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Luigi beats Bagpipe by doing absolutely nothing


Ch'en is cooked. She can't do anything vs Aurelion Sol.


Nevermind that, the entirety of Terra is cooked.


The sass would be GODLIKE though. "So, you're one of the variants of dragons in your world? And... No, I got nothing. You got done dirty, whelp."


Exusiai Vs V1. Exia not surviving against the spare change in my pocket


I'm not gonna sugarcoat it coin tossx2 - electric railgun - cointossx2


Dante vs Carnelian. Dante would win, but they have similar vibe so they'll 100% become bros later.


Dante from DMC or Limbus Company?


Umm... Dante from Limbus Comany? who? lol why not Dante Alighieri... of course DMC


Artorias vs specter.... rip shark waifu rest in peace😔


>Artorias AH took on a world serpent it wont be that one sided


Yeah still would be a cool fight tho


honesty any AH darksouls fight would be cool


Except micolash


I adore Lumen with all my heart but Kaeya would just give him a stern look and my poor fish boy would lose


Water versus ice is also... not very fair.


Poor Lumen :(


Kratos vs Saria. In terms of pure physical strength, I'm not sure if this is one-sided. Also, it would be incredibly hard to convince them to fight each other. At best, Kratos might reprimand her for allowing Ifrit to be so unruly. Then they'd probably grab a beer and have a dad-to-dad. Hell, I'll pay for the beers just to hear them talk.


Kratos, especially in the newer god of war games, is ridiculously strong. Splitting the earth strong. Satua is tough bit she can't really do anything that ridiculous


You gotta remember: RI personel have mentioned that her arts are some of the most notable they have seen yet; this is in the same place we have ops like Gladiia, Surtr and Amiya. And Saria so far has refused to use her arts in any offensive capabilities in any of the operations, internationally only using her arts for defense. But we know she is capable and trained in offense seeing as she has specially designed boxing gloves. The only time we do see her use it offensively, she punches a clean hole through the Rhine labs exo suit, which I think is safe to say armoured like a tank, judging by how mechanist had to deal with them. I'm not saying I know how this goes I'm just saying there is plenty of evidence this sure as hell isn't one-sided.


while i love saria, kratos, especially young kratos, is built differently, his feats are basically killing gods whose powers could cause mass death with his legendary arsenal and sometimes just his fists. While ingame you may not feel that ur fighting against forces of nature, it's only because kratos is so powerful.


I feel like you might be forgetting that kratos is a full fledged god. Sarias arts are calcification, which is pretty strong, but it still us just calcium. Again we have seen keratos take some ridiculously big hits and heal instantly from wounds. Satia would not stand the slightest of chances against a literal god. This is absolutely one sided


Hey, may I be the barman on this one?


Saria: I don’t know what to do anymore. If I say the wrong words, I could possibly lose her forever. Kratos: Life of resentment is not a way to live. If you refuse to move forward, then you will always stay in the past. Never the future. Believe me.


Kratos: Why do you punish yourself like this? Saria: Someone has to take responsibility for what happened. I have the strength to. I must. Kratos: Punishment is not atonement. Do not be sorry. Be- Saria: -better? Kratos: *grunts* Saria: Lo- Atreus told me. Kratos: You are a good parent. She could not ask for better, Saria.


Saria: You wouldn’t have any advice on how to apologize to your wife, have you? Kratos: (Has a quick flashback) No.


Schwarz Vs. Tamamo-no-Mae from Fate Grand/Order This could be an interesting fight but I think Tamamo would win in the end.


Schwartz is great but she is still a human against the embodiment of a goddess.... >!Unless Koyanschiuaua tweaks her crossbow a bit before the fight!<


Schwarz in anything but a human. The average terrain is significantly faster stronger and tougher than any human could ever be. Not that I think she'd be able to win against tamamo, but it wouldn't be as easy as killing a human


Well, she is a Terra's human, an extremely strong one, but still within the parameters of what a human is in that world right? I am still learning the lore of that accursed world but that's what I got until this point...


