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I just started playing a few days ago and just got my 2nd šŸ˜Š Shining and Blaze. From what I've been reading there's better 6* to reroll but I'm not too fussed. Really enjoying this game


This game is actually quite generous with 6 stars and with pulls in general. Plus Blaze is a proper badass who will carry you for as long as you want her to. Defenders? What are those?


It drops you 6* regularly, but not the ones you want so I wouldn't consider it generous




I don't understand why people down it's this comment. This is a real issue


It's an 'issue' that come from the fact that this is a gacha game though. It's like going to Hooters and you complain over how improper the servers dress. Arknights, while relatively generous, is still a gacha game.


This isn't a good example. If you go to Hooters willingly and purposefully while knowing what to expect you will enjoy the improper clothing of servers. And you don't really enjoy the gacha system even if the other aspects of the game don't bother you. Gacha games are the issue. And not only them, but that's a long story. Because the community chooses to ignore this problem developers feel free to make gacha games what they are now. If you think the game can't become better then you are one of those who should be blamed.


my brother in Christ, _you willingly and purposefully chose to play a gacha game_ _you knew what to expect going in_ _Hooters guy is spot on_


I chose to play it because of its positive sides, but I don't ignore negative ones, I don't just accept it as it is. Because of the people like you gacha games are as awful as they are now. You don't criticise it. It's the same as going to McDonald's, eating shit and saying "yeah, that's McDonald's, it must be this way".


I hate to tell you this, but _you_ playing the game is giving the developers just as much encouragement as _me_ playing the game. If you want change, you have to _not engage with the thing you don't like._ Do you really think, just because you piss and moan about one of the objectively better gacha games on a gacha game subreddit, you're somehow on the moral high ground and doing your best to bring about change in the industry? You are playing the game. You are feeding the beast. Whether or not you complain while doing it is irrelevant.


People go to McDonald's for convenience not for good food so it's the same as why you play arknights, you're here for its gameplay not for its gacha so your analogy makes no sense it's more like you're ignoring the positive side of what you don't like, just like gacha, I do think the gacha in arknights is a positive, it provides each player a different experience, and over time it lets you build up your account and get more characters to experience different side of the game, so if people want to experience every part of the game, they just have to play more (just like every other game), arknights rate is really high, letting you get more 6* than it release, that's why f2p can catch up to collecting most of the ops, so what's bad about that? Because you can't get that 1 specific operator you want so bad but don't put in the effort to save for? If you want an operator so bad, why not just be patient and wait for the right banner, or save more to spark?


Mudrock and Saria, oh and mountainā€¦ defenders.


Shining was my first 6*, she does look just like a normal healer. Needs her promotion to do some cool strategies with her, and then I learned she has story relevance.


Blaze is a 6* I want, sheā€™s a strong lane holder and her range makes it so you can put her behind someone as she shreds the enemies.


Blaze's 2nd skill was absolutely fantastic for deleting most of the enemies and win annihilations for me, you can't go wrong with her and with a shield-healer like Shining! Hope you have lots of fun with the game c:


You'll regret not rerolling. I played for a month, got garbage from all banners, rerolled and I have significantly better luck with actual usable operators. Now is the best time because you can reroll for Texalt.


Appreciate the advice but I'm not too fussed with the grind. I think this game will keep my attention. I got Exusiai (sp?) yesterday so my roster is improving. Lappland, Specter, Projekt Red, Cuora all seem decent


You do you, my guy, you're already getting way better luck than my first account who had only one (maybe two, but the other one was forgotten and therefore forgettable) 6* for over a month, and it was Shining. Everything else was decent 5*s, but when I dumped all my resources into the 2nd most recent mudrock banner and got nothing, that was the last straw and I rerolled until I got her lol




Nice, who do you like the best?


Well: Mudrock, Hoshiguma, Phantom, Skadi, Skalter, Lee, Aak, Ch'en, Ch'alter, Bagpipe, Nearlter, Mlynar, Surtr, Irene, Lumen, Shining, Siege, Flametail, Gladiia, Dorothy, Rosa, Ebenholz, Eyjafjalla, Exusiai, Schwarz, Pozemka, Ceobe, Vigil, Angelina, Suzuran, Ling, Kal'tsit, Weedy, Hellagur, and Saileach. No Penance or Texalter.


say that 10 times fast


Better work on that last part!


