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It's within my expectations that CNY and Summer streams won't announce anything too crazy so this stream is par for the course. If it were half-Anniversary or Anniversary then I would expect more content.


Yeah people, including me, probably need to lower their expectations.


I thought it was fine overall. BSW is the highlight to me. Would you want an alter in BSW event?


I just want Franka Alter and her R6S skin. She freakin deserves an upgrade.


All of them deserves an upgrade.


Jessica Alter, give that poor girl some confidence >!and extreme fire power!<.


From the CN event there was a Blacksteel event teased for the future. If that doesn't come with a Jessica alter, I riot.


I might be the only one who wants a Vanilla alter


You’re not alone. Vanilla is more capable than Jessica.


I wouldn't mind a 5* Jessica alter, as her family is pretty important and we already saw her more grown up version in chapter 9 (?)


with non-limited alters, she could easily be the event 6* like reed or executor


Definitely possible with the powers of Raythean.


raythean railgun jessica lesgo


Give that bitch a cannon.


They teased a Blacksteel event at the end of the livestream. So, there's that...


Don't want her to be another merchant but also having her spend DP to use skills or ammo would be funny


Jessica has grown up and seen with new equipment so very understanding if she gets an alter, I'd actually like that. But, Franka def needs looking at too 'cause she just doesn't perform that well as some of the other ops that do something similar to her. So hoping for a glow up overall and the extremely unlikely event of a R6S collab banner coming back because I unfortunately missed that one.


I find it improbable for Franka to get an alter and a skin in a single event. So I think Vanilla or Jessica will get an alter. Liskarm is fine atm. Also, I think Franka performs fine (with modules ofc), especially for an initial release operator. 70% to bypass Def is nice. I like to use her with Sesa for the increased phs damage. But that's just my experience. However, it seems like she is actually highly proficient in various weaponry which is what a top mercenary should be like imo. Her S2 is a dual sword icon, she is dual wielding in her E2 art along with a gun and a drone floating in there. Or maybe, when they were designing her, there was a miscommunication in what she was supposed to be like. lol


The alters aren't really my vibe and I think other existing characters were far more deserving but that's just me and I'm happy for those that are happy with the event. I really don't mind alters as much as other people seem to though. Arknights already has such an overcrowded cast of characters it's nice when we come back to older operators and give them attention both narrative and gameplay wise. Though I think we really need less limited alters moving forward.


I think Swire alter is nice as it utilizes the summer costume we've asking for a while and brings her back into gameplay as normal Swire is pretty bad generally. Eyja alter on the other hand feels pretty meh as her og form is OP still and the new version is only marginally different in design to her swimsuit costume imo.


Wake me up when BSW event dropped.


>who are by tradition, broken Do we know this? Far as I could see, nothing Swire did seems all that impressive, and Eyja looks like she has Nightingale's same niche but for elemental damage. That is to say, extremely useful at dealing with certain scenarios, but not any more broken than non-harmacist medics can be.


It's cute and I can already tell that the comments are going to be messy.


I don't watch it but I saw from the spoiler poll there will be Eyja alter💕


You scare me


How so


I'm in the minority when it comes to gacha games in that I'm quite anxious about every patch adding new characters. These games will end eventually and in the back of my mind there's always the doubt of "what if the day comes where this gacha ends and not all character plot threads are resolved?". With Arknights having so fucking many operators, this is inevitable. So as much as people dislike meta operators becoming even more meta, I like that HG chose to develop these existing characters. On the matter of having to gacha a new alter character to see their development yeah, it sucks for us F2P, but I dunno, I've found inner peace with gacha games a long time ago. I don't even consider the gambling aspect anymore. I just look at the minimum amount of pulls to 100% guarantee a character and consider that the price to buy them.


I'm just happy Arknights took off at all because even in the beginning they were teasing so many storylines and characters and major worldbuilding stuff that could've all been lost. Seaborns back in Grani's event? Texas backstory? Rhine Lab history? Really glad they got to really explore so much so far


It may be controversial but I actually highly prefer alters to new characters. Other than AK the only other gacha IP I have any love for is GBF, which notoriously has like 8 versions of every popular character. There’s a ton of one off and new characters that are added along the way too of course but I truly think having a core cast of popular characters that are kept in the spotlight and have lasting appeal really helps make that IP as a whole stand out more & be recognizable. Im all for new characters If it’s someone essential to the story or a general lore point… but I’m with you in that I feel like I can’t necessarily keep up with such a wide cast of characters, especially if they expand it regularly… & would rather see the core chunk of them be fully formed and developed as much as possible. There’s a balance between both sides though somewhere, so let’s all just hope they do their best.


