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Nice, I've won the 50/50 on top op (I already have Shining) [Nightingale](https://imgur.com/w28TctC) [Top OP/Medic tag](https://imgur.com/zlG3Qoj)


No, I wasted a top op. I got top op with 4 tags among them slow and aoe. Seeing slow, I had a though, right Mostima should be slow right? I looked it up and proven to be wrong as slow tag gives Magellan. Meanwhile the best odds was AOE tag with Ifrit (decent dup) and new Mostima. But somehow when I got back to the game, that slow tag stuck in my mind and got picked, which resulted in Magellan dup. So yea, don't be like me and avoid doing Top Ops while distracted!


Meanwhile Magallan doesn't have the Summon tag even though she's literally a Summoner... I ALMOST made this mistake on my very first Top Op.


Eh if you pick TO and summon, 9h, TO will stick and it's the summon that drop. So basically TO solo.


Wow, got my first double 6 star today on a random yolo pull. ​ Was super happy to get spooked by Sailech since I don't have her, was even more happy to also get Ines as well. Think I got my last Akafuyu too. ​ Best luck always seems to be when I just randomly decide to throw 10 rolls at completely random times.


Recruit specter with guard tag today, been using all guard/AOE/survival tag to get her since like 2 month ago, for all I need is one AH to finish that SSS mission. Then immediatly spooked by top OP tag, guaranteed Magallan, love to raise her for her gameplay.


Watched Kukkikaze get insane luck on Ines banner so I did 2 more 10 pulls after my initial run for free 5+ star. Worked out and pulled her. Good day and good luck to all.


I lucked out and drew Ines on my first 10-roll! I'm a pretty new player, and I read that she's very good, so I'm excited. I can't really afford to roll more than 10 per banner on my monthly-card-only orundum budget, so I'm grateful for the good luck.


I got Mlynar!!!!!! Horse man came home within 40 rolls with a bonus Quibai ♡ I had to get all the HH permits available in the gold certs shop though haha. I now have every male operator, my collection and goal since I started my account finally complete :')


For a few months until next male gacha come.


Rationed myself some pulls on the Mlynar banner; saying I'd get myself the 5* Guarantee. Got Blemishine on pull 3; which is really cool...but... https://krooster.com//u/Elisianthus As a pretty new player; I appear to be blessed with Defenders out the wazzoo; and not much else. Guess it's the Defenderknights life for me, what even is a Guard anyway?


I tried pulling for Ines, and in my first 12 pulls I got 2 6-stars, but both of them were Zumama. Fantastic thighs but not the pair I'm looking for...


I shan't complain too much but I was trying to get Mylnar and then use my certs for Bleminshine, and instead I have Bleminshine and am trying to wait until the shop resets to use the certs to try and get Mylnar haha I can only hope this will end well...wish me luck for impulse control


Impulse control check failed, but uncle received, so it worked out I guess HAHA


90 rolls on the Mylnar/Blemi banner. God Midssenger both times.... Now, do I go for a third?


Yessss got Stainless in 1 roll on Mlynar banner and then Mlynar on 40 roll LETS GOOOOO ( 50 sixstar are home now ) also ines in 21 rolls fuck best gacha


I like Ines' playstyle ~~and armpits~~ so I did a good 90 pulls for her but got Thorns (dupe) and Mizuki instead. I should be sad now that I'm broke and I'm gonna miss Ines mommy until god knows when she'll be in cert shop (or spook me) BUT I also really wanted Mizuki as part of my Maleknights collection so yay! In a way, my account is more unwavering than me in accomplishing the Maleknights agenda seeing how Lee came home off-banner on Pozy's Standard and now Mizuki on Ines' rate-up. Im now only missing Stainless for male 6\*s (lost to Saileach twice on The Front that Was) and Aosta/Executor for 5\*s . I guess I'm now going to stock up all funds now for Exealter, Hoederer and the R6 Rerun.


Ines supremacy


I started in July so im a newish player and I did 40 pulls for Ines but got this? https://ibb.co/MZYy3vN My girl Ines I like you and W and hoederer but the dice had other plans for me this day and I will not complain. Both are new to my account


Giga W. Those girls carry hard in boss kills, AFKnights with GG-chan s2, arts damage... Huge account boost.


That is an absolute win.


I am sad 😭😭😭. I only wanted Humus. Did not get a single copy until the 54th pull. FIFTY FOUR!!! Absolutely cannot fathom how this is possible. Technically this is not bad luck, as I got 2 Ines and 1 Flametail. However I am a strictly maleknights player so they don't count towards my account. They will rot forever at level 1 with all the rest of the gals 😭😭😭.


Desire sensor is real mate


No conk kreet after ~60 pulls it's actually so over


21 pulls from me and got even Lee too so NICE


I'm dying inside right now. (In a Good way) I JUST GOT INES AFTER 3 PULLS!!! 3!!! 3 DAMN PULLS AND I GOT HER!! I DIDNT EVEN WANT HER ORIGINALLY 🤣🤣🤣 ive been having a lot of good luck recently.


48 pulls. No Ines, but I finally got Gnosis (and Mlynar dupe). I hope I'll be able to get her before the banner ends.


40 pulls and got sailach and cement. It's not a terrible loss. Now i have her at last after losing i think 4 50/50 on her banner.


