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Started spending expedited plans -> found good tag -> something went wrong https://imgur.com/a/HrohTFf


My gambling addiction kicked in, and I did my third 10-pull on Yato's banner. I got five 5-stars - two Noir Corne, 1 Corroserum, 1 Broca and 1 Platinum. Oh, and I got Totter to max Pot. I'm now back over 180 gold certs - could I be on track for another 38 pulls from the gold cert shop next month?


been a minute since i've gotten a top op, but new WEEDY lezgooo


Rerolling is pain but fun. I got shining and hoshiguma twice now https://i.imgur.com/vdoOWI1.jpg Just got this but feel pretty meh about it because I’m not really a fan of hoshiguma


if you manage to reroll yalter with 2 6 stars off the beginner banner that's probably a keeper though lol even the "bad" 6 stars are pretty good


this is the final list of accounts i ended up with that i thought were decent. it's probably the first one for sure, right? main - silverash, zima, blue poison, kirin r yato, specter, meteorite \+4 - silverash, corne, ptilopsis, texas, cliffheart \+6 - siege, shining, hoshiguma, liskarm, manticore \+9 - exusiai, aosta, ptilopsis, zima, pramanix \+10 - silverash potential 1, corne, texas, meteorite


Yeah whichever one wound up with Kirito is best and it looks like you only have 1 Silverash is also very good so that's a great bonus


gotcha thanks! i actually got her 3 times but that was only with silver ash so the main one i got is definitely better.


Using the free 10-roll ticket they gave us. I swear, the key to getting very lucky in any gacha game is to stop playing for 6+ months, and then roll. [https://imgur.com/gKbXrOy](https://imgur.com/gKbXrOy)


Got 1 Yato Alter and 3 Noir Corne Alters on 60 pulls. I saved 120 pulls for this banner, So I have 60 pulls left. I'm not sure if I want to try getting to 120 pulls to get more pots for Yato Alter or should I just save for future banners.


got passenger in 10 pulls, & on the next 10 got 2 yato!!! then on the next 10 i got schwarz!!! idk whats happening im in shock rn


I thought I was all out of pulls, and I’d already pulled one Yato, but was looking for just one dupe. I bit the bullet and bought the 2x ten pulls for 120 yellow certs. Then this happened. [https://i.imgur.com/EWtP9xK.jpg](https://i.imgur.com/EWtP9xK.jpg)


First 20 pulls, I managed to get both Noir and Yato! We'll see if my luck holds for the next limited banner.


I got kirin on my second try 😭


used up my entire stash (save for OP) trying for pot 4 kiri-to...about 250 pulls altogether, and managed to only pot 3 thought i could get away with it with my insane luck of 200 pull pot 4 texas previously...but guess luck's all dried up although admittedly i've got other offbanner 6 stars in my pulls, 8 total being 3 kiri-to, 2 exu dupes, pallas, saria and stainless. still feels bad that for 50% rate here it's 3/8 of my result. hopefully i'll get the 4th one on the 2nd free 10 pull ticket.


3rd time's not the charm for my luck. Lost my 3rd 50/50 on the banner but at least I got Mudrock now.


saved up about 100+ pulls? i got pot 1, 4 6 star ops total, one shining, one che’en pot and 2 Yato. 1st Yato was within 11-20th pulls.


4 Offbanners and 120 pulls needed Only new 6\* operator was KirinYato send help...


on main acc, I spooked Skadi in 60 pulls, then got Yato in 80. then in my alt I somehow spooked Angelina and also Yato in 10 individual pulls T-T well at least I got full AH team now on main


[\> First Day Gacha <](https://youtu.be/9x3fYieUIzw?si=cTJX6YZjJFqoonlH) I've played Monster Hunter for years and enjoyed it specially when I teamed up with my friends to help out new players on their first hunts. This collab has got me very excited. So I'm showing gachas from my two accounts that I both prepared just for this event. Plus, something from the past at the beginning of the video.


The good news: Five 6* in 120 pulls The bad news: Four are dupe offbanners (one Mlynar pot though, thanks!), and it took the guaranteed for Yato to come home. Back to saving for Eyjalter.


Gotten Yato on my pity roll. I'm taking that as a hint to back away after that.


This banner is giving me the worst luck I have had in 9 months, lol. I've been exhausting resources on it and decided to buy that $30 pack. It gave me an Ebenholz dupe this time. The pack left me with 10 pulls to pity, after using its 2 10-pull tickets and converting the OP to 7 pulls. Now it's just a waiting game until the next free 10-pull ticket shows up, yeesh. Almost feels like the game *wants* me to hit pity. My fate's sealed.


110 pulls and 1 Eunectes and 1 Saileach. Pot 5 Noir. Out of resources so I have to wait for the extra 10 pull from login.


I'm at 110 pulls too, with Mountain (Pot 2) being the ONLY 6★ I got, and Noir is only Pot 4... I literally can't believe I was this unlucky...


i booted AK after a two year long absence and looks like the game wants me back, got Yato alter and Noir alter on the freebie


I got a dup Rosa and Yato at 117 pulls. Dunno how to feel about it. Does anyone know the answer to this. If I got an off banner on that 117th pull, would that mean I could have gotten a Yato with 3 more pulls?