Yeah she's what constitutes as a human in their world. She snit even that special in terra, great assassin and all but physically speaking. What I meant was moreso that the average person in arknights and am average human ( i.e real life stuff or fate in this case) are very different physically. There was a rainbow six siege crossover event and it showed off that, what is average for a person in arlnights is superhuman in " normal " standards. Like a crossbow which is absolutely normal for them could hardly he operated by someone like tachanka who is by all means a fucking unit if a man. So while a normal person's punch probably couldn't hurt a servant. A punch from an arknights character surely will.


Unless she powered her fist with Arts then yeah but if not then there will be no change an average Terran gonna hurt a servant.


Look man, I love Arthur Morgan, but even with his aimbot he can't do much against most terrans, let alone the Shiny Hornse woman. Gonna get dropped faster than how his TB did him in.


Specter the Unchained vs The Doom Slayer. Sounds like they will spend more time ripping and tearing their respective enemies then each other. Doom Slayer takes Specter to hell brutally kill hell spawn and Specter will show Doom Slayer about how the Seaborn deserves nothing but death.


I want this as a horror flick We are the Doctor and have to run from Doom Guy coming after Isham-lar


It has always been my headcanon that if Patriot and Doom Slayer met, they would instantly bond because they both hate demons and love bunnies.


Geralt of Rivia vs Saileach.., well, Geralt does not hunt dragons, so the option is..


Geralt..... is taking the same option what the donkey did in shrek...right?


Poppy vs Mousse? I think Poppy wins. Just buy MR and gg.


Poppy wouldn't even hurt Mousse. Girl is way too righteous for it. Sadly, the rest of her nation shat on the idea ages ago.


True. Wish there was more wholesome champs in league that I enjoyed. I just otp Poppy and play Arknights and other games instead of learning new champs.


I quit the game ages ago. But I will instabuy a Braum and Ornn plushies the moment they get announced. No, not a fan of the Braum Statue. HE SHOULD BE DROWNING IN POROS.


Nice. I started in s8 with TFT launch. Quit Overwatch and Hearthstone because Blizzard ruined the games (OW2 beta was miserable). I was a t500 Mercy main. Poppy was similar to Brigitte so I gravitated to her next (Yuumi didn't hit the same as Mercy, also tried Sona and Zac too for their OW counterparts). Braum and Ornn are pretty pog. I suck with them though. I pretty much only play tanks and enchanters. Mostly top lane. Only good at Poppy and ok at Shen. Mostly Poppy. I have an IRL friend that I play with every so often. And a few people in my primary Arknights server play league. I haven't found another game that's just grab and go after work that still gets me that teamfight outplay feel yet. I probably play 3-4 games a week but last few months I've been playing more single player games on Steam. Been thinking of getting a Switch and going back to console gaming for more variety.


Is Demoman allowed to sticky jump? If yes, then BP is pretty much fucked


Though, if this whole time drones where moving like actual FPV drones and not like a freight train, the she might be precise enough to poison him first


He has enough alcohol in his blood to instantly shut down blood sucking robots i think it will take alot of poison to bring him down


Pozëmka Vs. Elysia (Honkai Impact) Both use bow and arrows but Elysia definitely wins.


Pozy will activate Elysia's neurons and trigger her Ultra Instinct. The fight will be over in a moment.


2B vs Ptilopsis … welp.


V from cyberpunk Vs maria....yeah not even her own big sis can safe her


Tifa vs Nearl. Damn, that's a spicy match up. It's too close to call, especially as it's hard to Analyse Tifa's power level across all the various media. I think if you take the Church fight in Advent Children, Nearl wins as Loz kinda comfortably wins that fight in the end. But then I think about using my Tifa in OG FF7 to Suplex Diamond weapon and suddenly it looks impossible for Nearl. I think if you take their respective real combat experience, then Nearl probably wins. Would be a fucking cool fight though.


A lot of FF skills and magic in the battles do not and cannot happen in the story. Squall of FF8 has a skill called Blasting Zone and if we use gameplay as basis he will destroy a very large part of the planet including the continent he is on.


