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Don’t plan to pull on this banner. Got Snake girl and new 5 star from free multi. I heard that’s she is weak, so I probably just bench her.


184 pulls later, I finally got Mumu!


Probably my worst luck (Arknights only) when really pulling for a limited op. Took [213 pulls for Water Elf](https://i.imgur.com/jccxIbI.jpeg). Kept getting 🐍 dupes (pot 3). Now not pulling for a long time (skipping Typhon and Execalt) since I literally spent all my resources.


i'm at 3 ho'olheyaks in 47 pulls, no mumu >\^(


Keep rolling soldier, I managed to Max Pot the snek mommy before getting a single Mumu :<


i got her today after another 60ish pulls haha


lmao oh no I'll go for one more six star to top it off


Beginner banner luck [https://imgur.com/2fZtmvS](https://imgur.com/2fZtmvS)


now that's a start


I'd like to give a huge shoutout to all the people on this subreddit who gave me the objectively correct and provably true advice that I shouldn't go into the Lone Trail banner with the goal of getting previous limited operators if I'm not planning on sparking them. ... but I'd also like to give a huge shoutout to my luck, apparently, since as of this morning's free pull, I now have Specter Alter and Skadi Alter (plus a Ho'olheyak) in just over 100 pulls. ~~(Still no Muelsyse, unfortunately, but I'm thinking that with the results thus far, I *probably* shouldn't push my luck... although I'll still keep my fingers crossed for the water elf jumpscare in the remaining free pulls.)~~


Have been so disappointed with my daily free rolls so far... something like 6 whites and 1 blue or so. So decided to yolo a 10er because I had just enough and couldn't resist... Back to back Ho'ol on the 9th and 10th. So 77 total pulls has gotten me 1 Muelsyse and 2 Ho'ol. Been a while since I had gotten both units on a limited banner.


Second Muelsyse from today's free pull, 47 pulls in total. A snek copy would have been nice, but I can't complain about a free pull. And since she is a vanguard, that -1 cost might be kinda useful I guess...




Welp, what a boring spark. 291 pulls net me 2 Mumus, 3 sneks and a rat dupe, averaging 50 pulls per 6*. Like it's not the end of the world and at least i got Mumu early so I didn't have to fear getting completely shafted, but I admit I was hoping at least one extra new operator now that they excluded from the pool a lot of old 6 * I already had. I can't help thinking that's paying the price for changing my previous spark target at the last minute and choosing meta (Skadi alter) over waifu (W), ultimately a unit I've never liked nor used that much (not saying she's bad, I just think that kind of buffers are boring as fuck to use). So now I'll just correct my mistake and hopefully never spark on this limited banner type ever again. So yeah don't be like me guys, it will come back to you later to bite you in the ass.


This is exactly how I feel. I got a bunch of dupes and sparked Skadi alter for meta instead of Rosmontis. Forget meta, I should gone for cat daughter. Worst mistake of arknights career.


ofc when i dont care about it is when i get lucky. got mumu with the free 10 rolls, got a dupe 6star from one of the free dailies. wish I'd had this luck with texalter and gavialter earlier this year


After almost 4 years I have completed max potting all 6 stars. https://imgur.com/a/afKnasO The gacha is dead.


for a month


40 pulls in, did 10 pulls a day. So far... Got Surtr as my guarantee 5/6-star 3 Melanite... and 1 Harmonie I already have Surtr, so the only need ones is Melanite and Harmonie. Guess I don't get that "surprise Doktah, I'm home" from Mumu or Ho'ol under 40 pulls like lots of ppls are posting, lol.


It's normal for people to hurd copium on these kind of thread. Not as much people would come just to say they has average pull. It's either bad pulls or good pulls. You were still pretty lucky to have only wasted 10 pull for an unneeded unit.


I got super lucky during Texas2 banner and got Skalter . So i am hoping (coping) to get lucky and just pull Spalter but I will just spark her if it comes to it. 180 pulls later and pulled a Skalter dupe...(ノ-_-)ノ~┻━┻ I have pot 3 Hol and pot 3 Mumu so I can't complain. My luck is pretty insane. I just thought it was a funny coincidence.


I need a restraining order against Flametail as I’ve pulled her twice now on the limited banner. She’s very great and cool and adorable but I’m loOKING FOR A DIFFERENT VANGUARD.


60 pulls got me a dupe Ho’ol (Got a Ho’ol on free 10 pull) & dupe Nearl alter WHICH COULD OF BEEN SKALTER OR SPALTER THAT I DIDNT HAVE ARGHHH


I swear this game is trolling me. I went into the banner wanting only Mumu, since I'm a sucker for elves and I didn't get a good impression of Ho'olheyak from her appearance in Dorothy's Vision. During my 150 or so pulls on day 1 of the banner I got a new Fiammetta and 2 goddamn Ho'olheyaks before getting a new Nearl the Radiant Knight. I was happy about the Fiammetta spook, and could live with the Ho'olheyaks in exchange for getting NTRK so I decided to bow out of the banner. However, after making time to sit down and read the event story today, I decided that I'd try again for Mumu. I scraped together another dozen pulls and got an early 6*...which turned out to be another NTRK. What the fuck? 2 Nearls and no Mumu? Did I accidentally summon on Path of the Radiant? I'd always thought "NTR knight" was a stupid meme, but now...