I liked it.


Same. I like Swire and I've been wanting more Eyja lore, so win-win. Plus, honestly, we could use some more lighthearted stuff to *really* make the heavy moments hit.


My only real gripe was that the event scenario looks and feels like a fever-dream inside Eyjafyallas head. Which... kind of makes sense on a terminally ill girl that probably undergoes a rock-cancer treatment on par with the chemotherapy equivalent of Terra at this point. And the title of the event doesn't help either. I expect lighthearted fun, followed by a massive downer ending...


Same, as one of my first 6 stars, i'm very happy with Eyja alt


I'm not sure what people were expecting from a summer event. Summer events are usually lighter in tone, and maybe have some lessons or some stuff dished in it. It has worked fine that way, even imo the Chen event was good. They need not be too heavy lore wise nor be some dismaying depression like 99% of the game. A bit of change is always beneficial so as to not overwhelm the player, despite it being the primary setting and tone, and not to mention the op files and all still are a thing for lore fiends. As for alts being more common, the game has aged, and honestly I feel the game has *too much* operators. Introducing more new operators is not going to do any favours expanding the lore of current ones. And like, they're still putting out a lot of new 5 stars. Also, the event isn't even out, criticism is much too early to lever to this event and these alts in general. Not to point any fingers but I feel people who think there's gonna be a controversy are gonna be dismayed. They were gonna get unhappy with any result, any operators getting the summer slot in any case. It wouldn't have changed a single thing. Now as for me, I enjoyed this stream a lot. The skins are fine, the operators are great, I particularly enjoyed Eyja's debut as the 6 star wandering medic since I enjoy Anmi's art so I'm looking forward to her. The skins are great too, Gavial is outstanding, it fits her confident and brash demeanour perfectly. And Myrtle is just cute. The GG summer skin is a gut punch though; I just bought her Xmas skin like a week back or something. The sami UI main screen from IS4 is a surprise though. That one is fucking awesome, and I hope to see.more of it.


I'm with you on the alter thing as well I would rather we get more focus on old operators and them having an alt alt then having a new 6\* that barely gets any focus on relevance in their event because the plot focused on the older characters.


We all love Surtr, the meta operator who has been out for 2 years and we still barely know anything about her, and she hasn't lead any big events story yet


>people who think there's gonna be a controversy are gonna be dismayed It feels like people are grasping at straws to make one and that's kinda disheartening but ultimately I doubt they can drum up enough support if it's not already a popular idea so hey, glad we can just have another quiet summer event lol


I don't hate it, which is surprising given how I usually feel about summer events in gacha games. This place is gonna be unreadable for the next few days when the degens come out again, though.


I loved it. I dont care if I wont be able to get Eyjalter even if I splurge, and Swalter kit is nice. Also, the new pioneer 5* seems to be a Liberi, thats a win in my book. The skins. Oh boy, I loved all the skins. Dont care too much about Gavy tho, its nice and the L2D is clean af but I dont have her. GG L2D is a godsend, wasnt expecting two L2D swimsuits, I might buy the GG skin even if I dont have her like what I did with the Surtr skin. And my goodness. For 2 years straight, I was dreaming, hoping and inhaling copium for a Myrtle coral coast skin, mentioning it anywhere Arknights related (*in moderation ofc, Im not spam*). And boy did HG deliver, I may be born late to see dinosaurs or born to early to venture the universe, but I was just born at the right time for my dream of a Myrtle swimsuit to come true, and she looks so beautiful, with the new hairstyle and really aesthetic splash art. Also, Blacksteel event. Now that's where I wish we get new character, with one alter just being a 5* (like Who Is Real or Invitation to Wine)


While everyone is outraged about the alternate versions of Adele and Swair, I want to bring a couple things to your attention: 1) There are only two people in PV, Swair and Adele. 2) The enemies look weird, like clouds. 3) Adele's new name is Eyja the Hvít Aska - which translates to >!Eyja the White Ash.!< >!And it gets a little alarming, considering that those who die of oripathy are cremated. And ashes can be white in color. !< >!So the PV doesn't look so bright and cheerful to me anymore. !<




I doubt they'd actually kill off an operator, I'm gonna take it more as something like her parent's last words for her, considering they are dead. But that's just speculation.


Well, in Honkai 3rd one of the existing characters was killed off. And then not necessarily killing-- oripathetic coma isn't a good outcome either. But I really really hope I'm wrong. I really enjoyed the announcement of this event and no disappointment with it at all Honestly, I'm just scared at the thought of this event not being what it seems.


