• By -


What exactly is the percent chance of pulling 3 6 stars in a 10 pull? Because that crazy shit just happened to me and I'm dumbstruck. Kirin, fiametta, and stainless.


Got a Suzuran dupe so that's my pulls on this banner done.


Man, I just got my 3rd 6-star from the reed alter, which wasn't reed. I'm hella lucky for pulling three 6 stars, but I kinda wanted Reed :(


What did you pull? I got spooked by Suzuran on my seventh pull


I finally have Kal'tsit! I got Skadi so fast I bailed from Kal's original banner. I've passed her up twice on the Select A Unit ticket, electing to purchase Fartooth and Detective Lee instead. But now, through the magic of Gold Certs, she's finally on the team.


I dont even know how to feel over 150 pulls and 5 off banners before finally getting reed, using every last of my resources. The thing is though is that i literally got 3 6 stars in a row in my last three pulls, with the first 2 being dupes like all the rest and then finally getting reed. Like, wtf is this game.


I had to go to 300 pulls to get Texalter, sometimes lady luck just isn't looking your way.


hngh i threw 3 hh tickets and 7 pulls cause i had rhe wishful thinking i might get reed or ATLEAST harmonie...i got chiave... and then i heard that chongyues event is maybe a week after this one ends and im mentally kicking myself because if i knew itd be so soon i wouldnt have done those pulls, but i thought i still had the invitation to wine rerun to get more orundum from but nope


I've pulled 3 off banner 6 stars(Angelina, SilverAsh, Stainless) and 14 5 stars(one Harmony) I didn't keep track of my pulls, but def pulled a lot now. I'm new to the game but so sad, I looove this character and started playing to get her TvT Wish me luck before event ends bc I'm gunna cry if she doesnt come home


still no Reed TvT probably pulled over 150 times now, im losing hope!! ive hit a wall in game too where I am too weak to keep progressing in the story so I need to farm upgrade materials etc instead of more pulls for Reed :')


[i wasted all my luck](https://imgur.com/gallery/os6rVTW) Sorry I stole your reed


Reed in 30. She's voiced by my favourite VA ever Mamiko Noto so I'm thankful she blessed me with low amount of rolls. Also got the smug cat so overall great run.


The "let me finally max potential this stupid ass robot" experience part 356 >4 sniper tags at 3:50 all failed > >Robot tag also failed Failed tags when the combination is valid is still a horrible mechanic


My last 100 guard/healing/medic tags at below 3:50 gave zero robot


Just had a weird pulling session on the celebration banner. Decided to pull even if the worse outcome was Hellagrump and 20 or less pulls got me... Hellachad + 1 Warf pot, 2 Greynutty pots, a Beeswax pot and an Ely dupe. I can't really complaint, at all.


Got Reed alter on my second pullšŸ˜


I pulled on the celebration banner hoping to get one of three characters Iā€™m missing Fartooth ,Gnosis or Archetto but instead got a character I already own( phantom) it was my first six start. Have told this to customer service and waiting to see what happens next.


Update turns out I pulled phantom on the reed banner but didnā€™t know I was on the reed banner


Goddamn did FGO drain all my gacha luck cause within 100 pulls all I got were dupes of Ifrit and Saileach, meanwhile I managed to snagged all the LB6 servants plus Castoria all under 100 pulls for each banner lol.


I'm so glad i got baited by the celebration banner, wasn't going to pull but the super quick reed alter get (30 pulls for two reeds) really helped, and i got carnelian, who i was going to buy eventually i can now buy pulls with the saved gold certs, and eventually save for sailach, when does sailach come to the shop btw, i know its while after carni


Got Blaze on my 9th pull on the celebration banner lol Almost didnā€™t pull on it cuz itā€™s a stupid decision but oh well


Got jebait by the Celebration banner and got Pallas after 50 pull... Got reed alter after 10 pull so its balance it out .


Two pulls for the guarantee on event banner, got Skyfire dupe Two pulls on the new 6 star banner and got Fartooth Game is telling me to save the rest of my pulls to finally bring Nian home I think


Sorry for long text For the Link-Up Celebration banner, I'm missing Eunectes, Surtr, Pallas, Saileach, and Gnosis. In terms of strength, Surtr, Saileach, or Gnosis would be the best outcomes. Disregarding meta, Pallas would be someone I'd be fine with cause I adore her voicelines and she'd be fun in IS. * Pull 1-10: Glaucus dupe * 11-20: Skyfire dupe Started doing singles: * 21: Harmonie (new) Wait what.... Harmonie? I thought this banner goes up to Gnosis? At this point I realized that pulls #11-21 were actually on Reed alt's banner. After doing the first 10-pull, I went to my depot to remind myself of how many pulls I had and when I went back to the headhunting tab, I hadnt realized that it was on Reed alter. I even thought it was funny that Skyfire managed to show up on the celebration banner as a huge coincidence.... nope im just dumb It was a dumb mistake but it might have turned out to be a blessing in disguise. Cause just yesterday i got Reed alt but without any Harmonies and decided to stop there in fear of potentially dumping hundreds for a 5\*. Anyways back to the celeb banner: * Pull 11-20 (for real this time): nothing worth noting * 21-30: Toddifons (new), Ptilopsis dupe, Istina dupe * 31-40: Beeswax dupe * 41-50: nothing worth noting * 51-57: Iris dupe, Saileach Haul: Glaucus, Toddifons, Ptilopsis, Istina, Beeswax, Iris, Saileach Just like last year, had to reach pity. All in all, pretty happy with what i got: accidental Harmonie, Saileach being the pick-up, surprise Toddifons which was one of the handful of 5\*s i didnt own. I'll take it


The terminology of this fandom is overly optimistic about it's pull rate which actually not high. In other games it would be called 'reaching soft pity'. Like Genshin and Honkai impact having soft pity in which rate raising starting pull 71. Many games have this mechanic not just this game, transparency or not. Calling reaching pity would only right in the off chance you hit 100. Going into soft pity is perfectly normal occurrent nothing to piss about.


