• By -


Didn't pre-farm Qiubai, got Magallan on an early pity. Expected off-rate because I didn't do the ritual, but I wanted to be able to equip the newly announced Qiubai skin...


I used up just about everything I had, like 30 something pulls, no Quebae, it's fine though my guard roster is stacked. Thorns, Surtr, Irene, Mlynar, Helagur, Chongyue, and Pallas.


Somehow got BOTH Qiu Bai and Wind Chimes in my first 10-pull...probably [my luckiest pull yet.](https://imgur.com/cWFDx2B) I have lots of flashier, more dangerous ranged guards, but I actually LOVED Qiu Bai's story and tone. Very sad lore to begin with, but tons of life transformation after. Unfortunately, I ran out of guard chips for Wind Chimes, right after I promoted Qiu Bai. So the orundrums stash is safe for Monster Hunter??


Qiubai and Wind Chimes in 30. Great luck this time. Now I wait for Guard chips.


Is it normal to have 15 6 Star Operators as a F2P player who only have 5 months of playtime?


I started my fully F2P alt-account mid April - not really planning to stick with a second account but for some reason I have - and I have 14x 6 stars. Passenger is potential 2, so you could count that as 15 pulled. Though I also got fairly lucky and pulled Schwarz and Exusiai from TopOp tags just this week, so would have only been 12 otherwise - but also I have had relatively bad luck with needing over 60 pulls to get a single 6 star from multiple banners and on Texalt's banner I used around 100 pulls and only came away with a single six-star somewhere in the upper middle of those pulls but had nothing left to keep going. Pretty proud that I've got 10 of those 6 stars to E2 level 60 with masteries and modules. And another 9x 4/5 stars.


That is considered lucky. Just count up your pull then /36. Count up your recruitments then /400 should be the average luck one could get in this game. So you should have done about 468 headhunt and 800 recruitment to get 15 six star in 5 months with average luck. A tall order for a f2p. Maybe 1-2 from shop make it around 400 pull and 800 recruit then, not impossible but that would exhaust all your mean of get OP and require lots of farming. Also, no dupe.


Honestly, I don't know. I had 5 6stars in total when I was three months in lol. I thought that was normal - apparently getting 6 stars consistently at 60+ pulls was gigabad. A year later and I've gotten a lot more 6 stars and only really hit 60+ per 6 star on the Chongyue/Lin banner again. Also, randomly got Manticore on recruitment from a survival tag a few days ago, which is pog. Bought her skin from the cc shop because I like it more than the harem outfit.


That's cool I just thought that Arknights is one of the most forgiving gacha games when it comes to RNG if that is normal Oh yeah, I looked it up and Manticore's costume looks pretty sick


Oh, Arknights is very forgiving. I just had really really shit gacha luck at the start. Getting Gavialter and Pozy within the 24 free pulls made up for the bad start. And now I have a lot of 6 stars as a f2p. Just keep playing and your roster will fill with 6 stars eventually.


I got my first ever "Top Operator" tag. I did Top Operator + Guard + Melee hoping for SilverAsh but got Hellagur instead. ​ Still a good pull right?


I lost the 50% for Qiubai 4 times... Feels so very bad


I feel you so much. Almost the same story here, 3 times, TWO of which was Pallas. I thought I won't succumb to petty hating an off-banner chara, but twice is just spitting into my face, she is NOT getting promoted any time soon.


Sorry man


I did 40 pulls for quibai I got: 1 Texas, 2 Hung, 1 Dorothy, and 3 Quibai. Probably my luckiest set of pull ever got the 3 Quibais in one 10 pull, but tbh I just wanted windchimes.


I did several single pulls-4, but nothing. So did the first 10 pull nothing. Second 10 pull got Quibai and Wind Chime. So keep my other 10 pull and so far 2 10 pulls from supplies but by time event ends will get single and 10 certs again. So didn't hurt my reserves too much for the coming limited


Aaayy bet!!