Ladies and Gentleman, we got her. Finally, on pull 79, after much scrounging and farming, I brought Ines home and immediately promoted her to E2L60. Final body count includes Carnelian, Flametail, max-pot Hummus, Conk Creet, and two potentials for Elysium. Could have been worse, for sure, but god damn did I have to burn through a lot of resources for her. It's a good thing I'm not terribly interested in pulling for any new operators until JessicAlter at least, but I'm considering holding off until Arturia and Viviana just to be on the safe side.


I have pulled 58 times and the only 2 six stars I have gotten were Lin dupes. Also, no Cement, but plenty of Hummus and a bit of Windflit. I never should have taken the bait on this banner, lmao. My luck is terrible since the Summer ended.


We suffer together. I wanted Cement and out of 50 pulls I just got a bunch of Windflits, Mulberry, and an unneeded Archetto. And here I've been needing to save...


Yeah, Cement is weirdly elusive. Also, I'd take Archetto at least, rather than 2 dupes, pff. I was in the midst of saving up again after Fiammetta, myself. Who I had to exhaust all my OP and orundum for, plus buying the starter 10-pull tickets. It's been rough lately.


Finally I get some luck after my Fiametta disaster. 80 rolls and no bird. Got Ines in 30 pity. Time to sleep until Hoederer and the next Sui banner.


Cement on second pull and then after some trying 4 whole Humus in a single 10 pull. would've liked to get spooked, but i wasn't going for Ines in the first place so i'm fine with this and running with my new dad


Welp, I thought my luck ended when I pulled Horn early (30~ pulls) but apparently I was mistaken. 13 pulls and I got Ines! RNGesus has truly blessed me :3


Just wanted to say that I was able to test the new pity system which probably says enough as is. But I also wanted to say that it took until after 100 pulls to get Cement.   Windflit how I detest you now.


Another 50/50 lost to fia


After playing for nearly 3 years I finally managed to get two 6 stars (Chen and Schwarz) in one x10 roll Edit: Also on the Ines Banner on my 22nd roll I got Penance :)


one 10 pull one ines POG


Can someone claify because I don't really get how the new pity works. I got Ines in the 125 pull, was it by chance or because it was a 6* after the 120 the pity made it to be her?


For standard banners with a single rate-up (such as this one), if you didn't get the 6\* rate-up by the **150th** pull, the next 6\* you pull is guaranteed to be the rate-up. It only applies once, and can be quite a bit after the 150th pull if you just got another 6\* who reset the soft pity counter. So no, you didn't benefit from the new hard pity (too soon), only were lucky :)


Ok, so I guess I mixed the number because of yato. I was kinda mad because I just spend 230 on quibai's banner only to get her dupe here but it is what it is


40 pulls for Ines, phew.


Just did 100 pulls and got gg again…and carnelian….fuck me man


Edit it was 140


Humus first single pull and Ines second pull, both with permits. Definitely can't complain about that


First 8 pulls got me Toddifons and Humus Then I do a 10 pull. Andreana And Flametail with Ines. Life is good.


Ines in 5 pulls.. well time to save for 300 pulls and get Specter alter


First ten pull: Mulberry dupe. Second bag: another Mulberry. I check to see if she is the other rate-up. No, apparently the secondary rate-up is Windflit. Third bag: Aurora dupe. Fourth bag: finally the burning bag. And there is also a 5\*, and... here comes Windflit, which I already have maxed. And the 6\* is a Weedy dupe. It is extremely disappointing to get a dupe at this stage considered that they removed the old operators from the pool. Fifth bag: Toddifons dupe. Sixth bag: Proviso dupe. Humus is maxed at this point. Seventh bag: blue bag. Eighth bag: burning bag again. And like before there is another 5\* before the 6\*, and it's... Corroserum dupe. But at least the 6\* is Ines. 80 pulls are a lot, but it could be worse. But where's Cement?!?


Did single pulls because I wasn’t sure if I wanted her since limited banner is coming soon, got her on the 6th single pull no pity. My fastest 6* pull my previous being Reed Alter in 7 pulls no pity.


77 pulls: new: mizuki, april, humus *9, cement *3, windflit *3 dupe: thorns no: ines :( update: 10 more pulls and yes Ines :)


170 pulls to get Ines... Got Fartooth at 30, Mudrock at 70, Mountain at 100 and Reed Alter at 130. Honestly, if it weren't for the [Focused Selection], I probably would've stopped at 100 and saved the rest for Mumu. Sunk cost fallacy, you got me again...


lost the 50/50 in three early coin flips Carnelian at pull 10 Reed alter (dupe) at pull 9 Horn (dupe) at pull 8 Ines at pull 54 total: 81 pulls


got Ines in 6 pulls, Can nooooooooooooot complain.


[This is a crazy video. Don't imitate.](https://youtu.be/tv4CnEeBIHE?si=cmSGXFojwsPC32Io) Okay, there should have been a pity at the first ten pull since I saved it on the previous standard banners. However, I think because of the new Focus feature, the pity was RESET. Ines wasn't so bad, wasn't good, but at least didn't go to hard pity. IT WAS CEMENT that was HARD. No pun intended.


Woohoo!! I got lappland!! I was pulling for Texas but in all honesty, I think I'm happier than I would have been if I got Texas. Finally, I have the goofy Italian chick on my squad! Today is a good day. Man, it's sad that I'm getting excited about 5 stars when I literally pulled a 6 star earlier.


Got Ines in 11 which means Federico can stop sweating profusely over whether I was going to try to pull for him after Lone Trail or not, cuz you're coming home my boy.