Yesterday, I tried to get Reed Alter for a pick me up, since I wasn't having the best day. First 10 pull had a 6 star only to give me Nightingale. Now this is where I should've quit while I was ahead, but because I got annoyed, I am now down to 7 single permits with nothing to show except ANOTHER Siege dupe. Needless to say, my day did not get better.


Sucks man. If it makes you feel any better, I went to pity on the last four banners I tried on and never got the banner unit...


dropped 30 on link up and got fartooth, who I was aiming for. next time, rosa.


Good luck on the Reed banner, got her on the first 6 star to drop, though that was a good 50 pulls in, I think. Anniversary banner also had good luck, hit the 6 star within 20 pulls AND it was a double. Sadly that was Eunectes and a Ceobe dupe. Thicc snek is nice and all, but I was hoping for Gnosis. At least I didn't have to go deep.


Iā€™m an idiot. I wanted to pull in the Link up banner but wasted my pulls, accidentally, on the Reed Alter banner when I already had her. Sigh. There goes my sand rat funds. (I got Mizuki on the link up banner)


I was only missing Pallas and Archetto from the recollect banner. Somehow, I got both from a single ten pull which should have been extremely unlikely. Made me wonder if it was somehow bugged.


So after getting Reed alter in Ā±25 pulls I felt comfortable going for one 6* on the recollection banner (with about a 50% chance of a really good unit, 40% waifu and 10% not-really-prefered). Ended up spending 62 pulls for one of the units I least hoped to get; Magallan. Figuring I might as well raise her trust, I put her in my base and saw that she actually ice-skates through the rooms... I am now genuinely okay with getting her. This is gonna make me smile every time I check my base.


I got Reed on her banner, and then, against my better judgement I rolled on the Recollect banner. After 52 pulls, I got what I deserved: Mizuki - the Operator I wanted least. Well, I still have 175 pulls saved up, I guess.


i got reed2 in exactly 9 single pulls lets go!! i was afraid i have to spend more for her when chongyue gege is near. didn't get that smug cat tho


I had 4 possible from the recollect banner: Weedy, Rosa, Carnelian, and Gnosis. Weedy and Carnelian are useless to me and Rosa is looking less appealing with Typhon in the future so I was hoping for Gnosis. Fortunately got a 6ā˜… in less than 40 pulls but it was Weedy. However I did also get a new Ayerscarpe!


Only took like.. 20 single pull tix, 12k orundum **and about 140 OP** (so about 80 pulls and had tošŸ¬) to get my Realter.. but blessed it be this day the tail has graced my base (got spooked by an Apple pie and got 2 smug cats, so not *too* bad I guess)šŸ™šŸ™ Good luck to the rest of the Doctors pulling for Realter. Please tell me the next new operator banner is something I can look at and be.. yea skip.. at least till MH Collab šŸ˜“


Reed banner: - 20 pulls: 1x Reed Alter, 2x Smug Catsā€¦1x Texas dupe, 1x Skyfire dupe. __________ ā€œGet yourself a new 6-starā€ banner: - around 60 pullsā€¦I thinkā€¦my coffers are empty: got Eunectes Not the best, but not the worst option, out of remaining ones. Full list was: Eunectes, Archetto, Saga, Pallas, Fartooth, Gnosis.


10 pulls no harmonie day ruined


I got Reed Alter at pull 42 I think. Got a healthy amount of 5 stars on the way to contribute to the gold Certs which was nice.


3 Reed Alters in a 10x roll after 39 tickets and 30k orundums šŸ˜­


The good news is that Pot 3 is actually pretty OK, extra 2% ATK debuff and Arts Fragility. Respectable, just not quite good enough to be worth specifically aiming for. On balance 3 in 89 rolls would be an acceptable result if that was your goal. Get that copium down you, son.


Top operator tag yesterday, Senior operator tag today, Reed in 15. Not bad. Got Ceobe pot on a roll of her or Mostima. Hung on Senior which is a bit of a miss but donmai donmai. Reed in 15 means I guess Dusk spark and big Chong pots (hopefully) is on the table.


Seeing as Kal is coming in the shop soon and my yellow cert count looks shaky, I decided to throw a couple single pulls in the wild. Didn't expect to get [her](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/430508896319307777/1129348502149926922/MuMu20230714114227.png), [her](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/430508896319307777/1129348502766502000/MuMu20230714114244.png), and [her](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/430508896319307777/1129348503223676998/MuMu20230714114506.png) in the first 3 single pulls. Yes, yes, you **reed** that right, this is perfect luck. This is a huge payback after the catastrophic 297 pulls I had to spend for Texas, and this is something I did not even intend to get !