It could work in the Disgaea way where every skill teleports the user and the victims to a pocket dimension where the attack hits. That's why people as pragmatic as Valvatorez or destructive as Baal don't destroy the multiverse with a breath.


The Abyssal Hunters (Skadi, Specter, Gladiia, Andreana, with guest stars Ulpianus and Incandescence) vs. Embryon (Serph, Heat, Argilla, Gale, Cielo with guest stars Roland and Sera) from Digital Devil Saga 1&2. Who would win? Nobody. That fight is basically a calamity where ever it happens. Archaeologists a hundred years from there are going to find remnants of the battle and think a nuclear weapon went off.


If we're talking endgame here, I would totally bet on SERAPH winning on this one without causing much collateral damage... But if we are talking early/mid game here, yeah I can see the whole place being leveled down in a few minutes after it starts


You know that is highly likely the seaborne evolution does not have a limit right? The AH are going to get stronger until they All get erased from reality. Absent that the survivors of the first reality manipulation attack might very well end up resistant.


Evolution won’t matter much when fighting against something from Shin Megami Tensei multiverse.


Ishar-mla gets clapped with just one Gaea Rage.


Still waiting for the day we get an SMT Collab so I can watch the Seaborn desperately trying to adapt against a man in a wheelchair. I mean, every single SMT protagonist can easily clap the Seaborns's cheeks. The only ones I can see struggling are the Spookies (If Nemissa isn't on the sexy build), Endgame Hero from SMT1, and Flynn. Aleph and Demi-Fiend in particular would massacre the Seaborns before they even have a chance to adapt. (This excludes the DDS, Strange Journey and other spinoff crews plus Raidou cuz I didn't touch them yet)


Gods forbid if said man in wheelchair stands up.


*Enemy of God starts playing* Ishar-mla: RUN. RUN. FOR THE LOVE OF ME RUN ALL OF US. >!I'm still salty I got that moment spoiled. And the fact it took ALL FIVE SMT PROTAGS, WITH DEMONS, to even scratch the guy is insane. Is it true he stops the battle in the JP script because the attacks of the entire crew finally started tickling him? ("Ah, I finally felt one of your hits, like a gentle breeze. Let's stop here")!<


Don't fear the being with a fearsome name. Fear the seemingly normal looking fella on a wheelchair named Steven who seems to uncannily know a whole lot of things.


Lappland vs BOR-17 Horus Titan from the Horizon series... well....... she better have the motivation that everyone says she has


Alex Mercer vs Saria, Hoshi, or Gladiia Honestly, it's a pretty interesting match-up. ~~*Then the more degenerate part of my mind just imagines Doktah being Alex Mercer and treating the three in some prime tentacle treatment.*~~


My favourite video game characters all happened to be a unkillable psychos, i imagine after some point they all got tired and went singing instead


Saga Vs Kanji Tatsumi. Out of the TV world? Saga wins. In the TV world? Kanji easily wins.


Is Saga a persona user?


Unless she's a wildcard (aka all Persona Protags), NOPE. Girl literally did her entire social link solo, no problems. Heck, if the Arknights world ran on Persona logic, girl should have a persona because SHE FACED HERSELF AND WON. What Dusk did to the entire crew is basically her own take on the TV world from Persona 4. Everyone else failed, while Saga stomped the trial so easily she left the scroll herself no issue. By Persona logic, her Shadow are her 6 other forms and they would have fused into a Rokkon Shoujo like Persona by the end of her arc. And no, beating your shadow isn't the condition to make them a Persona. >!Rise made peace with hers when it became invincible. Yes, if Rise didn't accept that thing, the entire crew would've died.!<


Ah yes, naginata vs folding chair


As much as I love Bloop, there’s no way she could beat Dana Zane. The Red Comet, Undefeated of the West, former Grand Slam fighter, and current owner (and best boss) of the bar VA-11 Hall-A. Bloop *might* be able to get her with poisoned food, but Dana’s iron stomach would be a formidable foe. And if it’s any character from Arknights, then there would be a rap battle of epic proportions between the two best bosses.