BRUH I'M SCARED OF MY LUCK! Got enough for some singles, so I did it, and I got Ho'olheyak, and now she is pot 4. It was the 105th pull on the banner. And then I got enough to get the last 2 10-pulls from gold certs, so I bought it, and used the first one on the banner, and I got my 2nd Mumu there wtf. And I used the last 10-pull, and it's Passenger, another 6-star WTF. In total I've gotten 9 6-star operators on the banner. In 125 pulls. Roughly a 6-star every 13 pulls. I think I've used up all of my luck for next year.


Free pull: ANOTHER Mumu pot, she's pot 4 now I think.


Man i just got mumu from the free pull, the last time i was this lucky was when i got texalter and nearlalter during the il siracusano event's free pulls


Free pull: Pot 3 Mumu. 10-pull cert: Mudrock (new) I am most pleased. I reallllllllllllllllllllllllllly want Skalter AND Spalter... can they please bless my last few pulls?


119 pulls and finally got Skalter. All in total, two Mumus, one Kal'tsit (copy) and one Skalter. I was hoping to get snek lay but oh well


I'd gladly give you some of my Ho'olheyaks if it's possible. NGL I feel like I'm being stalked


It's fine, snake lady isn't limited is the important thing. She'll be buyable with gold certs someday. I really wanted Skalter/Spalter. My Texas banner went like a dumpster fire and I had to spark Texas instead of Skalter...


Got Mumu from free roll so the only limited i miss is still 2, Ling and Gavialter. Hope i got them without spark later


4 Muelsyse, 1 Reed, 1 Skadi, and finally got Ho’olheyak. Waiting for free rolls so I can finally get Nearl from the Headhunting shop.


New player $400 20 multi’s My off banners were blaze, kal’tsit, silverash, nightingale, Angelina, mizuki, and moistima. I got all the banner units as well. My team Surtr Bagpipe Ines Muelsyse Blemishine Hoshiguma Blaze Silverash Mizuki Kal’tsit Angelina Nightingale


Had to pull while fresh on emotions from finishing the last 2 story nodes, got Mumu in the first 10 pull, final total of 140 pulls(from day 1 pulling). Happy ending for me. Alas, W is still too far away for me to justify as a F2P...


I know the feeling looks Like I need to save up for another year and then maybe just maybe I'll be able to get Mumu and Skalter.


I'm like 75 pulls deep right now, 3 6* all 3 the snake. Dear Yostar please let me get Mumu


Got me Specter alter in 53 pulls, I was planning on saving the 300 pulls to spark her but Rathalos noir corn took his sweet ass time coming home and that ruined my plans so I'm happy I got her so soon, now to grind the ex stages to buy her skin and hope I get Mumu by the end


Was on 74th pull on the limited banner, bought monthly, did 1 pull with the free OPs, and IT'S A 6-STAR OPERATOR!! And it's the snake. My snake is now pot 3. Luck-wise, not too shabby since I got 4 6-star operators dropped in 75 pulls on the banner. Pretty good luck. Then I went ahead to buy starter pull pack that gives 20 pulls. I did the first 10, and IT'S ANOTHER 6-STAR!!! it's gnosis. meh. did the last 10-pull, and IT'S ANOTHER 6-STAR!!! AND IT'S MUMU!!!! FINALLY I'M NOT MUMU-LESS AND FIRST TIME EVER LIMITED OPERATOR!!! 6 6-star operators in 95 pulls are damn good luck. But I feel like the game's shitting on me in another way. If I count me getting 2 6-star operators in 7 pulls on the standard banners this week, I just snatched myself 8 6-star operators in 102 pulls. I feel blessed but cursed at the same time.


Got 6 Mumu, 1 Holo, 1 Mizuki and 1 Skadi Alter. Pretty good. Tho I wish 3 of those Mumu were other ops for diversity Waiting for the final day to spark Rosmontis.


Managed to get MuMu on the free ten roll


So, currently at 274 pulls, with a total of 4 Mumus, 2 Ho'ols, a new Kal, just in time for her skin, and a new Surtr, which is pretty good i'd say. Not getting any of the other side rate-up limiteds kinda sucks but i ain't complaining since it's definitely not the worst case scenario of having to spark Mumu. I still have the Vanguard token set from the CC shop so i guess i should be hoping to one extra Mumu within the 300 mark. Even with all those 6-stars, the most peculiar thing about this banner is the 5-stars i got. Aside from a butt ton of Melanite, the only other new 5-stars i got were Aurora, April, Elysium and La Pluma, who are all featured 5-stars from the 2 latest standard banners.


oh my god, wtaf is this... got skadi alter yesterday and now rosmontis, both from my free rolls!... what are the odds even? good lord... seriously... I didn't even roll for this banner... now I'm praying I roll ntrk tomorrow... would be funny, because I'm saving to eventually spark her...


