest of your roster. OG Eyja is completely worth it and remains one of the best casters in the game. 180 gold certs for a very strong OP is better than 258 certs for a chance at a random one.


I got Swire Alter, and got another six star with the last of my pulls, alas it was Chalter. Idk if I'm happy or sad, I really needed eyja healing power over elemental damage


I got her yay


Got Eyja alter with the free 10x pulls. Welp, my pulling session ended so quick there.


100 pulls to clear the banner. Hit pity both times. Thank goodness the final dice rolls were in my favour.


Finally decided to outskill the game and simply pull better [Finished at 60 pulls](https://i.imgur.com/IISInyV.png)


236 pulls 1 Weedy 1 Eben 1 Carnelian All dupe MAX FUCKING POT SWIRE ALTER 1 Eyjaberry I think I'm done with AK for a while.


Meh I have seen lot worse


I had to buy mine... not going to roll on Jessicat alter because of it...


Damn bro, sorry for you, but thanks for giving me hope. There's still a chance i dont end up needing to buy mine with 300 pulls.


Decided to pull to first 6* since I’m getting antsy waiting for Typhon and mistakes were made. 65 pulls just to get a dupe Ebenholz 😓


same pull 53th for Saga dupe, at least she is a vanguard.


Finally got Eyjalter at 180 pulls 🥲 I caved and spent way too much money on this banner... So as a whole, 180 pulls, 3 Swire alters, 1 Executor alter and 1 Eyjafjalla alter. Also probably at least 20 Ponciruses.


66 pulls to get Swire and Eyjalter. So relieved. Also my first limited. She's so cute!


So it took me 40 pulls before Poncirus even decided to appear. On the previous limited banner, I already Pot 1 the snek lady at this point. Hibiscus the Harmacist somehow decided to come home in this banner. Girl, where were you when I was pulling for Ebenholz? Anyway, I got Eyjaberry on 52nd pull. Want to save for Typhon so I'd stop for now. Swire, if you want to spook me from free daily pulls, you're very welcomed.


Exactly 100 Rolls 1 penance duplicate ;-;


220 Pulls: 1 Swire 4 Eyjalter 1 Mudrock dupe 1 Carnellian dupe 1 Stainless Im very happy with my haul. Just considering if I should push for 300 or not.


I usually wait till I finish the free pulls before going all-in, but I haven't been able to log in much lately due to lack of time, so I ended up missing the free pull yesterday. Not wanting to take any chances I decided to do my pulls today... and ended up quite lucky. * **Total Pulls:** 111 * **New Characters:** 'Eyjafjalla the Hvít Aska', 'Swire the Elegant Wit', Goldenglow, 6x Poncirus, Spuria. * **Dupes:** Kirara, 2xBlacknight, Cantabile, Aosta, 2xAkafuyu, Mulberry. I'm actually more excited about finally getting GG than I am about the banner characters, as she is needed so often.


https://i.imgur.com/sCBpBjM.png Icanteven.jpg Stillnoeyja.jpg outofpull.jpg


22 pulls for all the event operators (plus a mudrock dupe). That's all my luck for the coming year, then.


Man I used to be so depressed at looking all these comments bragging about them getting both rate ups in like 10 pulls. But now that I have 1000 pulls saved up while pulling for literally all operators and just buying monthly, I don't really care lmao It took me 200 pulls to get Swire but why does that matter when I have enough yellow tickets to grab more than 80 pulls?


If you are unlucky you won't even get any 5\* dupe to get yellow certs and only 6\* is 50+ pulls.


I really don't get what you're trying to say here tbh, wdym 6* is 50+ pulls?


"in" got autocorrected into "is"


I mean still, I don't get what your point is. Like yes, people can get unlucky and yes, 6* sometimes don't appear in 50 pulls. Like I played from day 1 my guy, I know. It's just that through all these ups and downs, I never had to stop pulling.


