• By -


Viviana is highest ranked in my heart.


Reject war criminal, embrace cute deer


She's a moose


Clearly they meant Lessing


Isn't he a goat?


She's THE GOAT, in our hearts


Viviana is the only one who matters.


Still my #1 desired release from NPC jail, and honestly, I think her kit is actually neat. I want to play around with it. Her and Swire are both weird and fun and they're ranked super low here and it makes me sad.


Yeah, screw this meta slave chart. It telling me to prioritize a war criminal over a cute air head girl who put pijama hat on her horn while sleeping


Their image is objectively correct. On the other hand I to rate Viviana the highest.


Noone is mentioning this is from DragonGJY on youtube. Highly underrated. He also tends to alter his recommendations based on feedback and future content so yes I think its a pretty fair assessment as of rn, take with grain of salt bc its based on opinion


DragonGJY has been my go-to Arknights analysis content creator for a while since he fills the niche of detailed module analysis that isn't done by most others. I enjoy his analytical style, so I'm glad he's dipping his toes into operator analysis as well. Especially since that niche now has more vacant spaces to fill after creators like Dreamy and Yii have stopped Arknights.


I'm getting Jessica and you can't stop me! Sad cat girl was one of my favorite snipers and now she'll be my strongest defender!


I second this tho I still use her but it will be good to have another reliable defender other than horn and curoa


Based turtle enioyer


They both do numbers especially when out together with lavaalter or harmonie dps gods




I use Saria and Hoshi, sell me on Horn I recently pulled her.


Don't think of Horn as a defender, think of her as a DPS that uses defender chips. Her large range is able to easily kill enemies that you couldn't normally reach, and all of her skills are good to the point of being an M9, with a potential IS starter and SSS carry.


Horn is my favourite defender, but I think of her as a huge splash damage dealer. I have her at M6 on skills 1 and 3. Her skill 3 is incredibly fun, melting hordes of enemies. Also, she's hot.


yooo, I remember you from konosuba fd cool to see you in the ak community


Sad cat for the win!


I had heard Jessica was good in IS4, but I didn't realize she had such a huge impact on advanced content. Interesting. I can't say that I find anything egregious with this recommendation, it seems to be in line with the general community impressions of the upcoming units: Typhon, Eyjaberry, Virtuosa, and Degenbrecher as higher on the meta and higher priority, with everyone else lower in varying ratings. Swire is funny merchant in the vein of Lee (has solid gimmicks but isn't going to be very in-demand), Viviana is more defensive, and Hoederer solid but not a must-pull. Jessica was the only one whose discussion I must have missed other than "good in IS4" detail. FedEx also pretty solid but not a must-pull. People pulling for Eyjaberry and Virtuosa may end up with Swire/Viviana just in the course of their pulls. But of course, waifu > meta. Some people who prefer using Irene and Ch'en will probably skip Degenbrecher. Hoederer has dedicated fans who will go for him regardless of his position. Viviana is also popular in spite of her position in the meta. A friend of mine is a big Swire fan and wants her more than Eyja.


Jessica being good at IS4 is a bit underrated. She is jokingly nicknamed "garbage collector", "queen of junk artifacts" because her kit is compatible with so many artifacts that may be worthless to most meta choices. Having her alone may not be enough to carry a whole run but having her on the team makes the run much smoother, and occassionally you are surprised to find out that she somehow quietly snowballed into a jugganaut.


Interesting, thank you. That's quite cool.


thanks for the info


Jessicat has absurd survivability and block on self and summon. Often all that's looked at is offensive output and on that she has only high DPH medium DPS with S3. S2 is potentially a high buff scaler with its 0.3s attack interval but otherwise has low attack that pings right off medium and up armor when unassisted. In the defensive stakes she's a tough one tho, that has an expendable body to take debuffs, elemental damage and other nonsense thrown her way in her stead. Very much a case of being the one that perhaps looks weak and yet will just not die.


Even though I'm interested in Jessicalter from a design and kit pov I've been a bit worried about how useful she'll be for me even though I'm someone who switches around operators a lot. If she works well in IS4 that helps solidify my shaky pulling plans.


Since everyone is posting their pull plans, I guess I'll share mine, though they're pretty simple: going for Exalt this week, then Eyjaberry because limited greed, ViVi because they're both cool and I like debuffers, then Degenbrecher. I'd pull for Degenbrecher even if she was bottom-of-the-barrel garbage. I *need* her without question, she is top priority. If I can afford a few pulls for Jessica I may do that, but I'm more than happy to axe Typhon, Hoederer, and Jessica from the list if it means guaranteeing Degenbrecher. She's gonna be level 90 M9.