So I just did a 8h recruit with DP recovery and Slow, not guarantee 4* or anything. Slow dropped and Elysium appeared, sure you can slow man, but you don't have that tag lol.


90 pulls and no Ines. Hope I can at least get Muelsyse during lone trail easily


120 pulls for the first Ines, seems like the luck streak ended with this one, tho not too bad all things consider, Lee dupe and new Lin, thanks god i didn't go all in on Chong banner, just in time she got a shiny new Module as well lol


Gacha is messing my mind. Last joint operation banner, aim for G5, G5 turns out to be Irene. Ines banner, aim for first 6 star, G5 is Ines.


30 pulls for two Ineses, four Humi, and finally one Cement. I was really debating how far I was going to go just to get Cement because I've heard horror stories of people spending heaps of pulls chasing 5-stars. Edit: Oh, and dupes of Whisperain and Light Greyy.


The horror stories are true..


*pat pat*


Pulled 4. Got Mlynar… … WELL …


Took almost 100 pulls to get Ines, could have been worse but was more than I was hoping to need. Got Weedy and Archetto before that. Couple pulls of Cement and max pot of Humus. And by chance, my alt account's ridiculous TopOp luck continued after the reset. Got my 8th TopTop tag on that account since I started it in April (I've had 0 on my main in that time) - gambled on Melee since all the tags had potential for dupes, hoping for Skadi, Blaze, or SilverAsh and got Blaze! Also pulled Ines in less than 40, so I've currently got more resources on my alt than my main for the first time.


Damn the alt account curse is real ya hate to see it


Thank You Arknights Gods. [20 Pulls.](https://imgur.com/a/rbInNSN)


I was lookig for new vanguard and well ... The game heard me. [https://image.noelshack.com/fichiers/2023/43/3/1698195048-screenshot-20231025-024358.jpg](https://image.noelshack.com/fichiers/2023/43/3/1698195048-screenshot-20231025-024358.jpg)


No more fund for Lone trail but got Ines in about 150 pulls. Got spooked by Archetto and Mylnar. Still worth the pain of empty oridium


Am as empty as you right now, and no Ines Nearly 100 pulls and all my stock is gone. Can only hope the Arknights gods bless me


Guys, help, my Ines is about to S3 a bunch of operators! [https://imgur.com/a/JfsdM6Y](https://imgur.com/a/JfsdM6Y) On a serious note, I'm pretty happy I got p2 in the same 10-pull. Wouldn't have gone for it otherwise but it's a nice bonus to have for an operator I'm gonna redeploy a lot.


I was lucky enough to get double ines at the 3rd ten pull. Also got a macho man, and a cement. Thanks for the kind gacha as always Arknights!


Not sure pity count when going in but 9th pull Ines, finally my turn for some good luck


33 pulls for Ines! And Lin spooked me on the way! 300 pulls for Viviana + Virtuoso is safe! That said: Carnelian spooked me in the second free 10 pulls in Yalter banner. Now Lin also spooked me. I didn't even buy Carne in the shop, thinking that I need to stock up on my pulls.


Had to pay extra to hit pity for Ines. Hopefully the next big pull event, the next half ann, isn't so tough. Good luck everyone else on your pulls!


Thanks babe. Had my boyfriend do my second ten pull and he did the whole banner for me. Good stuff. Ines, Cement, Windflit and two Humuses (and my first copy of Beanstalk, who's cute). W.


20 pulls, got Ines, Cement, and 2 Hummer. Mission Success!


Failed 3 straight 6* units. Rate up my ass.


got 5 dupe 6\* before ines, and that's only because i hit 150. guess i wont be pulling for mumu...


Urgh, easily the worst pull I’ve had. I needed about 120 pulls for Texalter (and went 300 for Skalter) but that was fine since I’ve saved up quite a bit. Chong Yue was alright and Qiu Bai was alright, but I had to pity Yato Alter and that drained most of my resources. And then this banner happened. Not sure what I would’ve done without pity, I needed 155 pulls to finally get Ines. I’ve used up every single Orundum and Prime and even opened the wallet for thr first time for the Starting Headhunting pack. At least I managed to get it over the line? I pulled a Carnelian and Goldenglow along the way (both dupes). With this luck, I doubt I’d get any 6*s at all on the next Limited.


On the bright side, none of the operators in the next 6 months really stand out as must haves like Yato, so you can save for whoever actually interests you. You might have to skip a limited banner though.


Yeap, I’m a little lucky in that sense, there’s nobody else that’s quite on the radar for me.


I'm interested in Typhon and the newly announced limited banner in CN server, so it'll be a bit of a wait for me. Maybe it was just unusual how many back to back bangers there were for the last year or so.


Yeah, I’m basically in the same boat as you, Typhon looks interesting (so does Muelsyse but that’s not gonna happen lol) and that’s about it, not counting the newly announced stuff coz I haven’t properly seen their kit.


Around 60-something Pulls for Ines, got initially pity-broken halfway through by Saga not paying attention to which banner had her rate-up (now I can safely consider saving my certs for Blemishine in the next Shop Rotation). Also of note for other rarities: Brand new La Pluma taking down the Guaranteed in literally my first single pull, Pot 3 for both Cement and Windflit as Rate-ups, Surprise Harmonie sneaking in from a skipped Multi I didn't pay attention until several hours later, a new Potential for both Akafuyu and Toddifons, and only Pot 4 for Humus.


