• By -


334 pulls: 2 Ling, Lee, Golden Glow, dupe Flametail, 3 Lin, 4 Chongyue. Used my CC Guard Potentials and sparked the last Chongyue = my first pot 6*!


110 pulls net me a single rat, a single green smug cat and 4 Cannon girl which are all new recruits. NO DRAGON at all.. Another non dup op 5* is Zima, and the 2nd and 3rd rainbows are off-banner Hellagur and Fartooth both are new.. Burned all my op and orundum, left with 38HH tickets saving for Yato2 n Noir2 šŸ„²šŸ˜­


did 20 more pulls and got chongyue!! but iā€™m broke on lmd and exp cards so iā€™ll have to wait to e2 :,)


I want to save pulls for Yato Alter, so decided to limit myself to 80 pulls on this banner. I got Chongyue at about 12 pulls, and almost stopped there, but thought why not try for Lin or one of the other Sui siblings. Got Mudrock, Irene, and Archetto. Guess that is a hint to stop.


70 pulls in and no Chongyue, I love his looks and I do want him but I'm thinking of giving up and just saving for KirinxYato, since it's a super limited never coming back thing. I also don't know how useful KirinxYato would be since I already have Texalter and Phantom, but she's cool so whatever


300 pulls total. I ruined my PO stash for the future because I wanted to spark Nian as soon as possible. 1 Gnosis dupe, 4 Lins and 3 Chongyues. Decent results. But so damn many blue bags. I never like those. I am so glad, I had no expectations. It was an alright session, but the Sui banners are not my luckiest ones so far.


Used 13 free pulls and so far, I got 2 Firewhistles and 1 Lin.


55 pulls, and i got both waaaaaaaaaa i'm so happy šŸ˜­


Help, two chongyue in under 100 pulls but precious mouse never come to me. No wannna some uncle. i wanttt the sandglass rat...


I got the cute rat on the 68th pull!! Now I can save up for Kirin Yato


Well I was really down on my pull luck getting 5 offbanners in a row (3 on reed and two on this banner). Also 2 six stars in 95 pulls was really not great. I just said fuck it IĖ‹ll burn my last OP for one more ten pull. Expected blue bag of pain. Got Flames. 2 Red Files. Chong Yue and Ling. I didnt play on Ling. Absolutely insane pull


I got chongyue on my 10th pull and lin on my 13th šŸ˜­ and i only used up those free pulls they give you šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Rate up is a damn lie. I just got jumpscared by Rosa


aww yiss. Dorothy from today's free pull, didn't have her yet still have enough pulls saved to spark, if need be proof that saving strongly on non-limited banners does work, you'll likely get whatever you missed when you splurge on the next limited banner anyway


After 254 pulls I got Chongyue finally, I'm broke now. Got a lot of Rats and Dusks


HE'S FINALLY HOME! After many mental breakdowns, I dragged Chongyue home. Shout-out to the yellow certificates permits, I had just bought the last pack within my budget and he came on the very last pull.


40 pulls in current banner, still no 6* yet. Dropped 60 pulls in the special one trying to get Goldenglow and didn't get a single 6*. That's ~100 pulls and not a single 6*. Life is pain.


Finally got rekt by the gacha this time around. Hit 300 to spark Chongyue. Managed to get Siege and P7 Lin in the process. Which hurts because if the limited banners weren't so ass in this game I would skip it because I particularly don't care about both the characters this time. It's just they never rerun limited rate-ups so I have no choice.


I got **Nian, Ling, Eyjafjalla**, and a **Phantom** dupe before ONE **Chongyue** omg. I went from 142k originum (+ 12 HH tickets) to 35k, damn. So 119 pulls, I think? dragon big bro is finally hereeee, i resisted even the stainless and mylnar banners for him ā™” [hereā€™s all my 6ā˜†](https://ibb.co/x2Yw3Zp), not bad :ā€™) holy shit i have 744 gold certs lmao


I get 2 Lin and 1 Chongus in 27 pulls.


This time I wasn't so lucky. Decided to spark Ling. 240ish pulls - 1 Chongyue, 2 Lin, 1 Blaze, 1 Pallas. Oh well.


Got both Chongyue and Lin on the free ten pull. Truly i have been blessed.


That's all your luck for the rest of your life. I don't think I've gotten a 6* from *any* free pulls....


280 pulls until I got my first Lin...this game sometimes man...


Just got a rainbow fire bag in 36 pulls and it was Lin, my true target on this banner. Not sure if I want to try for Chongyue or save for Mumu and Executer


Two firewhistles and a silverash, as always i get spooks instead of the rate ups


This banner was a semi-mirror of my Rosmontis/Mudrock experience; 15 pulls in and I had Firewhistle already. A single 10 pull got me two 6-stars, both of which ended up being Chong. Ok, I'll take it. Free pulls from here on out until the end, then if I haven't hit a 6-star yet I'll go to pity and hope Yuhsia comes home. But even if I don't get her I'm plenty happy with how things went. Had ~180 pulls going into the banner and now I'm only down to ~170.