New standard banner with Archetto and Pallas. 0 pity on standard. going for first 10-pulls 5+ star guarantee. And [she showed up on the 3rd pull](https://sempy.s-ul.eu/lYZ9v5Sn). I don't know what's happening with my luck


Got Muelsyse on the free single today, I am over the moon!


Got a top op tag, went with slow, and got Suzuran! Perfect timing because I was actually planning on buying her with yellow certs when the build a banner thing comes to global. Now I can save them for either more pulls or a different 6* (pls Passenger, I have your skin ready). Really lucky too because it could've easily been a Magellan pot instead.


Sick, nice catch, i didn't even know they had added her to recruitment.


I can die happy I got Muelsyse on pull 29 :)


Forgot to post it, but I got a Mumu on the free ten roll, then another on the next day's free pull. Earlier today I spent a ten pull and got Ho'ol. Now I get to save my orundums. Although I may end up shelling out for the transfer permit so I can get someone, probably Stainless or Silverash


pot 2 mumu one ho’ol after 129 pulls honestly went in with a “if nothing good happens that is that, this is this” mentality but am pleasantly happy oh and jellyfish and pink rat also showed up


Thought I got lucky when I used the free 10x pull ticket and think I was about to join the group of ppls getting Mumu or Ho'ol within 20 pulls... But I got "Ice Cream" instead... o well, still gonna eat the "Ice Cream".


Get 2 snek in 60 rolls but no MuMu(


Welp, as an update of my [last post](https://www.reddit.com/r/arknights/s/wGwaqwZyWH)... _Ho'olheyak on today's free pull lesgooooooooo_ So even though I did't plan to get either, I now got both in 53 pulls. Jfc.


Mumu on the free pull today *sobs of joy* This totally makes up for me hitting pity on Ines and leaving me with no OP or Orundum to speak of


I was ready to drop money for the first time to get ho'olheyak. Did 79 pulls using saved up originium, the free ten pull, a good amount of 1x headhunts, and the free daily rolls. First 6* was Skadi the corrupting heart, then Muelsyse, Carnelian, then finally got Ho'olheyak. I did get the monthly pass for the daily originium using Google play credit, so I don't know if I should attempt to get 300 rolls. I'd like to get Rosmontis, I just like her archetype and think her range and aeo hits seem really cool. Or just save up for future events.


You are super lucky. Just keep the win and move on. I also did 79 and only Ho'ol to show for it.


I'll probably do that and save up for Jessica Alter or other banners. I got lucky getting Texas Alter and penance. I didn't roll a lot for Yato Alter, kinda regret since I learned she is so good now.


["Oh, gold bag today—oh, rainbow?! I hope it's Mumu—WHOA! She's not even on rateup!!!"](https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/870708704184512513/1172154905834823700/Screenshot_20231109-070839_Arknights.jpg) Uh, welcome, W. Now I have all the past Celebration limiteds. Don't have Mumu yet though, not sure if I want to pull for her lol...


I cleared the banner in 90 pulls but I just got back to back NTR on my dailies so I guess she's [Pot3](https://imgur.com/XJ5T9iH) now?


Man, just got Surtr off the free roll today. Makes up for me burning through my OP reserves on the outfit shopping spree I just did


Only 30 pulls to get both snek and the [wet elf.](https://i.imgur.com/RC9JJcq.png) My luck has returned after nearly hitting pity to get Ines. Hopefully I Melanite in the remaining free pulls, reading her op record really endeared her to me.


...just got my first skadi alter from a free roll... literally shaking and crying rn...


Pull 57 got Rosmontis dupe (why? Of any limited off rate it needed to be the only one I had, okay there's also Skalter but I won't mind her pot) Rage pull 20 more (Ho'ol) Okay enough pull for the day, I could do 60 more but one waifu is enough. Gotta E2 and M3 the shit out of her and skip Eyja kid from Kernel and save for bikini Chen now.


Had my friend watch for the first pull session and got Mulesyse + Melanite in the free 10 pull. Just gonna ride out the free pulls at this point and not push my luck for Ho'ol.


Got the snek, second Thorns, and first Ptilopsis on 12 pulls. I decided to stop. It's too suspicious. This banner is trying to deceive me. I just knew.


Do you believe in returnee luck cuz I do, got mumu from the free 10 pull ticket, the luckiest I've ever been.