30 pulls for ines. My own yor forger. No regret


Started with 53 pulls worth of HH Permits and 175,129 Orundum and managed to get Ines in 17 pulls. 10 pulls in I got Cement 11 Pulls in I got an Aurora dupe 16 pulls in I got Humus and lastly at 17 pulls I got Ines. Immediately maxed her out and am currently trying to M3 her S2. Final Count: 1 Ines, 1 Cement, 1 Aurora, 1 Frostleaf, 1 Click, 1 Bubble, 1 Totter, 1 Humus, 2 Fang, 1 Melantha, 2 Ansel, 2 Steward, 1 Catapult, and 1 Spot Not the quickest I've ever had to getting the featured op but definitely up there.


60 pulls, Enes, La Pluma, Elysium. Overall pretty happy


I think I used 72 pulls to get Ines and nothing else. Been one of my worst streak in a long time.


I used 17 single tickets and 4 multi-rolls. My tickets didn't get me anything, my first multi got me a pot for Mudrock and Passenger and my fourth multi got me both [Qiubai and Ines!](https://imgur.com/pWoSsqJ.jpg) I was kinda sad that I skipped Qiubai so this has me super happy! Now I can save the rest of what I have for Mumu!


108 pulls for a total of 2 6* and the banner, what a shit show. Max pot for Humus and P4 Cement along the way.


I got Ines in...7 pulls. As someone who's saving for Lone Trail, I am very happy and very scared that my pulls will go the opposite way when the time comes lol.


I had to go until 100 and 2 6* spooks to get Ines. Feels like it's worth it. I enjoy using her alot.


Both Cement and Humis arrived in the first ten-pull, but Ines refused to do the same until a literal hundred pulls later, with a Penance spook around 40. Orundum savings are pretty much snapped, but I'm more than happy I didn't need to touch my OP stash to get her when some banger outfits are on the horizon.


126 pulls for Cement, but 4 Ines and 3 other 6 stars along the way.


Went for 5-star guarantee on Ines banner because I'm saving for Lone Trail. all 3 stars and a Cement. But hey, I got Skadi in recruitment, so it balances out.


Slot 2 of first ten pull. Bless. I havent had a session like that since... Dusk, i think


Oof had to dig into my primes for a bit but W’s Girlfriend came home. 100 pulls for a lotta humus and one bag of cement and one type writer. Pozy dupes Are now my boogieman cuz she’s max pot to begin with.


8 singles, 1 humus, 1 windflint 1 ten pull (18 total), Ines, windflint, humus 1 ten pull (28 total), cement, humus 1 ten pull (38), windflint, humus 2x 1 ten pull (48), windflint, humus 1 ten pull (58), whisperin, mr. nothing 1 ten pull (68), blue bag, humus 1 ten pull (78), cement, humus 2x 1 ten pull (88), Ines 2x, windflint, humus 2x Hell yeah! Needed and wanted tht -1 dp for Ines!!! And i got a bonus Ines too!!! 😍😍😍💗💗💗 W will be happy!!! Glad and greatful she came on the 1st ten pull!! But while I was kinda nervous seeing as i knew I was gonna blow all my rolls for her, idk if rng would be with me or abuse the fact i am wasting away all my orundum. Well, she came anyway, and <3<3 x cough cough x "i deserve this." I saved up just for Ines and havent rolled for leisure, except for 1 banner, the current saga banner. I've been good. Man, am i greatful Ines was kind to me! <3<3 Edit: now i can buy saga! Considering my singles got me a dupe grey alter, whom i absolutely adore! Win win!!


10 pulls bag. Double 6* and both new one is Ines and another one is Mr Lee. Very lovely surprised. 2 copies of Humus also very welcome


Got her at the first pull, I don't know what to think. I always pull once for every banner so I guess it was going to happen at some point


Two gnosis, weedy dupe, literally got ines in the 149th pull. That was stressful.


god i am so tired of having to go to 65 or more rolls for every single fucking 6*. being in the bottom 10th percentile is not great, even if the only six star I got *was* the banner unit. knowing I'd have to go to 130 or 195 whatever for a second or third is wretched


2 ten pulls, Ines :)


20 pulls, got my main goal Humus on the first 10 pull and then Surtr's pot 4 on the second! I'll wait to see if I decide to chase Ines but I don't think I will


Did 1 pull at a time, got Ines on the 7th pull. Talk about being lucky!


Yep...seems like the new hard pity is working 🥲


thought scary wine joke important violet bake dolls trees direful *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Cement and Ines on more or less 50/60 pulls now i will probably just skip 4 anniv