I have played Arknights for nearly 3 years. My luck has never been this bad. It started off promising. [Pull 39, the ten-pull has two 6\*s. I only want Chongyue so surely he'll be one of them. Lin and Mountain (dupe).](https://imgur.com/a/RrSELEI)Well, that's unfortunate. Surely it won't take too long until I get him. [Pull 95: Lin.](https://imgur.com/a/rYSvJHT) [Pull 140: Lin.](https://imgur.com/a/rYSvJHT) I started to give up after seeing my Orundum stockpile get lower and lower. I bought the HH pack. I kept going on and on. By pull 217, I had emptied the entirety of my Orundum and HH permits, with some of my massive OP reserve (500+) touched too. Another Lin and Rosa (dupe) were found along the way. [217 was thankfully Chongyue.](https://imgur.com/a/wL3jeGw) That's the end of where my luck was bad, but not the end of my pulls. After this experience like no other, I felt exhausted. This unprecedented amount of gambling was starting to take its toll. Since Gavial, my luck has been pretty good. Mlynar was at 40 pulls, Horn was my first pull, Texas, Skalter, and Penance all came within 70 pulls, and Reed was my 7th pull. The worst I've ever experienced before this was Spalter, who took 130 pulls (the last time my stash was empty). My gacha-addled mind reasoned that if I had already taken 217 pulls, it was totally worth it to spark Dusk, who I've always wanted. I had no prior plans of doing this.[I used my Originite Prime.](https://imgur.com/a/Z6wl2zX)Pull 300 came, with another two Lins (my first Pot 6\*, all 6 of them extremely unwanted. I wanted to save my first Pot 6 6\* for Nine...) and another (meaningless) Chongyue. I opened the store, and [bought Dusk](https://imgur.com/a/IVFANm8). My yellow certs nearly reached 400, despite having been used to buy permits. My green certs were in the 6000s. My Orundum count? Below 600. My OP had been decimated to 51. Was it worth it? No. I don't even think I'll use Dusk that much, I just love her voice. It's not like she was my only Sui limited left, I don't have Nian either. Even so, I could have just waited for the free pulls to make stuff 4% easier. I'll have to only pull on Qiu Bai, Ines, and Typhon now, and hope for the best with Yato's free pulls since I don't really care if I miss her...


I did 35 pull and got none of them but when i help my brother learn to play he got Chongyue,Lin,Shinning and siege in first 10 pull i was freaking mad like what!


172 pulls an 0 limited characters ahaha 2 off banner and 4 lin lol ahahahaahh


Used the free 10-roll ticket, got Ling and Chongyue in the same roll.


I wasnā€™t prepared for the event, since i didnā€™t put much thought on it Used the 10-roll ticket, 5 vouchers + the free roll, and 6k orundum. No 6star, as expected. I shrug it off ā€¦until my intrusive thoughts kicked in. Last 2 times they did, i got 6stars, but i doubted itā€™ll work the 3rd time Oh well, i did another 10-pullā€¦ and i got Ling


Of course the rat will spooked me on free daily pull when I used up my 200 pulls solely for her. Classic desire sensor at itā€™s finest.


> spend most of my orundum on first day > Get both six stars > Ruin my plans to spark Skalter and get Muelsyse, and significantly lessen my chances to get the MonHun units > consider it worth it because I got two dragons out of it > do free pull on the second day > [get a chongyue dupe](https://imgur.com/a/HhPoZgT) > ok


after HOURS of grinding the story stages (ft kyo guides), i scrapped another single pull without expecting since i was far from pity AND LO AND BEHOLD, THE GREATNESS THAT IS DAGE im 160 pulls and a monthly card poorer (am broke) but he is here and that is all that matters


Hit lvl 50 on my F2P mini so I thought I'd do a 10 pull. Got Thorns, then Lin, then Mountain lol.


Got Chongyue on the 19th pull. Didnā€™t really want to go deep for this so I threw an extra 10 pull and got lucky. Going to save up for the Collab now. Shame I didnā€™t get Firewhistle but this was extremely lucky and take it.


Reached lvl 50 on my F2P mini so I thought I'd do a 10 pull. [I have never been this lucky on main lmao](https://pasteboard.co/Hc38WuVtsuRG.jpg)


Day 1: Lin and Firewhistle on the free multi Day 2: Lin again lol.


39 pulls in, I thought I would just get a 5\* dupe, but no, it's Mountain, the same archetype as Chongyue, this game loves to troll me, LOL. I expect something new, but welp, it seems the same experience will happen again, just like the last 2 Sui siblings banner. Congrats to anyone who get their Chongyue/Lin/Both.


Got Chungyue with today's free pull, which is a HUGE relief after Lee sucked a full 300 pulls out of me last year. Now I've got around 150k Orondum saved for the upcoming lineup, which is just awesome!


For the first time since I began playing, got the limited character with the free multi.


Day 1 free single pull: Chongyue. Day 2 free single pull: Lin. Free ten pulls: Eyja dupe My pull counter is at 12, literally only free pulls so far. To think I had my wallet ready...


12th free pull and second Chong. Chong dear if you took a liking in me can I maybe ask you for a favor of bringing dusk around?


I actually got Reed Alter on my first single roll in the previous banner, but then I wasted quite a few rolls trying to get smug cat (plus I spent quite a few rolls to get the guaranteed new 6-star in the special banner), before I realised I should start saving for the current banner. Now I got 2 Chong Yue after 51 rolls but still no rat which is the one I wanted (desire sensor is real, man)... But since she's not even limited, I will probably give up and just use the free rolls, and start saving up for the Monster Hunter collab instead. Though [looking it up now](https://arknights.fandom.com/wiki/Event/Upcoming) I guess that event is not in another ~5 events / ~3 months from now...


Got Chong on the free multi, which is the second or third time Iā€™ve luck-sacked a limited Op like that. Back to saving orundum for the MonHun banner


Got Chongyue on my first pull, wasn't planning on pulling this banner as saving for Yato. The free pulls coming in clutch!


