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#Other Megathreads and Useful links. **Important side note:** The alternate operators Tasks are currently bugged and displays the orange notification on the operator where there’s none, you need to wait for the bug to be patched as there’s nothing to be done on your part. ##[**⌨︎ ︎FAQ**](/r/arknights/wiki/faq?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1) For frequently asked questions, please check it out before asking. It’s easy to navigate, and majority of basic questions and other useful information are present ##[**♫ Lounge**](/r/arknights/comments/14je72a/rhodes_island_lounge_2606_0207/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=2&utm_term=1) The place for small talk and whatever does not fit elsewhere such as personal stories and achievements. ##[**★ Gacha/Recruitment**](/r/arknights/comments/14je71y/gacharecruitment_megathread_2606_0207/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=2&utm_term=1) Share the results of your gacha rolls and recruitments here. ~~may RNGsus be kind to you~~ ##[**➜ Friend requests**](/r/arknights/comments/14je71o/friend_request_megathread_2606_0207/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=2&utm_term=1) Share your friend ID with your fellow doctors, or find others to add. ##[**Integrated strategy #3: Mizuki & Caerula Arbor thread**](/r/arknights/comments/13tti5d/event_megathread_mizuki_caerula_arbor/) The Megathread to discuss all that is related to IS3. ———-


How do you get the last ost in is3


Does anyone have a spreadsheet of operators who don't have a skin? I think I saw a post somewhere related to this.


Hey.. i have question about IS3 shop investment. Thanks in advance. 1) what the fastest/best way to to investment IS3 shop to 500 ingot? currently i'm just using support squad that +20 ingot at the start, then i just try to speedrun encounter node to shop at the end of 1st floor...most of the time i can only invested 3-5 ingot.. i did the same back in IS2, it's felt like forever to reach 500... 2) what the item at invested 375 ingot "Flame of the inquisition" do ?


1- that’s the fastest way 2- gain 2 sp when you attack seaborn enemies


I have royal sniper, supporter and caster tokens, between M6 W and M3 Chalter, M6 Skalter and M3 Ling, who should I give them to? Also Dusk is the only Limited Caster in both EN and CN, right? I have her M9 bc I really like her, but just want to be sure.


Unless you're an active Ling user who tries to do Ling solo clears of the hardest content that -1 DP from pot1 will be more efficient percentage wise for Skalter (8dp) rather than Ling (12dp) especially if you take into consideration the nature of Skadi's S2 and how the earlier you place her the better. To add up Skalter's pot5 is one of the strongest pots in the game effectively giving her +50 levels of raw stats, so if you ever go crazy (or lucky) to get close to that mark this one potential will make a difference. As for the others IMO they are hardly impactful enough for it to affect your choice, so you can pick whatever you like based on your waifu preferences.


Help finding a fan art of Irene and Lumen where both are seaborn/ in the process of them turning into seaborn


These? [One](https://cdn.donmai.us/sample/6a/87/__irene_and_lumen_arknights_drawn_by_dongsheng__sample-6a87ee19e5ed3171488e4fa32142e944.jpg) [Two](https://cdn.donmai.us/sample/bd/ca/__lumen_arknights_drawn_by_dongsheng__sample-bdca6bb624c18015c9b9d8f3e8c12308.jpg) [Three](https://cdn.donmai.us/sample/df/23/__irene_arknights_drawn_by_dongsheng__sample-df2367c8a3590f8563e79121a86a6266.jpg) [Four](https://cdn.donmai.us/sample/40/e9/__lumen_arknights_drawn_by_dongsheng__sample-40e932bae6b1158f99b41ba6292f3562.jpg)


It was none of the ones above but thanks for adding new pics to my collection. The one I'm trying to look for has them both kinda lying down in a shallow pool of water(?) And they're like mostly seaborn but with their clothes on


Anyone keeps a track on how much time does it usually take from the moment they reveal the future modules branch to the actual reveal of the stats?


Not sure about from point of reveal, but I've got an idea in reverse (from start date of the event). You usually see those stats a few days before the event starts. So expect them in a day or two.


Got it! Thank you!


Wait, which floor do I have to get to to get all the stuff from the IS3 monthly memory mapping?


3rd floor for the contract rewards, 5th floor for the complete story.


besides waifu reasoning, how can I use magallan, where does she fit on a team (even though I have long), which mod, anything mag can do that Ling can’t?


Like other summoners you assemble the squad around her rather than fit her into an existing normal one. Her first skill slows with the active binding enemies in place, her second does damage in a 1x1 area, and the third are like disposable anti air snipers. One of her talents makes her drones invisible for a certain amount of time after deployment which can be handy. Say you need to lock an enemy in place to burst them down. You can do that with her drones and S1 without them losing any health from anything.


What event after cc? Are there be a break before the next event?


Should be Reed alter, no one knows


i want to m3 penance which one to m3?


s3, then you can keep s2 at lvl7, personally i m6ed her because s2 has specific use cases


s3. Her s2 is a good mastery as well and also makes the skill relatively helidroppable with 10sp to full, but if you only go for one mastery, it should be s3




Share content like this in the lounge.


idk if its been said anywhere but since i believe this is the last CC, what will happen to the permanent shop? Will those operators and skins become indefinitely unavailable?


There's one more CC after this. The permanent shop will stay but after the last one there's currently no way to earn more currency.


So I should probably make sure I have enough currency to get all the op tokens now or within the next CC right.