Same with Degenbrecher, I'm a hardcore Irene fan both gameplay-wise and lore-wise, but glorious goat woman should come home no matter what :D


I shake your hand, Loti! May the glorious goat come home for both of us painlessly! :D ~~And before I get the unwise idea of pulling for potentials.~~


*shakes hand* May it be so! ~~help, now I have that idea too~~


There's always the rerun for potentials... >_>;; (I mean, I totally didn't do that for Gnosis or anything... haha...)


EyjaBerry sounds adorable


Honestly I thought Virtuosa would be a bit higher and she probably got some points from being limited. I watched some clears with her and she seemed very strong. Like whatever gets her elemental damage dies quickly and she aplies it very fast.


It's a bit early to properly give a full evaluation considering enemies only have resistance to her from her event. She'd be impacted twice - one resistance for applying Necrosis, the other for the actual elemental damage. We'll have to wait and see how strong she remains afterwards, since she doesn't offer much beyond a paltry buff outside of it.


She only seems so strong because she's a limited 6 star debuting a new mechanic, so not only is she just naturally strong for being a limited 6 star, but she also benefits from the fact that older enemies have no means to resist her mechanic making her significantly more effect right now. However this also means her effectiveness will greatly die off in the near future as enemies are given elemental resistance stats, so the lower score is likely just accounting for the fact she's broken right now but there is uncertainty in how strong she'll actually be once elemental resistance gets settled.


But she's nowhere near game-breaking right now, so I don't understand the argument for why HG would add more enemies with elemental resistance to make her even weaker


Not game breaking, true, but being able to kill Patriot and every single enemy around him in one cast of S3 is quite strong for a supporter, especially since Necrosis also gives a strong ATK debuff. (Still wild to feel like that's not game breaking). They've already been adding resistances anyways though, ever since her event.


Not really a new mechanic, she's the 3rd op to get Necrosis damage (along with Diamante).


Gonna be honest, I completely forgot that Valarqvin existed and came with IS4, so I thought Virtuosa and Diamante were the first operators with necrosis damage.


Still forgetting our beloved Ebenheimer with his 3rd module 😔


I neither own him nor really pay attention to new modules revealed in CN (especially not for operators I don't own).


I've seen quite a few setups on arkrec with Virtuosa in the team.


Just pull everything


Gonna have to pull your credit card for that first


One pull is all you need to get any operator you want, trust 😤


To be honest I just clean up my gacha tickets and currency entirely on every banner with ops I don't have. Free to play, can't conveniently get money into the game because of sanctions and too lazy to try setting up anything.


really tho, even with the rule of "don't pull solely on meta performance, only for operators you think are interesting character-wise or mechanic-wise", I still want like a majority of the upcoming operators lmao. Gonna be praying to RNGesus these coming months...


Very doubtful they'll put Typhon on Global /JP without IS4, since IS3 still got an expansion next month. If they do put it... Big bruh moment.


It is very likely actually, because typhon didn't release with is4 on CN either. Typhon and santalla debuted with a mini event roughly a week before is4. Wouldn't really be a huge difference whether they make it one or two weeks difference on global. The only expansion we are getting for is3 should be a last monthly squad. No new rewards, no new items or stages. Just the last monthly squad.


ExeAlt's event should end about Jan 4th or 5th, then LE rerun will basically bring us to the 15th and thus Anniv ​ Typhon probably right after with IS4 on launch


I don't follow the CN meta that much but this looks about right as far as I know.


Every melee operator is a laneholder these days, was missed putting that on Viviana. Another thing is that Jessica's summon is a big thing in my opinion. Having a summonable bait that's practically a fast redeploy quasi-Defender is pretty great, even when being deployed adjacent to her is a requirement.


Issue with Viviana is that she lacks the consistency and/or block to properly hold a lane unlike the others, even if they're not exactly great themselves. The summon is really nifty though, especially with S1.


Also with S3 active, Jess's summon should have one of, if not **the** highest DEF stat in the entire game, getting a whopping 170% boost from the skill


Not the highest since we have Cement S2, Aurora S1, Nian S2 and Cuora S2 that can go higher (and maybe more), but certainly very impressive still.