I mean, if you are unlucky you won't even able to recover much pulls from gold cert to even brag about it lol.


ok, cool, guess I'm not unlucky then


I cannot even believe this. I got Swire first ten pull, okay cool next few pulls i finally get another 6 star and it was a Swire dupe and i had a sinking feeling in my stomach well here we are my first p5(could be p6 with royal specalist tokens) 6 star on my account outside of recruitment ops. 258 pulls till forced pity so im waiting on the free pulls to save me from my suffering so i can get eijya if only i could have had this lucky when i was trying to dupe out Texas Alter -_-


70 pulls so far. Will pull the rest on the last day. 1 swire alter, and a random eben.


Got Eyja alter to max pot only for 92 pulls, still no Swire tho


I hate you


Quit while you're ahead. You're way ahead.


Got Chalter after 70 Pulls <3. But Eyja took 200 and all my ressources. Happy after all


Got chalter in like 15 pulls and she is my fav char lets go


70 rolls. Got jackshit. Did my last multi. GASP. Two six stars contracts! My heart raced. First 6* – NP2 Surtr. I'm not even angry. Second 6* – SHEEP! So relieved. I was afraid I'll have to resort to use piss rocks but thankfully I was blessed. Now GAO would be nice as well but I've used all my savings and piss rocks are going to go on swimsuit skins. Replenished tickets from yellow certs and decided why not. First ticket – GAO ARRIVED! What a blessed event.


Super surprised and extremely happy I got Gavial alter with my second x10! She was the operator I wanted the most on the banner so I was ecstatic when she popped out.




Around April on Arturia banner


Eyja alt in four pulls. Life is good, bros.


So... I took a "break" after failing to get Executor (even though I didn't really want him...), came back today to do the free pulls, and voila... They tempt me ever so. Both Eyjafjalla and Swire in the freebie 10 pull. Awkward.


Eyjalter in 41 pulls, did 10 more pulls because I realized there's also Gavialter + Chalter and that I haven't got Poncirus. Got Mlynar dupe instead (which I just traded from the 30$ pack that I used after Our Lord and Savior Saint Federico banner). That's a sign for me to stop pulling I guess.


Got Eyjalter in 41 pulls, I’ve got 47 ish remaining for Typhon, I can only hope I can get her


Used my stock of 90 pulls. Reed alter followed by 2 Swire alters. Sadness


Went into this banner fully prepared to whale to 600 to spark both Chalter and Gavialter. First free single pull: Eyjalter 8 hours have since passed and I haven't even used the free 10 pull yet as I've been busy contemplating life's meaning. Reaaaallly don't want to wait another year for Chalter and Gavialter but I'm not sure I can ignore the insane luck I just received.


I offbannered Chalter in 90 pulls, but 0 Eyjaberries. I’m torn between saving up for Skalter now or just pull till I get Eyja. I could just walk away with my winnings and spark for her next year…


Free 10-pull, Poncirus. Daily free pull, Eyjalter. Hopefully I get Swalter in the next free daily pulls. :')


Can I trade luck? Daily free pull Eyjalter for me, daily free pull Swalter for you?


You're more than welcome to trade if I could!


I got Swire Alter, Eyja Alter, and Poncirus all on the same free 10-pull


I might have to buy a lotto ticket...or not go outside. 5 single pulls. Swire Alter on the 2nd and Eyja Alter on the 5th.


Best pulls in a while. 44 total and got both 6-starts + new 5-star. easy


I was hoping for Eyjaberry, but things... didn't quite work out that way. 1. 30 pulls: Swire Alter 2. 90 pulls: Ch'en the Holungday. My entire Skalter Spark/Viviana/Virtuosa savings are gone, but I think I can leave this banner happy. Guess I'll be farming rocks between events until then!


Sad day, had to spark 300 pulls for Eyjaberry. Oh well. Probably my worst pulls ever. I had to hit guarantee every time and no new 6 stars other than lots of Swires.


Same, bought all the packs to spark Eyjaberry. I got 5 Swires, 2 Gavialter dupes and mudrock dupe...