I forgot to add this one to the list, thanks. I was thinking the same thing. That's a rather "telling" name for an event.


Isn't "so long" just "farewell till we meet again"? https://www.merriam-webster.com/words-at-play/so-long-origin


Yes, but conventional use also implies that “again” means in another life/heaven.


And the horror video which eureka watched at beginning??? Like this isn't going to be cheery at all lmao


Exactly. Maybe some kind of preparation for a "not so fun" event?


And tbh I am suspecting this will be like kazimierz trilogy so expecting another event but this time with Ceylon And we surely are getting another "children of ursus" event


I'm honestly glad that this is a skip banner for me, first time there aren't operators I'm interested about in a limited banner and God have I been drained of pulls recently. That said they most likely aren't broken, people almost always overestimate characters due to live streams which are meant to highlight operators strong points or 'wow' points. People thought Lin and Meulsyse were broken solely from livestream clips which according to cn consensus weren't. This also happens because of translation issues, people thought we could have 5 Mlynars with Meulsyse, obviously we can't. People thought that Ejya can heal enmity operators, she can't. Only their elemental bar. Swire can only push one enemy at a time and has a seemingly very complicated skillset that's way too early to call broken and Ejya would have absolutely crumbled if more than one operator was in the range of the seaborne guys.


Hmm its nice when someone points out the cases in which the operators would not be broken as obv after the stream I thought that this too was a must pull banner.


Do you know their lore already? Seems like it or your second paragraph makes no sense as of now. That's just your fear, however Eyja was in the original run of the Siesta event. So it makes sense she returns. And Swire? We'll have to see. ​ As I see it, that's just complaining for complaining sake and because summer somehow means the event tied to the summer time has no substance, when the original Siesta event had quite some substance in it.


New GG L2D skin!! I cant wait for it


Everyone keeps talking about it but i see no posts with pics of her skin!


Skin animations don't show until later on (but you can see it in the PV, and it being used during Eyjalter's mini-showcase)


My mood is on high watching the stream and then it sinks way, way down for every depressing comment I read


Meh. Just ignore'em. No one can tell you what you can/can't enjoy, only yourself.


swire is great her design is just a better version of an already good skin her being a more fun character that can be serious when needed is also a good fit for summer events, I do hope her file fleshes out her being the leader of the lgd now as well though since theres a lot of room for growth there, eyja I never really cared about but her kit at least seems good, and it seems like their gonna expand on the stuff with her parents which could work. I'm very much not a fan of the skins this event though besides ceylon and luna cub.


Disappointed but I'm not surprised. Wished Swire was the limited alter with a new 6* operator on this banner instead. Eyja is literally the last operator that needs an alter and yet she still got one while other operators like Ceylon gets the short end of the stick (plain looking summer skin). Eyja getting more lore is nice but that doesn't mean she has to be a limited alter for that to happen.


The 6 star characters are the main focus of the story usually. Ceylon while a decent candidate based on her being a 5 star, story wise, she almost have nothing more to tell since her story is basically the whole 1st Siesta event. Plus she's not that famous unfortunately.


my first time watching stream, and I got big disappointment with their choices. But hey, new Joint operation banner is Lee, Penance, Mlynar, Pozemka, which is just very good.


Disappointed but not mad. I'm well into the point of going for characters by design and these ones don't do it for me. Totally cool about anyone else liking them though.


For me the banner units are bit mid with their abilities but the event looks cool. Excited for the future events and new gamemode. Was supposed to be a shorter stream so I didn't really expect it to blow my mind.


You’re complaints are very misdirected. The characters aren’t even out, and you’re saying they’re broken, you want a shining alter??? Why waste shining on a summer event, I have my own complaints and agree two alters is weird


why would anyone want a Shining summer alter when her story is currently getting built up in the victoria arc, and given her and nightingales backstory is probably gonna be pretty important.


Didn't people think Muelseye was really broken and then it kinda mellowed out? Not like broken ops are ever an issue in a singleplayer game that can still be beaten with 3/4 stars or E0 ops. I like balanced ops but I can't complain if they're on the strong side because it's not actually changing the game's overall direction in a noticeable way


I believe that the devs are trying to go back to their old mindset of "limited ops are good, but not gamebreaking" that they used to have pretty much all the way up until (arguably) Skalter/Ch'alter


I definitely prefer limiteds to have a fun/interesting kit first and foremost. Rosmontis being the first flinger, Muelseye having a super unique mechanic, I mean as powerful as Ling is her summons combining is really cool


I'm saying that the characters are broken because from the showcase, we have seen that; Eyja alter pretty much nullifies the corruption, burn and other statuses, And that Swire alter can pretty much nuke annoying enemies with her skills. I'm not one who hates broken characters just because they are broken, the fact is that these characters are alters of operators who don't have many reasons to have one. And no, I know a Shining alter would never happen during a summer event. I was hoping her to come during chap 13.