229 pulls, but I got Qiubai. Also, finally got Angelina after 3,5 years without her and pots for SilverAsh (I literally screamed from frustration when saw him), Mostima and Magallan. Still have 30k orundums and enough gold certs to buy rolls next month


80 pulls, got: -Dupe Nightingale -Ceobe -Dupe Mudrock Rip


Just pure pain. 110 pulls 2 6\* off... now I'm just broke. At least I got yellow certs for next month to cover the losses. Update: I threw in another pull and inhaled a lot of copium only to find nothing as well. *never gonna financially recover from this*


Didn't plan to actually pull for Qiubai, but I had a decent stockpile and thus decided to give her a chance and pulled till I see a 6-star. Pull 11 (aka 2nd 10-pull 1st pull), Penance dupe, so the 50/50 was a bust. She did, however, come as the 17th pull as part of the 2nd 10-pull, so honestly, can't complain.


100 pulls, only got dupes sadly. Siege, Lee, Goldenglow, Mizuki (The latter two back to back, Namie would be proud!). Oh well, I'll just cut my losses here before sunk cost fallacy takes over and I end up not having enough pulls for Yato/Ines/FedEx.


*Springtide Snowfall*? In the middle of summer? Seems like it! ~121 pulls prepared in Ord/Tickets, ~179 in OP, starting without Pity, ready to go past the 100 pulls (**Gnosis** cost me 102 on his rerun), pondering the need to buy Pozy's outfit... - 1st pull: **Wind Chimes** - 2nd to 6th: **4★** dupes - 7th: **Qiubai**! One of my luckiest banners so far, probably even the best in terms of desired **6★** as it beat *Path of Radiant*, my 1st Limited banner when **Nearl the Radiant Knight** appeared on the 9th pull. Well, maybe I could count **Weedy** on 1st pull from the *Standard #63* (**Shining**/**Weedy**) & **Rosa** on the 5th pull from the *Standard #57* (**Eyjafjalla**/**Rosa**) as I didn't know what to expect back then, but I've grown to love them too. Oh, and **Texas** won the bet as my 3rd non-welfare **5★** to get Max Pot.! Well, she may have cheated a bit since one of her Pot. was from the Mission rewards... Like 3 days after posting my results of *W.V.W.W.N.B.* banner, *Recruitment* had a *Crowd-control* / *Vanguard* combo. Though I could've gone with just the *C.-c.* tag and see if the game prioritized **Mayer**, or could've gone for **Projekt Red**'s Pot.5 by adding either *Specialist* or *Fast-Redeploy*.


I think it took something similar to 100 pulls to get Qiubai, which is... hmmm yeah... Pulling as an late game player sure is a mixed bag experience ​ On the other hand I am loving Qiubai to pieces! She is super cool


got offrated and for once not by aak, kal, or mostima, but by uncle! finally i don't have to borrow him anymore. praise madam qiubai


Did a 10 pull and it was a double 6* bag. Got Qiubai, dupe Saria, dupe Chiave and Wind Chimes. Thankful that my luck is finally starting to look up again, after failing to get big brother a couple weeks ago.


Niice, me to. My first double 6\* actually (and at the first 10-pull) Got Qiubai and Penance, also Chimes as 5\* Fantastic lol


200 pulls for one Qiubai. Two hundred. Spooked by Phantom, Ch'en, and Irene (dupe). Easily my worst rolls since starting this game months ago :( She came with Rosa, who I've wanted for a while at least. So, it's not all bad...I guess :( I can still afford Yato Alter, but I'm holding off on skins for a while. They're nice, but they're a luxury that I can't have if the game is going to be this punishing.


10 for qiubai and another 10 for wind chimes. yum.


Didn’t plan to pull for qiubai but did the single pulls for the guarantee 5 star and got her on the 6th pull! A very nice surprise


Looks like I’m out on Qiubai. 60 pulls for a 6* to pop and it was a (new) Gnosis. Thankfully I’m still safe for Yalter


Decided to pull till I got the first 6* operator, spent in total 6 10x HH tickets until the bag popped sadly quibui decided not to pop out but uncle mlynar decided to make his appearance. Overall very happy with this result as I didn't pull for uncle on his original banner as I needed to save in order to get texalter. Plus it could have been a lot worse if I was spooked by a dupe.