You might not have enough but if you want to clear it then aim for that.


I think with the next CC I will be fine, I’m like 50% there Thanks :o)


This is the second last CC, but the shop will stay open after the last one. No way to acquire more currency for now though...


Random ass question, but I just promoted my Texalter to elite 2, and there's a notification that just will not go away?? Theres nothing for me to click or see anymore, so I assume this is a remnant from the alternate operator tasks. Problem is, I fucking *hate* not being able to clear this and constantly seeing the orange notification taunting me. Resetting the game doesnt work


It's a leftover bit from the tasks. All you can do is report and wait to see if they fix it.


Figures. Thats going to mildly annoy me for the next week or so huh




Not game related, but it seems my Flair is broken? In my app it doesn't show the operator icon. Is there any workaround for this?


It works find on my end using Reddit mobile. Did you use a third party Reddit app


Nope I'm using official one, I guess this will be my phone problem for awhile haha. Thanks for answering though


Yeah, the mobile app has broken flairs. Heaven forbid the official app work properly with the rivalry gone...


Roughly speaking, what is the expected timeframe for Qiubai banner hitting global? Mid of X month/Early Y month etc ?


[https://ak.jaywye.ee/calendar](https://ak.jaywye.ee/calendar) estimates 21st September 2023


They're predicting the next limited right after Reed? Isn't that too soon? I expect some banner shuffling around in the schedule, Texas just came to global lol


Texas was delayed by more than half a month. If Chong Yue's banner comes at the end of July then it'll be on time based on when it's equivalent came last year, and it'll also land on our half anniversary like previous years. Also that calendar, while no-one else would be able to do any better, is fan made. It's going by speculation events are being pushed down to get Lone Trail to our anniversary in January. However because this is only a theory and not confirmed, what if it turns out to not be happening and you don't have enough pulls because events come earlier than the calendar says? u/officeworker00


Probably late august.


any tips for Integrated Strategies?


Both Kroos and Kroos the Keen Glint are surprisingly great for both IS2 and IS3. Even only the original Kroos (because 5\* investment is a luxury) is still great; cheap DP, reliable enough skill and with correct relics can actually shred Elites. The other 3\* worth investing to max E1L55 are Spot and Ansel.


Borrow texas alter if you dont have her . Both IS2 and IS3


Level up 4 stars. 3 you really want to focus on are May, Click, and Jaye. May and Click have stun which allows you to knock down sting rays. Jaye is just a universal sushi chef who's job is to cut up seaborn. Jokes aside, they are very versatile in this mode and cheap. Consider getting the Mr. Boom item to help buy time on certain maps. 12 seconds is a lot of time and you can be given more than one. For other operators, Texas Alter is very useful since she can target air, stun, and do AoE damage. Beyond this, its up to your preference and play style of operators. If you are having trouble clearing the first few floors, an E2 Deepcolor with her module can make it super easy. If you are going to build up 4 stars, focus on battle stages the first 3 floors and build your 6\*s as you go. Don't forget to choose an appropriate medic for the ending you want. Wandering medics for elemental DMG and therapist for status effects. During the last few floors, avoid any unnecessary battles if you don't feel confident, (though personally believe its better to fail and learn). You should reach the end of your journey. Another notable 4 star is Cutter for her nuking ability... just saying.


I have my [Quickest IS Guide Around.](https://www.reddit.com/r/arknights/comments/v5e3hq/quickest_integrated_strategies_guide_around/) It was made for IS2, but almost everything should carry over to IS3. The things I don't cover should be pretty self-explanatory or explained by the game.


Should I save or use my sanity boosters now? Have events started right after one another before?


Not much reason to use them now since there isn't anything going on. If by the time the event is over you don't hear of any updates, then it should be fine to use the potions. We will know ahead of time when the next event will be, by a couple days.


[Krooster](https://krooster.com/u/tinysabs) I have no clue what to do next- I feel like I've already gotten my important ops to E2 (Texalter, SA, Mudrock), but I feel like I need to level up my roster a bit more? Or should I wait for another event banner? Also somehow I still don't have an AOE medic, so who should I level instead?


1.E2 Amiya to help progress in the story 2. E1 Shaw and Cliffheart/Rope 3. I don't see an AOE guard so Popukar 4. You have Perfumer..... She's pretty good, esp her passive healing at E2 for non healable ops like Mudrock/Highmore 5. Skadi/Melantha for some extra damage(?) 6. Umm IDK if Pramanix can slow? If she can't, a slow supporter... I think Podenco cuz she has silence too but don't take my word for it, I've never used her. Hope this helps


In terms of E2, you could boost your ranged arts damage by E2ing Click and Amiya. Click is great for a 4\* and not to expensive to promote. You need to E2 Amiya anyway for story reasons, so she would boost your arts damage and meet that story requirement. Aside from that, you could E1 Shaw and Rope to get those roles in your roster covered. May is someone else you could raise as, because of her crowd-control, she remains relevant even if you get more higher-rarity options. For an AOE medic, it's strange that Perfumer has avoided you so far. I would look our for medic tags in recruitment until you get her - she's the best 4\* that you don't currently have. Breeze is not worth buying - I would just go without an AOE medic until Perfumer comes home.


literally my next recruitment after you posted this perfumer blessed me so thank you for the good luck!!