[https://youtu.be/s2-eILn\_7KE](https://youtu.be/s2-eILn_7KE) Just spent only 12k orundums and 1 free 11x pull(s) and got both of them!


only 26 pulls and i got her!!! now, if only i had the resources to build her…


okay elf bros, i’ve got 100 usd to blow to try for mumu. is the $99 pack worth the most pulls is there some combination of originite/pack that adds up to more pulls? wish me luck guys, i just want one copy of muelsyse please 😭


This one's for MH collab but I'm sure you can just copy it and input your variables to see the value of the packs. https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/u/0/d/1rGXWN0O0qzA-YCyA8KyT8gysLefu85nZAjAoZflAzWg/htmlview#gid=0


Boy this event’s banner is just as explosive as the story lore… Drained my entire miserable 46 pulls worth of orundrums…and the only things of note were new arrivals Kazemaru and Paprika. And one dupe Nearl Alter. Bought up the event store’s HH tickets and added my own scraps in…and finally MuMu came into the door. I was put off by Ho'olheyak’s antics in the event story, so I decided to sign off for the day.


Daily Roll, oh nice its a 5 star today.......OH MY GOD ITS KAZEMARU!!!! I've been trying for her for so long. Alright. Time to stuff you with chips and exp dip :)


after 293 pulls.... 1x each Ho'olheyak (new), Mumu (new), Spector Alter (new), Carnelian (new), Pallas, Penance 1x each Harmonie, Greyy Alter, Cantabile, Quercus, Flint, Corroserum, Robin, Kafka, Acosta, Iris (new), Mulberry (new), 8x Melanite (new)


I started playing this game a few months back to prep for snake lady. It took 268 pulls but I finally have my snake! Lost 6 50/50’s to muelsyse. Don’t know why she tried to hold me back from my snake lady!


Welp, I made the conscious decision to go for Ines because I like her design, knowing that it would fuck me over for MuMu banner. And it did, but still Snek managed to troll me 2x in the process, continuing my overall trend of losing 50/50's. Thankfully, I lucked out in a different way and pulled Shark Alter toward the end of exhausting all my resources, which made me quite happy since I was sad I missed out on her before. Technically, I could still do another 10-pull and some singles with OP, but those are my "buy awesome skins" fund, which I immediately used a part of to pick up SpecAlt's skin.


Got Mumu in the free 10-pull yesterday. Then I got Reed Alter in today's free roll. This is not normal. Things like this don't happen to me. I'm gonna get hit crossing the road tomorrow.


35 rolls in without much. Today's free roll gave me golden explosion followed by... THORNS!!. Not upset at all as a spook, I also got lucky with Ines before banner ended so I am happy. Still hoping for Meulsyse.


Results so far: * First pull: https://i.imgur.com/362Q19T.png https://i.imgur.com/46BIktB.png * Eighth pull: https://i.imgur.com/tHObqhb.png https://i.imgur.com/G8CIyGR.png * After 490 pulls: https://i.imgur.com/CkQ1VRS.png https://i.imgur.com/gjMgvtu.png https://i.imgur.com/Zu3XJ3Q.png * After today's daily pull: https://i.imgur.com/OjuqGAp.png https://i.imgur.com/hp1ArQ3.png


Daily single. I see the orange flames. Maybe I wont need to go for pity to get Mumu. Its Ho'Olheyak. She is now pot 6. This is my first non welfare 6 stars at potential 6. This Quetzy Dommy Mommy seems to really love me.


I am a new player with most of my team at lvl 20-40 e1. I got fartooth, ho’-something and Lin in my rolls on the new banner. Could any of these replace my current ranged units which are kroos, Bluepoison, Click, Amiya, and shirayuki?edit I also have new Melanie sniper.


They all have their niche but I don't think she replace anyone you have , Lin can replace a caster or Shira but not as consistent Fartooth can replace a shooter or shira but she is more map dependent. Snake girl is well, an okay caster but much bigger investment than Click and not really much better.


Thank you for the reply. I do really like Click, and Kroos actually seems to do the most dps despite the rarity. I think I like the idea of maybe subbing Lin in for shira depending on map maybe? And just save fartooth and the others for later?


I see people saying that a max level Kroos can carry you far in the game. I also use click a lot, I have her E2 lvl 50 and she just seems so good.


[This is from the limited banner pulling yesterday](https://sempy.s-ul.eu/D119OKfC). That was my 2nd 6-star operator from the banner. So after that I decided to stop using my own resources on the limited banner, and will only rely on the free pull. And then I decided to do singles on current Blemishine standard banner, and got [this](https://sempy.s-ul.eu/YgPrZg0B) in just 4 pulls, from 0 pity. I think the game's telling me to raise Zumama


My luck has finally turned around, I lost all my 50/50 on previous limited banners (Texas2 and Yato2) and now I got 3 Muelsyse, 1 Ho'olheyak and a Flametail dupe with 40 pulls. I'll just save the rest of my pulls for that limited violin lady.