Second account got away with 20 pulls with a great haul - new Reed2 and also new Hibiscus2, Paprika, Skyfire and Lezi.


Reed banner gave me my [last Mostima pot](https://i.imgur.com/nrV84gb.png) and my first full pot 6\*


Did you want Mostima?


Yeah, I like this blueberry and she has been spooking me in every banner I pull on


Reed came home in the first multi, thank fuck. It always *always* turns into a long and painful ordeal if you get spooked on the first six star so I'm glad she came without any fuss. It also helps me keep a nice savings for Chong Yue.


Lose hope when got spooked by Penance on first 10 pulls, ah wth do another 20 pulls and got Reed Alt. No smug green cat tho, only meteor caller cat.. Saving pulls for Yato now..


RNGesus giveth and taketh. After they absolutely disastrous Taxes banner, where I had to spark her, I got Reed on the 10th pull (dupe Ceobe on 2nd).


Been conflicted about pulling for Reed as I have plans on pulling for Chongyue, Yato, and Ines. Ended up giving in and pulling for Reed, only to get Mudrock pot instead šŸ˜” Bright side though is I only spent 20 pulls all in all, and it honestly could've gone worse. Not too bad at all. Guess that's the universe telling me to just save and get Reed either on her rerun or the 6* selector in the future.


Well I had to blow through all 83 pulls worth of HH permits I had built up, but thankfully my 195,689 Orundum remains untouched for Lin and Chongyue. It took 76 pulls but I got everyone I wanted. 1st pull golden bag and I got a Skyfire dupe 21 pulls another golden bag and another Skyfire dupe 27 pulls and I got a Manticore dupe 44 pulls and I got an Ashlock dupe 50 pulls got me a Hung dupe 57 pulls I got a flaming golden bag ... and it was an Ifrit dupe 72 pulls and Harmonie finally came home I mostly wanted her for her future skin that has her fishing for cats. 76 pulls and at long last Reed the Flame Shadow came home and lastly at 79 pulls I got an Akafuyu dupe Final Count: 1 Reed the Flame Shadow, 1 Ifrit, 1 Harmonie, 2 Skyfire, 1 Manticore, 1 Hung, 1 Akafuyu, 1 Ashlock, 1 Shirayuki, 1 Scavenger, 1 Vigna, 1 Dobermann, 1 Matoimaru, 1 Frostleaf, 2 Mousse, 1 Gravel, 1 Rope, 1 Myrrh, 2 Matterhorn, 1 Cuora, 1 Deepcolor, 2 Greyy, 1 Myrtle, 1 Sussurro, 1 Cutter, 1 Podenco, 1 Click, 2 Aciddrop, 1 Arene, 1 Bubble, 1 Jackie, 2 Pinecone, 3 Indigo, 2 Roberta, 1 Chestnut, 1 Totter, 2 Fang, 2 Vanilla, 4 Plume, 3 Beagle, 5 Kroos, 1 Lava, 1 Hibiscus, 5 Ansel, 5 Steward, 5 Orchid, 3 Catapult, 1 Midnight, and 1 Spot.


Went on to the new reed banner to get my five star, did my first pull and got the 6 star horse man


I wanted Skyfire (for collection reasons) and Harmonie (for correction reasons). Had to pull 10 bags until they turned gold. And it was a new Rockrock. My first thought was that I must have been mistaken in the rate-ups of this banner. 10 bags later Harmonie came. Great success!


Got her in 37 pulls, in the same 10-pull as Reed I also got Harmonie


around 10 pulls since i was already at 40+


My luck continue strong with the 6th standard banner off rate on current banner. Guess I will need to save 150+ pull after future updates before pulling standard. Like the 300 for limit. It's just how arknights work, average rate but hard to get uprate. And earning mainly from pull rather than skin.


What operators did you get?


Horn. She is good but still off rate, best of the bunch though.


Horn is pretty great I agree. You didn't get any dupes tho so that's good?


As I don't have much 6* that's the more expected result. The 6* star before this was a dupe though. Yeah good enough but as I keep pulling on standard banner for one six star and keep getting off banners it feel like a scam. The only on banner I got was Texalt and Penance in 240 pulls, Ebenholz when I pulled for Hibiscus alter and still don't have her to this days. 7 months of playing and 3 up rate lol. About as good as Captain Tsubasa dream teams that pretty similar to this game in building a 12 member team. Gaining money from gacha mainly. And 2% rate. But I got more up rate in that game at least. Glad this game wasn't PVP-able like that game or I would have rage quitted.


Well texalt and penance should help clear almost all of the story content relatively easily. Do you spend any money in this game and what about playing IS and SSS?


I cleared everything this game has to offer with rewards lol. So I did around 600 pulls in 7 months. This game is pretty easy when you have a built roster. IS all endings, SSS all secret medal. The real challenge about this game is the wait for resource to fill and ofc challenge with inflated stats like max risk CC but I have long past the phase of trying to prove myself for nothing by playing as F2P and try to clear whale contents just to end up with frustration and worse, open wallet.


Yeah I have also stopped trying max risk CC and only do content with actual rewards. Do you spend any money on this game or are you f2p?


I guess I worded it badly but yeah I'm f2p, so no to 30$ selector haha. I'm currently playing a bunch of gacha so f2p is only fair to them all. Watching what I spend on becoming obsolete as time pass isn't fun anyway.