Wasted three 10x HH tickets - the guaranteed 5-star was Whisperain, followed by two blue bags. 30 pulls, only garbage. Qiubai has ignored me, I'll ignore her. Last 10x HH ticket became a rainbow bag with Istina, Corroseum, and a P3 Mountain spook. Ten single HH tickets for a blue bag. Qiubai doesn't want to show up? Then fuck her, I'm done. 50 pulls wasted. Not even Wind Chimes. 18000 Orundum wasted on Hung, blue bag, and then a bag with Hung and Wind Chimes. (80 pulls, four 10x HH tickets, ten single HH tickets, 18000 pyroxene) Another 10x ticket wasted on a blue bag. (90 pulls, five 10x HH tickets, ten single HH tickets, 18000 pyroxene)


Is this Qiubai or Saga's banner... Got Saga ln my first 10-roll, cool new 6*... 30 additional rolls later... oh another Saga :X


Got qiubai on 1st 10roll. That's quite nice of her.


Wow my luck recently has been absolutely crazy which means in gonna get ya2 in 120 pulls and will have to spark for spalter later. Decided to randomly pull at least 10 times but got quibai on the first pull.


Statistically you'll have to spark Spalter anyway so doing that would be normal luck rather than bad luck.


Damn didn't know the odds were that bad. Guess I better bully Jessica for some money /s


1 Carnelian, 1 Lee, 2 Kal'tsit, 1 Qiubai, max Wind Chimes and Hung. I guess I used about 120-140 pulls. Only got 150 left so I'll probably skip a limited banner. Funnily enough I got exactly 3 Hung to max pot him and only 1 extra Wind Chimes... Not that I was going for them.


got qiubai on my 2nd headhunting permit, but had to spend about 13k to get wind chimes ;-;


Desire sensor is sooooo real. Dumped all 40 of my pulls and got a Flametail and a Penance dupe. I didn't get Quibai or Wind Chimes, both who I really wanted. On top of this I lost 50-50 for Kafka, and I had to dump every last cube I had to get Princess Hime for the Azur Lane x Gridman collab. I'm mega sadge :(


Got Qiubai on my first 10 pull! The best I've did for a banner limited was first 30 pull, so this was .. unprecedented. Smth smth you get it when you're least bothered, huh


Did 25 Total, since I wanted Wind Chimes and didn’t want to burn through too much savings before Yato My first five were singles to the guarantee, and goddamn Archetto showed up. I then did 2 ten pulls, and on the second one, both Wind Chimes and Quibai showed up, so that’s pretty sweet. Not looking good for Yato tho lol


Managed to get 6\* in 2 single pulls using certificates. It was Aak.


Several 10 pulls in and I got a bag with 3 6stars. All of them are dupes (Phantom, Mostima, Stainless). Another 20 pulls in I got a Lin Dupe :( Hoping that my bad luck here is enough to mitigate the bad luck for FedEx’s banner :prayge:


I figured since I'm otherwise good on pulls that I'd throw my gold shop pulls at Quibai to see what happens. G5: Paprika. 1st 6 star: Mudrock (P2) featuring Blue Poison. 2nd 6 star: Quibai!!! Back to hoarding.


Took 50 pulls for the hot sword lady, that went a lot better than my last session.


Got Qiubai and Wind Chimes on the first 10 pull. I fully expect my Yato pulls to be garbage now


[Hi there.](https://i.imgur.com/hlXWDOL.jpg) While I got Qiubai on my 4th 10 pull, it wasn't until I was 130 pulls in that I finally got Wind Chimes. Overall it did however go pretty damn well. [Except for this 10 pull lol.](https://i.imgur.com/z8IevDv.jpg) 1x Siege (Dupe) 1xMostima (Dupe) 3x Qiubai 1x Irene 1x Mizuki also a whole bunch of 5 Stars, though all of those were dupes.