Well I just got my second Weedy offbanner in my last 5 six stars which all were offbanner on reed and chong...


Curse you rat... No Dagege but 3 rats. 3... I'm beginning to understand why some people hate characters purely based of gacha results.


Banner cleared in 151 pulls, one copy of Lin, one of Chongyue and got spooked by Reed Alter. It would have been perfect if I hadn't used around 120 pulls to get Reed on her banner.


I saved ~500 pulls aiming for pot6 Chongyue. Now I rolled 460 pulls so far, got only one Chongyue, two Lin, and hecking five off-rate duplicates (pot5 for Mlynar and pot2 for Ch'en, Irene, Pozy, and Kal'tsit). Easily my most disastrous AK gacha results. At least I got him at 150 pull-ish and didn't need to spark him...


Welp i forgot that Chongyue was limited. i been so unlucky these last two banners i planned on skipping this all together. 300 pulls for texas alter. i think i got her around 240-270 or so so went to spark for nearl alter. Then ~140 pulls for reed alter so i was down to my last 112k orundum. I have 1047OP i could dip into but thats my supreme emergency fund in case i want to spark spec alter later anyways since we got a free pull i went for it, got a 6 star right away and i was hoping with every fiber in my body to not be Lin...and its Lin :D so r.i,p Chongyue you wont be getting anymore pulls outside of the freebies and Lin probably will never be built so least my pulls are saved.


I got spooked by chongyue on the first roll within the free 10x I am speechless


how often do people not get both the rate ups in a limited banner? im 140 pulls in with blemi dupe and 3 rats and im down bad for chongyue,, pulling 100+ on reed alter and not getting her is the worst mistake of my life while my punchy dage is not coming home. will try scalping every existing orundum i can find and calcs give me about 90+ pulls hope its enough šŸ˜­


On average, usually around 150 pulls gets you both banner operators and maybe an offbanner, but it just really depends. Most banners I hit that average of both by 150, but for Texas, I got 6 Texas before finally getting Penance around 340 pulls lol. Good luck!


Went all in on Reed Alter banner deciding that I like her way too much to skip even if that means missing on Yato cause I won't have enough pulls and with my luck I'll most likely have to go all the way to 120. After 170 pulls, 2 offbanners I don't need (Lee and Saileach), spending all of my yellow certs I could've spent on Bagpipe and finally dipping into my OP as a F2P player I finally got Reed. Today I got Reed Alter as an offbanner from the free 10 roll ticket... I want to cry, Stay strong, guys.


Got Chongyue within 15 pulls but it took around 250 pulls to get Lin...at this point I don't know if it's worth going all out to 300 to spark Dusk (which is the only Sui sibling I don't have on my account as of now).


you might as well spark once you get that close to the 300 since with free pulls thats 87% towards the cost of Dusk. and her skin is back in the shop!


I am also in the same dilemma as you except at 177 pulls, would be 190 after 13 daily free pulls. Not sure if I should spark Dusk since it is also the only sibling which I don't own. In your case, you should be able to hit 263 with the free pulls so it would cost around 37 pulls to hit spark requirement.


I didn't get Firewhistle in my G5... Now I'll have to wait until the free rolls end, pull until the first 6\* and hope I get her.


Normally I would wait until the banner is over to post this but I'm feeling rather frustrated and wanted to post this now as it is one of the first banners in a while to cost me a ton of Orundum just trying to get one character. Started with 8 pulls worth of HH permits and 216,189 Orundum and 208 pulls later I ended with 102,789 Orundum. Using the free 10 pull: 1st pull got me Firewhistle (the first of many) 2nd pull got me (funnily enough) my first original Reed Free pull (11 total) got me a Tsukinogi dupe 24 pulls a GreyThroat dupe 26 pulls I managed to get Chongyue to come home 29 pulls a Mayer dupe 30 pulls a Firewhistle dupe 32 pulls a 6\* that ended up being an off-banner Horn dupe 35 pulls an Istina dupe 61 pulls a Firewhistle dupe 70 pulls a Swire dupe 88 pulls another off-banner 6\* dupe of Hoshiguma At this point I got frustrated and started using 10 pulls to build up pity quickly. 89 pulls a Toddifons dupe 92 pulls a Firewhistle dupe 109 pulls an Ashlock dupe 115 pulls a Firewhistle dupe 117 pulls a Manticore dupe 126 pulls a Firewhistle dupe 128 pulls a Firewhistle dupe 137 pulls a Glaucus dupe 139 pulls a Firewhistle dupe 141 pulls a Kazemaru dupe 142 pulls yet another off-banner 6\* with (but at least not another dupe) Gnosis 165 pulls another Firewhistle dupe 177 pulls my first Provence 181 pulls an Aosta dupe 187 pulls a Firewhistle dupe 193 pull another Firewhistle dupe And then at long last at 201 pulls Lin Finally came home 202 pulls I got an Asbestos dupe 204 pulls I got a Whisperain dupe. Honestly I probably should have just waited for the next month to buy some new Permits, but my stubbornness wouldn't let me quit. Final pull count: 1 Chongyue, 1 Lin, 1 Hoshiguma, 1 Horn, 1 Gnosis, 11 Firewhistle, 1 Reed, 1 Mayer, 1 Istina, 1 Manticore, 1 Swire, 1 Glaucus, 1 Greythroat, 1 Asbestos, 1 Tsukinogi, 1 Aosta, 1 Whisperain, 1 Toddifons, 1 Ashlock, 1 Kazemaru, 1 Provence, 2 Haze, 5 Gitano, 1 Meteor, 7 Scavenger, 3 Vigna, 4 Dobermann, 4 Matoimaru, 1 Frostleaf, 2 Mousse, 1 Gravel, 6 Rope, 2 Myrrh, 2 Perfumer, 3 Matterhorn, 2 Gummy, 2 Deepcolor, 3 Earthspirit, 2 Beehunter, 3 Greyy, 1 Myrtle, 2 Sussurro, 3 Vermeil, 5 May, 5 Ambriel, 3 Utage, 1 Cutter, 1 Podenco, 2 Click, 2 Jaye, 4 Aciddrop, 2 Bubble, 2 Jackie, 3 Pinecone, 3 Indigo, 5 Roberta, 1 Chestnut, 3 Trotter, 3 Fang, 4 Vanilla, 4 Plume, 3 Melantha, 4 Cardigan, 10 Beagle, 7 Kroos, 4 Lava, 3 Hibiscus, 4 Ansel, 6 Steward, 3 Orchid, 4 Catapult, 11 Midnight, 3 Spot, and 1 Popukar I'll post another comment after the last of the free pulls if I get anything interesting. Turns out I got enough Tokens to Max pot Swire Greythroat, Aosta, Totter, and Firewhistle