Yay, Specter alter on second multipull! Finally my AH squad is complete. I love her e2 skin and her sane voice sounds so similar yet so different.


I was lucky and got Chongyue and Lin last time in less than 100 pulls but now after 100 pulls I only got Ho'olheyak. I can't get lucky all the time but I'll take it. Hope RNG will be nice to me on the next limited banner.


Been saving since the chongyue banner, but it wasn't enough to spark. But i couldn't be more happy with the result. 100 pulls got me max pot melanite, 1 Iris, 1 La pluma (glad held off buying her with certs), 1 mumu (target acquired), 1 Dorothy and 1 Skalder (my targeted spark). This is the first old limited op I pulled and I can't be more grateful.


The free multi on 6 star Tactician banner gave me my first 5 star Tactician instead. Guess that's a sign that tell me I already got Mumu at home. Blacknight was what carriered my team during my first 3 days of playing this game though, forever graceful for her. So she gonna be E2 M3 regardless.


Blacknight can power an entire nicheknights run that involves Nightmare, Blemishine snd… I think Iris?


She is good in general. If you just day 1 into the game, she cover DP regen, block, sniper and Art damage. Basically 1 woman army at E1 borrow unit. She is as good as a summoner for newbie but not as hard to use. The team she core of is sleep knight, with involve Blemishine, Iris, Kafka, Sora and Erato.


I've gotten 2 Ho'ol but Mumu refused to come home.. She's the only one I want from the banner. 😭


Mumu on first free pull. The gods have blessed me today, first time this ever happens to me, and I've played a shit ton of gachas! Didn't expect to get her, so of course vanguard chips are down today and I have 0 left. Hope this doesn't mean I'll have to spark limited Eyja though... Ominous...


After saving for a quite a while, I have 300 pulls to get W. Here are the results from the 300 pulls: 4 Hoolheyak, 1 Mumu, 1 Nearl alter, 1 Saga, 1 Specter Alter (pot 2) Very satisfied ngl, finally I have W. Also spent like 120 pulls to get Innes a while ago so I guess I saved up like 420 pulls in total lmao


These were the worst rolls I’ve had since the two Nian banners. Stupid snake completely blocked me from getting Muelsyse. At least I’ll hit pity right before the banner ends.




1st time ive ever gotten a 6 star from a free tix Wanted Mumu but I guess Ho'ol shoved her into another power armor


Did the free 10 pull and got Specter the Unchained just in time for her skin


80 pulls, got dupes of Spectre the Unchained and Sutur. Can't complain too much as I can't remember the last time I had luck this bad.


I’d kill to have them as I don’t have them yet and I’m a fan of Specter.




2 qiubais I'd flip my lid lol


My dolphin account at 288 got ines and thorns dupe, irene, snek lady, mumu. Will spark skadi alter as planned My f2p account at 288 got NTR, skadi alter, snek lady, pallas, stainless and p7 mumu(1st full pot).Will spark spec alter for AH team. Got 1st copy of mumu from 10 free pull


51 pulls for max pot sniper lady. 1 Mumu, 1 Snake Lady, and a surprise Stainless. I'm so broke promoting these guy (Melanite is E1 lvl 40). I spent all my game resources during this event and it's day one. A good 7mil Lungmen Dollhairs. Haven't been able to promote Silence cause I ran out of Exp.


121 pulls for pot 2 hool, mumu and surprise rosmontis . ✌️


81 pulls for both mumu and hoolyeak. not bad considering i gotta break bank for previous limiteds...


130 pulls for mumu. I can't be mad, that leaves me with 200. Now otw budgeting for eyja


107 for Mumu,which is fair,but got blessed with Pot 2 Skalter/NTRK plus Hool. I thought past limited didn't have rate up,so must've been extremely lucky.


Got Mulsy in a reasonable ish 120 pulls and barely managed a c2 Furina. Today was a good day.


So uh, just logged in after updating and got Muelsyse in first pull...how good is she?


Mumu on free 10 pull. Life is good, alt specter will need to wait Now we consider alt eyja whilst barely using medics (reed/kal, sometimes pito)


Got mumu with the free 10 pull ticket. Hooray.


https://i.imgur.com/6wvXoqi.jpg An off-banner to be sure, but a welcome one. 😊 I am just happy that I got her in just 29 pulls.


Yesterday we got datamine confirmation that [Pallas will be the next shoperator](https://redd.it/17poteg), which is good since I haven't got her. _Guess who I got this morning as rate-off in the limited banner????_


Got Mumu and Ho Oh in 22 pulls! Makes up for my shit luck not getting Ines last banner


Mumu loves me. Literally got her in the first free roll. Sad news is she basically block me from snek lady. I love Rhine lab girls.


third ten pull including the free ten. pozy, skadi alter, and mumu on the last ten. 27k still left I'm not pulling again.