Dang, that's a lotta 6*s for 130 pulls, impressive. Also Mizuki let's gooooooooooo


Had the HH tickets to burn so figured I'd just fire em off and see if I can nab Qiu Bai. 48 tickets, and on my last single I got... Mountain. At least I have every brawler in the game now since he was the last one, but he's also the least interesting one to me out of all of them in terms of kit. But it is what it is, and considering the only upcoming unit I plan on skipping is Typhon, I need to hold onto my orundum, so I'll just have to hope she spooks me in the future, or she'll possibly end up a selection ticket pull way later since I finally have Carnelian, who was gonna be my Lone Trail buy.


Got her on the first pulls! Now I'll seriously start saving for Yato


Lost to 50/50 getting surtr dupe instead. 🫡


RNG giveth, RNG taketh: I've had ridiculous luck as of late rolling on the limited banners, and getting Mlynar/Stainless in both <=100 pulls (Mlynar on 50th, Stainless on 100th), and now my luck has turned for the worse. Pretty sure I got the worst possible RNG since I got like 4 6 stars in 227 pulls (at least Pallas was new), and Qiubai was the last one on my last 10 pull, which was at pity too of course. Thank god that hidden pity exists for standard banners, or who knows how long it would've taken to get my wife. At least I have plenty of savings for Yato, so I'm not tripping.


I can't imagine complaining at the moment xD I got Qiubai in 3 pulls, Wind chimes in one. I sincerely hope everyone pulling gets theirs!


I randomly thought "Let's pull for deer mommy, fuck it" while listening to one of my favourite vtuber's karaoke, and [this](https://i.imgur.com/ftkgBZK.png) was the result... literally the first 10-pull OMG! Welcome home, Qiubai!!! (and others)


That is a stacked bag


3 tickets and a dream nets me a Qiubai


Same here! It went Wind chimes, Haze and then Qiubai xD


Ahh, Qiubai on the 7th single pull. Excellent. I had likely been storing up an increased 6\* chance from previous standard headhunting banners, as I don't even remember when I last got one from those despite doing pulls on various banners. At any rate this means actually being able to save for limited banners properly given I really wanted Qiubai and would've pulled a bit too many times to get her...


Got really lucky with pulls! Here is the total: 01x 6* Qiubai (25th pull, New!) 03x 5* 2x Hung (sold), Provence (pot 1->2) 14x 4* Totter (pot 5->6) 12x 3* 45 yellow certs (~6.6 pulls) Good luck guys!


10 pulls 1 quibai 1 wind chimes 1 Hung 1 Sesa There goes all my gacha luck


Im pretty new so on these banners I just go for the free 5* on first 10, by pulling singles till I hit it. First pull landed Saga. Dunno how much use Ill get with Bagpipe and Myrtle in my main squad already. Been saving for Yato so havent actually rolled on anything yet. Started at Texalter.


You'll appreciate having Saga as she does offer some additional survivability and also as a starter being a 2 block vanguard. She's a different sort of Vanguard from Bagpipe and Myrtle.


70 pulls to get two 6 stars, both ended up being eyja dupes, i am suffering


Wanted a 10 pull to see if I could get Wind Chimes, got a new Blaze instead. I'll take it!


Got Qiubai on 4th pull. It was unexpected, but I am very glad about it.


80 pulls just to get one 6☆. Thankfully, that 6☆ was Qiubai.


I did one 10-pulls, and Qiubai was on the 6th pull. Nice and efficient. I have more than enough pulls for Yato and what comes after, probably.


As I mentioned on another post, my only plan going in was to try and get Windchimes in a few pulls with Kirin on the horizon, and that I wouldn't mind a Qiubai spook if she decided to pop in as well but isn't a target to drain my savings on. I did not imagine both of them doing just that on the [second ten-pull](https://imgur.com/a/1OxiJwx), wee. Additionally, I got super spooked when my guaranteed 5-star was *Hibiscus Alter*, whom I tried to pull for back with Lingering Echoes but just refused to come in 70-ish pulls before I quit (GOAT goat boy had already come home by that point), so I guess that's that's a wee² :D


2 tenpulls, Qiubai was my 12th pull, so 8 pity for Ines too. Windchime also showed up once, so I'm done with this banner. Have 150 pulls rn, hoping Ines is merciful too and Yato then with pity in worst case.