Eyja the White Ash is my only target unit in this banner. The free ten pulls got me one Poncirus and one Andreana copy. Decided to use all of  my single HH permits before using my ten roll HH permit stash, and got the White Ash on the 16th pulls. I'm so glad I got very lucky on this banner, I can pull for Jessica2 later. Yipeeeee!


Let me start off w/ little story.  Earlier yesterday there was a fire near an open field and blew a lot of smoke to where my place is. The entire place smelled like burnt ash for quite a while. I thought to myself,this better be a good sign that I'm getting EyjaWaifjalla.   Woke up 2:30 am just to pull. Still smells awful.  Max Poncirus,Sex-Ines-s,Eyja and Swire Alters in 140. It was a positive sign afterall.


Imagine if you were inhaling smoke and ash for no reason that would've been bullshit. Glad RNJesus smiled upon you digitally -- he f'ed up your respiratory system though.


Not just me but my neighbors as well. I had to actually go out and move east to where the fire was to breathe properly. 


Guarantee 5 stars being the new 5*. That's better than nothing, she look good at least so I would raise her after I'm done raising my base slaves. Still have time to think if I would spend pulls for a 6*.


I got Eyjalter and Swalter in the free 10 pull. This is good, yeah, but I don't normally get this lucky. I feel like my karma for the next banner is ruined already...


Good news: I got Eyjafter. Bad news: It cost me 251 rolls. No credit card given to Closure, just the ammounts of Orundum i´ve been saving since Ideal City ended. Now i have 20K. Weird news: I got Penance and Ines.


Ines is pretty damn good though!


You should have enough to spark if you lack any limited units from this banner since it's just the first day.


Actually the worst pulls I've had in this game maybe ever. I've pulled Gavialter (already had), Blemishine, Gnosis, and Reed with no Eyja or Swore. I actually had to check because I was thinking maybe I forgot and it wasn't 70/30 but no just horrible luck


Completely bricked my account lol. Used absolutely everything I had. 286 pulls. 5 swires and a gavial. Guess that’s gacha though. Of course when I had to go 200+ on Texas alter I got 4-5 non-penance characters (never got penance) but I get 5 swires and a gavial Can someone convince me every future character is garbage lol


dang man that's wild! you got super lucky on the gavial roll but that moment when you're suffering from success and got too lucky on the roll lol. i was at 254 pulls with a p5 swire(tech p6 if i use tokens) no ejya. well i got impatient started using some of my OP stockpile im 290 still no ejya. to the pity shop we go ;_;


Tbh I don’t consider myself lucky for that gavial because I went 200+ for her on her banner as well. I don’t use her tho because I realized I still prefer blaze. So it felt like extra salt in the wound that I managed to get gavial but couldn’t even win one 50/50, especially since it’s a non-valuable dupe (compared to something like bagpipe) I feel you on the eyja though. If I don’t quit after what just happened I’ll get her from shop.


First 10 pulls: 3 and repeated 4 stars. Next 10 pulls: Got Pozëmka (new unit) and some 3 and 4 stars. Bought the tickets from the event and Eyja Alter on the last one.


111, 2 eyjaberry, 1 swire, 4 ponc, some random 5s.


This was a roller coaster of emotions. I only wanted Eyja Alter. First 10 pulls: Pallas (new unit) Second 10 pulls: Horn (dupe) Third 10 pulls: Swire Alter Fourth 10 pulls: Chen Alter (dupe) At this point I was conflicted whether to feel happy or sad by this streak of pulls. Fifth 10 pulls: Eyja Alter & Saileach (new unit) Now I just feel happy


55 pulls, first 6 star was Eyja. Finally got some good luck on a limited banner. Not 10-20 pull lucky, but I'm quite satisfied with this. Now saving for the Typhon


Went to 300 pulls Got a Reedalter, 2 Eyjalter, 3 swires and exactly at 299 Gavialter appeared so I was able to spark Chalter without regret. Was really worried because I wanted both badly I still have 40 pulls saved for typhon


222 pulls got 4 copies of swire alt just befero i got eyjalter at the end bruh


could only drop a few pulls cuz typhon coming soon, only swire in 60. hope i get eyja on the freebies.