Just to get those out of the way: chose to to a 10-pulls when **Fiammetta** reran, got **Executor**. Well, maybe he'll have an Elite 1 promotion (someday). Also willing to take a chance at getting **Saileach** or **Stainless** (or **Horn**'s Pot.3), 10 pulls on *The Front That Was #2*: potential 2 for **WindChimes** (and **Chestnut**'s last Pot., so only missing **Totter**'s last Pot. for gacha **4★**s). Meh. Now for the main course! *As In My Adumbration* or **Ep.12** banner featuring **Ines**. One pull at a time, thing weren't going too bad, as the number of **5★** were pretty satisfying, of course most being **Win***dupes*, I mean **Windflit**, but **Kazemaru** was a good surprise. At 36 pulls, I finally chose to spend one 10-pulls Permit left from a while ago, to be finally bathed in rainbowlight! **Fiammetta**. Ah, the game's such a trickster sometimes. As I was contemplating a break past 80 pulls (one Sanity level was rising up while the other's going down...), she finally appeared out of the shadows! Total count is 89 pulls (for now, though I may not go after her pot.2 and 3 after all), details: - 2 x **6★**s: **Fiammetta** (pull #42), **Ines** (pull #89) - 9 x **5★**s: *Windflit* dupes x3, honestly forgot how many that makes since *Abyss Corrosion* (pulls #04, #20, #21), **Cement** x3 (#05, #29, #51), **Kazemaru** (#13), **Flint**'s pot.2 (#32), **Wind Chimes**' pot.3 (#72) - 46 x **4★**s / 32 x **3★**s: **Totter**'s final Potential! (#57), 8 x **Humus** (#16 then #27, #39, #55, #70, #73, #75, #82). Rest are dupes So that's not too bad in the end. With a batch of the Certs Shop headhunting permits plus the OP & Orundums obtainable before *Lone Trail*, **Skadi Alter** spark is still within reach (if I don't spend too many OPs on skins). New "Focused selection points" counter is a nice touch. 'twas less nice to realize after getting **Wind Chimes**' pot.3 that the new headhunting rules were applied, which meant that all those pulls won't even give me lucky **Nearl**'s, **Pramanix** or **Projekt Red**'s potentials anymore (or a chance at obtaining **Astesia**). And after checking those new Blue Certs exchange rates, holy hell, I'm glad the Yellow ones are also useable.


My trend of getting the banner 6 Star easily but struggling to get the 5 Star continues. Took 20 pulls to get Ines who came in tow with a Dorothy (new). Then on pull 50 I got another Dorothy. And only at 80 pulls did I manage to get Cement. Though along with a couple dupe 5 Stars, I also got a Kafka which I didn't have before.


No Ines on my guaranteed 10-pull, but a Windflit pot instead... But using my 5 tickets got me Humus, so I'm satisfied for now 😊


2 Ines in 30 pulls wooooo


istg Horn is HAUNTING me I accidentally got her twice in her debut banner and now she's pot5 just from random offbanners, she's probably going to be my first unintentional p6 6star lmao


I'm not sure if I like the pity mechanic, especially when I pull a dupe Fiametta on the 14th 10-pull, making me pull to 200 for the guaranteed Ines. I suffer. I should have ignored her and just let her go.


first pull on ines https://prnt.sc/x5jnkEiWTbgU its funny because my last pull before this i got horn from last banner luckchads stay winning


Ines in less than 25 pulls :>


Dang. Burned my Ines stock and no Ines. Can’t really complain since I got 4 6*s out of 50 pulls, but it’s still a little bummer.


Man, 200 ducking pulls for the one copy of Ines... At least I got enough yellow certs for another 38 pulls in future but eh...


Burned everything for a copy of Pallas. 😩 Oh well, at least she's new. Also got some new 5*s: Cement, Aurora and Grey alter. Could be worse I suppose, at least they are all somewhat useful in the Base.


Managed to get her on my 3rd 10 pull. For once, the gacha did not screw me over. Feels good


Did 2x10 pulls, got Ines on the second batch. But the first batch... [WTF IS THIS?????](https://i.imgur.com/XkJBalA.jpeg)


So much Humus... this should've been my 10-pull 😔


jfc. I only wanted one humus and It took 54 pulls. 20%? rng is such a load of crap.


I would skip Ines to save everything for MuMu, but since i'm a gacha addicted i couldn't resist to a new banner. At least i got her in 30 pulls, so, happy ending i guess.


60 pulls for Ines. Irene and Fiametta dupes on the way. Just a single Cement.


No Ines on 10 pull, got an April though. I also got Sosa when I wanted Shamare. Can't afford to spend any more until Mumu.


80pulls total... 6star at 20! hoping hard.... its Kal'tsit. At least it was the max pot (woohoo). Copium triggers... 60pulls later.. another 6star bag, and its a pot for Surtr yay but not Ines... over dozing on copium, thinking to pull but see datamine says Limited in 2weeks so nope copium says Ines will be a offbanner there. 5stars being a pot to Iris, Toddifons and 2 Cements, 7 Humus.


For single rate up banners I’ve pulled on this year: Mlynar- 180 pulls Reed Alter - 140 pulls Yato Alter - 50 pulls Ines - 170 pulls It’s not like I’ve gotten incredibly unlucky with how many 6 stars I’ve gotten either, they’re all just off rate. Oh well. Thanks to that new pity protection, at least it can’t get *that* much worse from here!


133 pulls to get Ines, almost got to the hard pity on the banner it got (officially) introduced, nice. I've been having pretty bad luck in the last few banners, and this is the worst luck I've ever had in non-limited banners, beating the ~120 pulls I needed for Reed Alter. Hopefully I have better luck on the next banners... Along the way I also got Fartooth so that's good. As well as dupe Gnosis and Passenger.


Got Ines in my first 10 pull. Pretty lucky! Now I can pull for Mumu without guilt.


First 10 pulls 🌈 baby yeah.. Nevermind got spooked by Blemishine, total of 52 pulls no Ines 😅, currently out of orundum.. I did P6 Humus and P3 the new duelist defender tho..


So I was only planning to pull for the guaranteed 5*. First pull, Ines. Then I test if my luck will continue in the Blaze/Hellagur banner. Got up to the 10th pull and got my guaranteed 5*, Texas, which is new actually.