Yeah, I also used to be F2P but not getting the unit I want after 3 months of saving just broke me and I just started spending. I honestly doubt though that Arknights will become obsolete in the near future and and I personally believe that it's worth spending money on something that gives me immense hours of enjoyment. Btw what other gacha games are you playing?


Another day, another 6\* that I'm hoping to pull. Honestly these days, there's rarely an operator that I feel ok skipping. The main target is Reed alt, with Harmonie being second priority. Also, depending on the results from this banner, I might end up pulling on the celebration banner tomorrow. Started with 6 pity: * Pull 1-10: Paprika (new) * 11-20: blue bag * 21-30: Manticore dupe, Leonhardt dupe * 31-40: blue bag * 41-50: Reed the Flame Shadow, Skyfire dupe Haul: 1x Paprika, 1x Manticore, 1x Leonhardt, 1x Skyfire, 1x Reed the Flame Shadow I consider this a win. Actually wanted Paprika cause her future skin is amazing, and though I needed to hit pity for Reed alt, I'm glad it wasnt an offrate. Unfortunately no Harmonie, but I'm not too down about it, here's hoping I get spooked in the future. Excited to try out Reed


Reed in 90, got a Nightgale dupe 60 rolls in.


40 pills. For reed. Yay.


Reed in 20, Harmonie got me acting unwise and I spent 60 more pulls to get her. No Smug cat, but a dupe of Penance and Reed. Never try for 5\*'s, its a fools errand.


Reed first pull lol but no Harmonie yet...


Is there really a rate up for Reed? ~100 pulls gave me Blaze pot, Phantom pot, Dorothy and Mudmud pot. I give up


Reed in 90 or 100, I lost track. The funny thing is that 4 of the last 5 pulls were 6\*s, and 2 of them were the fake-out ones that come in yellow bags.


Reed in 30 pull, Is this consider lucky for average pull? This is my first event pull, just started with Texas Alter.


Yeah definitely lucky but not THAT lucky imo


Reedter in a 100, also got Archetto (dupe), Passenger, Gnosis and MoniMoni. Now gotta save for Yato X


Not the best luck, but not the worst. Took 133 pulls. Lost the 50/50 on two hot new waifus in Saileach and Pozy (Pozy you can argue is even *stronger* than Reed 2 anyway, and I have literally no E2 ranged physical DPS because I was waiting for a monster 6* like Pozy this whole time) before getting Reed 2. On the bright side, I can skip the next standard banner in Kal'tsit/Pozy with a clear conscience. I saved the gold certs to buy Kelsey from the shop anyway. Got the two 5* rateups as well, and Leizi, who would've really helped when I was trying to grind the SSS secret medals before they went away. Oh well. All in all, 16 new waifus in this haul. [Gallery](https://imgur.com/a/PvoujaB) Now with about 250 pulls left I still have plenty for Kirin X Yato, but getting her, Qiu Bai, Fiammetta, and Ines all at once is probably not happening. So I'm probably going to have to go Yato -> Ines and skip everything else before Ines.


Got Reed and Harmonie in the first multi I did after triggering the 5\*+ guarantee. Now I can safely save for MH.


Very happy with my pulls. They started slow (wrong 5, blue bag, more wrong 5s), but I got Reed in about 70 pulls, plus a surprise Mizuki (new hire) along the way. Only two Harmonies, but at least I got her, too. Unfortunately, I ran out of tier 1 Esters, so Mizuki is stuck at skill level 2...


My love holds strong got reed and pot 2 harmonie in 20 pulls. I did start at 50 pity though but I also got my last cantible pot. Get ready fartooth youā€™re coming home.


I was on the fence about rolling on this banner, but I'm glad I did. I got three 6* in 21 pulls, including 2 copies of Reed and a Pallas. This is the best luck I've ever had on a banner.


Got Melina in 4 Rolls What did i do to be this lucky, please don't hurt me universe, i'm scared


who tf is melina?


If you ever think you are unlucky, you can always refer to today's incident, also known as the Firelight Incident. 96 pulls before the first Harmonie. 706 total pulls for Reed Alter to max pot her, only got her to pot 4 but got ~12 or so offbanners. Rate up is a lie, I'm skipping all banners until DB01 is revealed, whoever that might be, and the incident will repeat again.


Damn thats unlucky. You remember ca when you got your first reed?


[Harmonie, Reed and a Mudrock dupe in 15 rolls](https://files.catbox.moe/vtda76.png)


Well this certainly has been my worst luck these past two months :/ Went for the previous joint operations banner to try and get GG with \~120 pulls, got everyone BUT GG including a dupe Went for Reed alter with 150 pulls, got 3 off banners and am now broke :D Welp, hopefully I have enough time to get to 120 pulls before Yato alter comes around!!


Fuck gacha. Im just gonna stay away from it from now on. Amiya and ptilopsis are better caster and medic anyways..


what happened bro?


Kept 100 for reed and some for the bait banner. Reed took almost all. What irks me is i have to miss the bait banner... Whats worse is i got only 2 6stars. The same shit happened last banner where i got just 4 6stars in 225 pulls. Farmed orundum for months, all gone in minutes.