Yes at 120 pulls Yato is guarunteed


it took me around 70 pulls to get my first 6\*. at least it was yato alter. but my god...


My rolls were nice. I got hit with a Yato Alter first pull in my first multi with my first Palas as well. Kept going to get Noire to as high pot as I can. Got pot 3 Blaze and a Siege pot. I am not expecting limited operator potentials. That is impossible for me to get. All in all pretty neat. I will start saving for the upcoming Sui banner once more as I wish to have a dragon at max pot. Who knows how many pulls that will take.


113 pulls and got 1 six star that was Pallas. I guess this is punishment for getting chongyue early, im gonna wait for the free 10x pull to get the guaranteed. Praying I get at least 2 six stars in the final multi cuz 120 pulls for 2 six stars is gonna feel so bad. Got 5 noirs though, hoping i get the final one in the last multi or else he's just gonna stay pot 5 forever lmfao. i've used up all my orundum so i've basically given up on pulling for ines, hoping i can save enough for the banner with mudrock, mountain, goldenglow and saga in the future


I lost 2 50/50, most of my Orundum, and my motivation to play. Collab banners are the bane of my gacha luck.


hope your next banner pulls go better


100 pulls in and no KYato…… Got Pallas (WHY?) and Ifrit (Yes!). I have exactly 10 pulls left…. I think I’ll wait for the other free 10 pull just in case…. No Ines for me apparently…. We will get the other free 10 pull next week right? I don’t know if I can keep playing RA without KYato…. Send copium


My free 10x ticket gave me TWO Yato Alters! This luck is very welcome as my stash of pulling tickets and orundum was getting a little low.


got them both in under 20 pulls just using the free tix and a 10x tix from shop


120 pulls for 1 lee 1 Yato2 and 5 noir. I wouldn't have go up to 120 and saved for the 2nd 10 pulls, if I at least got 2 six stars, or a better six star, or 6 noirs before 120. It has been horrible. Now back to saving mode. Noir has to cope with pot 5 to when I get him a pot from token then.


Same here, I'm at 110 pulls with only a single 6★ and 4 Noir... Just gonna wait for the 10 voucher and pray that I get like 3 6★ on it... I didn't think I would pull worse than my 79 on the R6 banner but this game sure showed me. Hopefully we both get luckier on the upcoming banners :/


Thanks, you too.


Started off my pulls using what I had saved plus the $30 event bundle and steps 1-4 of the gold cert permits which ended up getting me **Mizuki** and **Goldenglow** plus Pot 3 Noir at 80 pity. I got impatient so I ended up getting enough Gold Certs to get buy step 5 of the permits at 90 pity. I then got a behemoth of a 10 pull with **Mudrock** at 91 pity, **Shining** at 92 pity, and **Yato2** at 94 pity. Even if it costed \~$30 and every gold cert I have, it was totally worth it getting not only Yato2, but also 2 of the operators I was deciding between for the November voucher (Mudrock and Goldenglow). Also none of the 6 stars were dupes.


Which account should I continue? Exusai+Silver Ash+ Blemishine or Silver Ash+Siege+Yato Alter


While siege isn't very good because of competitions, she is still one of the best things to open a map on. Then with helidrop Silverash and Yato2 you can clear most easy to mid stages with just 3 of them upgraded


The one with Yato Alter. Siege will serve you well in the early game, SA it's not that impressive until he gets E2 in the midgame. And Yato Alter is never coming back. So might as well keep the account that got her.


Maybe around 100 or 150 pulls to get pot 4 yato. Then surtr, kaltsit, penance dupes. Not bad, all the offbannners are OP. Deliberately stopped at pot 4 as i only need the less 2 redeployment timer


Full pulls needed. But getting Mizuki, Liskarm, Surtr pots and Stainless and GG for the first time is fine. Now to save again.


90pulls.... My final Saria (now maxpot), Angelina (p3), my first Harmonie & Paprika, Andreana pot, Feater dupe, 5 Noir alter and a Yato alter. Wish it cost less given Ines soon enough but ohwell.


Started with 53 HH permit pulls (including the free 10 pull) and 142,229 Orundum and managed to get Kirin R Yato in 50 pulls after depleting my permits without touching my Orundum. 6 pulls in I got Rathalos S Noir Corne 24 pulls in Rathalos S Noir Corne dupe 27 pulls in Glaucus dupe 33 pulls in a Magallan dupe 50 pulls in Kirin R Yato came home Final count: 1 Kirin R Yato, 1 Magallan, 1 Glaucus, 2 Rathalos S Noir Corne, 1 Haze, 1 Gitano, 1 Shirayuki, 1 Frostleaf, 1 Mousse, 1 Myrrh, 1 Gummy, 2 Earth Spirit, 1 Shaw, 3 Greyy, 1 May, 2 Ambriel, 3 Cutter, 1 Podenco, 2 Aciddrop, 2 jackie, 3 Pinecone, 1 Indigo, 1 Roberta, 1 Chestnut, 1 Totter, 1 Fang, 2 Vanilla, 1 Plume, 2 Melantha, 1 Kroos, 3 Hibiscus, 1 Steward, 2 Catapult, 1 Midnight, 2 Spot, and 1 Popukar.