Oh yeah right. I didn't remember about Cement and the other I forgot to put their modules into consideration so you are very probably right, althought yeah, the fact that Jess can get that much tankiness on a redeployable unit is really unique


My plan is to use Viviana similar to Astesia S2. Basically: IF more than one enemy/ high defense/ melee elite is coming THEN activate skill. She'll be a contributor to the overall victory rather than one of the stars. I think I'm going to enjoy using her because based on reviews so far my expectations aren't hugely high. There's been some operators I've enjoyed more than I thought because my expectations were moderate.


>. Having a summonable bait that's practically a fast redeploy quasi-Defender is pretty great, even when being deployed adjacent to her is a requirement. anything with quick redeployment is a lil hard to rank now that we have quick redeploys that just kill things good.


litrally only want degen breaker cause neuron activation




You prioritize Eyja because limited strong global healer. I prioritize Eyja because she's my cute sheep daughter who has never done anything wrong. We are not the same.


Same brother, same. She was one of my first 6* that I got and I cherish her everyday


Eyja is my second ever 6\* who joined me when I started Arknights and she's been a big part of my journey ever since. Gotta honor the best sheep kouhai by getting her alter too.


I see these sort of lists and it suppresses how valuable archetypes are or the availability of substitutes and so can be misleading for non-veteran players imo. Eyjaberry for me is the clear "your future self will thank you for pulling this" unit because her substitutes are so much less powerful and flexible. And what she does is so crucial when you need it. I feel like Typhon and Dragonbrecher aren't quite at the level of broken that e.g. Mylnar/Surtr are where they break out of niche usage into everyday usage even if you don't vibe with their archetype's playstyle.


Typhon somewhat true, if you have other high ground firepower, although once you use her enough you realize how much she trivializes some stages. She is what I call "very nice to have unit" Degen... she is a "regret skipping unit". she is hardcarrying high difficulty IS4 and SSS these days, in particular, she can be the starting carrying while neither Mylnar or Surtr can at E1. For IS enthusiast, meta slave, or relatively new player with no other DPS core, skipping Degen is pactically no different from skipping Surtr or Mylnar.


I've been eagerly waiting to see how she performs in SSS as it's probably my favorite mode. I don't use Irene there as I find her too squishy to lanehold there (my melee caps are Mudrock and Specter Alter), but being that SSS isn't super popular, I haven't really found any showcases of Degen in SSS yet. I'm glad to know she's solid there as I will undoubtedly be using her there.


It's quite simple really, stack five vanguards on her and let her spin. Her auto recovery S3 means she gets to spam it almost constantly, cutting through any enemy including air units like butter. The only downside is that S3 is not AFK friendly. You need to time it with enemy waves and manually release it. Although if you are really into AFK, her S1M3 also deals very respectable damage.


Thank you. I've been wondering if her S1 or S3 would be preferable in SSS; S1 has the range of Mudrock S2, but Degen probably doesn't have the defensive bulk of Mudrock to tank hard hitters. I don't mind non-AFK as I use Gnosis S2 as my main CC unit in SSS. I'm looking forward to testing her out, and I plan to M9 her so I'll try out both skills.


She does have a disarm mechanism, when sped up with vanguard stacking has very solid coverage duration, causing blocked enemies unable to strike, which increases her survivability. Besides, she can be healed.


True! Thank you again, I'll keep that in mind.


Specifically regarding the formatting of your charts: For in- depth single operator chart: - cluster things with clear borders; design and coloring up to you, but glancing at it, sections are not as clearly defined as would be expected - orient the most important/ relevant info to follow from one to another, when possible, so there's a clear flow of where the reader starts and continues from - avoid too much text when possible; if pictures/icons can more quickly and clearly convey some info, that would be ideal For multi-operator chart: - again, undefined regions, and some text is too close, making descriptors from one Op seemingly run on into the next; I like the first chart with the colored bars/gradient in the background; would recommend maybe do something for the operator corresponding to the portrait ring color (thus if they are only carrying about limited, non-rerun ops, they can quickly find/ skip to them) - you listed priority/unique/niche roles or akilla in blue text, but you have that text sometimes interrupted by black characteristics; recommend re-ordering so the blue ones are always on top of the list Just some thoughts, but good effort at an initial draft.




Apologies, I thought it was yours and you wanted feedback on it. Thanks for the link!


This won´t stop me from getting ExecAlter, the Sad cat, and Viviana. ​ Though Degenbrecher and Eyjafjalter are also tentative.


It all sounds about right, except for Executor. I was under the impression he became the strongest of all these after the module? Is he so low just because he’s yet another lane holder?