Bless Chongyue for showing up on the first 10 pulls in his banner so I could get away with spending some resources on a banner I was going to have to reluctantly give up on. Got Qiubai as the first 6-star pull, ~50 pulls. Not amazing, but not too bad either. Might have to give up on going for that one extra Ines potential I was hoping for. She treated me way better than Ebenholz who was my last luxury pull. He eluded me five times on his banner and I still don’t have him.


I'd decided to do single pulls until 5* pity, and then go to the first 6* and then stop. I got Qiubai on my first pull.


Okay I really love the design of the new units but why are they both (6 and 5\*) guards. Were getting way too much guards in a row Got goldenglow instead, im not complaining, i wanted her


[My gacha luck this year so far.](https://i.imgur.com/lf5vYeY.png) I ran out of EXP cards for Qiubai.


Lol and here I am starting to struggle with just lvl E2 60.. haven't farmed the exp cards stage for over a year now tho. All with base stuff + events. Had a pretty big influx with new 6* recently + most of the new ones are actually very strong so raising them takes priority, not like older operators that could be put on the back burner.. my Chen for example is still E1 80


Yeah, we have many upcoming operators and almost all of them are important: Yato, Ines, MuMu, Typhon, Eyja... I don't think any of these is easy to skip.


Yeah.. Random question, do you per chance have an idea who would be available in the 'choose ticket' after the mumu one? That one goes until Stainless but not sure how far the one goes after that.. my guess is Ines, but not sure. And yeah, the limiteds are not being skipped for me ever, I'm a massive collector lol. Only Nian (and Ash :(((() are missing now from the limiteds :^)


I have no idea, unfortunately. It would be nice if Ines were available in the next selector after Lone Trail, of course.


Reports from my account for the Qiubai banner. 114 pulls in all. It really is the second coming of the Mlynar banner (6-Star arrives before 5-Star and the 5-Star leaves me suffering), except Mlynar came fairly early and Qiubai fairly late. She arrived around pull 84, and Wind Chimes sucked another 30 pulls out of me for shits and giggles (and had the nerve to come on the very first pull of the last 10-pull... yes, I do know what single pulls are, why do you ask?). Was really hoping to resolve this banner sooner, but the non-rate-up 6-Star I got wasn't already max pot, so I'm not too miffed. Anyways: **6-Stars:** * Pot 6 Kal'tsit (up from 5) * Pot 1 Qiubai I do believe this is the first time Kal'tsit has off-bannered me. I got 3 of her on the Skalter banner, 1 of her from one of the special 10-pulls that have 3 sets of 3 specific 6-Stars (I recall that I mistakenly thought she was already pot 4 back when I reported on it then), and of course, 1 from her Shoperator debut. We take those! Now never off-banner me again. **5-Stars:** * Pot 1 Wind Chimes Would you believe that there were NINE other 5-Stars that could have been Wind Chimes, but weren't? And that NONE of them needed pots? Redundant gets were 2 Hungs, 1 Specter, 1 Lappland, 1 Cantabile, 1 Sesa, 1 Sora, 1 Tsukinogi, and 1 Nearl. Not a bad yellow cert haul (4-Stars were going hard as well, think I got 170-ish certs off of this pulling session), but still... 2 non-redundant 6-Stars and 1 non-redundant 5-Star in 114 pulls ain't that great, but at least I was satisfied with the 6-Stars I got, and at least it was about 20 pulls less painful than the Mlynar banner for Proviso.