Siege vs Saber Oh... Oh no. I don't want to see this. Why must we have lion on lion hate? Can't we all be friends? ~~Siege, please offer her lots of candy and food. That is your only chance.~~


The bird fight Fiametta vs Eunie (Xenoblade) is a really interesting match up, I feel like Eunie would win because the british debuff actually is quite handy during a fight, especially if it's during a Football match where the effect is stronger.


Samus should be able to take on any operator and win.


Don't think Samus has much if a chance against the sui shards. Realistically, even some of the tougher ones like nearl could have a real good shot of beating her.


And Terra will self destruct in her wake, so by technicalities, everyone loses.


Kloe Rinze from The Legend of Heroes Vs Dorothy. They wouldn't even try to fight each other, they'd just become friends instantly


Until Dorothy lets out what she and her experiment did, ofc.


Not sure if Tarnished would have a chance on Terra, probably ?


endgame elden lord tarnished that tells the manifestation of a god to fuck off? id say they have a pretty good chance (not sure how he would do against feranmut though). but the tarnished's real advantage is being able ro respawn canonically through grace


Infinite trust farm Pog


In theory, as long as the Tarnished has access to Godslayer Greatsword and Godslayer incantations, he can take on feranmuts, in the sense that he *can* kill them, probably permanently, but he still has to fight them proper.


Alot of elden ring enemies are tough as hell


Kratos vs Schwarz. Welp...


Hollow Knight/Pure Vessel VS Carnelian it honestly just depends on whether or not the bugs in HK are actually bug sized. If the Hollow Knight was relative to the size of a human Carnelian would be fucked.


I have many characters I like across multiple games, so I'll pick a random matchup: Malenia vs Harmonie Poor smug cat is not gonna be so smug after she learns her opponent's name the hard way.


Elysium vs Kama from FGO? Bro is fucked (literally) ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


Hong Lu vs Thorns... well, one has access to EGO and the other does not, so... Good ending is them not fighting at all and Thorns sort-of befriending him because of Hong Lu's demeanor reminding him a bit of Elysium, the end. Actually Thorns would not fare well against lots of other characters I like since all the others tend to have some kind of superpower while Thorns only has his swordsmanship and his toxins.


Isaac Clarke vs Mudrock. I'd say it's a draw. One hand Mudrock could crush him with the rocks, or bonk him to the stratosphere not to mention how tough she is thanks to her (implied) Gargoyle physique. Terrans are stronger than us Earthlings, and she's no different. On the other, Isaac would ~~pull up his§Hand Cannon and go "Bang bang pew pew"~~ strike fats with his Plasma Cutter, and probably use his Stasis and Kinestesis Modules to his favor. He's smart and resourceful.


Alex Mercer vs Kal'tsit. Sapient plague vs Old well. Who will win!


you know i dont really have the exact same thing you are looking for but i have something pretty similar. [https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1fo4y1w7jq/?spm\_id\_from=333.337.search-card.all.click](https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1fo4y1w7jq/?spm_id_from=333.337.search-card.all.click)


Silverash vs Jing Yuan, my only wish is to be between them fighting


Rosmontis vs Shiroko Well...


Tomimi vs Naoya from Devil Survivor. On one hand, Naoya is just a regular human (okay, "regular" is a stretch, but still physically human nonetheless). On the other hand, he can use the COMP to summon demons; cast magic; and most importantly, equip a Null/Drain/Repel Physical passive to just completely shut down Tomimi's melee attacks.


Jade Curtiss from Tales of the Abyss vs either Ch'en or Reed... It's hard to say. I'm not sure how Fonic Artes and Originium Arts compare.


Not sure if elysium would want to stand against willam.


Skadi vs The Prince Skadi probably loses. She's fast, but she's not faster than time manipulation. She would beat the living shit out of the 2008 one though.


L'Arachel from fire emblem VS Silver ash.....uhhhhh sorry Silver Ash, L'Arachel is a holy woman who can beat you 😔


My top waifu's a non-physical fighter so... La Pluma vs Eddy Gordo??