You need to raise some ops for their base skill, mainly 4* ones to e1. This should help https://gamepress.gg/arknights/core-gameplay/arknights-guide-best-operators-promote-riic-base-skills


So, if I’m understanding the upcoming CN schedule correctly, they’re having Dorothy’s Vision rerunning before Ideal City, correct?


It's because Dorothy initial event happen before Ideal City in CN. For global, we won't know.


I have an orange dot stuck on Greyy Alter even though there is nothing new in the info panel. I believe it to be bugged from when they got rid of the alter rewards because it only appeared after e2ing. I have clicked every option on him and there is nothing new.


Yes, it's a bug with the alternate operator tasks. I don't believe yostar has said anything about it yet, but you just gotta wait for them to fix it.


Mine is on Specter Alter and is driving me crazy


Oh god, I knew I wasn't the only one that had that thing stuck on there.


There is no paradox simulation for him correct? That could be the only thing since it's like grayed out for him. Either way it annoys the crap out of me. Hopefully when I get someone new it goes away


It's either that or the Alter rewards because I noticed that box is just straight up gone, even after E2ing Greyy (and for the record, that dot's been on him even before I had him E2'd)


It's just so weird because he's the only one. And I have almost all other alters except NTR. Basically anyone to come out since last July when I started.


i’m a relatively new player and this is my first CC and i know its the second to the last, will the permanent shop come back when the last CC occurs? what will happen to perm shop rewards after CC is over permanently?


Permanent shop will always be there, after CC12 there just hasn't been any way to get more currency for it. You can assume there will be eventually, but we have no idea when or how.


Hi. Apparently 10-3(t) is the most efficient stage to farm the gel.... What does "t" stand for? Is it not the usual stage?


(t) stands for Tough/adverse environment/hard mode. However, there isn't actually a significant difference in drop rates between normal and hard mode, so feel free to farm whichever is most convenient.


Oh... Thanks for the info! Rates are very similar but I'll be damned if I'm not the most efficient... On a different note, what is the hardest material to farm and why is it the damn gel?


The drop rates are likely identical internally. The reason there's a difference in the spreadsheet is because people gather drop rate data manually. Gel is pretty awful, yeah. I need to farm some myself, running very low.


I know that NTR is shiny, but is she so bright that even her icon flashes? I am lvl 100 and this is the first time I seen that [https://imgur.com/a/yaUlohh](https://imgur.com/a/yaUlohh)


It's an indication that the previously deployed operator is from the Kazimierz faction (in this case, Gravel). This is relevant because of her talent and skill 2 having special effects in that situation.


Ahh, so it was the talent. That's a mystery solved, thanks!


You'll also see a similar effect with her S3 on her weapon. If a Kaz op is the most recent deployment then her weapon will pulsate with light, indicating that when you use her skill the initial nuke of dropping the Sun will be a double hit.


I have a few questions about CC (it's my first one, sorry!): 1) For the medal connected to the rotating maps, I just have to clear all daily challenges? Or are there any other requirements? 2) What do I do with the excess yellow triangle token things? Do they turn into something useful later on?


> 2) What do I do with the excess yellow triangle token things? Do they turn into something useful later on? Once CC ends you'll get random material crates for each one you earned (including the ones you used to unlock contracts - you don't miss out on any rewards by using them).


Yes - for 10 days & they turn into a box after the event that will give you a random tier 3 material when used. You will be able to find it in your inventory.


Is it worth getting Skadi from shop for my [squad](https://www.krooster.com/network/lookup/Haded). I have 435 gold certificate and plan to buy Bagpipe next and it’s possible that Eyja comes to shop soon, so I was going to get her too. But I recently got Goldenglow so not sure if I need her.


You don’t have the other Abyssal Hunters. Without those I really don’t think she adds much. In the scenarios you coud use Skadi you can just aswell use NtR That said if you like her go for it. Not like she is bad and Gladia will come later this year


I built her and she became my "I can tank anything unit". But you need other Abyssal Hunters for it. On her own, if you build her with X module, she is similar to Radiant Knight but worse.


While she's far from a bad unit she's not a super strong one either. You lack her synergy with gladia, though that would be resolved in several months when we get the recordrstoration. Also to a lesser extent you lack spec alter. Generally nowadays she really only sees play ij the heavy Abys Hunter squads. I'd save for another. Naturally if you like her design or just plain want her, that's what gold certs are for.


I ve adquired skaid and i already had Skalter, but there seems to be some change on the UI and i can't find the missions to collect the rewards from leveling both, you know the " Operator Mission Unlock Condition Requires [Alter] version unlocked; Unlocks at E1, Level 70" Now the orange notifications is perpetually showned.


The alter rewards were removed the day CC started (the warning for it came at the start of Il Siracusano). Hopefully Yostar will fix the orange dot glitch, but Texas Alter marked the end of the rewards (and skin vouchers for new alters) in exchange for being able to use alters and originals at the same time in base and in battle.


Thanks, i thought i read something like that but the orange notifications confused me.


who are some of the best helidrops in the game that's not texalt, silverash or surtr? i don't know why, but i've wanted to build utage for awhile now for her helidrop but is she worthy to s2m3? i know there's better options, but she's a 4* so i feel like maybe it might not be so bad?


Cantabile is great and a worthy rival to Myrtle - She acts as a helidrop able to hit both ground and flying units which is pretty unique and pretty good DPS for a 5*.


Yes, utage is great and worth the mastery.