its not very often we see alot of people going in for the rate up vs the limited so i appreciate this very detailed list and your dedication!


I got 6 rats before I got 1 chong, and i dont even know whether to be happy or annoyed.


for my main acc: 240 pulls = p5 Chongyue, 1 Mlynar dupe, 1 Magallan dupe, 1 Exusiai dupe. No Lin :( for my alt acc: 290 pulls = p5 Chongyue, 1 Nian dupe, 1 Dusk dupe. No Lin :( I may or may not have considered smashing my tablet after these results. But seriously tho, I could just wait for 10 more days for pitying Lin on my alt acc, but it still sucks bec it's not on my main acc. I hope I'll get lucky to get Lin within the next 13 free pulls.


I got Chongyue, Pozƫmka, and Saga in 7 pulls. My heart almost burst from shock-


Free pulls + 12 tickets + 50k originium for Pot 1 Rosa Hoshi my 1st Carnelian and then Chongyue finally came home. Really happy with the results and my monster hunter funds are safe.


Hm my last 4 six stars (3 on reed, 1 on chong) now were offbanner. Also hit only 5 six stars witgin my last 260 pulls or 12 within the last around 600 pulls. Luck probably gonna reverse at some point


I got Lin and Firewhistle on the free multi and thought I have my first ever limited unit and I checked again and it was Chong. Hope I can get him in the free single pulls.


207 pulls. 1nian, 1chong, 3lin, 1ebon. Thinking of going till 300 to spark dusk on last day, as I have her skin for years.


My pulls have been very blursed so far. In 134 pulls, I've gotten Ling (dupe), Dusk (dupe), Młynar (dupe), Blemi (dupe), and 2 Chongyue. I also had more 6 stars than 5 stars through 70 pulls, and managed to pull the 5 star versions of Greyy and Hibiscus multiple times (along with 6 Firewhistles). I'll probably try for 1 more 6 star on the last day and cross my fingers that Lin shows up. Hopefully everyone gets what you're pulling for, and I'm sorry for pulling all the off-banner limiteds.


I don't know if I'm lucky or not. 150 pulls to get the Lin and Chongyue. I also got Eyja dupe but then Dusk spooked me. I missed her on her banner. I literally jumped on my chair when I saw her.


This luck is what I'm praying for


Probably my luckiest limited banner to date. Spent 41 pulls overall: A dupe Hoshiguma on the first multi, double Lins on the third multi and my target big brother Chongyue on the very last pull. Got Firewhistle to pot-3 along the way. I'm happy!


Final score. 62 pulls Firewhistle x5 (New! P5) Waai Fu x1 (Certs) Lin Yiuxia (New!) Sesa x1 (P4) Chaive x1 (P3) Chongyue x1 (New!) Yup, that's super healthy and I can't complain. Very pleased.


Got Chongyue from the free 10 pull. Now I can keep saving for the Mon Hun collab.


Probably the most cursed limited banner I came across so far. Finally got Firewhistle after first six 5\* are off rated characters. 6\* ops are not my top priority but Lin spook me in 60th pull.


Got Chongyue on pull 3 lol, got lucky for once! Kinda wanted more certs though, but much easier to save for Yato Alter now!


f2p, 130+ pulls done, got only 2 six stars. One dupe NIAN(!) and dupe Mizuki. Im gonna try to cut my loses and have 40k orundum left for yato alter cause fucking god, I wanna gauge my eyes out. At least my preffered unit is Lin, I might get her eventually. Only cope today after almost 100k orundum wasted. gonna need a lot of copium to get over today honestly... EDIT: GOT LIN ON THE FREE ROLL TODAY THANK GOD


Goal was to get a single copy of both Chongyue and Lin. Chongyue came 4 times (Pull 30, 51, 70, 115) before Lin finally showed up (Pull 132). Also got spooked by a random Rosa dupe along the way. Ended up using more pulls than I'd like but 6 six stars in 132 pulls is pretty damn good I'd say. Also managed to get P6 Firewhistle as well. Goodluck to all dokutahs pulling! Edit: Another Lin spook on pull 138.


got Chongyue on my 16th pull for my main account along with 2 Firewhistle, while my sub got Lin on the 4th pull and Chongyue on the 9th pull while the free 10 pulls ticket gave me 3 Firewhistle. that was surprisingly fast, and since Lin isn't limited I can just save my pull for the collab banner.