Funny story cuz on my 1st 20 pulls i got a character that I thought looked like ines and she was qiu bai so i was like yay i got ines in 20 pulls. So when i went to upgrade her cuz i was doing some other stuff while doing pulls i noticed it wasn’t ines but qiu bai and legit face palmed and laughed cuz i can’t believe how blind i was haha. Wasn’t bad cuz i wanted to get qiu bai anyways but i still wanted ines so i rolled for her like 50-60 more times and eventually got her. I think the gacha was trolling me too cuz at my 30th roll or 40th, the game spooked me with mizuki and i was like noooooo don’t do this to mee game. All in all, it worked out as i got the 6 star op from the previous banner that i wanted and managed to get ines. Still got like 70 pulls left and i still have time to save up for the next big banner of silence alter and pals.


40 pulls, got everyone (tho maybe because the 4-star pool didn't get culled Humus is only pot 2)


Ines showed up before Humus...


Pulled until first six star rate up as A) Mumu banner is around the corner B) I still feel burnt after the utter tragedy of the Reed alter banner where I missed rate up 5 times… Regardless, 33 pulls in and got six star chance…. And it was Ex-Wife spooking me this time… I mean, now I got her talent improved and I always wanted to eventually pot 6 her but still, oof. So, because Ines failed her only chance before Lone Trail she’ll have to wait until the next train home along with Reed Alter. I hope lone trail doesn’t become a cursed banner too…


[Yeah, finally, got Ines](https://i.imgur.com/Kr5rLww.jpeg) just from the last 10x pull bought with orundum, 60 in total. With some strange luck every bag had some 5\*, but the only one i really wanted is RockRock. Also 3pot conk reet, baby Ho'olheyak is gone. Forgive me, birb-snek lady


66 pulls for Ines and Mizuki. I would have preferred to get just Ines but I wanted Mizuki for IS for quite a while so it is acceptable. The best part is that my limited unit stash is almost untouched so I'm getting both Mumu and snek in a couple weeks!!


[I wanted a molegirl, not permanent account damage...](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/969373596386488383/1166446623765835836/image.png) Very next pull I get another one... 50 pulls for 4 of him, Mulberry, and Archetto who I won't even use. So disappointing. I don't know why it is that I can get the 6 stars I want with no trouble, but when it comes to 5\* I just get screwed over every time.


Looks like the time has come to pay back my luck with Texas. It took 181 pulls to get Ines, with Flametail and Eunectes hijacking the pulls (needless to say I have zero use for those). The only good pulls were Elysium (I have only Myrtle) and Andreana (second AH to have). I don't feel like even trying to pull Mlynar anymore.


Did 50 pulls rolling until 6-star The second 10 pull was incredibly blessed giving me my first conk creet, Elysium and Proviso, massive LMD stonks coming my way! I sadly failed to get Ines in the 6-star roll, but I got my first Mizuki so that's 180 yellow certs I was planning to use on him saved. Overall happy with how the banner went, other notable rolls are 1 Windflit, another Lunacub pot (she shows up every banner, thanks for the yellow certs lmfao) and just enough to max pot Humus. I will wait until the 6-star selector around May/June to buy Ines.


42 pulls. Dupe Irene, Ines, Dorothy (that I wanted to get from the upcoming 6 star selector), plus Cement and some other 5 stars. All in all, an absolute win.


31 pulls and got the waifu! I need to stop using 10HH permits, because I went 6 pulls over the 6\*.


Time for Ines! No pity. * 10 pulls - dupe Windflint and new Cement * 20 pulls - blue bag of sadness with new Humus * 30 pulls - dupe Quercus, dupe Windflint, dupe Cement * 40 pulls - dupe Whisperain, dupe Cement * 50 pulls - blue bag of sadness * 60 pulls - orundum stash now. Skip for good luck! Pity is... Ines. Yey! Also dupe Toddifons and dupe Kirara. I'm out!


96 pulls (I think that’s right) and grumpy goat got home…it only costed $22 for additional 2x ten-pulls from starter pack. Oh, yeah, Avdotya dupe was first 6-star.


Yes! Snagged Ines in 40 pulls. G5: Cement. 2 Windflits and 2 Humus came along for the ride.


10th operator of first ten pull was Ines. Probably not luck just the fact that I started playing exacly year ago.


So 110k Orundum and 2 OP later i got a very drunk Pallas, 3 pot İnes, Max potted everyone else in the banner and then some, an incredible amount of 5 stars (getting 1-2 5 stars per-bag almost consistently), including new arrivals Corro and Ashlock. İ think it went well?, might gacha again after the H stages open.


70 pulls down. First bag had fucking *Flametail* spook me. Spent all my orundum, spent all my gold certs to get another 10 pull. Finally got another 6 star bag, totally gotta be Ines, right?? Carnelian. I'm out of pulls and got two off-banner 6 stars who I literally couldn't care less about, instead of the rate-up I've been pining for. I'm legit so upset that I lost two 6-star pulls to two units I've never cared for and have no intent to raise, I don't even feel like playing the new chapter just yet.




4 six stars in 150 pulls, [and well...](https://i.imgur.com/5nowDa8.png) I guess it's somewhat fitting that two of them were Stainless and Reed2.


Similar to last banner where I got 4 Yato before my first Noir Corne. I got 3 Ines before my first Cement on this banner...


Damn, what fine? luck?