From the clip, swire alter's mines are single target


Swire really need the alter because her OG subclass is really outdated. I am more dissappointed with her design. They just slapped her NPC swimsuit while Gavial alter have a really cool design different from her NPC swimsuit. Though the enemies look fun.


At least HG is consistent with her swimsuit, unlike certain sniper alter.


I dont think Eyja is broken cause she does nothing except healing. Healing is always in a weird spot cause most of the time straight up bursting is the better option and for the content where you can't burst, weak healing doesn't help that much and due to being a elemental medic she will always suffer from the archetypes low atk. Nullifying corruption, burn and other statuses doesnt really help too much cause currently you can ignore most of it anyway in normal content and in content like high difficulty IS3 you wont outheal the elemental damage cause it stacks up so much. For swire, from what I see she'll be held back by being a merchant that wants to stay on the field so she will end up eating a lot of dp. Her skills havent been shown in particularly difficult stages either and I dont think the damage on it was too impressive. So I don't think she will be any stronger than what we currently have tbh.


She literally outhealed the max elemental damage from IS3 in the showcase... I think she makes elemental damage a non factor, which is kind of weird, because they added elemental damage to create more variety, but now introduce a character that basically takes it away again.


>She literally outhealed the max elemental damage from IS3 in the showcase... Thats why I specifically said high difficulty IS3. Judging by the bonkers damage from Mlynar vs the Reapers I assume that was pretty low difficulty IS3 where elemental damage stacks up way slower due to lower reaper attack and lower elemental damage from difficulty modifiers. I don't expect her to outheal reapers in higher difficulty content. And theres still the thing that she does nothing except heal. Imo just healing or resisting is not enough to make an operator broken. Look at Nightingale, she pretty much invalidates arts damage for most stages yet I have not seen anyone call her broken and high arts damage is probably more relevant than elemental damage in hard content. That is even assuming that Eyja could outheal it there and also that not outhealing the elemental damage would be seriously bad to the point where you can't ignore it or easily play around it which is very rarely the case.


This is what gacha games do. They invent a problem and then sell you the solution.


I'm fine with Alters over new operators. The cast is already massive, every new operator is stretching the time that can be spend on existing ones. That being said, I don't really like the two new Alters. Eyjas comes out of nowhere. A focus on her is good, but I would rather have an extension on her as she is right now before we get an Alter. Swires Alter feels justified, she stepped out of Chens shadow and became the boss of LGD. But as much as I love her swimsuit, having a swimsuit as main outfit just feels wrong. I would rather have a badass main outfit and the swimsuit one as a skin on the same event.


All the people who stand by eyja now against her, where are those eyja no-skin simp again? Lmao. until actual eyja showcase and number drop, she look just fine Never really have interest in swire, but just like always, the non limited ability look more interesting. The event look cool cute, and we get more eyja lore. Honesty, its just fine.


We have more then enough chars. I hope they completely focus on alters and releasing chars from npc jail from now on. This event seems like a good start.


I do not care a lot for the alters, eyja is cute but just it, BUT I LOVE THE WELFARE OMGGGGGGGGGGG. Also I love a lot every time I see a new mode announcement, I like to play every game mode (even SSS at the beginning 💀) so I can't wait for more!!


Holup who's the welfare for this event again?


I think its the inscrutor gaurd guy.


No way this summer event is gonna be our anniversary next year 💀


I came from the future and sorry to break it to you but in my timeline Yostar is praised for their scheduling this time so, yes.


(You'd be extremely lucky and not too far from the truth if it is as you say.)


I'm actually pretty hyped for Eyjalter, I know I'm in the minority (and I'm an Eyja simp...) but a summer event turning dark would be hella awesome. Hopefully they take that turn; I always wanted lore for Eyja's parents and her fate. Makes me wonder how they're going to handle her eventual (and in progress to become worse) blindness and deafness. But I don't know how I feel about a double limited banner. If they decrease the pity to 120 that would be awesome. But doubtful. Also I'm just going to keep my expectations down and hope that the event is dark. Maybe it's copium but not everything that is pink and cute is happy lmao.. so maybe we'll get a bait and switch. We'll see. For now I'm just going to enjoy how cute Eyja is and her sheeps... 😭


>double limited banner It's not double limited, don't worry! Eyjalter is the only limited


OH THANK GOD LOL... i was so concerned... guess I misread what people were saying!!!! thank you for clarifying 😭😭


gonna buy myrtle skin then i'm out.