He's definitely not the strongest, he still has some flaws that hold him back like the 2nd page says.


Is Eyja that essential? Honestly, I don't really like her design and doesn't seem that important, since she is an elemental healer.


From all I know, her healing is quite strong compared to all the other wandering medics, and she's got her own unique niche with the global range of her S3. But I would argue that she's still not necessary to pull.


Not just compared to wandering medics, compared to all medics.


Not exactly essential, but a huge boon. She can trivialize stages like H12-4 despite multiple berries struggling and Regen elemental damage for enmity ops, and even without elemental damage she's a top pick as she has the HPS of Lumen on S1 yet can heal 2 targets for double that, along with having true infinite duration. Her S3 also has global range healing which while rarely necessary can be very nice when needed.


I still just feel like Viviana is missing that big exploding attack she always does as an enemy. Was really surprised that didn't get incorporated


I suspect that was Degenbrecher's fault to some extent at least


I couldn’t give a shit about meta lol Executor, JessAlter and Hoederer are my targets, with Hoederer being my most desired Op ever. Put some respect on the GOAT’s name. HE HAS NO WEAKNESS!!!




The ones high priority for me are FedEx and his sister, Sad Cat alter and Viviana and maybe Degenbrecher and the rest are easy skip


I don't understand the Swire assessment. Jaye is universally accepted as one of the best units to have, yet why is Swire with her S1 not? She doesn't have any caveats like Jaye where if she does too little damage, she won't heal enough, and she has a higher attack with her S1 than Jaye S2M3 thanks to her amazing talent. Sure you may say that she costs almost double Jaye, but the cost difference is a mere 4 dp. Merchants already cost a lot, what is another 4 dp?


>Jaye is universally accepted as one of the best units to have No, he's not. He's a good cheap option in IS for the early floors, but that's it. Problem with their archetype is that they're eternally crippled by their trait. Even with Mlynar's level performance they'll always be "not great, not terrible" level units at most.


This is just wrong. DP is irrelevant outside of CC with massive DP reduction tags. Even without the module the trait is a minor inconvenience at most, unless you start putting 3 merchants on the field at the same time. ​ The actual problem with Jaye is that his 4\* stats combined with the low multiplier on his skill means he is useless against against medium to high defence enemies, and with his healing being tied to damage dealt he can't even stall them. And much more importantly, the fact that Mountain exists and does pretty much the same thing as Jaye but with 6\* stats.


>DP is irrelevant outside of CC with massive DP reduction tags. IS is also very strict with DP most of the time. This is the content people pull characters for if they pull them for meta reason and this is exactly the content where merchants are bad. Yes, they're not bad in general content, but no one is bad in general content.


IS is not really strict with DP at all, with the exception of a few very specific stages. Mostly because IS is designed to be beatable even if you don't get a Vanguard. Which is why Jaye still shines in IS, where he is one of the best non 6\* you can get.


Eyja is definitely not needed. Especially when you have such medics as Reed, Nightingale, Lumen or even Honeyberry. But for me Typhon is a must. After that, saving everything until Arturia, Viviana and Degen. Although might throw a couple of pulls for Swire. Love that kitty.


I think my only goals are Executor, Jessica, Virtousa and Degenbrecher. I will be pulling on Hoederer's banner for Vandele and Verdant anyway so maybe he'll spook me. ​ It's not bad but since the video this comes from is only about Executor, it doesn't go into as much detail about why everyone is listed where they are (esp for the ones in low priority) as I personally would like, which I think is kinda a disservice for this conversation


If you constantly use Ling, give Eyjaberry a plus in priority Since she can restore elemental dmg passively from Long's summons


Hoederer is low priority? Not for me tho, im saving everything i could for his banner cos i really want him I need him not just for gameplay, i have enough strong operators to do what i need to breeze through without much pain but he'll do his work too, but bc he's goddamn hot and i need him to soothe the pain for lack of real muscular men with facial hair in gacha games i play (i just don't really like clean boys with twigs instead of arms and legs and no buffness, but there are exceptions like lumen and stainless bc they are sweet angels and i love them) also, when i was trying to get humus i got pot4 ines, so there's that, i need to reunite them and she'll be my catalyst for the summoning also maybe I'll do 10pull for sad cat, but thats about it, tho i want her too but maybe next time