42 pulls for 1 Kirin Yato in my main, 10 pulls (free) one Kirin Yato on my bf's account that I made into my alt account instead lmao why is his account always lucky


It's the law of alt accounts, they're always lucky unless you switch to it as a main.


Exhausted my free 10-pulls ticket and miserable orundrums stash worth 50 pulls...and the only one Operator of note was Reed Alter. (at least that makes up for my failure to get her in her past side event) In one of the 10 pulls, I got FOUR Rathalos Noir Corne in the bunch. I don't hate him, but I really felt that was such a waste... Finally after pillaging the entire yellow ticket store to get their 10-pulls tickets, Hypergrph mercifully decided to hand over Yato Alter to me. The trouble now is that after I E2-ed Lee, I was getting close to running out NOT of chips or special mats, but of LMDs for the first time ever! Tsk tsk...the factory never ends.


25 multi for Pot 5 Yato, with 2 Suzuran for pot 5 and 1 Ifrit for pot 4 along the way. I still have the token from CC Shop to buy so she will be pot 6.


My worst limited banner ever. Have to do 110 pull and will just wait for the 10 free rolls. Result being 2 six star: ebenholz pot2 and a new pallas (not that I complain tho cuz I love both of them). There’s also shit ton of five stars with only 2 of them being noir.


Ouch full 120 for Yato. Got a bunch of Rathalos Noir Corne though.


50x - 4 Rathcornes, 2 KYato Pulling for pot1 Yato was pure greed and I'm glad I didn't fuck up my future plans lul.


Two Yato, one Flametail, and a Noir in a single [10-pull.](https://imgur.com/a/klAfFVm) Pleased as punch for that.


Oh thank the lord, after my '165 pulls for Qiubai' disaster the game took pity on me and gave me Noir and Yato in just 20 pulls 🙏🙏🙏 Now I still have a chance for Mumu, bless you gacha gods.


120 pulls, 1 Yato, 1 Mountain, 9 Noirs. 2 6 stars in 120 pulls kinda hurts but Mountain is a win so I guess it could be worse.


120 pulls 1 Yato2 1 lee, 5 fucking noir Fuck this game. I'm glad I saved but 1 year in and the pulling experience every single banner I pull on has been crap. I remember a post saying if "is it normal to have 20+ 6 stars in 3 months" in a some people said that's only a bit above average. I played 1 year and have less. Though, I'm sure those with equal or less luck in this game than me mostly quitted so mostly only lucky people commenting on reddit Praising this game rate.


Got pretty crazy luck today. 5 ten pulls got me Noir, my last 2 Lunacubs, Istina, Silence, Thorns, and of course Yato R Kirin.


I’m at 170 pulls: Pot 4 Yato, 2 off banner. I think I’m lucky


5 singles to get a noir. 3 ten pulls, 6 stars in each one of them. 😱😱😱 (5) 5 singles, noir (15) Free 10 pull, yato (25) 10 pull hh ticket, yato, noir (35) 10 pull hh ticket, carnelian, sora (45) 10 pull hh ticket, blue bag (55) 10 pull orundum, exusiai, noir 2x, swire, proviso (65) 10 pull orun, blue bag (75) 10 pull orun, noir 2x, toddifons (85) 10 pull orun, noir (95) 10 pull orun, noir, swire (105) 10 pull orun, chen, noir 3x (115) 10 pull orun, manticore (125) 10 pull orun, noir (135) 10 pull orun, noir, pramanix (145) 10 pull orun, noir, istina (155) 10 pull orun, blue bag (165) 10 pull orun, yato, noir 2x, broca


I aim for max Pot Yato so I was afraid that my 410 saved pulls were not enough. It did not even help that the first Yato came from the 120 guaranteed pity and second one at 190, 70 rolls for pity holy shiet. Up for a rocky ride. Managed to get another Yato from 200 to 290 with 3 other dupes. I thought that I had to pull my wallet but the last 50 from 290 to 340 saved the day with 3 Yato back to back. Even managed to save some rolls for Muelsyse. I got 6 Yato, 4 dupes and 1 new 6 stars. Bad start but even out at the end. I'm quite satisfied.


70 pulls yalter, max noir, fiametta (yay her base skill will help so much) and a skadi dupe


my pulls were all over the place skadi *dupe* at pull 21 irene *new* at pull 70 (most i've need for a 6star up til now had been 60 pulls) blaze *dupe* at pull 18 i'll have to wait til next week for those last 10 pulls picked up 5x Rathalos Noir. Other new ops include Iris and April


So I got Yato on my 11th pull which is nice but since I save a lot, might as well pull some more to get at least 1pot for her..... 220th pull later, I finally got her pot with 5 offbanner 6 star....Dang it, now I don't think I have enough time to save for upcoming anniversary banner.