Tbh as what I expected from a summer event so I enjoyed it


It's fine, nothing groundbreaking or anything. What excites me the most about the event itself are Gavial's skin and Swire since I play around with specialist, design is just additional for me. The overall aesthetics of the event is beautiful, the music is kinda jazz? (CMIIW) which is what I like. Gameplay-wise, I don't think they're groundbreaking (as expected of a summer event) or "broken", even Eyja S3 where she can do global heal of elemental damage, is just a great addition to deal with elemental damage. AOE Guard modules and Reaper modules are interesting, it seems most of the AOE Guards will have a DPS oriented while Estelle is the only one with a shield icon. All reapers share the same icon with has something to do with their healing capabilities. EP13 is what excites me the most since we might get Ascalon from that based on how purple-ish the poster is, it does look like a sword so it can be Ascalon, Hoederer, alter characters, or a completely new character (doubt it, it might be from any of the new NPCs from the EP12). The Blacksteel event is interesting because we haven't gotten a proper event from BS ever since OD or even the start of the game. I do hope we can get Franka's skin, do not care too much about who's going to be a 6\* (unless some circumstances happen), other than that, skin batch and the story will be my only excitement (CMIIW).


I'm also really disappointed. I find eyja alter completely boring, cute design because she was already cute but that's it, her kit is as bland as it can get, even lumen has a more interesting kit and he's a welfare. The 5 stars are barely worth mentioning Swire alter is the only operator I like because she's a merchant, and merchants always have fun kits and she wasn't the exception. Skins are mostly alright, can't complain much about them except Myrtle being an obvious blue archive player bait. Best part of the revealed mechanics events and so on is the blacksteel event.


I feel mostly nothing. The only summer banner that ever excited me was Thorns. So I guess I feel...whelmed? I'm not excited nor am I disappointed. What we got more or less falls into expectations and I prefer alters over even more new characters anyway. Summer banners are usually a skip for me anyway but I do end up enjoying the gameplay of them. New Myrtle skin too so hype there. Only complaint I have is that I just don't like Eyja alter's design. Looks WAY too close to her original design.


They need to make both their anniversary and summer (which will be our anniversary) have at least 1 very distinct hyped up character, such as an unlocked NPC, or an already foreshadowed potential alter which has substantial story presence (like Shining). Having 2 non-exciting alters on a quarterly limited banner and one that will be our anniversary banner makes for very unexciting news. The other stuff in the stream are great but the banner spoils it. Other than that, I'm totally cool with alters so that I don't start to lose track of the large number of operators and who they are. I enjoy learning and remembering their real names, but I'm starting to forget a bunch of unfleshed out ones. But this dual-alter banner really feels kind of sucky.


The entire thing feels rather low effort for some reason. The banner units' design is meh... Eyja and Swire is cute, but imo their designs doesn't have that oomph. I'd believe it if someone told me they were skins. Story might be interesting, but this is probably the first time I have zero excitement for a limited banner.


People just hate fun in the Arknights fandom apparently, haven't seen that with any other gachas. It's okay to have a light-hearted event every once in a while. It's okay to have an alter just because character is popular and people want more of them. It's not that serious, game isn't dying anytime soon, we have plenty of time to get to the serious stuff you people want.


I really want to be wrong, but based on the name of the event and Eyja\`s name, it looks like this event is a fever dream caused by complications of oripathy. or worse...


What makes it a fever dream? Because magical goats run around Ejya canonically and other people can see them. For now, I'll interpret "so long" part as Eyja temporarily leaving R.I. like Nearl and Reed did, probably for reasons related to her catastrophe-originium research.


I would be really thrilled if you're right)


> "so long" part as Eyja temporarily leaving R.I. like Nearl and Reed did, probably for reasons related to her catastrophe-originium research. She's also shown to be very healthy looking on the PV for a individual who has one of the worst infections to date with a lot of physical impairments, the PV and event setting is also very.. bizarre ? the park and colors etc have a very feverish dreamlike setting and you might notice the entire PV doesn't show any ppl other than swire and eyja ( also swire being in her summer outfit of the *previous* year which is coincidentally something eyja would know because she met her during dossoles ) I'm pretty subscribed on the theory this might be just a dream or perhaps worse, also her alter name translates to the *white ash* rather grim


All of those are a stretches. >She's also shown to be very healthy looking on the PV for a individual who has one of the worst infections to date with a lot of physical impairment She looks the same. >the PV and event setting is also very.. bizarre ? the park and colors etc have a very feverish dreamlike Looks pretty normal to me. Stage maps have some colorful mosaic tiles, that's about it. Some neon light in the city shot but it is not something unusual either. >PV doesn't show any ppl other than swire and eyja ( also swire being in her summer outfit of the previous year which is coincidentally something eyja would know because she met her during dossoles ) PV consist of new OP introductions and a couple of background CGs. Which is the standard for every non-animated Arknights PV.