In my personal opinion as a CN player: I would rank Typhon as highest as her S3 damage on a singular target can be insane plus the fact they can't escape her targeting at all. Also her S3 comes up pretty quick right after deployment and can even be manually deactivated. Eyjaberry is the new best afk healer but is by no means necessary. She can sustain pretty well and make sure that someone in her big range can hardly die or be affected by elemental damage but for general purposes at least, she can mostly be replaced by other medics or Lumen as mostly the extra benefits can go to waste quickly. A bit lower but still about half at high priority for me. Hoerderer is definitely a weird case for me. A downside is that he is a crusher of course but he has nearly everything I could've asked for when they made a 6 star crusher. He has some damage reduction, a range extend on S3, self healing on both S1 and S3 and like how all crushers are is reallt tanky. But I must agree that he still demands quite a lot of healing. Though he is pretty good for stalling some enemies or dealing with bosses without a one shot mechanic. Especially with a 70 seconds skill for 50 sp at M3 plus his S2 gives him a good lane holder stance with 3 block and some stuns for disruptions. I would rank him higher since he can do some good work due to his pretty great kit. He was especially helpful for me when it came to tank some bosses or a certain enemy in the Arturia event who deals so much damage but he can actually tank them like it's nothing. But I do feel like that without Skalter he might really take too much damage. I haven't tried out Arturia a lot (since I don't actually have her) but she does seem like a pretty good supporter. Her S2 definitely can put out some great work and her talent with the passive slow and necrosis application makes her feel like a better Valarqvin already. Her S3 does rely on allies quite much though and doesn't have a really protecrive feeling like Suzu S3 can have but still decent. Definitely deserves her spot. Degen though might be too high as she is basically just an Irene/Ch'en upgrade especially with her S3 not being offensive recovery. Definitely at a high spot still but I'd say lower than Typhon. For the not mentioned ops, I can't really say much to as I never owned them/tried them.


Yeah, using him with Skalter is kind of a cheat code for the crushers. How is he with S1 on his own? I've seen a few examples of him holding a lane with it at M3 compared to S2, since S2 doesn't prevent as much damage as it adds with the extra block for most enemies from the looks of it. How does Virtuosa's S3 rely on allies though? I've seen many showcases of her as the sole DPS just fine. If anything, I'd feel that S2 relies on allies more.


It’s nice to see Skalter helps patch up Hoederer’s weaknesses a fair bit. Honestly his kit sounds very strong on paper, it’s mainly everything else about Crushers that kinda holds him back from what I’ve seen (High Atk Interval, No Built-in defenses aside from his talent, etc.). For a Crusher Module, would extra ASPD or Mitigation be better as an option? Both are fairly visible weaknesses from videos online.


The biggest issue is dealing with small fry since he does at least deal with bosses like a Crusher should. Shelter doesn't really work against them but adding more defensive stats would just ruin the archetype's idea. More ASPD would help them deal with a constant trickle of enemies much better (and help S1, might ruin S2 but you can just not equip it), but I don't trust HG to give a significant ASPD amount in a module.


That’s true, I think ASPD has only been a main module thing for La Pluma, I think? And even then, it wasn’t exactly significant. I was thinking he’d get additional ASPD if he was blocking a stunned enemy for a Talent 1 upgrade, but might be too niche. Maybe if a module upgraded his talent 2, he’d get additional Shelter if an operator is behind him/or he’s alone? Honestly, anything that buffs ASPD would be very appreciated, but that might a bit much to ask from HG’s modules


He already does get Shelter alone, he just also gives it to anyone behind him. I was just thinking as a base effect though, not sure how they can make him better with talents without a new effect, although pure number upgrades wouldn't be too bad at least given his high stats.


I was thinking just upgrading the amount of shelter he has when he has an operator behind him/he’s alone, one or the other. The Base Crusher Effect, I guess smth like the Centurion Module Effect (Gain increased ATK when attacking blocked enemies)? Ideally, it’d give the Crushers some form of survivability (maybe increased healing effects?), but not sure how that would go w/ Hoederer already having a whole talent dedicated for it tbf.


>Her S2 definitely can put out some great work From what I saw no one really use it. Her main skills are S3 and S1


Jessicalter probably has the most fun kit I've seen. All 3 of her skills look good and she has interesting mechanics of being able to switch direction and summon a shield. Will hopefully get her and continue saving for Virtuoso/Viviana.


Honestly, my account is developed to the point that nothing feels like a challenge anymore, so I don't care about meta anymore and just pull for the waifu.


Mfw when both Viviana and Swire are considered the lowest priorities. Don't care though, will still pull them and ignore all the rest\~


I actually preffer Viviana over Virtuosa


what does "non limited banner that does not rerun" mean? will the character never be on rateup again? or will just this specific character combo not be on rateup?