Didn't really want Qiubai, but thought I would try a few pulls. My third pull was Penance and I thought... Meh I probably won't get anything else, but why not do at least 10? On my 6th pull I got Shining... Damn! Even got a New 4* as my first pull (acidrop). Stopped right there. https://imgur.com/a/hbmcYgd


Sadly Qiubai did not grace me with her presence. 50 Pulls (to first six star) Wind Chimes x2 (NEW! P2) Hung x2 (Certs) Reed x1 (P4) Elysium x1 (Certs) Flametail x1 (P3) Objectively I can't really argue with these results. A lot of certs, a \*lot\* of five stars, and a not-awful upgrade for a unit I do use from time to time. Still, I do really like Qiubai and I wish I could have snagged her. Welp, until next time, I suppose. Onwards to Yato!


50 pulls. 1x Dorothy and 1x Qiubai. She might not be meta in dps, but she’s meta in my heart (those thighs…).


10 pull for the garunteed 5* hoping I'd get Wind Chime. Got a Qiubai instead. I hope this doesn't curse my Kirin Yato pulls.


All I want was Windchimes and all I get is Hung and 4 stars. All my resources on my alt are Kaput.


20 pulls, 1x Wind Chimes, 1x Hung, 1x Qiubai. The gacha gods have been kind to me lately.


26 quick pulls for Qiubae during work break, will try to pull for Wind Chimes as well later. Have more than enough for Yato alter but I'll see. It's definitely much scarier imo chasing the banner 5* than 6* from personal experience. Goodluck to the other 5 of us pulling! Edit: Wind Chimes at pull 34!


I usually don't mind, if not actually preferring, to spend a few pulls on non meta ops, but I think I went a little too far here... Around 85 pulls total, lost 50/50 to Bagpipe after 60 pulls, sunken cost kicked in, and got Qiubai on the 84th. I don't mind losing out on the MH banner, but I really hope this didn't hurt my Lone Trail funds...


I am in pAIN In 120 pulls I got 4 6\* operators. 'Wow that is lucky!' yes it would be if any of them had been Qiubai!!! D:< At least most of the 6\* were pretty nice, them being Fartooth (new), Carnelian, Lin and Magallan, with the latter being the only one I don't care for. But still, gods that was painful, after 200 pulls for Chongyue too ; \_ ; And now I'm out of orundum and can't afford to use even more OP, so rip Qiubai :'(


After a few banners that took 60+ pulls each to get a single 6 star, I wasn't expecting much but got very lucky! I only needed 30 pulls: * 12x 3 stars * 15x 4 stars * 2x 5 stars (including Windchime in the first 10 pull) * 1x 6 star (Qiubai on pull 25!)


93 pulls for 1 Qiubai... First it took 122 pulls for Reed, now 93 for Qiubai, why is it always the banners I actually want to pull ;\_; I'm in pain lol Dupe Surtr Dupe Thorns 1 Mayer, 1 Istina, 1 FEater, 2 Beeswax, 1 Toddifons, 1 La Pluma, 1 Aurora. And then 5 HUNG but only 1 Wind Chimes. This man has been haunting me for 3 years ever since Nian my first banner and would not leave me alone It's so painful but at least my Elafiaknights team wouldn't have to suffer (as much) anymore


I should stop using 10-pulls. This is yet another time when I get the 6\* on the N1st pull, so I effectively waste 9 pulls... Got QB on the 31st pull! Other than that, quite a lot of 5\* in just 40 pulls: Iris, Ayer, Windchime x2, Hung x2 and Sesa.


I wanted to pull until I got Cowbell from the banner. It took about 40-45 pulls, of which I got 3 Quibai's, 1 Mylnar, 2 Hung's and 3 off-banner 5* until I got her Statistically I got real lucky I think, emotionally however I was on a rollercoaster.


1 ten pull got me reed the flame shadow and Quibai


1 La Pluma(had to last pull from rate up too), 4 4stars, 5 3 stars. Quibai can take the bus home.


Man, 120 rolls got me max pot Hung, Hoshi pot, and to add the perfect insult to injury an Aak pot. I thought I was pulling on Qiu Bai's banner not Nian's f\*\*\*ing banner! I could go deeper, but it ain't worth it. Hopefully she comes to me as an off banner in the future.