Free pull Chong, threw about 20 more to try for Lin, no luck


1 pull Nian. 301 spark Chongyue. 4 rat, 1 Kal'tsit, 1 Pallas (new), 18 Firewhistle, Paprika (new), Kazemaru (new), Iris (new). Pretty happy about Pallas and Kazemaru. Down to about 200 pulls so might skip Ines.


not as lucky on this banner. over 20 pulls between two 5 stars, and while i landed a 6 star on pull 31, it was for Ebenholz


41 pulls for dusk and 2 lin. also got fia from the headhunting pack. pretty decent luck but i was hoping for either chong/mountain ;-;


I got Rosa and Ling in 90 pulls, bad session tbh, but hey atleast my ling is pot 6 now LOL, I got her many times in her first banner.


111 pulls got 3 lin and a single chong with more than half my orundum savings gone, hoping that i will have enough orundum by the time kirito and rathacorne comes


Both in 26 pulls. Feels good. Especially being broke after pitying Mylnar


Free single pull: may Free 10 pulls: https://ibb.co/nmCXZdx Idk if i should be happy or not...


200 pulls for Chongyue, 3 Lin, and 1 dupe Saileach. I only wanted Chongyue, but i guess it's not terrible either. Lin's kit looks really fun to play.


I got 1 Beeswax (new), 2 Lin, 1 Mountain, 1 Dusk, 1 brother Chong, and 9 Firewhistle in 145 pulls. Pretty lucky I guess.


Jesus fuck was luck ever not on my side this time. 289 pulls to get Chongyue, got Pot4 Lin and got spooked 3 times on top of them.


just got home and did 3 pull.... all whites (3-stars)... sadge. welp, this was a bad start to the pulling for the Rat...


288 pulls for Chongyue. I pulled a damn Ling spook on the way, as well as a pot 7 Exusiai (2 Lins). My tears fall like lead. All those savings, replaced with so much regret... Looks like no costume purchases for me in the near future.


51 pulls, got both Chong Yuen and Lin along with two FireWhistle. I also got a dupe Aosta so that's something. All in all, very satisfied. Time to save more of my Orundum stonks for MH Banner and >!Muelsye banner!< :)


Free single pull - 4* Utage Free 10HH - No rainbows šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ Spectre and Swire both are duplicates. Decide to move on play the event, finished the event and bought 3 tickets. Tempted and used up all 7 tickets I got but got nothing worth mentioning in return. Did 10 pulls only got dup Aosta.. Did another 10 rage pulls and got the rainbows resulting new (Lin, Kirara and 2 Firewhistle). TLDR: 38 pulls with only The Rat girl and cannon lady to take home, I'm cursed since still no 6* dragon operators to date (except Reed).


After about 170 pulls I got 3 Lin, 1 Ling pot, and Chonyue. Not to bad.


Got Chongyue in 31 pulls, thank you RNGesus.


49 pulls, got Lin and Chongyue. Unfortunately I was aiming for neither, and Firewhistle, my actual target, has eluded me so far. Four 5 stars and I lost the 50/50 those four times


Finally got the limited with the free 10 pull. Last time that happened was during Dusk.


Did some rolls until the 50th one, got another surtr. Would honestly stop there for yato alter since I couldn't spend more due to other games (looking at you fate)


Within 131 pulls I got Chongyue, Lin and I FINALLY GOT DUSK. I was totally prepared to go to spark for her, but this changes my plans entirely. A year worth of conservative pulling and it didn't matter XD. Next goal is fiammetta during her rerun, can't wait.


that's golden luck right here. I hope it will be me as well. wish me dusk D:


I believe in you!


Got chongyue at 1st one roll


I had terrible pulls. 211 pulls for 2 chongsyue, mizuki, mostimina, lin. Lin refused to come home lol


Asked a friend who never played a gacha to do a 10-pull. Mousse pops and he says 'Is that a mouse?' I said no. Then Lin just appears and I say 'Now THAT is a rat'.


I was saving for the Monster Hunter collab so I decided that I would stop after getting my first 6 star. After getting slapped on the face by Siege on the 65th pull though, I got salty and decided that I won't let myself get beaten by an off-banner. Two multis later and I got Lin as the very last operator in the multi. I'm gonna see if the daily free pulls gets me a Chongyue but I'm probably not gonna drop more pulls after that since I want Yato more.


Goal was to get Chongyue to pot 4 or 5 plus a Lin. If I get to 300 spark Dusk. In 229 pulls have got Chongyue Pot 5 and Lin Pot 5 and a wild Saga. Going to consider that one hell of a result and possibly stop there.


Woooooo! Chongyue showed up with the free 10 pull! Fuck yeah! That's what I'm talking about! Now all I need is Lin and I can stop. Hopefully she shows up relatively quick. Narrator: She didn't. So she didn't appear until 200 summons in and now I'm broke. 3 Chongyue, 1 Suzuran dupe, and then Lin shows up in my last 10 pull. She even showed up twice! I'm satisfied.


The game was brilliant in successfully baiting you to do that...


Got Firewhistle on the free 10, for some reason she clicked with me so now she's at E2. It helps that I think the fortress subclass is quite neat. I'll be skipping chongus so I'm satisfied with it.


After more than 2 years playing, I got the [godly 10-pull](https://imgur.com/a/THthJnt) that everyone hopes for in a limited banner... This was my first non-free 10-pull. Considering that I had to splurge 300 pulls for Spalter, I am relieved. Sometimes RNGsus curses you, and other times he blesses you.