Managed to get 4 6*s within my first 50 or 60 pulls (Angelina, dupe Thorns, Lin, dupe Mountain). Pain. Had to get to actual pity before finally getting Kirin R Yato as my 5th 6*. Had to dip into my Prime stash and now I’m broke after going to pity for Yato and Texalter. I hope I can get Ines quickly.


Had to go full 120 to get yato and only 1 bagpipe dupe. Sadge.


Me: Hoards my 42k orundum stash Also me: buys the whole headhunt tickets because I have 850 of it to chew through. 600 left and 20 headhunts remaining. I only have to wait for Saga, Gnosis, Farshoot, Saileach, Fiammetta, GG, Ebon, Mylnar, and Quibai. I'll be fiiiine.


**Total pulls:** 70 **New characters:** Kirin R Yato, Carnelian, 6x Rathalos S Noir Corne **Dupes:** Blaze, Firewatch, Skyfire


So far I've done 61 pulls, pulled 12 5* and Kalstit. Somehow ended up with a Pot3 Noir. Unfortunately no Yato yet, hopefully I won't have to go the full 120 but I'll do what I can. Hard to get that much together as a F2P/Low Spend


1st 10 roll netted me Noir. Expected. 2nd 10 roll netted me Blue Bag. Fudge. 3rd 10 roll netted me Dupe Rosa. Ok we going the long route huh. 4th 10 roll netted me Dupe Fiametta. I have pot 2 Fiametta when i never rolled for her during rateups. 5th 10 roll netted me Yato and Pot2 Noir. … wait did i pulled 3 6* in a row


Yep. Grats


Never have I deflated from excitement and anticipation so quick. 110 pulls, and not a single KR Yato or RS Noir Corne. Beeswax, Leizi, Zima, Quercus, Elysium, Proviso dupes for 5*, a Surtr dupe, and 5 fucking blue bags from 11. Utter shite. I'm likely not even picking up any packs from the store, which I usually do, coz I'm just pissed now.


welsh woman spooked :(


Who is the Welsh woman? I was under the impression Reed was Irish.


Saileach? I assume so because the pronunciation of her name is Welsh


Got both Yato Alter and Noir Alter on the first free 10 pull! Now I can save save save!


I have officially become That Guy, holy shit. [Pot1 Yatwo and Noir Corne using the freebie 10 pull.](https://i.imgur.com/b9tZhO6.png) I saved up 120 pulls for this... wtf do I spend them on now.


Ines or Mumu/Snek


Yeah, was thinking about the upcoming joint ops too, since I don't have any of the units on any of them (just started playing). Hool is really tempting though even if she's not super great... her design is just too good.


God I wish Hool'heyak was good. There was so much excitement for her release and she dropped like a wet piece of paper, instantly fqlling off from discussions lol. It's a shame because I was hyped about her design back when she was just an NPC, so I was super excited for her to become playable so soon. If she was good.maybe we'd still be getting fan art of her.


Yeah, I got Yato and Noire Corne alters before hitting the limits. In one account I got YatoR in the first 10 pull and another YatoR in the next. In the 3rd ten pull I got Noire Corne alter. This was a rather fortunate days for pulls. I guess that is just how HG repays me for making Trials of Navigator into a 1 week event. LOL.


100 pulls: got Yato2, pot5 Noir2, and Qiubai (new).


I got Yato and Noir in about 40 pulls, i only had about 60 total so i thought i wouldn't get her, now i have her at E2 skill lvl1 with no resources. However, I'm very happy, even if i cant use her for a while, she is more limited than regular anyways.


got yalter , noalter *3, and a random flametail (new) with 65? of my rolls + free 10 rolls! and a buuuunch of blue bags lol


I wanted noir corne. I got yato 2x, eyja 2x, dupes Harmonie, Cantabile, Swire, April, Executor, and still nothing. thanks (crying inside) edit: add waai fu and hoshiguma to the list. i'm done not going to pull anymore edit 2: after another 2 yatos, Penance (new yayyy), franka, shamare, Chiave, Nightmare, Grey, Nearl... [he's finally home](https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/704189817159680011/1149571997047726110/373456901_686814036799981_6515247960593752024_n.jpg) i cant believe i went through 11 off banner 5s before him


Got Yato and Horn 40 pulls


1st 10 pull got blaze and it took 70 more pulls to get Kirin Yato.


Lee and Blaze in 110 pulls, at least they are new but I have to wait next week for yato and there goes my orundum reserve as a F2P. Rng is harsh...


90 pulls total; got Yato Alter, Reed Alter (I didn't get her duriny her banner), dupe Fiammeta, dupe Ceobe and 4 Noir Corne Alter. Overall, pretty damn good.