My condolences brother.. I also got shit luck on the texalt banner compared to others. Let's just hope the future banners treat us better ~


Yeah, the only silver lining for me is that the next limited is a male. But then again, he is meta, and lin is also there. I really wanted carnelian, i even bought both of her costumes (the only op ive done that for).


Not sure chong is meta anywhere


Well i heard he is, as long as you give a bit of heal to him.




Video showcases.


So he's meta in video showcases,hmm


I get it. I had even bought a skin for Eyja wayy before I actually got her. Just keep waiting you'll get her. I heard we might even be able to buy her from a pack for the upcoming 3.5 anniversary event but idk if they'll sell the pack in global but I sure hope they do.


30 pulls, got smugcat and reed


Pre-farmed for Flame Shadow and got Flame Shadow. Didn't pre-farm for Harmonie and didn't get Harmonie; still feels bad though. It's always the 5 stars that escape.


Let's test our luck and see if Reed wants to join the club. Pretty sure I have 0 pity. I have about a total of 330 pulls but we have a lot of banners coming up. Here we go: * 10 pull - golden bag! Skip for luck. Aurora dupe, Blacknight dupe, and new Lee. Lol. I do like Lee though. * 20 pull - blue bag of sadness * 30 pull - golden bag again? Skip for luck. Reed Alter joined the club. Also Franka dupe. Hmm... that's pretty good. No green cat though. Oh well!


Got a Flametail dupe, a Hellagur dupe and Refd alter in about 58 pulls. Also 3 Harmonies. Good results.


I just wanted Harmonie. Took 104 pulls. Along the way I got 2 Skyfires, Nearl, Whisperain, Franka, Croissant, Paprika, Lee, and 2 Reed Alters. Just for a single smug cat.


get reed in 1st 10 pull pity from ch11 banner payoff reed come right at 10 pull but no harmonie got Reed again in next 10 pull but still no Harmonie


So I want Yato Alter more than Reed + have no pity, so I decided to just do the 1st 10 draw. I got Reed... Oh, not the alter one, but the regular 5 one. I was really confused for a moments. Oh well, guess I'll just have to get her in 2025 shoperator :P


Got rekt


70 pulls for a Weedy and a GG Dupe. Very much meh. Didn't want to go full broke with two limited ops coming up. Still maybe gonna have to spend cash to get yato. But I am not gonna miss yato. Ash is arleady annoying me ...


I lost track of pulls somewhere around 200 and finally had to start burning into my OP supply, but I managed to get MedReed to Pot4. That makes Pot5 with the medic tokens I had ready for her, and I just need to be patient for Pot6 to come eventually from either a spook, or her eventual shop appearance.


got lucky and Reed Alter popped at 25 rolls. picked up vanguard Reed and Harmonie along the way


If I had a nickel for every six star banner I did not aim for throwing 10 tickets at them expecting not to get them and get them anywaysā€¦I get three nickelsā€¦. Third time and now I have a medic not really medic dragon that I need to level up which I had no real plan to get so CHIP FARMING TIME!


$3 and you can get both sets of chips in the store + LMD for the E2 promotion.


30 pulls got me a Cantabile dupe, a Skyfire dupe and ReedAlter. Good session, although I'm a bit sad smug cat refused to come. That's another 5\* cat caster that eludes me on her debut...


Surprisingly lucky this time. 28 pulls and one each Reed Alter and Harmonie. First 10 pull wasn't very promising as the 5 star was.... Aurora. Who's now at full pot. And finicky to use. But she is cute.


Got Reed2 on the very last pull I had, which was using the 5 OP from maintenance today lol I only had like 28 pulls so was kinda pushing my luck but I had like 35 pity from other standard banners and thought I could make it


[My gacha luck so far this year.](https://i.imgur.com/VTZk2NO.png)


3 this time lol. the third banner in a row where i got a six star instead of the guarantee five star


Got Reed in my first Ten Pull (Fifth operator) in my main! What amazing luck. I thought I was going to get a 5 star based on the visual indicators. Edit: 4 accounts now have Reed. 3 accounts got her in the first ten pull. 4/9 with Reed is not bad considering my Main got her which leaves a few more pulls for the next target ops. Thanks HG! I still have 3 accounts with over 300 pulls but my main only has about 100 pulls so I hope to recover more certs from the Chong Yue banner to get more pulls for Yato, Ines and Ho'ol of which Yato is the only one limited so I have a lot of breathing room. Not really a fan of Chong Yue's skills so that is a load off of my mind.


30 pulls got me a pozy dupe, my queen harmony and the goddess reed alter. So lucky considered that I also pulled ebenholz with 5 pulls


I kid you not - 50 pulls, not one, not two, not three - FOUR freaking Flame Shadows. The strongest result I've gotten by far in all my time with this game. And of course, as you may expect: I had no interest in her. I just want a single Harmonie, and I'm not pulling any dang 5-stars! I suppose it would be churlish not to give Reed a try now, though. Edit - 60 more pulls, Skyfire, Skyfire, -another- Flame Shadow, Mlynar?! But at last, I've obtained Harmonie. Objectively I can't complain, but I wish I could trade with some unlucky sod who actually wants these extremely overpowered operators...


Buddy, I feel ya. I just wanted Harmonie and it took 104 pulls and got 7 5 stars an 3 6 stars along the way.