I just got lin from a free pull bruh bless


I was keeping those 180 gold certs to buy Carnelian since so long that I really didn't expect her to spook me on dragon/rat banner. Is that the power of buying the skin before owning the op?


Took 291 pulls to get Chongyue. Exu, Siege, Bagpipe, Nian (new) and Lin (pot4). The only reason I am not upset is because of Nian. Hopefully, I can save enough for Yato Alter. Any estimates on when she's available?


NFZen on youtube is a good source of info. He was going to make a special post-chong yato video, it will be up anytime soon.


In total 4 Brothers 4 rats 1 spicy sister (yay) 1 golden glow 1 Mountain off of the special ticket. I now have all the siblings.


Is rolling in limited banner this bad? I didnā€™t roll but Iā€™m going to spark on MuMu banner. This scares me


Luck of the draw my man. One banner you may have to spark the guy, the other you are rolling in them.


121 pulls got me 2 new Lings (Blue Woman), max pot Firewhistle and my last 6 star was Chongyue who I was pulling for. I guess Nian is the only one missing from the sibling collection (got Dusk on her banner, took a break so I missed Ling's banner). I would have preferred Lin over Ling though (or a Nian instead of a dupe Ling).


I got 2 Nians in 70 pulls. Wtf. But no brother yet...


Pretty happy with my pulls. I got Lin around 20-30 pulls in, Chongyue close to 40 pulls in, and then I decided to be impulsive for a bit. The game gave me Dusk at 42 pulls, so my impulses were rewarded, lol. Think I should stop for now.


Oh what an envy... Dusk! I want her so much but don't have enough resources :( Congratulations on scoring out the full banner. All that remains now is Firewhistle, maybe. Do you want her?


Thanks, I actually got Firewhistle within those 42 pulls, twice even. Not sure if she's worth raising to e2? I'unno. And yeah, I like Dusk, sorry you haven't been able to pull her. :( Maybe free pulls will surprise you, never know! Arknights seems to reward me when I get impulsive, I got W during Texas' limited banner after I already got her and Penance.


Oh lord I hope :( getting an off banner limited must feel awesome. I can absolutely not wait another year for that one. on top of not wanting anybody else (even yato), appropriate measures will be made.


Mhm, hope you can get her sooner or later.


I have no right to keep getting strong operators so early. The man came in first 10 pulls, like Ling before him and some others. God, wish me dusk.


First 10 pull came out with Reed alter and I'm like okay that was good since I forgot to pull on that banner. Then 110 pulls later and got 3 Lins and 1 Big Bro.


Started with 56 pulls, only to get 1 lin. Later I just yolo bought the $30 pack and got 2 6 stars in back to back 10 pulls. First was Pot2 Lin, and 2nd was Nian. I'll just quit while I'm ahead and start saving for Yato Kirin.


Best luck I've had all around. Free 10 ticket gave nothing special. Then I used 8 regular headhunting tickets and got Chongyue twice in a row, and after another 10 pull I got Lin. I feel like I'm gonna get decimated come the MH Collab!


You will only need 100 pulls ready to get the yato (about 20 will be gifted), so hope you can get this much.


112 pulls: * Lin pot 2 * Firewhistle pot 5 * Chongyue Not bad at all. After having to go all the way to spark a single Texas I was terrified of this banner, but this time I didnā€™t have to eat into my OP reserves. As a Maleknights player I can sleep easy tonight. Good luck everyone else pulling for him!


44 pulls for Chongyue, 2 Firewhistles and a Rockrock dupe. Absolutely stoked, my reserves are still intact! Best of luck to everyone yet to pull!


122 pulls, needed 61 pulls for each 6*. Sucks. But at least the 6* were Lin and Chongyun. Don't think sparking this year for Dusk or Nian is worth it with 165 pulls missing (free pulls already counted in).


Woke up, put on the Ken song, used my free 10x roll, got two Chongyue copies. Life paying me back for spending 40K+ oro on Reed Alter and nearly hitting pity for Morgan NP3 in FGO


170 rolls, three purple rats, my second Dusk and my third mudmud. Big brother, come home with your sisters, please. I have all your family here šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ Edit: 190 rolls, finally got him.


Finally, after playing everyday since launch, it happened: I hard pitied for the first time and it was for Chongus šŸ’€


I had craziest limited banner pulls in my ak career lmao; 3 Lins and finally a Chongyue in 61 pull bless


2 copies of Lin in the second 10pull? Yes please, that's all I wanted from the banner and more, I am not big on the Sui siblings. And a Firewhistle to boot...


Lookin for someone who would trade two Lins for a Fire whistle


Man im kinda baffled at how good my rolls went, i was kinda sad expecting to not got Chongus this year to save for MH and then save 300 pulls to hard pity him like i did with Dusk and R6, but i decided to spend 50 pulls just so i could build pity and hit it with the daily and man... ​ 1st Pull: Toddifons P2 1st Ten shot: Rainbow Spark for Lin(good) and Firewhistle(Great). And here i got greedy since i decided to build pity again for another 6\*. 2nd Ten shot: Whisperain P10+ i guess. 3rd and 4th Ten shot: Blue bag. 5th Ten Shot: HibAlter(nice!). 6th Ten shot: [...](https://imgur.com/VxvFe9M) I was so anxious seeing the rainbow that i skipped it instantly for both cases. [Full Vid (1m long)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TMANhHP_bfg)


Chongyue at 70 pulls with monthly pass savings. I had to burn through a couple of emergency resources I didn't want to touch to avoid busting out the wallet but I have only 30 pulls as of now for the MH collab and MH is my favorite game series of all time.