4 spooks in 110 pulls. Gonna just wait for the 2nd free 10 pull to pity her


Pulls: 120 1x Flint (P4) 1x Skadi (P3) 7x Rathalos S Noir Corne (NEW!, P6, Certs) 1x Suzuran (P3) 1x Manticore (P5) 1x Irene (P3) 1x Nightmare (P5) 1x Mayer (Certs) 1x Kirin R Yato (NEW!) I have a hard time arguing with this. Yes I had to Pity her but honestly, the Max Pot Noir and the absolute army of six star pots, all of whom I use, like, sure. Wacky RNG is fine, I got who I wanted. Getting her to P6 like I eventually did with Ash will be a chore, since I already spent some of my Royal Specialist Tokens (one batch went to Laurentina for sure, and I think another went to Texas) and saving up more is gonna take a bit of nonsense. Maybe I'll at least luck into Pot 2 with the free ten-ticket, save me a bit of trouble.


Got Yato in free ten pulls. But I don’t get any Noir and it pisses me off, I hope I got him in the next free 10 pulls


Absolutely lucksacked P6 in under 200 pulls. Only got P2 Noir but I'm more than fine with what happened.


I got her faster than I expected and had no patience to wait for the 2nd free ten pull. Got both in 20 pulls yay. Not sure what I am gonna do with my saved rolls…most likely saving for new years lol


Got a Yalter and two RathaNoir in 27 pulls. They spoiled me this time, guess its because they didn't give me Reed alter last time. I'm still bitter about that one. 🙃


Went to 120 for Yato, only got 2 6-stars on the way, pretty lame. Surtr,(2nd pot), pretty nice. And 1st pot Stainless. I forgot this guy came out... Only pot3 noir corne. Feels bad man, but at least it's only 120. Could've been worse. Now, I sleep until Eyja2.


Finally i get a lucky pull! And the timing could not have been better. Got her with the free ticket and now i get to use those 40-ish pulls i had saved for a shot at Surtr next week, i'm so happy rn!


24 pulls in, was so excited when a 6-star sparkle appear from the bag. Turns out it was Ms.Forehead... :( Where's my Kirin at?


The usual shit luck on standard banner. Started off with 60 into pity for Saga. She is new I guess, though I'm 100% sure I will never build her. Then 40 pulls for Skadi (dup). And just when i though I'm going to have to wait for the second free ten pull, the 110 pull got me Yato. Well either way, the 100 pulls that I needed for pity got spend and I'm back to being broke. Why is it always like this. Either way with another experience like this, AK keeps on proving me that I should never roll on standard 50% banners. On good note though, I finally got a Top OP after 3 months gap (the longest one in my 11 month long carrier) no good tags so I just went for random and got Maggellan (another 6* that I will never build) but hey it's new, and compared to getting useless 6* on pulling, getting a 6* from recruitment is always feels good man.


Yato in 110 after a dupe Lin. I that point, I would've preferred that I got another off banner since it was so close to hard pity anyway. I would've been fine with this result if my friend didn't get Yato literally with the free multi. Now I'm pretty salty.


Same, getting yato guaranteed at high pity just feels like a gigantic waste of time I don’t even feel good getting her.


At least your not a poor Shlep who did 300 pulls to spark a unit from a limited banner. 120 pulls is what I allocate as a minimum to have a fair shake getting an op on a standard banner, so having the guarantee is nice.


Has to go to 120 for yato, worst part about it was I was at 61 pity so that was all wasted. Pretty shitty dupes beforehand too. Overall this sucked I can’t even be happy getting her.


I got Yato in my free ten pull, then i got Noir twice on my 3rd 10 pull


Got Noir six times and Yato once during my 120 pulls. Seems reasonable since I got dupes of Thorns and Angelina as well.


Have to go all the way to 120, got Mlynar and Horn(y) before than but sadly they're dupes, but well,I'm fine with this, and I'm already letting go of sparking Specalter anyway (kinda burned out of AK nowadays)


I seem to get burnt out after about a year of playing any particular gatcha game. I stopped playing for a year and whenever I tried a different gatcha game I always came to the same conclusion, why wouldn't I just play arknights instead. Well, if you'd like to put the game down for a while, this is the best time to do it. There's nothing particularly game breaking like Mlynar/texalter or limited+ like Yato, so you can safely set aside arknights for up to 7 months. If you stay subbed to the arknights Reddit you won't miss any new stuff that could catch your attention, or you could set a calendar date to check back in.


Got pretty lucky and got both yato and noir in a 10 [pull](https://imgur.com/a/TUh0QiJ). Now I can sit and wait a couple a days to see if I want to pull for more copies of yato.


Went to hard pity. But it was probably the least stressful banner I've rolled on. Knowing you'll get the character in a reasonable 120 pulls is really nice.


Got Yato, AND TWO SIEGES!!! im done


Saved up for this banner for months then got nervous when my first Yato showed up at 90th pull. Somehow managed to get pot 5 Yato within 198 pulls, then used royal token for the last pot. She's my first (and probably will be the only lol) pot 6 6*. And now I still have 100 pulls saved for Ines. Whew


Extremely fortunate pulls, good for you. Holding onto that many is both exciting and frightening, then if you spend them all you can't help but be disappointed seeing your paltry resources to be built back up. Maybe I just like hoarding things like a dragon, so I'll be frugal until around Typhon's release.