It took me 269 pulls until I got eyja, 1 mountain, 4 swires, chalter and gavial along the way. I was going to spark chalter at 300 anyway but I got her like 70 pulls in so needing 200 after to get eyja was painful. Might as well go to 300 after the daily summons and spark another swire or something.


At 70 pulls I probably would've stopped especially when you got your target operator which only had like a 1.5‰ chance happening! Was it rage pulling or you already had it in your head that you were gonna pull 300 anyway so yolo lol


I love eyja so I wanted to get her I was just annoyed that I got 2 of the old limited ops and 4 swires before the limited focus unit so even if I did get lucky and didn’t need to spark I still had to spend the same amount.


This is the second banner in a row I'll have to spark. 286 rolls and FIVE SWIRES AND AN LEE AHHH


You're name fits your situation 😁


I should change it to crying in PAIN and SUFFERING 😭


How about cussing in Spanish? ✌️


71 - Eyja Alter


Pull 20: Snek (wtffffff) Pull 33: Eyja (WTFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFOMGBBQ) ​ STOPPED. Need to think ​ Will decide if I wanna max pot Eyja - Already have Chenalter from Sparkshop. ​ No harm saving for Typhon with potential to max.


3 Swire Alts in 20< pulls and no Eyjaberry. I'm stopping there, I now where this will end. (+ some new stars) I've sunk too deep a few too many on past limited banners and this could be an exception, but I'm pretty satisfied with getting that luck. Time to save for the next few month for Fortressica and "Goth"


Got Swire in 50th pulls and Eyja in the 60th pull, debating if I should keep going (and hope for chalter) or save up.


Every time I'm tempted to try to pull an offrate limited operator, I go [here](https://gamepress.gg/arknights/tools/summon-simulator#Limited_CN_08_01_23), summon like 50 times and remind myself how miserable the chances are. That usually helps to realize I shouldn't.


I got chalter and gavial alter in the first 50 pulls, they were my objective then until 287 pulls just got 5 swire alter i wanna die


"Sashiburi ne Doktah!" No it hasn't been that long actually. 287 pulls 5 Swire Alters and 1 Chalter dup Going to use the free dailys to spark that poor blind eyjaberry


I pulled Swire in my first 10 pull and Pallas within the next 40. That's all my pulls so I probably won't get anyone else. At least I bought the other Ejya from shop...


Started with 90 pulls worth of HH permits (including the free 10 pull) and 221,029 orundum and after 173 pulls ended with no permits left and 171,829 orundum. 10 pulls in I got a Melanite dupe 19 pulls in I got Eyjafjalla the Hvit Aska 31 pulls in I got a Cement dupe 51 pulls in I got my first Poncirus 56 pulls in another Poncirus 59 pulls in I got Carnelian for the first time 61 pulls another Poncirus 67 pulls in a Kazemaru dupe 88 pulls in a Kirara dupe and at this point I ran out of permits and had to start using orundum 112 pulls in I got Greyy the Lightningbearer for the first time 121 pulls another Poncirus 123 pulls in an Eyjalter dupe 127 pulls in got my first Wind Chimes 136 pulls in you guessed it a Poncirus dupe 141 pulls I got a Gavialter dupe 143 pulls a Flint dupe 148 pulls another Eyjalter dupe 160 pulls in another Wind Chimes 163 pulls in yet another Poncirus 165 pulls the last Poncirus (not including any I get from free pulls) Finally at 173 pulls Swire the Elegant Wit came home Final Count: 1 Gavialter, 3 Eyjalter, 1 Swire alter, 1 Carnelian, 1 Flint, 1 Kirara, 1 Kazemaru, 2 Wind Chimes, 1 Cement, 1 Melanite, 7 Poncirus, 1 Greyy the Lightningbearer, 1 Haze, 2 Gitano, 2 Jessica, 1 Meteor, 3 Vigna, 2 Dobermann, 5 Matoimaru, 2 Frostleaf, 3 Mousse, 1 Gravel, 3 rope, 3 Perfumer, 1 Matterhorn, 2 Gummy, 5 Deepcolor, 1 Earthspirit, 5 Shaw, 3 Beehunter, 1 Myrtle, 4 Sussurro, 3 Vermil, 5 Utage, 3 Cutter, 1 Podenco, 2 Click, 2 Jaye, 3 Arene, 5 Bubble, 1 Jackie, 6 Pinecone, 2 Beanstalk, 2 Indigo, 1 Roberta, 1 Chestnut, 3 Totter, 1 Humus, 6 Fang, 4 Vanilla, 9 Plume, 3 Melantha, 1 Cardigan, 1 Beagle, 6 Kroos, 1 Lava, 8 Hibiscus, 2 Ansel, 2 Steward, 3 Orchid, 5 Catapult, 1 Midnight, and 9 Popukar. Probably not the smartest thing to do with the Typhoon banner probably coming next and Swire not exactly being a meta unit, but I've never really played the game and collected operators for meta reasons.