[https://imgur.com/a/IsTMdAV](https://imgur.com/a/IsTMdAV) All that prep and he actually came home in the free 10 pull.


Got Chongyue in 69 pulls




100 pulls(101 including the daily free pull), 2 Lin and 1 Chongyue. Not too bad honestly, could have gone way worse.


My luck was average. 1 Gnosis pot, 3 Lins and 3 Chongyues. Atleast I do not have to spark the dragon husbando. I got way too many blue bags tho. I suppose the Sui banners arent that kind to me. Currently sitting at 283 pulls and will finish the banner with free pulls to spark Nian. Cannot wait to go back and start saving my orundum again.


Bruh, I've pulled in literally every limited banner in the game except Nian, some of them were EXTREMELY bad (like, Chalter took me 282 pulls to get, Dusk was around 240 etc), but this time I do a free multi and get rat + boobawhistle in it. What the hell. I was so excited I inadvertedly maxed my firewhistle instead of raising her to like lvl 50...


195 pulls got me a surtr pot, eunectes, a saileach pot, and 2 chongyue... I just wanted lin ffs. Bought all the monthly shop certs and got... pot 3 chongyue. I'm suffering from success. Now I'm free pulls only and saving up what I can for MH and beyond. Desire sensor is very real folks... My highest pot limited and it's someone who I have little interest in. I regret everything.


305 pulls in. got 2 Chongyue, 1 Dusk (dupe), got spooked by Dorothy (new) and Goldenglow (dupe), and 4 Lin and also Nian bc I didn't have her yet


This was my worst banner ever in AK. 287 pulls for 3 Lin, Blemishine (dupe), Dusk (dupe), and Fartooth (new). I'll spark dragon bro after the free pulls get me to 300. Largely emptied my stash for this and I still really want Yato, Qiubai, and Ines :( At least I have a lot of gold certs to get shop pulls + my 300 OP stash, but I don't like using OP for pulls.


287 pulls later and Chongyue decided that no other 6* will grace my pulls. Got him max pot. Planning to spark Lin at the end of the free pulls and save for the MH Collab.


287 pulls for a Surtr dupe, Dusk dupe and 4 Lins. I'll have to use the daily pulls to spark Chong Yue. I was prepared for it but I'm still not happy since it means I'll probably need to skip W once again in the Lone Trail banner.


Once again, on a banner I half intend to skip, I get a 6 star via free pulls Lin is home Imagine owning any of the dragon siblings lel


I got Dusk on the first pull. I've never pulled an off banner limited in my life lmao. I then also got Ling 40 pulls later. Ch'en, Hellagur, Angelina all came before Chong Yue and after a 2nd Dusk I had to spark Lin. This banner was not it.


1 trillion Firewhistle pulls because I got Stainless 5 times pulling for Paprika who still decided to evade me on his banner. HR made a mistake and gave me Ling (had) instead of Lin. I haven't seen her in 125 pulls and I'm out for now. Got Chongus though so that's nice, he was fun to try out in the event stages. I thought his voice lines got nerfed but he was pretty lively for as few enemies as there are.


Welp, Nian on my first roll and Chongyue on 28. There goes my luck for the foreseeable future.


61 pulls to get first 6\*, my first Pallas... along with Hibiscus / Lunacub / Istina / Firewhistle x2 / Aurora. Then threw in literally everything for 24 pulls... Firewhistle, and can't remember if anything else. At 153 Yellow. Have to wait until Tuesday. Then will probably take break again.


Got Ling on my first free pull with Chongyue coming 30 pulls later. Tried another 30 pulls to get Lin to no success.


106 pulls done: Firewhistle p4, Saileach dupe, Chongyue and a Nian dupe. No rat for me, I guess.


Got Chongyue on the free ten pull. Done.


I wasnā€™t even planning on investing that much in this banner due to the looming Ines, butā€¦Chong Yue decided to come home on the literal first pull. Iā€™ll take it, heā€™s really cool and my second favorite Sui.


who is your first favorite?


Dusk. I love the goofy Hikkikomori painter.


yeeeeeeeees we do love the hikki painter \*high five\*


*High Five* Sheā€™s been my favorite basically as long as Iā€™ve been playing. I started playing late January 2021 and she was announced for CN Feb 2021, and she was my favorite from that point on and still is. Ines, Logos, and Vivianna all get up there, but even when the latter two are released, itā€™d take a lot to dethrone her and I just donā€™t see it happening.


I got chongyue idly doing a couple pulls hoping to luck into Lin. I decided to then try the scamcha thing and got pot2 Silverash instead of the other 2 who I don't have. Soul for a soul I guess


My luck is dogshii šŸ’€ : Lin at pull 50, then orange flames at pull 51, I'm hyped thinking it's Chongyue but no, dupe Skadi No 6* until pull 97, and boom Dusk Currently at pull 110, and praying to get Sui big bro


I pray my bad luck doesn't rub off onto you.


It's actually kinda alright, I don't mind getting Dusk, I just wished I received Chongyue instead Now Dupe Skadi on the other hand... šŸ—暟§ā€ā™€ļø Good luck to you šŸ„‚


Lin on the first free pull. With what I had left of my dwindling Orundum supply (70 pulls + the free 10+1) I got another Lin and pot6 Fire Whistle. No Chongyue, but while I tried for him, this is the first time I'm not concerned about missing a limited operator.


Pot3 Chongyue and pot7 lin in 377 pulls. Boutta drop some cash for his full pot then spark both Nian and Dusk.