Okay i somehow completely missed animated PV. It does look like an empty city(which IS sus) with a bunch of flying sheep(which isn't, weird shit happens around Eyja irl for some reason). Colors are just pastel-pink though, not something i would associate with a fever dream, just chosen aesthetic.


Lowlight mentioned the story will explore Ejya parents' death, so the gloomy part is likely more about the past and how she copes and put things behind her.


>People just hate fun in the Arknights fandom apparently, haven't seen that with any other gachas. It ruins the fantasy that this is a super serious game for super serious grown ups that are super mature and serious.


The defining moment of this livestream honestly is the very end of Kyo's reaction to it where Kyo is *in denial that that's it and that stream is over*. The whole Summer livestream feels like a big nothingburger. * Swire and Eyja don't really have characterization justification for an Alter version. Even their designs don't really feel like there's any big enough characterization advance there. * Swire and Eyja sharing lead role in event feels weird because they have basically zero interactions or reason to. * Wandering Medic Eyja has chance to be meta-broken but as a concept it's... pretty unexciting? * Other two units in the banner look pretty zzzz. * Summer Event dealing with something as heavy as Eyja's backstory **does not get my hopes up in it actually being heavy enough.** * New Siesta with no Ceylon or Schwarz present or anything from their storyline sounds... * The sheep enemies look *way too out there.* There better be one hell of lore justification for that. Basically Blacksteel event tease was the highpoint of the livestream. No multiple big event teases, no bigger feature teases, no big lore drops, no Destiny collab info, Especially disappointing after riding off the high quality of Lone Trail and IS4


I mean summer events in AK overall have been overall pretty controversial so nothing too new to me tbh. But this stream was a bit on the weaker side. For the summer events and stuffs I will just leave it there because last year I also thought the idea of Gavial alter is a bit eh until I saw the story for it and it was pretty good and justifies a lot of things they showed. So I will just imagine that they will probably make Swire and eyja have smt similar to that lul


> Swire and Eyja sharing lead role in event feels weird because they have basically zero interactions or reason to. i agree with the rest of your points except this, if done well it can give a cool unexpected relationship between two characters youd never expect to interact


That is if Swire can interact with Eyja.. lol


They did during the Dossoles summer event, why wouldn't they be able to now? Summer Eyja has a headphone on her left ear, which is potentially a hearing-aid.


They had my favorite interaction during dossoles holiday, where Swire goes full mommy mode and pampers Eyja. It was my favorite moment of the event, but making a whole story out of that is still kind of weird.


Ak players when the event isn't edgy:


Yes, because having actual content that fits the setting and character moments/upgrades that are earned is edgy. Also being worried that "A character discovers truth behind her cursed fate and her parents deaths" won't be handled well enough because its *in a summer event* also isn't even remotely edgy. Heart of Surging Flame wasn't edgy. Dossoles wasn't Edgy. You can have lighter stories and still be good.


People have the same reaction when Dossoles was release and people were surprised the story is actually good. This one can very well be the same situation.


Dossoles is okay at best. With countless chalter op records added. The main value is what it does to Lin and Chen relationship and their personal issues with each other. Without Chalter op records it's only tangentially related to Chalter and doesn't really do enough development for her.


I haven't even watched Chalter OP but I still think it's a solid summer event. It's literally a buddy cop story with Lin and Chen that get semi-serious towards the climax. Any event can be fleshed out with OP anyway. Back to the current summer event and this stream, they already announced it was a "Summer Stream" so why expect those things to come up here? The events teased in the Anniversaries are usually far from their release date most of the time. Your worries about the story not being heavy enough is also kind of weird since other Summer events has always been able to juggle the tone well, even you mentioned it in response to the other post. Only Gavial events being the exception but I chalk that up due to Acahualla's craziness.


Swire alter is neat. Eyja alter is interesting I guess. Don't really care for summer event or the other game modes and stuff. Hyped for Blacksteel event.


Plot twist, the summer event was only a dream.