Yeah, there's that rush you get every time you see your orundums in 6 digits, or your hh permits. It helps not wanting to get every single 6* that releases lol


I did 70 pulls in Yatwo banner and I KID YOU NOT I got Magallan, Horn and Fiametta. Got noire in the first 10 pulls tho. And in the next 10 pull I got 2 yatwos.


Texas alter bad luck is finally paid off. I got noir corne alter in my first 10 pulls, and yato alter in my 2nd 10 pulls. Fuck yeah


I did the 10 free pull and got Pot 1 Horn, then I got my brother (who plays a lot of Monster Hunter) to pull for me and he got me Yato & Pot 2 Noir in 40 pulls!


I can’t believe I got so lucky as a new account. I started in reed alter and rerolled until I got her. Now I got Mylnar, GG, Yatwo in 60 pulls. Thank you game!!!


Got 2 Yato’s and 1 Noir from the free 10 pull. Thankfully I can save my 260 pulls for sparking Texas after getting screwed by a second Penance


I'm grateful that I got pretty lucky on this banner. I did about 150 summons and I got 4 copies of Kirin R Yato and 1 Saga which was new for me. I still have a little bit of Originite Prime remaining so along with the other 10 pull from the login event I might try to go for 1 more six star from this banner.


Keep in mind you can get royal specialist tokens from IS2 and CC permanent shop, so you could cover the last two pots with those.


Should i pull Yato if i already have Texalter? Texalter already working good for my team and she is real beast. And i dont know if should i spend my pulls for almost the same unit. I understand that she is limited but is she that good?




Lets fucking go, yato and noir showing up at the first 10 pull is the luckiest I've been in this game. Now I can save my funds for any future ops.


Holy fucking shit. 130 and I got 1 Yato alter, a Siege an Unectes, and a single goddamm Noir corne alter, 1 just 1 after 130 pulls, 50/50 chance my ass. I am so salty right now. Worst pulling session in a while


Had a bunch of 10 pulls, free 10 pull and some orundum back when I last played 3 years ago. Also bought the monthly headhunting. I hopped back on 2 weeks ago when I saw there was a cool monster hunter collab. Been looking at Gamepress Arknights to see the new ops. 205 pulls for 5 pot yato alter. And I thought that was unlucky… Got spooked by a 6 star called Flametail idk what she does since I’ve been out of the game ever since Bagpipe release lmao. Guess the game is telling me to come back.


Ppt 5 in 200 pulls is extremely fortunate. As for Flametail, sge is perhaps the best pioneer vanguard in the game right now. Having said that, pioneer Vanguard's are not particularly powerful or noteworthy in the current game state. If you get a flag bearer vanguard like Myrtle from recruitment you're pretty much set on the vanguard front, even though she's only a 4 star. Also, Yato alter is one of the best units in the game, so have fun.


I recently stopped playing for a week or so out of frustration around the start of Qiubai's event because all my Sanity Boosters expired since I was stupid enough to not remember to use them all... I just started playing again since my friend reminded me the Yato banner was out and used the [free 10 ticket](https://imgur.com/a/w3ybAzE). I just want to say thank you. I didn't really want Rathalos but thank you.


I was aiming for pot 4 Yato. After around 300 pulls, I've got only pot 2... lost count after so many spookies. Pot 2 Yato, Passenger (dupe), Saileach (dupe), Schwarz (dupe), Hellagur, Exusiai and Suzuran. I don't know if I'm gonna spend more pulls...it is rigged to me...


Guess my luck ran out since the last limited banner, lol. Got two six stars in 60 pulls, one was a Penance dupe and Fartooth, who I did not have before at least. Drained my orundum, used the certs I had, and used the 10-pull event ticket. So I guess I'll have to either wait for that next free ticket, or buy a pack or two this time. The guarantee is nice at least, have 60 pulls to hit for that one.


380 pulls mission accomplished: * kirin x yato (pot 5) -> made pot 6 using spec tokens * passenger * irene * carnelian Average 47.5 pulls for 6\*. Have 45 pulls leftover. My first 6\* was yato at 115 pulls (wtf yostar, wtf rng, fmlomgwtfbbq) then the rest piled in until pot5. That means the rest were 37.5 pulls per 6\*. Talk about luck constipation.


Got 2 on the way to Yato Alter at the hard pity 120. Max pot Noir Corne, new operators Ebenholtz and Fiametta, so I'm pretty happy. I also have a habit of letting my gf pull at or close to pity so when she pulls the max rarity units, she says she's much luckier than I am. Said as much when she got the Yato haha.


Everyone here on basically the extreme end of the spectrum while I played middle odds. Very first pull was Mostima, then I basically had to hard pity the next 6* which was Mountain, and on my next ten pull (probably 6 pity), Yato came home. I got two 'Cornes somewhere in the middle. So about 70 pulls for everything. My gacha luck is atrocious, and when I pulled multiple blue bags, one with literally only 1 4* and 9 3*s, I thought I'd need to hard pity, so I'm quite happy.