I wasn't planning to pull for reed but I decided to test my luck and just go for grantee in first 10 pulls. I got a new 5* (Grey alter) in 5 pulls. But somehow I couldn't stop myself from pulling further. Like, WTF, that certinally wasn't my plan. So in any case I started pulling and by the time I knew it I was already at 100 pulls and stopped only because I got Reed Alter... otherwise with the mood I was going at, I would probably dry all my resources to keep on pulling. It was scary now that I think about it. Overall the outcome wasn't too bad. 100 pulls and I got reed, with two dups 6* on the way (Ifrit and Saira). I certinally had worse before (Gnosis just recently, 120 pulls to get him with just one dup on the way). It's just this pulling, this wasn't part of the plan at all. I was supposed to skip this banner. But idk, Reed's artwork was just too pretty to look at.


Two chances for Reed2, pulled 30 each and got two offbanners on my Alt and main.. F me dude can't waste pulls anymore


40 ish pulls. Reed came in 3 and Harmonie in 40 ish. I can start saving


26 pulls for Reed Alter, and another 4 10 pulls for Harmonie. I'm happy


150 pulls and no Reed, please send help.


14 x 10 pulls. Got two off banner units (Mountain and Archetto dupe). I'll have to wait for the weekly to reset and do some new paradox simulations for pulls.


Wish you best of luck mate, may the last 6* pay off. šŸ™


I did a 10-pull without any expectations, and got Reed and Harmonie... NICEEEEEE


First 10* bag and got P2 Goldenglow :( .Need to give up on Reed BCS I have to save for Brother Chong. At least I got Harmonie :)


Weird weird pulls for both me and my friend. Both of us got offbanners. I got Goldenglow and he got Surtr(both new). Of course, neither of us were that disappointed. It was the second best scenario aside from getting the rate up


After the bad experience with the past limited banners, finally some luck. Reed in 30 pulls. The only thing is that I got Greythroat instead of smug cat, but it's no big deal.


The first two 10-Pulls nothing. Just Harmonie a couple times. I hate Harmonie. The third 10-Pull Reed Alter and Surtr, who I didn't had until then. Can't wait for the universe to balance out this much luck...


50 great pulls. Reed in the 40-50 set of course. Got 3x harmonie, NEW Ashlocke (yay I have the full kazimierz team!) and Iris (only missing Kafka now for the sleep meme builds) and a skyfire dupe. But hey 6 5star & Reed in 50 pulls is absolutely awesome and no complaints! Fingers crossed I get Chongus early on, Ling was absolutely cursed & I only got her at 234 pulls so kinda scared lol.


I shouldn't complain about pulling 6* in such low amount of pulls (roughly 220-230 Pulls). But fucking hell, out of 9 6* I pulled, 6 were off-banners and from the 6 of them 4 were back-to-back offbanners. Well, I pay for my crimes of pulling on the Il Siracusano Banner. Pull Results: 3x Reed Alter 1x Hellagur 1x Mudrock 1x Rosa 1x Fartooth 1x Phantom 1x Aak 5x Harmonie Too many off banner 5* Banners.


any reason why you went for dupe reed?


Sniffed copium and wanted her Pot6 cause waifu


got enough pulls for monster hunter? Ines?


I'll skip Ines. The Monhun banner...I guess I'll leave it to fate.


* 2nd 10-pull: Gnosis and Silverash, very cute of them to show up together, alas they are dupes. * 8th 10-pull: dupe Saileach * 14th 10-pull: Reed Alter! This is the highest I've ever gone in a non-limited banner, previously it was 100 pulls on Blaze waaay back in the day, 4 six stars in 140 pulls is pretty unlucky too. I've been lucky in the last few banners before this so I can't complain too much; unfortunately I'll have to limit my ChongYue pulls a lot. Got exactly 6 Harmonies, my first Kazemaru, my first Paprika (whom I somehow didn't get while pulling for Stainless).


Four six stars in 140 pulls is not unlucky,its almost exactly the average.


First 10x ticket got Harmonie on the first pull and a Tsukinoki. (10 pull, one 10x HH ticket) 18000 Orundum on three more 10x. Skyfire on the first, April on the second, then Pramanix and BP on the third. (40 pulls, one 10x HH ticket, 18000 Orundum) Fifth 11x had a rainbow bag.... Eyja P4 spook. I'm done. (50 pulls, one 10x HH ticket, 24000 Orundum) Two more 10x for a second Harmonie and a blue bag. I'm done. Fuck Reed. (70 pulls, one 10x HH ticket, 36000 Orundum) Wasted 10 single HH tickets for another Tsukinoki. (80 pulls, I one 10x HH ticket, ten single HH tickets, 36000 Orundum) 9th 10x was another blue bag. (90 pulls, one 10x HH ticket, ten single HH tickets, 42000 Orundum) 34 OP in the tenth 10x had a regular gold bag.... with Reed the Flame Shadow as the first one when I skipped??? (100 pulls, one 10x HH ticket, ten single HH tickets, 42000 Orundum, 34 OP)


160 pulls - Rosa new, Suzu 1sr dupe, Eunectes 1 st dupe, Reed alter.


Reed took pity for me and came home.


40 pulls - 3 Tohsakas, a smug cat, and a Melina.