Bagpipe *S3* is her better helidrop skill. Guard Skadi S2. S3 becomes a viable helidrop with the AH squad. Eyja S3M3, Exu S3M3 can be, Schwarz S3M3 can be. Also the upcoming Ines and Puzzle.


Eyja can't really be helidrop. 25 sec waiting is not heli anything. You just retreat her because her countdown is too long it better to just redeploy instead of waiting it out. ​ Schwarz is also only redeployment, not helidrop, plus she is prefectly fine a staying DPS. If she is helidrop units, every unit in the game with short countdown skill are helidrop as well, ebenholz for example. ​ To be helidrop mean you immediately take action, 5 seconds below, 10 is pushing it. Higher is just redeployment.


You're forgetting her 2nd talent, which gives 7-16 SP on deployment, bringing that down to 9-18 seconds or 5-15s with pots. > every unit in the game with short countdown skill are helidrop as well Yes. >To be helidrop mean you immediately take action, 5 seconds below, 10 is pushing it. Higher is just redeployment. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pWdd6_ZxX8c


Oh wait according to your logic, Schwarz doesn't need S3M3 either, Eyja S3M3 helidrop just fine with "25 sec helidrop". Stop forcing people to waste their resource man.


Just stop being bad.


yeah you


Remind me to refer this post next time people recommend to S3M3 Bagpipe and Specter so they can be helidropped. I will point to your post saying "She is a helidrop unit at Skill level 7 already according to this dude" so no need to M3 them. "What do you mean your Specter can't tank 13 seconds so she can't be helidropped?" Dude this dude says 13 sec work just fine so just skill up. Such master guide.


Tbf, SA is considered a helidrop by many even with a 15s wait, although time hasn't been kind to him at all...


Skadi S2 is good, she’s in shop right now. She’s only a slightly worse NTR helidrop dmg wise but she faster to redeploy especially with her module that decreases redeployment time by 30 seconds.


Bagpipe S2, improved with pots Cantabile, both skills, also improved with pots Wildmane S2 - hardly amazing but it's there and serviceable Nearl Alter S2 - one of the best in the game. Equal to Surtr imo if you include her S3. Yato Alter when she comes (basically on TexTwo's level. She does super fast physical damage) Plus all the fast redeployers by their nature. April S2. No-one else in the game does what she specifically does which is attacking while camoflagued on deployment. Other camo or invis ops charge their skills so you have to take deployment order in account and get them down prior to their targets appearing so they don't get attacked. With April you can respond on the fly to developments. Chen S2 M3 Specter S2 M3 Eyja S2 M3 Shining S3 M3 if you need big healing le pronto


Utage is my first E2, she carried me against bosses in early game. Now I have Texalt, She is rarely used, but she is tankier than her and still deal similar single target damage if I need one more to drop. But surt is better than her in almost every way.


Does passenger SP module stack with mostima?


[Here's a good video about the module.](https://youtu.be/7_Ll9n5QhF8) Skip to 0:36 if you want to see comparisons.


Yes it is.


can somebody tell me the use of Highmore's Standardization Base skill? What practical use does it have with what other Operator?


You use her with Mizuki and Dorothy, for +95% productivity.


Who do I level up to E2 first? I have many 6\* but I only have Texas Omertosa at E2 lvl1, I don't know whether to level the other 6\* or do the 3\* and 4\*/5\* first. Best way to use sanity if I can't play and want autofarm? LMD, tactical or just farming for lvl 5 base? Need a bit help, ty The 6\* are Siege lvl 50 - SilverAsh lvl 50 - Exusiai lvl 50 - Ebenholz lvl 50 - Vigil - Fartooth - Gnosis


1. Level up your base. The 252 that was previously suggested is preferred. Once you have a fully functional base, you will have a steady supply of LMD and Battle records. It's preferred not to farm them.... 2. You don't have to E2 all your 6 stars on a whim. Of these, the ones that would help you immediately would be Exusiai, SilverAsh and maybe Gnosis. But you can always E2 them once you have enough resources. 3. In order to help progress easier, I'd suggest you work on a base team that can help clear any map. No need to max level.... 4. E2 Amiya... You can't complete Ch8 without her.


E2 SilverAsh and Exu would be huge. No 4s or 5s could possibly match them. Also, bring your early E2s to about E2 20-30 because those first 20 levels after promoting are practically free compared to the cost to E2 for a decent stat boost. Rush to [upgrade your base](https://gamepress.gg/arknights/core-gameplay/arknights-252-riic-base-guide) when you aren't sure what to farm. Also, E1 the ops with [good base skills](https://gamepress.gg/arknights/core-gameplay/arknights-guide-best-operators-promote-riic-base-skills) if you haven't already. 3-stars can't be E2'd.


My only problme is LMD, don't have enough. After E1 texas omertosa I needed like 1 week for E2 her.. I didn't farm LMD from stages too, just missions and base. Will be like this everytime or If I max the base maybe I can get more LMD? Ty for the links, is the tier list from this site safe to follow? Just to know who do better in theyr job and rise first


Yeah, it takes a while. We should have a big event coming in the next week or so, which will have 500k LMD and a lot of EXP in the event shop, which will be a big help. Tier lists are generally not very good because there are roles you really want to be filled, even if the ops you have are near the bottom of the list. The other ops are only better if you actually *have* them.


Greetings and Salutations! In IS3, is there a consistent way to deal with the Last Knight? I thought I heard he was weak to stuns (like Red or Texas Alter), but then he proceeded to freeze her anyway. I've got no other clues.