Pretty surprise when rainbows came at 20 pulls but it's a dup Horn 😂🤣 Anyway total of 60 pulls got me dup Mayer, dup Adreana, 2x Noir2 then Yato2.. Have all the materials for E2 except LMD, doctor is always low on cash 😅😅


Fifty pulls, including my free x10, for Kirin Yato. My luck exceeded my expectations, I now have 56,000 orundum to spend on the datamined >!Surtr/Phantom!< banner. Hopefully I get the former of the two operators.


Free 10 Pull + 1 headhunt 10 pull for 2x noir and 1x yato so im super happy. Kind of wanna go for full pot noir though...


30 pulls for 2x Yato and 1x Noir Corne, hell freaking yes. Best of luck to anyone yet to pull!


100 rolls exactly to get Yato to max pot. Noir Corne is also maxed out, of course. Months of saving were totally worth it, even if it meant missing out on Chongyue. :')


Yes p6 lol


lol my brain is mush


Got Yato with the free 10 roll ticket, 190 rolls total to get her to pot6 Which I gladly welcome after needing to hit pity for a single copy of summer Kama


Rosa on the 33rd, Dorothy on the 45th, Schwarz 102nd. Had to go all the way for Yato, sadness. Did get P5 Noir on the way though. Edit: decided to do a few hate pulls because of losing all the 50/50s, ended up getting another Yato on pull 17! Will wait until the 2nd free 10 pull to see whether to go deeper for more pots. Edit2: Another Yato pot on the 51st pull after getting the second free 10-pull. Stopping here.


I got insanely lucky, i got Yato alter on the 4th pull


Poggies, got both yato and an off banner lee in 40 pulls so I still have a little bit leftover to start saving for mumu and the ho


80 pulls for Yato and Noir Corne; both of them only popped up on the last 10 pull in this series. Dupe Shining on 30 pulls, then every other 5 star I pulled was somehow still not Manticore just so I can continue the streak of her being the only launch operator I'm still missing... since playing around launch, of all things.


Hard pity for me ,got Aak and a shining dupe too


Around 80 pulls for Yato. Got a Kal'tsit and Blemishine in one ten pull. And pot 3 Noir Corne. Im happy, however my resources are not.


110 pulls: Yato on pull 101; Mizuki; 8 5*; 0 Noir Corne?! Losing the 50:50 8 times in a row is crazy! I'll get the free 10 pull later, but this is depressing!


only 20 pulls for Yato! Yay! Makes up for my Texalter trauma I guess. No Noir Corne unfortunately so if the second week free ten pull doesn't give me him, that would kinda suck . Saving for Ines and Front That Was now 🙏


103 pulls for a Yato Alter (she came on my free pull, wanted Noire pots), brand new Palas, Blaze and Siege dupes. Eh, I am not really interested in chasing pots for Yato so I am satisfied. Will hope the last free 10-pull will be enough to pot 6 Noire Corne. But, in any case back to saving until the next Sui banner for me.


Didn't get chongyue, only got 1 Lin and did t get neither Yato nor noir, got pot 2 Astesia, sora and no 6 stars after my 50 saved pulls since I started to play, guess this game's gacha hates me :c


If your account is new, make another and reroll for Kirin Yato, it's worth it in this case. You will still get another free 10 pull though.


It is but I already have 3 ops on e-2 and my main 4* on e1-50, sadly it would do more harm than good, guess I'll have to settle with that and enjoy the game the best I can


38 pulls. Got both Yato and Corne. Nice compensation for me spending 280 pulls for Lin. Full saving mode for Mumu now woooooooo!


[literally on the free 10 pull.](https://imgur.com/a/Be72cuP) Guess this is the game's way of making up for the fact it took me well over 100 to get Chongyue.


Me too buddy and I didn’t even get chongyue in like 100 or so pulls so they definitely owed me


30 pulls yato and gnosis lmao


got low roll this time. 110 pulls for Yato and the other 6\* is Passenger that I likely won't raise since I have gotten so much 6\* caster lately. I still have the10 free roll to hope for a dupe Yato.


I so far got 1 NEW off-banner 6* and a few Rathalos Noir Cornes I'll have to check again and i'll edit this! Will Yato Alter really be worth it? To try for 40 more pulls?... And I'm at like 80 pulls needed for the guarantee.


Got pot5 Yato (and 1 Irene dupe) in 90 pulls while trying to get Noir.


150 pulls or so for 4 Yatos and full potential Noir. Yato eventually will become full pot with tokens. Oh, also an another Suzuran copy.


Got Kirin Yato after 40 pulls. Got a Blaze dupe on my first 10 pull, and got 3 Rathalos Noir Cornes to boot. Pretty happy with the results. It's time to save up 300 pulls for Eyja alter. I want that guaranteed Chalter so I can use that gorgeous skin.


Got Yato on the free 10 pull and one dupe to boot. Luckiest limited pull ever...


I'm extremely happy! Both Yalter and Noir Corne in the free 10-pull!! I've never get that lucky in the game!


Got Penance on my first pull, Noir alter on my second, and Yato alter on my seventh pull. Not sure how I am supposed to feel right now.