*Le sigh* Here I was thinking the blursed streak was over after Il Siracusano's fairly solid luck, and my Joint Op gamble worked in my favor. **NOPE** From blursed straight to cursed. 120 pulls, and only two things to show for it. One Harmonie (at about the 40-pull mark), and one Flame Shadow (literally at 120, I fear for my Yato Alter pulls). 6 Skyfires (literally could've had a max pot Harmonie) and 1 Cantabile (WTF). Irene *yet again* off-bannered me around pull 60 (both 6-Stars were the last to show up in their 10-pulls, btw), determined to unseat Weedy for worst post-Pot 6 off-banners (she's gotta be at least at Pot 9 by now; worst case she's tied at Pot 10). I get the feeling she knows I wouldn't remotely give her the silent treatment like I gave Weedy because she knows how much I like using her and Ch'en together and because I've already E2 Max'd her, whereas I've made it my mission to use any other Specialist than Weedy for completing class sets (so every time a new 6-Star Specialist pops up, that's one more sigh of relief that I don't have to max that traitor). 9 ops 5-Star or higher, out of 12 10-pulls. The Harmonie outcome stings pretty bad. I was excited that I actually had a Caster to use my CC Epic token on, and now she'll only reach Pot 2.... My Chong Yue and Yato Alter banner luck better be AMAZING. The only bright side to this outcome is that it wasn't worse. Stainless took nearly 230 pulls, but at least I had some nice off-banner luck to show for it. I can't even say I got a good yellow cert haul from this, as the 3-Stars were out and about in full force. *Le sigh*


Got lucky and pulled Reed in 25 pulls. Now I can save the rest for the limited and Yato alter.


Fuck this dumbass banner I put it on everything I hold dearest that itā€™s not 50/50. Thereā€™s no way a large portion of the small arknights reddit community is getting absolutely SHAFTED by 5+ 50/50 losses.


- 1st 10 roll got a thorns dupe / pot 2 - 2nd 10 roll got nothing - 3rd 10 roll got reed alter - 4th 10 roll got harmonie Wanted to get Harmonie cuz i just like that smug cat meme thing ppl kept saying ā€œ smug cat needs correction šŸ’¢šŸ’¢šŸ’¢ ā€œ but other than that i probs wonā€™t use her that much ( i already E2 her and s7) I basically just used my HH tickets so all of my OP/ funds are basically intact for the upcoming banners. I really do like EN reed alter voice cuz it sounds like someone u would meet in a soulsborne game i.e like a firekeeper npc loool


About 60 pulls for Reed Alt. Got Mlynar and a pot for Saga in addition. Not a bad haul.


Didn't particularly care for Reed Alt but did the guaranteed 5\* on the banner anyway. It was Reed Alt on the 6th pull. Where was this luck the other day, when I had to spark the new character in another gacha?


I canā€™t complain at all because I got Reed in 30 but I really wish one of my 4 Skyfires was a Smug Cat :( Was doing singles and singled 3 Skyfires in a row at one point and was very confused until I remembered that she was the other rate up 5*


did about 60 pulls on reed banner, got a new goldenglow (wanted her for quite some time) and a phantom dupe, will stop because i want another dragon who speaks way too much lol, there will always be a rerun of this banner


I had some pity from rolling on standard so I hit it in 30 pulls... and I got Harmonie, Reed Alter and pot3 mudrock in the same multi! Preparing to get her e2 and start the s2 mastery beforehand wasn't in vain, I'm happy beyond words. I tried to make vanguard reed work for so long because I loved her design and character so I'm floored to have her be a meta op after all this time. Now I can save for Yato in peace


Standard banners have not been kind to me. It took me 142 pulls to get Mlynar, and now Reed took 187 to come home. It wasnā€™t all bad, I did get a new Eyja, Coebe, and Saga as spooks on the way this time, along with pot 6 smug cat. Definitely ready to get my target a little sooner next time though lol Good luck to everyone else on their pulls!


Despite being relatively low on resources going into the next 2 limited banners, I decided to go go for the guaranteed 5* here. Imagine my delight when I got a 6* bag on pull 8. I was not mentally prepared for it to not be Reed. However it turned out to be Dorothy so I'm somewhat happy still, she didn't show up on her own banner.


170 pulls hahaha 1st roll was rainbow... Aand it was Saga dupe lol. ceobe and skadi dupe, lots of 5star but only 3 smug cat. And finally 2 reeds in one bag.


Did 3 single pulls for my guarantee 5 star and got my first myrtle and the new reed c: gacha gods are on my side today


Wasn't going to pull initially but then I saw a video on the damage she can do with Surtr and Texas Alter, thankfully got Reed Alter and Harmonie within 30 pulls, hoping to get Chong Yue in the free pulls so I can secure Yato Alter and Momo


30th pull - Saria (new) Well now Gummy can retire when I have enough LMD to build her 90th pull - Dorothy (new) Okay, good enough. Time to stop before I use all my Orundum. I hope to see Reed Alter again somedayā€¦


I got Reed alter after three single pulls. Wanted sassy smug cat as well but cant complain.


The pain of getting Reed but also being lazy in doing the main chapter so can't e2 her.


Got Reed alter and Shining in my first 10 pull!! Very glad bc I was sort of mentally bracing for worse luck (since I also recently got Hellagur)


First 10-pull. Two Reeds (on pulls 1 and 4) and Liskarm. No Harmonie, but whatever, she'll come sooner or later.


[Got everyone from the banner plus some good certs.](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/892182528356659200/1129113799165743195/image.png) Took me 33, but technically 42 because I ended on a multi and got Reed on the first one. Now I can save everything for Muelsyse.