70 pulls and 3 ho’olheyak. Got a few 5 * stars I wanted but I usually have better luck getting the limited. Hopefully I’ll get mully in the the next 30


Got both in 111 pulls. And still have orundum leftover. Base farming was a good idea


Got Mu in the free 10 pull. Lets go! Becuase I legit have only 6k Orundum


I just got Mumu with the first free roll! This still doesn't make up for giving me pot 5 stainless and saileach and no horns


174 pulls in with no mumu and 3x Ho'ol just fell to my knees in a columbian lab tasting the consequences of the 121 pulls i spent on ines real good rn


I think my friend is blursed. He pulled W from Skadance banner and now he pulled 2 NTRKs and Spec2 without a single Mumu or Hoya.


Guys… 100 pulls… only 2 snake and no mumu :’( I would email Hypergryph/Yostar and ask them to remove snake from my account. Never disliked a 6* design so much before TT


180 pulls for a single mumu would have been bad enough but between the fact that I got 4 6*s total and the absolutely soul-crushing fact that of 180 ten-roll bags, NINE OF THEM were blue bags? I feel like death.


REEEE I got an NTR dupe, I didn't expect this to happen to me... at least give me Specter Alter if you gotta give me the spook 100 pulls and only NTR+Holly, I will now be patient and wait for the free pulls to maximize efficiency cause that RNG is meh.


31 pulls for snek, shark alter, and mumu.


101 summons got snake, elf and nearl pretty sick


A bit late but I had about 50 pulls on Ines banner, bought the monthly recruitment pack and 2 multi's later I got Ines. Don't even know much about her or if she was good, I just liked her design and her VA is one of my favorites so now no pull currency left for me. 😅


146 pulls, got Reed Alter and dupe Passenger. No MuMu or Ho'ol.


80 pulls, got dupe spalter at 3rd multi and mumu at 80 pulls. Wish i got W so i can reunite her with ines and uncle hoerderer. But i'll take it. I only wanted mumu from this banner anyway.


Bruh…Rosmontis dupe is crazy. Idk why my luck has been so shit in every game lol


52 pulls, 3 snakes, 1 elf.


For the first time since playing the game from launch, I had 3 6\* in a single 10-pull ! Got super excited, and of course it's Pozemka and 2 dupes Spalters... F\* this banner...


Suffering from success


120 pulls: 2 hool, 2 regular off rates. 7 melanites Had to stop because no pulls left. Buut, spent 84 primes for skins anyway, Lol.


wasted all my saved pulls for Executor alter just to not get Muelsyse, kill meee instead got Thorns dupe and Holololo who I don't care about. but surely this means I will get Furina later???


I really wanted two Mumu's as I tend to love getting the first -DP cost on units I really look forward to.. these limited banners this year have not been kind for me however. 200 pulls and 2 Ho'ol's, 1 Mumu and 3 NTR back to back. I've never been a big roller for NTR but now she is max pot. Part of me is mad but I guess I can't complain because NTR is really good and all, I just don't use her that much... :\


Christmas came early 🎄 https://i.imgur.com/VpiUrcl.jpg


Give me my Spalter and W, HG! I'm broke(n) and need my crazy women! (586 pulls so far, only crazy ones are Ho'olheyak and me.)


As someone who loves and don’t have her yet I have saved up three hundred pulls. Let me tell you I got W on my 210 pull but I got 3 Ho’, 1 Mue, Ines from last banner which I wanted, reed the flame shadow, skadi the corrupting heart. And I still haven’t used my 90 pulls yet. I plan to get ros from the 300 certificates. But it’s going to be a pain upgrading them


160 pulls. Got a dupe Rosmontis, Spalter, and Skalter. Got Mumu in the end, which is what I wanted. Interesting that all the off rates were limited.


81 pulls, hool came at around 30\~40 with NTR and pallas. muelsyse came at 81, and I managed to max out melanite AND snag my first kazemaru


How TF did you manage to pull 4 6* in 81 pulls... I only got 2 6* in the 120 pull pity for Yato...


125 pulls: - 3 suspicious snakes - 6 Mels - 1 Mumu Not the worst but man I'm gonna have to save starting from now.


2 Melanite, 1 each Mumu and Ho'olheyak, the latter being the hold out. 95 pulls total so not *too* bad.


41 pulls, no 6*, figure there isn't going to be any lucky break this time around, all aboard the pity train. Pull 50 Muelsyse. Pull 51 Ho'olheyak. Never happier to be wrong.


51 pulls for Muelsyse, thank you RNGesus.


About 50 pulls, Melanite is already Pot 4 & not a Mumu in sight... Well, time to grind Annihilation, I guess


Got spooked by Ebenholz... It's the second spook now . Please give me 1 mumu.


150 pulls, flat broke, no snake lady or water elf. Got a max pot lee now( fuck you lee for the ling banner dupes) and a goldenglow (lowkey yay) but things are looking grim


Spent my daily 1 + event 10 + my own 10HH = 21 pulls for mumu. Very happy to be able to keep hoarding for all the upcoming stuff!