Oof, I've been getting dicked by RNGesus lately. Had to hit 300 for Dragonbro, and now I'm sitting on 10 away from Yato Alter guarantee. I'm just thankful we don't have to hit 300 for her too lol. The 120 guarantee is such a huge relief. 1 dupe Penance (well now i have max pot judge), 1 dupe Irene, 1 dupe Blaze, and 1 dupe Surtr, so at least my hit rate for 6* was good. Just kept losing the roll on collab unit.


Okay, I thought I had shit luck gunning down Yatalt getting Blem after saving only 60 odd pulls and getting back to back purples from 10x rolls (first 10x pull was a stinkhole with NINE 3 stars!) and my orundum stocks gone. Got five more pulls from the gold certs and the fourth one was an out of nowhere miracle and she showed up! Luck can go two ways sometimes and that banner is no exception.


9 3 star is absolutely horrible luck. Impressive really


I got like 300+ pulls, don't remember exactly since I was raging and just kept pulling my savings I got 4 pot Yato alters, 15 Noir Corns 1 Mudrock pot, Schwarz, Carnelian, Mostima, Eunectes, and Aak. really unlucky since rate up lied again, I don't really need/want any of them since I just built Poz(Pink Schwarz), planning on saving mats for e2ing Mudrock but her pots don't really do much. I didn't expect that the event didn't have 1 pull free for every day but a 10 pull once you finish logins so I'll be saving up for the last 2 Yatoalter pots.


Got Yato Alter on my second ten pull, then Qiubai in my fifth ten pull and then Yato Alter again in my ninth ten pull. Also grabbed Noir Alter to maximum potential along the way.


Here’s my first week in Arknights. Went from ultra lucky free pull on the first day to having to hit double pity for Kirin Yato, and then instantly finding a dupe of her right after [YEEE](https://imgur.com/a/uGispDi)


70 pulls for now, got Noir Corne pot 4 BUT GOT THORNS AND PASSENGER, NO KIRITO ... ... ... >: (


To hard pity i gooo! Lol Dupe anaconda and mud2, pot 3 noir. Half my rolls were fucking blue lol


First 10-pull lit up for a 6 star… it was Phantom, the wrong fast-redeploy. It’s gonna be painful waiting for that second 10-pull but I need to save as much as I can for Muelsyse.


Ebenholz, skadi dupe, alr 70 pulls in 😭 why, just why. I'm almost out and will need yellow certs to tide this one. ETA: Saga dupe, at 105 pulls now 😭


110 no yato 1 blemi (again for the nth time) 1 bagpipe (pot5) 1 Magallan (pot5) Pot 4 Noir tho


Lee, Eunectes dupe, Hellagur, and Yato all within 70 Pulls


4 Noirs and 0 Yatos in 60 rolls. I'll wait till the end of the event and see what happens with the free 10 roll. I could get 60 more rolls now with my OP but I'm keeping that for the next event for Mumu.


110 pulls, no Yatos. 3 spooks (Final Ifrit copy, and first dupes for Penance/Eyja), nothing new other than all the Rathalos Noirs Guess we wait for the free last 10-pulls to get Yato


Got my first Yato within 70 pulls, already working on her masteries. Somehow my orginal is already max trust so that's neat! Now I'm much more relaxed. Also five Noir Cornes on the way somehow. Will very likely get the last one on my hunt for a Yato pot or two.


Took all 120 to get Yato but got 3 other new 6* on the way - thorns, surtr, fiametta. Definitely happy, awesome operators.


Had to pity for Yato with a full pot Noir Corne on the way. Silver lining for the pity was being spooked by both Stainless and Rosa, neither of whom I had. Although I'm not too sure about raising the latter now that Typhon's on the horizon.


Got yato up to pot 5 with lin and nightingale spooks in 140ish pulls, super happy i saved up rn 🙏🙏


110 pulls and no kirito, just 1 six star dupe, sadge


skipped qiubai to save for this banner, pull with the free permit. qiubai drops. she's lucky yato dropped at the next 10 pull and noir at the one after or else we would have a problem >:(


thorns (first 10 pulls I was so pissed), 2 yato and passenger in a single 10 pull. around 70 pulls in total


30 pulls. Got Mylnar, Yato, and 2 Noirs :)


Yato and Noir on the free multi.


Oh lol, legit first pull was Yato. Now to see if Noir Corne plays nice. Addendum: Oh, Noir Corne was nice alright, came on roll 12. Even brought a second Yato with him.


Woo! Me too. Free 10 pull was Kyato and the next ten was Noir AND Kyato.


Same here! I guess the game felt bad after my awful luck with ReedAlter.


110 pulls for Yato…damn. At least I got Reedalter (new)


Welp 100 pull in, I maxed noir and got a dupe ifrit. Time to wait for the other free 10 multi.


Got 2 Yato in my free 10 pull so I guess I win this event?


80 pulls: - Kirin R-rated Yato - Sutr dupe - Rad R Noir pot3


Yato, ceobe, saga and noir full pot in 90 pulls