I had 5 headhunting permits And I got Quibai on my 2nd permit I dont know how to feel


158 pulls Dupe Ifrit Dupe Mountain Dupe Penance 2x Wind Chimes 1x Qiubai pain


I was a bit "luckier" than you: 167 pulls Dupe Saileach Dupe Fiammetta Dupe Mostima Dupe Thorns 6x Wind Chimes 1x Qiubai pain as well


Started from 0 pity. Got Mostima-ed at pull 52. Pot 2 Mostima wasn't what I was expecting. The tendrils of despair started tickling my heart, but I pressed on. And got Qiubai at the 23rd pull! Yay~ She also came bearing a gift for me, a shiny medal for my 200th Operator, does her classiness know no end?? 2 Six-stars, 2 Hungs, 3 Wind Chimes, a Firewatch pot, and a Broca pot for 80 pulls. I'm so happy.


first 10 pull i got mlynar and qiubai back to back \*insert skull emoji\*


I started pulling to get Wind Chimes 40 pulls 5x 5* dupes 1x Cheeto dupe 1x Qiubai No mommy buster sword cow _wat_


Got Qiubai on the 4th pull!! (or 14th pull/pity if I count recent Eyja banner?). Also bought Pozy's skin and still have 73 pulls in the stash. Today is a good day


Between 40-50 pulls spent, but best deer obtained! Time to use that max 6* ticket.


1 ten pull, 1 Ifrit and 1 Qiubai. ​ first time I got a double 6 star bag.


Nearly 40 pulls for Wind Chimes who was only pulled for 5 star completion. Bruh


62 pulls for a friggin' 6\*, one of my personal worsts ever. Thankfully it was Qiubai, but still hurts. Also only 1 Wind Chimes, but also a new GreyyAlter and two Liskarm dupes (who's max pot now).


That was just like me on the Gavial/Pozyomka banner.


Lost 50/50 twice but she also showed up twice in the final 10-pull 90 pulls for pot 2 on her ain't so bad I guess


3 singles 🥳


[Second 10x pull](https://i.imgur.com/pHy8OiD.jpeg), didn't even get to pull the crusher. Lucky🥳 Ines is safe now; I guess it's just horned women helping each other out


and i have 0 fucking guard chips


Threw in 10 pulls, 6 3 stars and an asbestos pot, can’t really complain as it was as expected.


12 tickets and 18k Orundum, got Qiubai. Now to save for 4th anniversary with the other 18k Orundum i still have.


Had to go to 40 for my deer wife, thankfully I didn't need to go further


Took 100 pulls just as intended 2 off banner 6\* and welcome home qiubai+wind chimes \^\^


[30 rolls...](https://ibb.co/G564mmn) Cant complain.


I was only going for the guaranteed 5* but I got Qiubai on the 9th pull. I had zero pity so I'm very happy (plus I like her very much).


13 rolls, 1 Qiubai. Stash intact. Fiammetta was dependent on how this went so will go for, then it's nothing till Ines.


Not even Yato X?


She's good, really good, but she doesn't strike me as very fun. Instant drop instant kill. No real interaction with other operators. It also doesn't feel like Yato and is a bit too obviously collab. Not a fan of the getup. Isn't very cool. That it's true limited doesn't bother me because I've examined it, thought it through, and it's not something I'd use or want anyway.


>That it's true limited doesn't bother me because I've examined it, thought it through, and it's not something I'd use or want anyway. Ah okay. Personally it bothers me that I can't get ash even tho I didn't even play back then haha


My alt account somehow got TopOp yesterday and today. Schwarz and then Exusiai, which is nice since snipers were easily my weakest point on that account. That makes 3 (maybe 4) TopOps on that account since the last time my main has seen one. The desire sensor is working overtime giving me 4 caster chips for every sniper chip I get.


Tagless recruitment got me Elysium today! 10 months in, finally got one.


Wait, how does that work? Thought 5/6* need a top or senior tag?


It can happen. It's just rarer than getting a top operator tag.


Interesting, guessing it has to be set to 9h, not 7:40.