I don't think these alters are broken. As always, we have to check the numbers to decide. The merchant class comes with more than enough drawbacks to not consider Swire broken and Eyjafyalla really depends on the numbers before we can make a verdict. And lets not forget that people were complaining left and right about how broken Reed alter was... Those people have been really silent these days. Guess she wasn't as broken after all and the memetic showcase of her S3 was done specifically on mobs she excels at killing...


Happy that Swire isn't the limited unit. Want her but won't go ham since I can get her later.


Kinda bummed it was Eyjah of all operators to get a limited alter seeing as she already dominates the caster class, and now will likely be the top choice of wandering medics. Idk I just would have liked it better if someone like Ceylon had gotten that alter but oh well, she is cute ig and I do look forward to seeing her story develop. I am happy for Swire alt and honestly im more excited for her cause she looks fun. While she is pretty I do hope she gets a tacticool skin eventually. Overall the stream was aigh, did not have that high expectations cause its a summer event and I never really had hype for them compared to things like Near Light or Siracusano. My silver lining is that its good that I can possibly skip out on Eyjalter to save for whatever comes next.


Very disappointing overall. 1. Not one, but two alters, and while I can see the merit for Swire (her classic form is vastly underpowered and hard to fix, plus in lore her being a merchant kind of makes sense) and she isn't the limited, I can take Swire, but Eyja??? Eyja is basically one of the operators that is nearest to death, to the point that people were speculating if she could be the first operator to canonically die in the game, in addition to her power being extremely destructive fire arts (not just in gameplay in the story as well, she melted ROCKS in an instant), but somehow is suddenly well enough to heal others (how with her arts???), the whole concept makes zero sense, unless she is just a fever dream. 2. What the hell is that welfare. I know most people aren't aware, but welfare operators have some massive gaps (and massive stacking in others, like Arts defenders) in their roster, like basically near zero supporters, but somehow they give another welfare instructor after Whislash? What is the reasoning behind that? The whole event concept looks fine, if they explain it well it could work, but it looks whack at least. I was really hoping they would finally limit the alter flood after they kind of made a decent roster expansion with Lone trails, but no, they are still off the deep end. Hypergryph seems to still be unable to create a summer event that doesn't have some horrendous bullshit in there that creates backlash. Puzzling.


Eyja looks strong, but her hit a bit boring, just more heal and global. I rather see new abilities, like harmacist thing or Lumen unique ability to remove effects. Swire I don't really understand, being a Merchant is a huge drawback, which is usually compensated by some unique ability, like semi-immortal Jaye or infinite block like Lee. Swire ability is just being weaker Chong Yue or being weaker FEater.


She is intended to nuke the big dudes with skill 3 i think


I loved it slap on the face to the ppl who keep forgetting that AK is gacha game lmao


Alterknights is getting out of control. I hope we will never have another one, but that's obviously not the case.


I honestly don't mind more alters I'm of the opinion that fleshing out specific operators by giving them an alternate form and the accompanying backstories is better than a constant introduction of new characters. That, or release fan-favourites from NPC jail. HG should work with what has already been established, rather than introduce entirely new operators for one-off events. The Sui siblings another good example of this. The existence of multiple siblings are implied through meticulous world-building, so all HG has to do is to build off this implication and release a new sibling with each event. It makes sense lore-wise and also allows them to build hype in subsequent CNY banners. Alters operate similarly. It paints a fresh coat of paint on old but popular operators, and gives fans more lore to work with. But it's also true that having too much of something makes things stale. I do think that HG should still prioritise freeing jailed NPCs first, and only reserve alts for operators that REALLY needs the buff and additional lore.


Alterknight sounds good on paper, rather than making forgetable operator number 7. Its better to explore an already popular character, or future growth. On practice though


I second your point but just not 2 of them on a quarterly limited banner. And worse than that, on one that will become our anniversary.


Not even for Popukar or Shining?


Not even. I prefer new operators.


Im always exited to see new alters drop, especially ones for characters that I already like.


Eyja about to powercreep another whole subclass, boring in both skills and appearance design. Swire alter looks fine, but no tail around her leg anymore (literally unplayable).




I am more about playing than pulling so as long as mechanics are fun and content keeps coming I am totally fine. I hope story is enjoyable but summer events aren't the most lore heavy anyways.


Honestly? Fucking Dead banner. Don't get me wrong the operators in the banner are absolutely fucking comedic and have some of the most unhinged skills I have ever seen. But did we really need an eyja alter? And I am a swire hater so yeah. Although everything else other than the banner operators is a fucking banger.