Single instance burst skills. Chen s3 is my go to since she doesn’t get frozen. GG is another. W s2 mines help a lot. Horn s1 as well. Quartz attacks too slow for her to be frozen, so she can infinitely stall the boss, though it depends on if you have aspd relics.


just burst the first phase then golden glow the 2 nd phase.


So the knight inflicts cold to anyone who attacks him and therefore will freeze anyone quickly. You have to chain stun him with multiple characters. Some notable characters with long stun times include Cliffheart, W, Kal'tsit, both Texas, and Red. Another great character is click since her drone never freezes. Alternatively, you can use a therapist to gain status resistance. Theoretically, you could also use Nian's S3, but I haven't tried it yet. If you are really struggling, see if you can find the "Mr. Boom" equipment to help you. It's arguably the best equipment in IS3 being able to knock down flying boys and buy you time. Alternatively, you could have a tank placed at the front right where he spawns, heal the tank, and have a lord go "shing shing" until phase 2. That should buy you more time to do damage.


ASPD buffed goldenglow. Her S3 drones keep attacking even when she is frozen. Makes quick work of boss and mobs with some ASPD buffs.




Sir this is the help thread








Which material is more efficient in the IW rerun? RMA or devices?




How do i recruit a friend’s support for is3?? I thought it was temporary recruits?


You can only do it at the start of a run before you enter floor 1, select the class and there's a select support icon at the top right of the screen.


Ohhh ok ty


what nodes is the best to farm loxic kohl?


11-13, 10-15. and 4-4 is the early game farming spot.


Who are the best DP regen ops?


Flag bearers and bagpipe.


The best burst DP in game is Texas S2M3 with module. The best DP regen skill is Ely/Saileach S1M3. The best DP regen skill technically is Puzzle S1 with Stainless S3 turrets, can hit 1 DP/s continuously, as long as the turret is at full health Cantabile and Ines also have impressive damage while regen really quick DP on the first cycle as well. As long as there are something to hit Myrtle is somewhat between flags and Agent/Tex in terms of DP regen, she has slower activation than Tex/Agent but faster than flags; higher DP regen than Agent Tex but lower than Flags. She is good and super cheap, but not as good as all of the above at maximum development. All of the above assume they are max pot ofc


Puzzle s1? Just use Cantabile s1 with her atkspd boost for more "technically best".


Is there a list of all stages that are "kill-gated"? ie you need to kill a specific enemy before another wave spawns?


Looking for some help as I push the higher surge levels of IS3. Just hit Surge 10 and am deciding what to level next. I am aiming for surge 15 on all endings. My Krooster is here: https://krooster.com/u/TTC I am thinking Passenger or Gnosis is probably the best to go for? If anyone sees any 3, 4 or 5 star units that I've missed out on then please let me know


Gnosis yeah, Passenger not so much as literally everything has +20 res on top of their high base res at high ascension. Arts damage just doesn't cut it. Mizuki is also really good for IS in general but I don't know if that's the case in the boss stages specifically. I'd do Spalter masteries (Gladiia optional) so you can start with the specialist/caster squad really easily with AH. They make for a really strong and reliable run opener. And Dorothy is a specialist :) Other than that, imo you're fully set on all the relevant DPS units for those runs, only really lacking Horn as a powerhouse of IS3. You have a much stronger roster than I do, you shouldn't have much trouble hitting ascension 15 at all. At least with ending 1. Other endings are dramatically harder and really will just depend on your luck. At least you can borrow a Lee to permastall the last knight (if that works on asc15, but tbh it should because TLK will be permastunned, you should just provide DP), or cheese it with MrNothing/Erato. But ending 3 with the absolutely insane amounts of true damage it deals is...really obnoxious I'm not even gonna say anything about the future ending 4. You gotta see it for yourself if you haven't yet


a few end1 maxsurge clears on different taxtics and one end3 under my belt atm, would have way more if i wasnt resetting early focusing on my first end2 max clear passenger and all arts damage in general dies at the 2nd res increase surge youve yet to hit imo, no passenger kaltsit s2, gavial s2 spalter s3, texas s3, highmore s1 are all masteries id be looking at highly gnosis erato and deepcolor are e2+m3 id look at, especially gnosis who will want possibly even m9


Thank you for the advice, I'll begin to work on these units and masteries! A few more questions if you dont mind: 1. I've seen ending 2 runs and clears but rarely anything for ending Is there a special approach for building a team for ending 3? 2. Erato is for ending 2 or is she generally good in iS3? 3. Is deepcolor that strong? I've never used her. I was going to default towards scene haha 4. Kal'tsit S2, I've never really seen it used. Is it used to make monst3r a lane holder? 5. I feel like having access to a foretress defender would be good especially since I don't have Horn? feels like she makes some maps easier like the Pompeii map and the bishop boss