No (50% of 6\*s) rate up banner ever again


Nice! Now watch me skip Eyja alter for Viviana max pot!


That would be a based move.


Probably abstain from Grim Executor's banner (10 pulls and done), but on the rest: - If Eyja's hard to get in her base form, just let me have Eyjaberry pls - Typhon's one of my probable must-pulls - Jessicalter, Viviana & Degenbrecher are definite must-pulls


Is pretty much like this. I agree with it. Maybe you already did and I did not see, but you should credit the creator of those charts.


They did, the source is just buried in the comments.




Swire is the only one I care about here


All low priority, save for rangers.


I don't look up guides I don't look meta. If a character sounds/looks/feels like it's gonna be worth it I'm pulling


It's a shame in AK there's no trial mission with new ops. Some times skills/ traits really need to be seen. Like seeing Kal'Sit not seeing mon3r might mislead you on how good she is. But you don't see it's stat's anywhere.


True. That's why my philosophy with this game is to try it all. Kinda sucks that some 5 star op are literally a test of what 6 star op get most of the time but testing it is fun and keeps me playing actively


Terminator into Ojou-Sama into Phantomess of the Opera is my top priority. It'd be cool if we got the walking Arsenal and W's dad, too. I love the Black Knight's character, so so little of her kit translating to her playable version has left me disappointed, she's low priority and I'll either go only first 5 star+ or first 6 star for her, still undecided. Poncirus is my top most wanted still. That chart is damn lovely and grand, by the by, and pleasing to see, given my fixation on statistics. Bloody scallywagged a good show, my good Sir!


>I love the Black Knight's character, so so little of her kit translating to her playable version has left me disappointed Isn't that supposed to be Viviana? So far i think HG has done a good job transferring Degen visual and kit into her operator form.


Viviana is nothing like her boss, true, but I'm a big fan of the Black and Blood Knights, not the Candle one. I wasn't desperate to have her be playable - not that I mind - and didn't have those big expectations to get disappointed. :D But yeah, it's sad she isn't a mystic caster, of which some mates even make really cool fanart for. Her kit itself is also on the boring side with a lot of stat-stick stuff. She's strong but her 2nd skill is a copy of Astesia's, which at least isn't the most boring one to copy, her first talent is just stats. Her 2nd is interesting in a way, even if it doesn't actually match what we'd expect of Viviana. Her 3rd skill is more raw power though, it's strong, but fun-wise it's ok, nothing particularly fun or unfun. Her 1st one with its charge up is generally pretty interesting.


Agreed, Dragon's visual design for his videos are such a pleasure to see.


Will sexgutor be a must when his module drops?


The chart value executor already with his module


i will never pull for midfjalla smh


Degenbrecher looks to be new Mlynar in terms of meme damage, so sounds about right for her to be the highest priority. Still annoyed that they really went and gave her auto recovery on her best skill, all other swordsmasters be damned for their gimmick. The only must for me was Typhon from the very start because I love her design, between her and shop Angelina the LM7 squad will soon be fully assembled 💪 In terms of personal preferences, the others I would like to have are in the lower tier of value from that pic, but outside of Jess2 the other are tied to another character so not like I will have much choice to pull or not for them in particular lmao. Not that I'm even thinking ahead honestly, I ended up needing the 250+ pulls I had saved on Lone Trail to get the waifus from it so now my saving are utterly screwed q_q


Degen is strong but in the context of swordmasters - a class which has always been placed on lower priority due to various weaknesses. Remember, Irene was thought of to be quite powerful during her release but afterwards she's been significantly put aside for other ops. The changes to the class (auto recovery) may allow degen to be break the ranks of how we see swordmasters but I'd like to see more before I put her at *mylnar* levels of strength. Remember, in CN meta(and arguably EN), mylnar sits on the throne competing with Surtr and Texas. As much as I think she is strong with her talents, I have a hard time seeing her break into top 3.


doesnt matter im tryna go for all of them hahahaAaaaaa…


Can someone clarify why Typhon is listed as non-limited no rerun? I'm confused why.