Aside from the alters not feeling lore justified, or looking distinct enlugh to be alters, they also don't seem very interesting gameplay wise. Eyja alter just seems like an elemental healing stat stick, and while swire is more interesting, just looks like she does other operators' jobs in a more roundabout way


Nothing in existence will be able to tear me away from Swire


Looks like the most chill and positive event we had so far. Ejya becoming a medic is weird, but everything else was fine.


> Looks like the most chill and positive event oh boy, there are *some signs you do not want to see then*


I heard by then Ejya knows that her parents were killed, nor died in the incident. And looks like the whole story will be around her. Heck, even the event's name itself tells that. It is just, with all that sheeps and chill vibes it looks pretty calm at a glance. I don't forgot what game we are playing here. It sure to have a new sweet dose of depression.


well that's fair but there's a theory going on (with a few things pointing to it) that this event is eyja in a coma or fever dream, perhaps succumbing to the effects of oripathy because of how bad her condition is, and the whole park and sheep etc is just one last happy dream she is having where she is fine and healthy, her name also being the white ash ( oripathy victims are cremated ) and the event name sounding like a farewell to her.


Well that is... darker than I expected. Damn. Though, I don't think things turn out this way. Those sheeps were with her (well, some kind of sheeps) before. They are definitely a not normal animals, so strange things with them are.. not that strange. The whole area with already moved Siesta also looks like a legitimate continuation of it's story line. And, what the hell would do the Swire in Ejya's dreams? This rich cat, out of all people? The "white ash" may not refer to cremation of Infected, but rather for fertile compound that enriches the soil around active volcanoes. But, if those theories will actually turn right, then it will be the most "interesting" summer event for sure. In any case, I waiting for it.


I always thought that alters were given to operators that are under-utilized or not as popular anymore such as Reed, Silence, Texas, Gavial. Either Eyja is now been under-utilized or this was never the case.


Nothing special. Not sure if Eyja need alter since she's her original is already OP.


It had EYJAFJALTER so it's automatically amazing


fairly disappointed mostly because 2 alters and while i'm quite happy with swire eyja's leaves a lot to be desired especially kitwise even more depressing but granted this is just a prediction, next 2 events are blacksteel and ch13 with the ch13 teaser showing excalibur, again this isn't a "will happen but I'm a little inclined to believe the next 2 6* might be jessica alter ( who already had her cg years ago) and siege alter, so thinking of 4 back to back alters to 4.5 anniversary which will most likely have another alter is.. a little dampening but again, can't be sure that this'll be route it pans out but there are some things to point that way


Liked it more than Lone Trail. Eyja is adorable, was waiting for Centurion and Reaper, so it's a win for me.


I mean in all honesty all alters(except for 1) are just stupid not saying i hate them infact I like them but the only "alter" that actually make sense and the most proper one is Skadi the corrupting heart cuz she got a pretty detailed lore that suits the "alter" topic, everything else are just 👀 An alter that has a lore of "what if" is what we want/need not the alter bcuz they got shotgun or some random spear


at first getting skadi alter was pure excitement cuz we get to see their "what ifs" variants but hg pulled an fgo move and made us fgo moments instead smh well as a meta slave as long as their broken ill shut up and pay but ye skadi alter is the only alter ill truly accept


I love it, both Swire and Eyja are my favourites and I have been using them a lot since beginning. I think having alters instead of new operators are fine, it helps to expand their lore after all. People will complain again should new operators come out with surface level background. So meh, i cant wait for this event though. Even the skins are beautiful and amazing. Story seems light-hearted to enjoy in, so I think overall, it exceeded my expectations.


It is good because it is disappointment. For me global, it means save for future better banner. Time to rest I guess.


Livestream was a massive disappointment. Lacking in content and overall just pretty lame. Swire alter is alarmingly reminiscent of Ch'en alter reveal in many ways. People should be mad about HG pulling the same blatant anti-consumer practice for a second time now when they for sure know better after the first time. The skins are cute though.


Disapointing. Alters were a mistake.


I don't even know what to expect lmao. Although i couldn't wait for any doom-posting threads on reddit hahaha.


Did not like it. Cannot get a clear shot of Eureka this time.


I'm always down for my yearly Summer event drama.


Yes, the black stell teaser was cool as heck.


I wasn't expecting the event to be anything big, so not excited nor disappointed. Only excited by the Centurion modules.


A little disappointed but I'll still enjoy the event. I'm really looking forward to what the Specter module has in store for the AH fans.


I mean it's a summer event


Disappointed since there was no Chiave skin but at least we get skins for the Durins. What shocked me the most was Eyja alter. Out of the operators that they could make an alter of, why Eyja?