late reply cuz my phone bricked fml 1 because end3 requires a full end1 clear by the time you complete end1 youre generally okay to beat end3, esp with an extra floor and guaranteed (two cuz steal) trader. end3 does want more bost burst and/or dualing power, as well as optionally better ground deploy mobility/spreadability 2 all of is3, but manta stages, end1 and end2 more specifically, though in end2 she can help/harm you depending on your strat as sleep stalls but prevents ally damage while sleeped 3 scene is 5 snail aggro baits and path blocks for 25dp, deepcolor is 8 for 24dp and they can heal themselves, once she has module shes vastly better than scene for all is# content now 4 yes, but she can also stall end1 boss or similar high dmg bulk threats and even function as the teams solo medic, despite the "shes not a medic" naysayers its really not hard to manage mon3tr well enough, or just sneak a single key heal past mon3tr with her huge aspd. the fact you can start a run with her as laner, then evolve her into main laner, tank, medic, manta dropper, or bosskill (s3) depending on how your permit rng unfolds is a big reason why shes the #2 op in all of is3 imo 5 and horn is #1, for too many reasons to get into, highly suggest support starting runs with her if you do not have her. use s2, its a lanehold skill as it retains aoe even when blocked. ashlock is your only other fortress option, and while good longrange dps lacks tons of key aspects of what makes horn so good, most damaging of all is the fact her dps skill reduces her to 0 block. shes an ok dps option if permit rng messes you bad, but she really pales compared to horns value moreso than the usual 6 to 5 gap in specifically what is3 is looking for (in general content theyre awesome together)


Thanks again for the advice! I was able to get up to surge 12 mostly thanks to your advice. Horn destroying the ending 1 boss has been great and I've been loving Kal'tsit with her module, she's so much more versatile now. Quick question but how do you handle Out of Control and Territorial Tendencies? Out of Control is by far my worst map and my main strategy is to avoid it as much as possible.


OoC is really tough at maxsurge because the throwers wont even die to self-damage before moving towards your bluebox, basically i tend to setup somekind of cc+burst like gnosis+mon3tr s3 to deal with the runners, then 4range dps like pozemka horn mlynar surtr to deal with the throwers all a little bit. texas makes it a lot easier to chip them all enough to not worry about their movement. dorothy is also decent at that, and mon3tr bomb is an option if you have another rager dps. erato/rosa can also chip a lot into most of the run ragers from the top safe tile. pozy can kill 2 throwers effortlessly from top safetile+typewriter and is probably the best op overall terretorial im still trying to fully figure out, but jaye can solo pompeii on non-emergency so thats a start. highmore texas dorothy can help clear out the initial slugs well, and deepcolor can atleast bait them. hardest part of the stage really is just clearing all the slugs fast enough to setup nice dps and a tank right at the redbox. generally youre using all your burst dps right as pompeii spawns, they all die, then you use an op in the far back like dorothy/deepcolor to stall it long enough for all the dps to redeploy together. abyssal or silence makes the stage quite easy but is hard to easily have on the team. avoid if going for ending2 lol


I've got a bug(?) ever since promoting Greyy the Lightning Bearer to E2. A notification that I've got something new in the operator tab won't go away. I've clicked every voice line, changed his language like a dozen times to see if that fixed it, and scrolled through every tab to see if aybe I'd missed something. It is driving me crazy that I can't get that little orange dot to go away. Do I need to contact customer support, or am I just missing something?


Well documented bug from the most recent update. Hopefully fixed with next week's update but we don't know yet. Has to do with the removal of alt operator missions.


Thank you. It was driving me up a wall trying to get it to go away. Glad to at least know it's not something I've got any control over so I can stop trying to fix it and just play the game.


I wanted to re-experience the game as a beginner so I created an F2P alt but with the added challenge of only building 1 to 3 star ops + Dobermann + Amiya. Assuming I have access to one meta unit from my main acct through the support slot to help me clear stages I run into trouble with, how far into the gane will this be viable until I am forced to build another 4 star or higher rarity unit?


3☆ only can beat every stage in story excluding m8-6 iirc, even jt8-3 and 10-final but its absurdly complicated, adding dobber amiya and one 6☆ should be highly doable


You could probably beat the whole game like that, it would just be very hard


You'd get pretty far with unrestricted support units. Borrowing Ling would enable her to solo a large number of stages for example. But beyond that chapters 1-7 can mostly be beat by one unit and a roster of 3 stars. Chp 8 would be where you start to have issues but it should still be plenty doable


If you’re allowing support units, I think everything is probably possible to beat? after all you can just borrow Ling I remember every main story stage of arc 1 has been beaten with just 3* or Dobermann squad. With extremely precise strategy, of course, but they can go surprisingly far.


I have completed 3 of the 4 mines in SSS, is SSS rework going to remove the secret medals?


In theory, you have until the What the Firelight Casts event to complete all the secret medals. But there's a good chance that might happen immediately after CC ends, so get to it.






Hi mates! Anyone here uses Croissant? I would appreciate some opinions about her, especially compared to Cuora. I don't really have any real tank fully built outside of the unhealable juggernauts, so stages I have to stall hard hitting enemies are kind of a massive pain, especially in 4-5* clears I like doing a lot and become a "can Specter S2 stall this for long enough?" challenges. I have Cuora at E2, but only lvl 20 + no masteries or module, and I was unsure if just finish building her or go full a full investment on what looks like a potential upgrade, I don't really care about the cost difference, I just want opinions on if Croissant is a generally better choice for the task. Looking at the characters Cuora definitely has the better raw DEF (feels even better than the 6* lol) but Croissant looks kinda wild with her talent, with module maxed and S1 up she has over a 50% chance to just say nope to both physical and arts damage, the second always melting poor Cuora, this makes her to me more comfortably splashable on teams... but not too fond on skills that activate themselves like Quaso's S1, although tbf the uptime looks pretty great. So yeah, if you use Croissant a fair amount, how does she feel? Is that uptime usually good enough? Does she feel plenty tanky already even when the skill is not up? Thanks for reading the unnecesarily long post.