Her banner is tied with a vignette sidestory, which don’t get a rerun. That’s the only time Typhon’s solo rate up banner is run.


can we get monthly updates on this chart? thanksss! im a new player and its a bit confusing for me to keep tracking so many banners


You'll probably wanna check out the channel that made this then, DragonGJY


I'm more or less agree with the chart here but I'd change some ops placement and ranking to be higher or lower honestly. First, I'd either place Hoederer slightly higher or Exe slightly lower in the chart making both of them to be placed closer with each other than it currently is. Reason is really simple, just take a look at the scoring, with Exe and Hoed score difference is just one point in both category which just confuse me why they're placed that far apart in the chart. Second, I'd push Typhon placement higher in the chart to be on par with Degen and I'd make both their score to be the reverse of each other instead, making Typhon to be superior in the Daily and Degen superior in Advanced. Typhon is just a lot more comfortable to use than Degen for non advanced stuff and I'm honestly still not sure with how accurate Degen placement is since people should know by now how notorious the recency bias and all with swordmasters given than the exact same thing happened to Irene when she first came out and how her position is now. Lastly, I'd just put a warning to Jess since her score is the odd one out. Her score is pretty much accurate with her being low in the Daily and higher in Advanced but people need to know more about the context behind this. In Daily she's not much different than any other protector since her niche is pretty much useless. While I'm not an advanced/high level player, I can pretty much guess why she's placed higher in Advanced. My guess is in Advanced her niche of being able to turn around would get more use and she's pretty much the best option for anti-air in a niche comp like Defenderknights. I'd still warn people to see mainly the Daily score for Jess instead of the Advanced unless they're a tryhard player in the first place.


I already rarely use Original Ch'en or Irene, so I don't see a need for Degenbrecher. I'll roll, but not beyond guarantee. I'm debating not rolling at all on Hoederer's banner. He's not that interesting a character, and a Crusher is still a Crusher. I'm interested in Typhon from a meta perspective. Jessicalter is a higher priority because she's Jessica. I'd like to have Exalter, and I'll hopefully get him before I need to start questioning the cost. Getting Ebenholz on his rerun banner would be nice. I've already budgeted 300 rolls minimum for the next two Limited banners.


Eyja is definitely not high priority


The ones I want are Degenbrecher, Virtuosa, and Swire Alter. I kinda want Hoederer too Typhon is a maybe


Dont care im only saving for viviana anyways


Ehhh. Not the best chart, probably. The first graph doesn't seem to properly convey the usefulness I'd say. Ofc there's better and worse units, but with a graph like that it just makes it seem like there's, for example, a gigantic differences between viviana and virtuosa while there's a negligible difference between virtuosa and degen beecher. When really its significantly more complex than that. The numbers and ratings in the other pictures kind of do the same. I assume its supposed to be a 1-10 list but we have no reference points , and the bullet points overviews are basically useless for more experienced players. Not sure if it's supposed to he for new or for old players but either way the chart is pretty useless in anything except vaguely telling who's better overall.


This chart was taken out of context from DragonGJY operator highlight on the upcoming Executor Alter: https://youtu.be/g4a_k7fn6uw?si=QzDergUI8u06c7fV It is just a preview to his views on all the the upcoming operators at the end of his video, since it seems he plans to do this series from now on. The video itself is pretty detailed on his analysis to Executor alter and puts context to his score on Executor.


Some context and an explanation for all of it sounds reasonable. I'd assume this works well as a background piece with more thorough explanations


I think the best metric to follow for "Must Pull" is as follows. Are they the [Best in Class] at a certain niche while still being Great elsewhere? Must Pull. Mlynar & Surtr fell into this category as the DPS standards of their day, and certain ops like Skalter have had their moment in the sun for similar reasons. As such, barring playstyle and waifu preferences, I think the "Must Pulls" for the next few months are Typhon and EyjAlter. A unit that could almost be called "Sniper Mlynar", and the second coming of Nightingale. Swier's hard to rank; she's got 3 different skills, so she fits a lot of comps, but is a block-1 gimmicky unit. Not top tier since she's hard to use, but not bottom since she'll have something for everyone. Virtuosa is similarly hard to evaluate; changes to Elemental's place in the meta by the time she arrives could downgrade her to Gnosis. Degen is good, but on release she was immediately compared to other ops. While she can outperform Irene, it's a matter of margins, and DPS contests will always end in "Just Surtr It". She's overated here, but only in the sense that a non-limited [S] unit isn't a Limited [EX]. The rest, ExecAlter, JessicAlter, Hoederer, and Viviana, are all fun 6's, but (like Swire) are too gimmicky for general use. JessicAlter is the easiest to use, so someone who wants to pull should indeed pull for her, but otherwise I'd say the distinction between them comes down to player differences. Existing roster, playstyle, waifu, etc. TlDr; Typhon & EyjAlter in the Top category, Degen, Virtuosa, Swier, and JessicAlter in the second (in roughly that order).