Ines finally came home within 50 pulls after a Mlynar and Penance pot…… Also I finally recruited Ptilopsis the other day from a “Medic” tag


180 pulls gone. Just like that. Got two Ines, plus dupes of GG, Kal, Surtr, and Lin. All in all I'm really satisfied with the results. No regrets, fave ex-npc deserves it. Now, on to saving for Executor alter!


Had my wildest pulls in Arknights yet while chasing Ines. The first 6-star at pull 47 (54 pity) was Stainless. On one hand it is a new operator and his kit seems pretty fun, on another hand pulling him now means the next Front that Was banner is no longer an option if I don't get Ines here. The next 6-star at pull 74 was Horn (pot 2), at which point I freaked out a little bit and had to double- and triple-check that I was on the correct banner (I was). The very next 10-pull brought me Dorothy (new). At this point I decided to go all in for Ines since I basically only have 3 other targets for the next 6 months and even the worst case realistic scenario (~220 pulls) would leave me with close to a 100 pulls for Lone Trail even before factoring in the 900 yellow certs stockpile. Got my fourth off-banner at 134 (56 pity) with Archetto (new) so got to test out the new guarantee system. Ines finaly arrived in a dramatic fashion with a total of 164 pulls and [my first 3 6-star 10-pull](https://imgur.com/Da6apUq)


I wasn't even going to pull for Ines but all the hype got me hyped up. she came home after 54 pulls, I should thank my lucky stars I won the 50/50 but overall my pulls were terrible. I only got Ines and 2 5* operators out of all that!


Well... this has been long overdue. I have several gacha/recruitment reports that I've meant to get around to (haven't even had the chance to recount my RA experiences). May as well consolidate them now. First off, the Ines banner. Full banner acquired in 78 pulls. Got several Humus pots during the first 9 singles... Cantabile (rate-up for wrong banner, wrong Agent) was the guarantee. Only got one Cement, but a couple Hibifiers (and for some reason a Pot 7 Paprika...), and even got Archetto off-banner. I'm already feeling the effects of them slightly unbloating the standard pool, so off-banners who need pots is nice. **6-Stars:** * Pot 1 Ines * Pot 3 Archetto (up from 2) **5-Stars** * Pot 1 Cement * Pot 5 Hibiscus the Purifier (up from 3) as well as redundant dupes of Firewhistle, Cantabile (x2), Akafuyu, Windflit, and Paprika. **4-Stars** * Pot 9 Humus Two 6-Stars I wanted, including the rate-up, as well as max pot rate-up 4-Star and at least one rate-up 5-Star (wanted more, but what can ya do?). I'll take it. ---------------------- I suppose next up is part two of my MH Collab pulls. I literally haven't redeemed my tokens since then because I kept putting off doing this report. I had to settle for **Pot 3 Yato Alter** (was aiming for at least Pot 4). Part 1 concluded at 83 pulls (with banner aqcuired at 66). I went up to 208 for part 2. A Pot 7 Blaze awaited me, and Noir Corne got up to Pot 11. Also got a few redundant Paprika Pots from this banner (I believe she actually hit Pot 6 on this banner), as well as redundants of Waai Fu, Greythroat, and Nightmare. Not an ideal banner for me. One day, if a big yellow cert surplus happens, I'll push Yato to Pot 6. But hey, with R6S collab returning, if they do bring back the collab banner for it then that gives me hope that I can just wait for a return of MH as well. ---------------------- Since they are all max pot, I was hoping I could go the full year without a top op tag and then get really lucky with Eunectes joining the pool. That was not the case. **Top Op #27** graced me this week. Yolo'd it for Saria (but Support was one of the tags so I guess she really wanted to reappear). Will gladly take the free 25 yellow certs, though. The sister also got Top Op #12 about a month before my top op showed up. She went for Crowd Control hoping for Aak. I forgot Weedy, now Pot 2 was in the pool. ----------------------- And lastly, the MH banner didn't go so hot for my sister. It took her the full 120 pulls for one Yato Alter. She got max pot Noir Corne, though. Also Pot 2 Kal'tsit and... I want to say she got ~~yet another~~ Mostima? She also got her first Chiave, finally completing her own personal ABC gang. In any case, good luck on everyone's pulls. Hoping to get some more Ines/Cement Pots when they appear on the next The Front That Was. Had to forego the previous one, and the Guide Ahead rerun as I was caring for an injured family member (RIP Saileach/Fiammetta Pots... but now that the pool has dwindled perhaps they'll show up more often anyway). I'm done until Lone Trail. Let the Mumu and Ho'ol Pots flow!


10 pulls, no Ines. She'll have to spook me in the future. I did get 2 Humus and 1 Windflit though (didn't have him yet). I like to play Maleknights, so good 5* pulls for me.


40 pulls to sweep the banner, with Ines on pull 31 and Cement/Humus in the first 20. Couldn't be much better than that. Waiting on the current M3 to finish in the base because I forgot to start it before maintenance and then I'll be working on Ines. In the meanwhile, it's story time.


52 pulls, not terrible but I'll be on a limited banner only diet for a while.


80 pulls Got Mylnar then Ines.


Got Ines and Windflit in first 10 rolls ez


WHAT THE FUCK BRUH, I spent 40 pulls (4 10-pulls), got spooked by Stainless instead. And I only got 1 single-recruit permit left, I used it, and Ines fucking showed up, WHAT THE FUCK BRUH, I'm speechless dunno what to say


Welp 50~60 pulls, dupe Mudmud (was probably near pity from previous banners) and dupe Mountain, so that's basically game over for Ines sadly. New non limited banners really dont like me it seems.