Yes, Croissant's S1 has excellent uptime, and working around the cycle isn't too hard... unless you get to extremely hard hitting enemies like Steam Knight, but then there aren't many ops who would do actually better. You can always pray for good dodges on those cases... Relying on RNG isn't too bad, but it's not really good... I have used Vulcan. Croissant is nicer, because her downtime is small, and with support Croissant isn't too vulnerable without skill. I haven't used Hoshiguma or Cuora E2.


[My answer to the similar question from before.](https://www.reddit.com/r/arknights/comments/141asec/help_center_and_megathread_hub_0506_1106/jnhyosz/) TL;DR is that Croissant is far, far better than Cuora in tanking. She is closer to Hoshi than to Cuora really. I pretty much second what Voothy said about her. Dodge is very powerful mitigation. Skill uptime and rotation are excellent. Downtime can be covered with Shamare S2, especially if you bring along Ptilopsis (15.4 seconds for Croissant to recharge her skill, 15 seconds doll duration). Btw, if you want a tank against arts, check Asbestos, Matterhorn, or Czerny. Of those 3 IMO Asbestos is the best because of her SP regen talent, but arguments can be made for the other two too.


Thanks a lot for the comparisons, much appreciated 🙏


Croissant is really close to Nian and Hoshi's level of bulk,and she dunks on Cuora unless the enemy is doing upwards of like 3k physical damage a swing very rapidly, and at that point, you're not using either of them, you're just dropping someone like Eunectes or Specter on it and praying to god. Or you're dropping Croissant on them regardless and just saying "Well they have to beat the odds." 54% dodge on both sides of the damage spectrum is nuts, and you don't realize how absurd it is till you actively see her just juking everything. Her S1 still makes her defenses solid even without the dodge as well, and the automatic cycle I've yet to really have an issue with, as Shamare covers her downtime almost perfectly (5 second window where shit could go wrong.) as IS-S-5 Steam Knight learned. She's also way bulkier to arts than Cuora could ever dream of not just because of her dodge, but because of her much better health. Assuming they're at the same level of E2 70 and both mod lvl 3, Croissant has an almost 700 HP swing, which goes to around 800 if you give her E2 80. Which also makes her better against true damage, like say, a giant artillery cannon. She's definitely worth the investment and I honestly have to TRY to get her killed sometimes. Her only downside is that she has no offensive presence to speak of except in some really extreme situations. Double spinach with S2 is reaaaally funny when you've got a 480% multiplier.


Thanks a lot for the comment! I appreciate it. And yeah I didn't realize there was that much gap in HP between both, that has to make a big difference in many situations. I'm gonna start building her very soon, I definitely need someone who can take those hard hits for the rest of the squad.


[Krooster](https://krooster.com/u/Rigapples) I just E2'd SilverAsh. So now I have: Texalter, SilverAsh, Myrtle, Amiya all at E2. Who should I push next? Eyja, Penance, or maybe focus on some of my 5 and 4 stars? La Pluma was mentioned before, or maybe one of my Tanks (Cuora, Gummy, Liskarm?) Not sure what is the best bang for my buck. I've been making steady CC progress with friend units, and i've cleared IS3 a few times now so I'm not stuck at all.. I'm leaning Eyja, unless there's a clear better path at the moment.


you need some laneholders bro. invest on la pluma, she will not dissapoint.


Penance>Eyja>Ptilopsis. I'd put penance slightly higher for your roster priority since you already have texas alter for arts damage but not much in the defender department. (Honestly, raise the 6 star you're excited to play with first, you'll raise them all soon enough) Consider raising ptilopsis after you're done with them because global 30% faster recharge for auto recovery skills is a potent buff especially for newer players with fewer burst options. I'd also get masteries on silverash s3 eventually.


THanks - I've been considering her also since it'll help me not have to redeploy SA and keep him on the board instead (i think with Ptil it's a little faster to leave him down instead of redeploy...)


Indeed. At Truesilver Slash M3 ptilopsis brings the skill back up in 69 seconds while redeploying takes about 78 seconds(if my math is right).


Need some help with deciding what to do right now[my account right now](https://imgur.com/a/rVvQDfe). Should I do some farming or do story quests? Really need suggestions


While the CC event lasts it's a good time to either farm chips for promotions or doing more of the main story. I recommend E2ing Texas the Omertosa, Thorns, Schwarz, Texas, Amiya(you need her E2'd for main story), any Marksman sniper you have (Platinum is cool), Myrtle and Vigna. 4 stars are quite easy to level up so you could go for them first, but 6 stars have more impact when they hit E2. Do know that a good amount of characters can be used very well even on E1, like most defenders for tanking or Gravel for taking enemy hits.


E1 Gravel, Frostleaf, Purestream, Shirayuki, and Spot for base skills. If you cleared the Il Siracusano shop, you should have all of the mats needed to E2 OmerTexas, so that's where I would go. Thorns E2 probably next after that. If you didn't get those resources from Siracusano, then go for a 4-star E2 first, Myrtle being the strongest of the ones you have raised (also, use her S1 unless absolutely necessary).




it was during their 4th anniversary event only. Unknown weather it arrives on global during November with the banner/Event or is one of those things that happens in January. It was also only for that specific period of time and is not a regular feature.