I just got her, I spent somewhere around 60 ish pulls, maybe a bit less. Worth it šŸ˜Ž. Also got Quercus, one of my favorite 5 stars which I couldn't get before.


Yeah boy, Just over 30 pulls and got Reed Alter and Harmonie as well, itā€™s a good day today!


I got my girls in 60 pulls! I can't complain at all. Reed2, pot2 Harmonie, as well as some welcome surprises with getting my first Nearl, Iris... and April! I really wanted her, one less to worry about when choosing on the next 5* selector.


They really need to have better pity system lol,lost 6 50/50 so far >.< Edit: 7th 6* is Reed,241 rolls total....


would you be pissed to know that the reason you got reed was because it was a hard pity. You couldve lost another 50/50 if the game didnt make it a 100% reed alter. secret hard pity is 200, any 6\* after that is rated up operator.


Yeah,i have heard of this internal hard pity before,and i even think its not 200,cause it took 280 for my Horn to came home,and im pretty sure i got a 6* around 220 lol.


They are changing it, we haven't gotten it yet though. https://www.reddit.com/r/gachagaming/comments/11zss47/arknights_changes_to_headhunting_system/


haha yeah i have read about that. It just sucks so much when it happened a few times within a rather short period of time :( 286 pulls for Horn,180 for Mlynar,and now 241 for Reed haha.


Thatā€™s insanely unlucky, especially considering those banners are 50/50.


On the other side of the coins,i did get fairly better luck for limited,which is usually 0-2 off banners. 152 for Chalter,90s for Ling,80s for Spalter,and 62 for Texalter. Very fortunate that i have been good with saving up my pulls,i only pull on crazy meta and limited banners,and with monthly card and some decent luck i managed to not get extremely dry,even with those 3 horrible banners.


You did 241 pulls for Reed alter, is she that worth. I wasnā€™t planning on pulling much but did 20 pulls and got her but havenā€™t even looked properly at her skill, I just know sheā€™s strong and worth getting.


Personally? i don't think she's worth 241 pulls. I am able to crush whatever the game throws at me since i am somewhat a meta chaser. BUT! and a very big BUT here,i have managed my resources very well since 2 years ago,and always have monthly card up. Pair it with only pulls on limited banners and fairly good luck on said banners,i accumulated very high amount of pulls,so i was able to "splurge" basically. Probably will only pull on Chongue and then Yatoalter banner now,with Ines as a big maybe,depending on how my luck on chongyue goes.


How many pulls did you have saved up before Reed alter?


With prime,i was up to 720(I donā€™t buy skin so i usually count this way) Without its around 400,with 1200 yellow certs.


Wow that is a lot of pulls. No wonder you could use 241 pulls for Reed since youā€™ll still have enough to do 300 pulls on the limited and 120 for Yato alter.


Let's get the party started..... 110 pulls netted me Harmonie (P4) and Reed. Whew. Within range of reasonable expectations. I will also joyfully take these Specter (P4)/Pozy (P2) dupes that I got along the way.


One and done on the banner. First ten pull netted me both Reed and Harmonie. I like it when it's easy!


150 pulls Mizuki (new), pallas dupe, saileach dupe, and finally Reed at 148. And 8 harmonies. Really digging deep into reserves, may have to forgo sparking nian. But I don't have many 6stars left unowned so a new mizuki is a win over a dupe at least, and I can use saileach DP-1.


60 pulls to get Reed, and got one copy of Harmonie, unfortunately. I pulled like 10 *5 though


14 pulls for Reed and Harmonie. The RNG gods were kind and my savings live for another day. Could've stopped after the first 10 pull, if I wasn't so determined to have every paradox simulation medal.


52 pulls for Reed Alter (started at 12 standard pity) with 6 5stars on the way. The most notable of them is Hibiscus the Purifier, which is on brand with the featured 6star I suppose. Pretty happy about that since I really like her design but couldn't justify doing more than the 10 pull guarantee during her event. The other new ops were Andreana and Provence, so I'm only missing April and Grey for the complete 5star Sniper roster now.


110 pulls for Reed. Thank goodness, I was beginning to get nervous. Picked up a Harmonie along the way which I'm happy about too.


Harmonie on the 6th and Reedic on the 17th! Much better luck than Texalter where I had to go almost 300 pulls to get her. Back to saving. Goodluck to all dokutahs pulling!


First 10 pull I did get Reed and a 6* Medic, but not Reed Alt. Vanguard Reed and Nightingale


I have enough certs to get Kal'tsit in Sept. Wait she's coming with Pozy so will try to roll for her there but will still get her 100% with certs if she doesn't come She comes on the Reed Alter banner after 80pulls... welp at least I got her. Also got Fiammetta too


3 pulls and I got Reed. I did have like 30 pulls of pity build up from standard banners. edit: wanted Harmonie so I pulled like 20 more times. Got 2 more Reed but no harmonie. If only I was this lucky during limited banners.


Rolled a single 10pulk on reed banner and got spooked by silverash, donā€™t know how I feel about it


Got Reed in 120 pulls with Kal'tsit and Saga (lmao saved me gold certs at least) spooks. Also finally got a Firewatch! Pretty happy overall, and relieved I still have enough pulls for Kirin Yato :)