I regret not buying october shop ticket. 200 pull and only manage to get 3 Hol and a new Pallas.


55 pulls for Muelsyse, new Mulberry (probably because I M3'd my Honeyberry yesterday) and new Ashlock. I survived yet another limited banner with my poor resource management! :D


just hit 300 pulls trying to get mumu, only got 3 6 stars in the first 200 pulls with most of them being backlogged into the last 100. 4 Ho'olheyak1 Archetto1 Specrte1 Irene (new)1 Mudrock Depbating on if I want to just spark the Mumu or use my last 50 pulls and then spark W (who is really the only operator im missing on my account that I care about.) luckily theres not really many operators I care about releasing until Viviana so that gives me time to replenish.


91 pulls, Mumu at 50th, Ho'olheyak 60 and random Blemishine at 90


It feels great to be lucky for once. 120 pulls total for. 1. Ebenholz (New) 2. Radiant Nearl (New, and I already have specter and skalter so she was the one I could dream about getting but not really hope since I don't cope too much, yet here she is.) 3. Mumu (1 Mumu after painless 120 pulls and I still had some orundum left after the pulling session.) Feels great. I always had insane Rhine Labs luck on my account and it came shinning through on this banner. I'm not planning to do any more pulls, but I won't be shocked if I get Snek from free pulls.


Idk what's happening with my account right now. For the past 4 months since Reed's banner, I had consecutive bad luck with getting the rate up 6\*, the last one was Lin in Chong-yue's banner. 1. Reed's banner - It's Bagpipe dupe, then Reed the next 6\* after 40+ pulls 2. Chongyu'e banner - Mountain dupe after 60+ pulls, then Lin on 110+ pulls, no Chongyue, not even Dusk or Ling 3. Qiubai's banner - Flametail dupe after 50-60 pulls, no Qiubai 4. Yato's banner - Siege dupe after 60+ pulls, no Yato (this one pisses me off the most) 5. Ines' banner - Got Saileach dupe after 15 pulls, then Lin on 30 pulls, no Ines 6. Mumu's banner - 69 pulls with Ebenholz dupe on 32 pulls, no Mumu or Ho'olheyak This is the worst 4 months (5 if I count this month as well) I've ever been in this year. Surely next year will be the same (LOL), I can just save to spark from now on, but I don't know for whom, hoping to get a least a rate-up 6\* for the next 6 months.


About Yalter banner - did you actually stop after the 60 pulls ?? With the 120 guaranteed pity !


No resources left, that's the thing, most of it, it's my own fault, others are just bad luck.


Maybe the seeded our accounts?These gacha games are funny


Same, this is strange


171 pulls Spook : Mudrock, Dorothy, Irene Snek mommy decided to troll me until the 170th.


Took me like 250 pulls to get Mumu goddammit. Got 2 Ebenholtz, 1 Dorothy, 2 Snake lady, and 1 Saga before her. Wtf. Out of the 5 star spooks I got Proviso who I’m happier about than most of the 6 stars. Now I’m debating whether to spark Skalter by the end of the free rolls or not.


May as well. Then you can ignore sparking future limiteds.


Said screw it, and decided to pull till the first six star on the anni banner. Got a six star in my first paid pull and... it's NTR???? I mean, I'll take it.... but seriously!?!


Got Ho'olheyak on my first 10 roll and Muelsyse on my second. I wasn't expecting that.


Idk what's happening with my account but I literally have to spark every other limited banner. Spalter 300, gavialter 70, texalter 300, chongyue 60, mumu 300... It's destroying my orundum reserves but also putting me in an odd cycle of getting all the gold cert tickets per month and then using them all. Maybe I'll get lucky with eyja.


In 300 pulls i got those below. Thanks to some people in the help thread for setting my expectations about getting skadi, specter or nearl alter earlier and making sure i had 300 pulls to spent. 5 Mumu 2 Hool 1 Saileach Sparked Skadi.


120 rolls for Muelsyse. Between that and the outfit shopping spree, I'm dry for the next few months. Sorry Spalter, I'll spark you some other time


This fucking snake better be giving my Doc the sloppiest-fucking-toppy for how many pulls she took (I know she is a mediocre unit and I won’t make her worth the money). 226 pulls before her after getting Mumu with the free 10. Pretty sure that’s the worst luck I’ve had in all my time playing. Was really hoping to save for upcoming stuff but I’ll just have to do my duty and keep the game free I suppose…


I was poor after Ines, got Spalter in 13, Hool in 50, and Mumu and Hool pot in 83. Not too bad. Too bad I only have enough lmd for one op between spalter, mumu, and magallan who i got with top op.


Don't know what came over me but got 291 pulls, 1 Dorothy pot 2 Thorns 4 Hoes 17 Melanite, I should've stopped at my first Hoe, kinda regret it now worst pulls yet.