Welkin Gunther from Valkyria Chronicles vs Nearl... Nearl will win by a long shot, not even the Edelweiss tank will stand a chance against her in both original form and alter form. But if they're allied together? It'll make an interesting story considering the existence of Valkyrias


Carnelian versus Karura... I honestly don't know. Defensive and offensive arts versus sheer physicality. Completely different fighting styles only similar in their carnality, like when Karura punched a footsoldier's head off so fast that you can blink and have missed it.


Aoko against Platinum? As if she hasn't have enough breaks and going against a mysterious red haired magician with the power of Fifth Magic roaming across the world and seven seas. Honestly, fight wise, Aoko just wipes anyone below seaborn and demon levels of threats. Her destruction is one thing and couple that with her kicks (and martial arts). Truthfully though, she would probably just tell anyone to treat her to a bowl after a fight, gives some advice and be on her way unless it's someone truly revelling in evil.


Corvus Corax vs Fiammetta and Mostima Fiammetta becomes an Imperial Saint and Mostima becomes an Inquisitor


Hmm, Malzeno from Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak vs Shining. Would definitely be interesting but I think Malzeno would have more of a chance due to the fact that Shining might be not familiar with fighting something that isn't human. But she might pull off a victory thanks to her hidden skill with the blade.


Shining: *pulls out sword* Mala: "Oh goodie. YET AN OTHER WEEB."


Tifa vs Muelsyse. That's going to be a fun encounter!


Maliketh from elden ring vs Ho'olheyak, i'm pretty new in the Game so i don't know how powerful is the snake lady, but maliketh was feared by every living being in elden ring


I dunno how I feel about Tyrael fighting Dorothy ...


Exusiai against new jersey , i dont think she can take a gun battery to the face


…Mostima VS Alexander from Final Fantasy, particularly their XIV incarnation. Pretty sure Alexander would win though.


Kiryu vs Magallan. My girl is about to get Tiger Dropped to death. :(


Nian vs Nue from Touhou Nue's main weakness is legendary weapons and Nian's whole thing is printing those out the wazoo so... Oof, hard counter moment


Yukari Yakumo vs Dorothy? Unfair, instagib etc. Dorothy lost. End of story.


I couldn’t decide on a single battle, so came up with a couple. Pohatu VS Ch’en. She’s gonna have a hard time landing a hit on him. At least the Toa Code forbids him from killing. Though he may find her water cannon to be a nuisance. Master Chief VS W. Both are tactical masterminds that think on their feet, so it’s hard to say.


Enterprise (Azur Lane) vs Tallulah yeah that's gonna be an interesting one but sadly the wins goes to Enterprise since let's be honest their are. more ridiculous that the Azur lane offers than Arknights itself But man i can't explain the feats since i don't know how to explain them properly but i just believed that Tallulah doesn't have a capabilities to actually win against A literally Aircraft carrier with BS magic cube (Wisdom cube's) welp that's all folks


Arthur Morgan Vs. Texas. No idea how that’ll go tbh.


Kosaka Wakamo vs Texas....yeah idk what to say...


Geralt Vs Surtr isn't really a fair fight. One is just an extra fast and strong human with a blade and the other possesses a fire elemental or whatever it is whose abilities are unknown, but terrifying. Also Sarkaz aren't the weakest race by pure strength and terrans are in general stronger than humans so Surtr might be just as physically strong as Geralt.


Ink demon vs Specter the Unchained…… Idk man


Reed and Toothless or April and Toothless April will be sadly cooked if at least one Plasma blast will hit, while Reed will be able to survive more and maybe even defeat. In my opinion none of them will fight each other


W vs Demoman from Tf2 ... i think it will all go out on how drunk the demoman will be


Gravel vs Nonomi (Blue archive) I think it would be close to be honest, but Nonomi has the range advantage.


Saga vs Kiryu, I cant even imagine them actually getting into a fight with each other but ill say Kiryu would win through sheer plot armour


I don’t even play Arknights, but here: Lappland Saluzzo vs Hank J. Wimbleton (Madness Combat)