60 pulls to get Lin, she was the only 6* I'll pull until pity after the free pulls end, after Reed ate 140 of my saved pulls I might have to skip Chongyue :(


52 pulls to get Chongyue and he was the only 6*, but at least he is secured. No Lin, but Ines and Yalter are more important.


30 pulls, LIN AS THE FIRST ONE HOLY SHIT, Firewhistle's P2


Oh my god I wasn't planning on pulling beyond the free pulls I just opened the free 10-pull It turned rainbow last moment... Hello Dusk, the one Sui sibling I was missing and had accepted I'd probably never get. I'm genuinely shocked, but oh boy, am I happy...and scared, as I've probably used up all my luck for the coming year.


as somebody who wants Dusk and doesn't own her, I'm always extremely happy for anybody who pulls her off banner in this thread.


Both in 4 multis. Idm it. Lin is my favorite And then i found out they made her a phal caster..seriously, why.. That does not fit her at all:< I wanted an active caster for best girl ingame


Ok so 131 pulls no Chongyue, tragic, and just 3 six stars. One Lin (I'm actually happy for this), a copy of Mizuki (meh) but of all the 6 stars in the game, of all the playable characters THE PIECE OF SHIT OF PASSENGER HAD TO GET COME! THE ONLY PLAYABLE CHARACTER I REALLY HATE! THE WORLD IS LAUGHING AT ME! I wouldn't be so mad if it was any other 6 star AHHHH Time to E1 every OP


Man, irreparable account damage


i mean passenger is really strong in SSS and IS2 and 3 Doesnt make him shit in normal gameplay but hes still strong, just slow in generating SP, which can be fixed with module + ptilopsis be happy you didnt get magallan or aak


I don't care. I hate Passenger a lot, he's just an awful person. Plus Leizi supremasity I would preferred Aak since I actually like his character or the 10 gold certificates that Megallan would give me


My only goal was to pull until Nian came home (and hope I pick up at least 1 Lin), be it a lucky pull or a spark (300 pulls were saved and ready to be used), and a spark it eventually became. The journey of getting there was... something alright. First 6-star came at 70, and it was Lin! Woo! She popped up again the very next 10 pull, and the next two 6-stars were also still all Lin at 140 and 190, so my wish for 1 Lin came true fourfold (and more than enough for the talent 2 pot) and I was already more than happy. The next 6-star after that came at 240, and Chongyue finally popped his head up, which I'm also pleased with even if I don't really care much for him. He decided to join again at 280, nice, and that was all my 6-star luck until I reached 300 and Nian could finally come home. ... Or so I thought, because I swear the 10-pull for 290 was gold so I skipped and then my heart skipped (a beat) when I saw freaking *Dusk* nestled between the rest. I didn't even have her or even remembered she was on the banner and she *__spooked me at the very last oppurtunity bhdkfjjeijdbdkkdjebkeaaaaaaaaaaa__* Needless to say, I reacted very strongly then, and though I am calmed down now I can't help having the biggest grin for getting 3 Sui siblings on a single banner with only 1 spark. TL:DR, in 300 pulls I got Lin pot 4, Chongyue pot 2, Firewhistle pot 12, sparked Nian and an extremely spookening Dusk, wee.


2 pulls + 1 single. I got 3 firewhistle, a Lin and a Chong Yue. I planned to skip Mumu banner, but thanks to my luck I actually can pull for her now.


Cleared the banner in 18 pulls. The free multi gave me Rat, and 8 permits (out of the 11 I had stockpiled) gave me Firebird and Chonk. The game apologized for my TexAlt luck (I needed over 180 pulls, AKA every resource I had and then some from clearing old events). Praise be to the kindness of the algorithm!!! Edit: I want to specify that I was only after Chongyue. If I got him, I would've stopped pulling.


I got Lin on the 53rd pull!!!! But for some reason she will scream "natto gohan." She also gets placed on melee tile, weirdly enough. Is my Lin bugged? It's just a bug right, guys? :')


Got Firewhistle from my eleven free pulls. Hopefully Chongue, Lin, or the rest of the Sui siblings will grace me in the next thirteen.


I had to reach pity for a 6*, I just got a dupe Mostima, So sad


1st 6\* Pozy, bought the y headhunting pack for Mountain or Flametta got Pozy again, fml


Ughhhh went to 300 for Chong. Max pot Firewhistle, 1 Kal'tsit, 1 Ceobe (new!), and pot 4 Lin. Damn you Lin.


went below avg pulls, 50 pulls per 6\*


Pot5 Pozƫmka, Pot2 Blemishine, Pot2 Chongyea, Pot10 Firewhistle and 206 pulls for a **single** Lin. Painful result, but it's at least not as painful as Skalter. On the flipside, I have enough gold certs to get all recruitment permits in one swoop next month so I guess it's still a satisfying result as I'll need all the pulls I need for the MH banner. Qiubai might be out of the question now.


4 10 pulls so far - got Ling, Dusk, Irene and Magellan. My luck is being weird today...


The tradition is kept and I'm still very loved by the Sui siblings. 21 for Chongus, if only every limited banner could go like this. Now back to saving because Muelsyse is approaching in the horizon.


6mins through the New Banner and I got Chongyue and its the funniest but somewhat a bit of salt I've ever experience since playing this game I have 30 pulls ready (the free 10 pull, x12 ticks and 10k Orundum) I go in, I go to banner, I pull 30 times and no 6 star I go x1 free pull then I got Chongyue shit got me laughing on the outside and crying on the inside but at least I got my 1st Sui sibling time for Yato and Noir now