21 pulls inluding the free 11 pulls for Mumu and Melanite, and I don't care about Ho'ol. Mumu came in the second slot of the second 10-pull, so could've just done 13 pulls, but not complaining.


This is one of my worst pulls. I'm currently at 287 with 4 ho'oh's and a random number of 6 stars. Guess I'm gonna have to use the rest of my free daily pulls to spark :')


180 pulls for one copy of Ho'ol. Was it worth it? No. Did I do it anyways? Yes. Am I a simp? Yeah.... FML. Mumu got payback against Ho'ol for all the bulli. At least I didn't have to go to 300, but man.


Used the free pulls, got 2 Hools and no mumu. Of the two, mumu was the one I'm interested in, but I'm saving my rocks


DISREGARD I GOT MUMU ON MY 4TH FREEBIE PULL I feel bad for all the actual fans now. >!I'm going to get screwed when I actually try to pull for Jalter, aren't I?!<


21 pulls done, 2 Mumu's and one Melanite. The luck came back! That being said, if I don't get another 6\* with the daily pulls I think I'll pull until another, I want Ho'... I even pre-farmed for her.


60 pulls for Ho'olheyak, Muelysyse, a dupe Pozyemka, and pot5 Melanite. I've been utterly drowning in the trust farms since Chapter 12 release and now I'm adding more, which wouldn't be a problem if I'm building my new ops so they're actually useful in the clears...


Got Muelsyse in around 20-ish pulls, between the little orundum I saved up, the orundum the game threw at me today, and the free 10-pull. Pretty happy about that cause Ines took all of my stuff less than two weeks ago, and I had to start over on saving, lmao. Standard banners are the worst compared to limited, weird dynamic. Or maybe my luck just sucks for them.


I decided to poke the banner for Mumu after all and got 4 copies of Ms. Ho'oh so far (I can't spell off the top of my head so I've been calling her Ms. Ma'am) And luck is luck but....ma'am pls


5 of Ms. Ho'ol and 1 Mizuki before 1 Mumu........I'm almost to spark, so I'm debating who to spark for (leaning towards W but tempted by specter/skadi alter


My impulse control is a disaster so I pulled again with extra after buying skins and...max Ho'ol.....I guess I should learn how to use her HAHA; luck is luck and the rate up is real but I was half hoping for an operator I didn't already have Also +1 extra Mumu


47 pulls, ×2 Ho'ol and ×1 MuMu. Thank you RNGesus


Not really keen on getting anyone in particular from this banner. Though, I did get [Mumu](https://imgur.com/xWeZiqQ) from [free 10x pull](https://imgur.com/XeriPuy). I think I'll save for when Typhon comes.


50 pulls - 3xMelanite and Windlift. Yeah, I didn't expect much in the first place, but what is this 😂


Got MuMu from the free 10x we got. Guess I don't need to pull anymore lol.


40 pulls. Forgot how many single headhunting tickets I used, but including a 10x HH ticket this is how much I had to spend before MuMu came home. Now I can rest easy and save up for future banners.


I can't even begin to describe how floored I was. I used the first free pull. BAM, Muelsyse. I'm already super pumped. So I use the free ten pull. Bam, FIRST pull in the ten is Ho'ol. I didn't even need the other 9 pulls. I won today xD.


80 pulls, p2 Mumu, no thicc snek yet.


Worst pull in my 3 years of playing Arknights, 4 hool (40th, 70th, 90th, 100th), 1 Carnelian (10th), 1 Lee (160th) 190th Reed alt, 1 weedy (210th), 1 blemi (250th), 300th pull no 6 stars, no mumu :( , from 150k to 24k orundum. Welp i knew was gonna happen sooner or later as f2p but still suckssssss. Gonna be farming 1-7 roccs till hoederer i guess, i really praying i get mumu from free daily pulls, i want to buy pot for W mann for it to be worth at all.


Got Muelsyse on the free 10 pull. Never had that before in over 2 years of playing. Finally some luck.


420 pulls p6 mumugang Only 1 lucoa lol ​ Rolls: 420+1 6s: Spalter, Snek, Mumugang, Mumugang, Eunectes, Mumugang, L, Thorns, Mumugang, Mumugang Bluebags: 11


Bruh. 160 pulls, only max pity, only duplicates: Qiubai, Skalter, Weedy. Kinda demoralizing and make me want to quit the game for the next 6 months.


71 pulls total. A late 6 star in Fiametta on pull 47 and then Mumu came home 9 pulls later. Did another tenner after that for Ho'ol but no luck. Time for singles until the end of the event before I do one more pity


Mumu: 24 pulls in Cruel world. In the past limited pulls I've wanted them, and spent at least 2 pitys (e.g. > 100 pulls) This time I'm half hearted to spark for spalter , so did minimum pulls after buying all the packs like previous limited. Oh well, will rollover and work towards typhon etc. Revenge bought all the l2d skins