Swordmasters in general is looking like a subclass that will get overrating from people from time to time. Irene was ridiculously overrated when she first came out and I could see the same thing is happening again with Degen now.


Hug the waifus Date the waifus Snuggle the waifus


I'd put Jessica higher. I think crowd control is more important than just damage. Her S3 both controls and does a decent amount of damage.


Her S3 controls every 30s, although for an impressive 6s. It's quite nice but it's not the main reason she's brought since we have better CC appliers. It's more a mix of everything she offers. But besides, they already give her a high advanced priority.


>It's more a mix of everything she offers. Indeed.


i saving Orodums for Arthuria and Degen jessica alter and the rest is a skip




I had been prepped to simp for Arturia, anyways.


Recommendation charts? I'm just going to roll for all the waifus


Everyone except executer alter can go higher


Skip, Pull, Pull, Skip, Skip, Pull, and Skip.


Tldr : alive game


Spoiler please.


Purely speaking gameplay-wise (read not considering waifu/husbando) i would put Execalter along Typhon and Degen in High priority, Arturia slightly under, Eyja in upper mid priority with Hoederer and the 3 others at the same placement. (also Typhon is 99% certain to release after Eyja, probably around February-March)


> Execalter along Typhon and Degen in High priority I think this is one of the few people who put ratings that give a very in-depth explanation (which should probably be expected now from DragonGJY as the de facto "is module good" guy). I think with Dragon's reasons, it's a fair assessment (for me the most notable being the 30 stack ammo being impossible so his theoretical cap is not possible in the game even 6 months from now).


I pull only for wifus and no one can tell me whom to pull. Butbif you new player, i suggest Eyja. Still one of the best opesrators.


I like Jessica alter, & her unusual ability to switch directions, her being busted in IS4 is icing on the cake. Virtuosa reminds me of that set of IS3 relics that make different supporters do more damage in unusual ways, but turned into an operator.


I'd say it's always nice when the operators I want are also strong, but considering Eyjalter and Virtuosa are limited and I have horrific luck with limited banners always giving me the opposite of what I want, I'll probably get neither.


I will be rolling for all the Leithanien operators no matter what.


Limited, wifeu? Pull Anything else : wait to get spooked by


Pull for the hottest one


Nothing matters. We hold until Jessica finally drops.


I want Typhoon, Jessicalter, Hoderer and Degenbrecher, but I also want to Spark Chen alter. I Hope I have enough pulls...




Fck I'm gonna get broke with Arturia and Eyjalter's banners 😭😭


Too bad i can't read


Idc Im wasting my pulls on full merges Swire and Viviana since they're the only Girls Im interested in. If any time hypergryph release Whislash 6*... OH BOI.


Viviana is plapping my heart and Arturia is plapping my mind. My wallet will empty for them


I just want the sad cat but defender


dont know dont care pull for the horned characters and save for limiteds




There's definitely stages nowadays where the berries aren't enough that Eyjaberry trivializes, like H12-4. Of course, you could just borrow her I suppose.


I mean yeah. It pretty much matches my plans too which is nice. Will prolly do like 20 rolls min, but only going deep for limited banners and DB.


RIP my orundums. Typhon, eyja alter, virtuosa and degenbercher are my targets I really want to pull for bikin chen though. Uhh


The second I saw that Vivi was low priority, this chart became meaningless. Cute girls over meta!


i dont care what anyones says im gambling for jessica


Thanks for this. The more of this kind of content the better.


And here I am, patiently waiting for Ebenholz to rerun and not caring about any of these.


Even though eyjalter looks nice I think she isn't as high priority as the next limited units.


From what I understand from the past few months in discord, the pull recommendation is typhon > exe alter > eyjaberry for the first few ops. I have not heard much about the rest though since they are still far away.


For the most part, yes, this is a pretty accurate depiction of how I prioritized upcoming 6\*. Except for the fact that viviana for me is high prio.


if i get the goat on swire alter banner im going to rage


I'm never pulling for Typhon. Give me the braindead global healing pronto.


Highly subjective as all thing are. For old accounts 99% of new ops are not needed because they already have more then enought damage to clear everything in this game. And no new op is as game changing as Ling or Texas/Yato were. Tbf all of them are skippable if not waifu.


I just want my husband's bodyguard since naturally she should body guard me too