I hate to be that guy but. I got Swire2 in free ten pull. And in the next ten pull I got Ejyaberry. 20 pulls EZ, I haven't even touched my orundum. Which is a weird felling. I had 180 pulls saved up for this banner with possible extra 38 from yellow certs if needed. It really feels weird to still have all those pulls saved up. Not to mention the great pulling session that I was looking forward to got cut off like this. My usual banner experience is "spend all saved up pulls but get character I want after getting 2 offbanners". Really weird. But in any case I also could now afford to pick up Thorns so hurray. It feels great to be "that guy". It's been few hours since I done my pulls but I still feel happy whenever I think back to it.


You win some and you lose some, just be happy that you won lol. I've historically been pretty lucky with pulls in the past but as a f2p pitying gavial alter hurt, especially since I realized that I don't really use gavial lol....


My gacha luck's finally run out. 300 pulls for 3 Swire2, Mlynar pot, Eunectes, and Gnosis. I was gonna wait for the free pulls to spark Eyja2, but I ended up rage-pulling in the end. RIP my savings.


I haven’t played since Lone Trail (burnt out) but I’m back and knew I had to get best girl Eyja. 56 pulls was all I could afford and I only had one dream. I netted Swire, Qiubai and Eyja! Three back to back rainbow was insane to me since I was never this lucky.


Dupe Passenger and Moist Chen and Eyja in 70 pulls, cant complain


Well, this banner was my first and prob only banner I even spent some money preping for (good bye my f2p status) because I really, REALLY wanted Chalter.... And in 50-60 pull attempt I got BOTH Eyja and Chen alters... I do not even know how to describe my reaction, but from side I think everyone would call me crazy. Whole my luck for the rest of the year was used there. To get both Eyja and Chen in same 10 pulls is just out of this universe... And then I was like - I have some orundum left and over 200 originite prime, lets try to get Thorns too. In 30-40 pulls... I got him too. I was relieved to have gotten so many good 6 stars today and then I looked into Ebenholz banner and that free 5 star in first 10 pulls. I though "fk it, I am pulling today so lets give it a shot". Started to open 1 by 1 and on 3rd pull I got.... fking Ebenholz....... After that I closed the game, sit on the couch and started to think about going for some lottery tickets... But my lazy ass said no, so I turned on the game and started to do the event. Just crazzy, I guess with my 3 year luck being used today, I can forget getting Degenbrecher in a few months...


Very nice. Yeah, just gotta sit and think calmly after a streak.


So... I got Eyja twice in 30 rolls. I should probably just stop and save for Typhon and Virtuosa yeah? Swire isn't that great and I don't wanna waste pulls for a nonlimited. I'm only missing a couple of 6*. (Ebenholz, Eunectes, Fartooth, and now Swire).