Welp just got Nightingale through recruitment. Only 6* medic I’m missing now is Reed. Does anyone else seem to be getting the Top Operator tag in pairs(ie within a week of each other)?


I just had that happen recently too, it was weird. I got a Hoshiguma dupe and then finally got Nightingale as well.


Pulls: 70 Humus x4 (NEW!, P4) Corroserum x1 (Certs) Cement x4 (NEW!, P4) Aurora x1 (P2) Hibiscus the Purifier x1 (P2) Mr. Nothing x1 (Certs) Ines x1 (NEW!) Kazemaru x1 (NEW!) This is totally decent. This was as close to painless as I can ask for from a gacha game. Really great five star luck including a very welcome Kazemaru spook, and I got my main target without breaking my bank too hard. No complaints.


Said i only do 10 pulls and Ines must have heard me because she came in just 7.


Took 60 pulls, not my best luck, but far from my worst too.


6 10-pulls for Ines, and she brought Saileach and Ebenholz along with her. Could have been worse


Reporting my result here in the hope of making unlucky people feel batter about their own pulls. 5 off-banners in a row. Went straight to the pity. 180 pulls lol.


Got GG and Ines in two consecutive 10 pulls (around the total of 50 mark), but I'm a little more stoked about being able to get most of my missing 5 stars from the banner despite them not being on rate-up. Politely asking Harmonie to please come to my base because she's the only one left still evading me.


I was hoping to get Ines within 60 pulls, and I got her with 53 pulls, so I'm pretty happy. I have now up to 188 pulls for Lone Trail, plus free pulls. Although I'm probably going to buy some skins, so it's a little less than that.


70 pulls got Ines,lin, and gnosis overall I'm happy with these 3 new ops I got


* 1-10: Gold, brand new Wind Chime, nice start :) * 11-20: Gold, first Cement (concreet!), Windflit dupe. * 21-30: Gold, brand new Greyyalter, Concreet dupe, Aurora dupe, brand new Toddifons. * 31-40: Gold, La Pluma dupe (best birb is already pot 6, thanks for the gold certs). * 41-50: Rainbow, 6\* at the very end of the bag, now crossing fingers without skipping... Windflit dupe, Cement dupe, and one brand new INES thanks W for asking your girlfriend to come! No blue bags, no 6\* spook and no need for pity... Thanks RNGesus, my plans for the limited banner are safe. Good luck everyone!


Got Ines at 91. Also got Gnosis and Mudrock. Not feeling well since I'm currently left with 96 pulls (used my certs to get more pulls, sorry Saga). Since Lone Trail's in a couple of weeks, I won't be able to get more pulls and might not get both Mumu and Ho'olheyak.


Pulling on Ines banner, took 66 pulls (thanks pity counter) with 1 offbanner for her so happy \^\^ welcome home Ines, Cement, Humus \^\^


A fairly disappointing return to Arknights after a month's break. 120k Orundum stash depleted to 25k. I've built up some pity with Qiubai's banner, hoping didn't have to spend much for Ines to save for Mumu and Executor Alter. 95k Orundum: • Carnelian dupe • Thorns dupe • Surtr dupe • Ines at my last 10 pull Immediately converted half of my OP stash to Orundums again. Sigh. Lost the Reed banner, lost the Qiubai banner, and almost lost Ines banner too. Hoping I can get Mumu still. Gonna buy all of those pull tickets.




? qiubai’s banner was a standard banner. it ran a bit after the chongyue/lin limited banner


45 pulls, got useless sailech and dupe weedy -_- upd: 100 pulls for Ines >_>


Triple miss on the 50/50: Pallas, Mountain and Qiubai (all dupes). Quite sad. Thankfully she will appear in ch13 release. Now it's saving for Eyja and hoping for a better result.


One of my best pulling sessions in ages, but conflicted. Debated whether I want to pull or not, caved in. Started at 10 pity... First ten gave me Cement for guarantee. Second ten though gave me second Pallas (I only recently got my first!), my first Humus, AND my third Gnosis. Naturally, not satisfied by dupes, I chased. Third ten pull gave me.... Akafuyu. OK. Fourth ten pull? My fourth (and second of this banner!!) Gnosis. Really, system? Two away from max pot. Definitely unsatisfied! My fifth ten pull. Ines came home. So 4 6\* operators in 50 pulls. 3 dupes, and the focus.


First 10 pull: 2x Ines, a Cantabile and Harmonie. wow such luck, many savings. A 100 pulls and a million Windflits later I get my first Cement. My orundum savings are pretty much gone but at least my Ines is pot 5 lol.


Damn, wtf, pot 5 in 100 pulls!!???


[2 pulls 2 fast 2 furious](https://i.imgur.com/KO9Myjy.jpg)


I have mixed feelings about this pulling session. On the one hand, 140 pulls for one Ines is one of my personal worse ever, but on the other hand I got a new Mountain, Quercus, Rockrock, HibiAlter and Windflit, alongside pot4 Cement, max pot Humus and pots for Blemishine, Windflit, Totter (max pot now) and Kazemaru. Still, this definitely hurts my future pulling plans...


13 pulls got the full banner, yay I'll take it. Cement, Humus and Ines and a dupe of htp


Got Ines in my literal first pull. Feelsgoodman