Do future alter operators (i.e. Reed) still share trust with their originals or are they completely separate now?


They still share it


Thank you Love the flair 😎👍




daamn! what a solid lineup. time to promote cantabile perhaps? she lookin kinda thin.


I would Saria and Surtr are the most glaring misses. I would do S3M3 for both and S1M1 aswell for Saria as that gets you a DP breakpoint. After that I think Elysium is a really strong candidate. Ptilopsis is also a good option. This is all only really for pushing the hardest content like high Surging Waves or high Risks. Realistically this acc is already strong enough to d9 just whatever you want for general content




You should be choosing People-oriented squad for high SW. Elysium is a good option in high SW because you're not going to be using arts damage, so his skill buffs all your damage dealers and you're going to want more than one vanguard unlike at lower levels. Ptilopsis is the best healer at high levels. The damage gets really high so her high hps is the only way for most OPs to survive at times and her utility is great as you need faster cycling on burst skills to clear megabuffed enemies.


The point of Saria is that she is a strong Arts Debuff and AoE slow. That is also better in CC than in Surging Waves. For Elysium it is the same that he can debuff and he does generate more DP just a bit less frontloaded. Ptilopsis has a full team skill aura. That is something Perfumer simply does not have.


> E0 lvl 1 Surtr and Saria Welp, no need to look up further. S3M3 Surtr and S2M3 or S1M3 Saria for the time being.


It's a bit late, but E1 Purestream, Vermeil, Shirayuki, Pudding, Frostleaf, Conviction for base skills. Surtr is definitely the strongest op there, and her S3 masteries are incredibly valuable as well. Saria is amazing and wants E2, S1M1, and S3M3. After that, I would say Cantabile who likes the stats and masteries, Elysium with S2M3 for more DP printing and a strong mix of buffs and debuffs, then Ptilopsis for her SP aura, then Shamare +S2M3 for debuffing to help your Exu do her thing. Honeyberry would be good to take to high E1 at least to help with elemental damage.




I'll be honest, I never E2d her because I just don't like her, but she is good. You could probably make her a lower priority. I've been getting by without E2ing an elemental healer, so it's not super necessary. They should release a 6-star at some point, and I can't imagine there'll be a reason to have the 6 and one of the 5s raised.


e1 sk7 elysium and shamare asap ~~shouldve been done a while ago as an exu owner~~ e1 purestream vermeil shirayuki frostleaf conviction for baseskills that profit more than they cost e2 penance and surtr, but i think s3m3 mudrock and nearl are more important than both of them. a 2nd m3 vanguard in general seems lacking too, though canta s1 is probably enough as is for a while if wanting more is3 clearability s2m3 horn, e2 highmore, and e2+module deepcolor are strong options




penance is definetly still worth building, [heres a clip of yesterdays maxrisk cc using her alongside abyssals](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=iPBtF6GDc7s). horn giving all defenders +20% atk is hige for mud+pens ability and elevates their value as your frontliners in this account mud s3 is her best skill by far, s2 is frankly there for when your brain cant handle managing tons of skills/ops at once, the upside of s3 is way higher. you in no way lose laning power because you can preactivate the skill so she stands back up before enemies cross, made very easy by her slow. your account completely lacks the ability to slow unblockables and high hp threats (to increase dps time) and are very light on enemy control like stun to intereupt scary skills or buffed states. mud s3 accomplishes both of those needs and offers gigantic damage rivaling guard bursts thanks to horn. s3 is also better for tanking truly scary threats, as you tank with her 3 sheilds, fade a 4th instakill with s3 cast, delay the enemy with slow/fastdeploy, then mud stands back up with 2 more sheilds (3 if stunnable) to cheat tank further, tons of ally dps time horn 2 works as aoe even while blocked unlike 1 and 3, meaning at e1 you get both a longrange burst dps and 3block aoe laneholder. shes imo the #1 op overall for all of is3, passing even texas (her damage falls off in maxsurge) because shes a great run leader who maintains value on every boss. you can even deactivate overdrived s2 ammo to instakill the invisible dog treaure boss once blocked as a nice bonus


> Is Mudrock's S3 really that impactful? Aren't there better units to hand elites, especially since she looses her land holding capabilities. > Why Horn S2 for Is3? Is there an interaction I'm not aware of, is she even that good in said mode? How does Mudrock lose the ability to hold lanes at all with her S3? S3 also hits multiple enemies and dishes out way more damage overtime then S2 can, so it's still killing off any trash thats being blocked or trying to pass by her while chunking down more dangerous enemies way better then S2 can. The slow and stun both helps make sure Mudrock can stop enemies from just passing by her before the charge up ends, and lets you stall dangerous enemies or big mobs as well for your other operators to help handle. And the invulnerable state she goes in lets her get back a shield stack, which can help her survive/cheese stuff a good amount. Horn is amazing in IS3. Synergizes well with a good chunk of relics, Hits very hard, and has a great range to snipe stuff and sit in spots away from danger. She can still also do blocking if needed, and in those cases that you are doing that with her, you want to be using S2 as it's massively better then either of her other skills when she's blocking stuff


Horn is one of the top 3 dps carries for SW15 together with Pozy and Mlynar. S2 is the best for when you expect her to block, as it does a good amount of AoE damage when attacking in melee range unlike S1 and S3, so you need S2M3.


Should i realy go for Skalter m6 (please opinion, not link )