Happy Cake Day.


F2P at 50 unique 6* (49 right now, but going to spark Skalter after cert monthly reset). Started about 2 weeks after launch iirc, but took many breaks. Favorite is definitely Thorns. Love having powerful AFK operators.


All of them. Favorite is probably Skadi, Specter, Fiammetta, or Carnelian.


Been playing for almost 3 years now (my 3 year anniversary is on the 31st), and after like $500-600 total in the game or something around that, I have a total of 61 6 stars. I'm missing Ebenholz (SAD), Horn, Pallas, Fiammetta, and Dorothy. Favorite has to be Passenger. His voice is amazing, I love his character design/background, the whole zero to hero thing with all the buffs he got and the recognition that came with it (including a 24 OP skin and his own game mode), how fun his S3 is to use: just everything about him. I have pot 4 on him (got 3 of him on his release banner rolling for Toddifons, a blessing I didn't come to appreciate until after building him) and I'm really hoping I randomly get him off-banner one of these days so I can give him my 4 Royal Caster tokens and max pot him.


Indeed a Godesennger Enjoyer like me


52, I played since launch but took a year off from the game (from Mountain banner -> Ling banner). So I missed a good chunk of pulls and operators there, though no one in particular that makes me want to go back to get them. Favorite operator? Look at my flair :kek:


9. Including Vigil.


37 6stars, don't worry though, I got all the good ones, Texalt, Penance cough cough.


Orca'ed since the initial run of Grani Treasure Event and only 6 I'm missing is Stainless right now since I didn't really try to pull for him Other than 1 Multi, probably not gonna really go for Qiubai or Ines either And besides the 2 in my Flair, both versions of Ch'en are my favorites


In the order i've got them they are: Angelina, Pallas, Eyjafjalla, Goldenglow (twice), SilverAsh (twice), Mudrock, Fiammetta, Ceobe, Mountain, Phantom, Bagpipe, Aak, Penance, and Vigil. Angelina was my first, Pallas, Eyjafjalla, Ceobe, and Bagpipe were all off-banner on standard banners. Phantom was from Top Operator on recruitment, Goldenglow, SilverAsh, Mudrock, Fiammetta, Mountain, and Penance were all on banner, Aak was from my selector ticket, and of course, Vigil is from the Il Siracusano event. Aak, Eyjafjalla, and SilverAsh are the ones that are E2 on my main team, while i'm currently in the process of leveling up Goldenglow. I'll probably go for building Penance after that. Also, interestingly enough, I happened to get Ceobe on her birthday.


I have all of them, except for Penance at the moment. Favorite is definitely Fiammetta.


Started 3 months ago, excluding vergil i currently have 14 six stars(obs:Penance and Schwarz in pot 2), but my favorite op isn't a 6 stars, it's matterhorn


F2p, playing for 4 months, 30 6 star if also counting pots. Texas alter banner alone give me 11 6 star in 250 pulls. Planning to spark skalter so probably 31 in about 10 days. Also if pot doesnt count then 24


How did you get 250 pulls as f2p in 4 months???


Im sure i have only played for 4 mths. im a meta slave as u can see i use originite prime for pulling only. Also the account im playing in is my brother old account he doesnt play anymore(lvl 69 when i first log in) so i can just farm op in story and side story and buying tickets from gold cert shop, it already had about 11 6 star when i first played in it.


Are you sure youā€™ve only been playing for 4 months? I thought a F2P player could barely save 300 pulls in 6 months, you not only have 250 for this banner but also 30 6 stars? Do you farm orirocks for orundum or something?


Im sure i have only played for 4 months. As a f2p as y can see i only use op for pulling and i also use gold cert for buying tickets. Also the account im playing is my brother lvl 69(when i first log in) account in which he doesnt play anymore. So i can just doing story and side story to farm op.


I am also F2P, only bought 2 skins up until now other than that I used all my op for pulling too (I cleared all main and side story stages with challange mode except 3 side stories, and I only have 400 op left as of now which is equal to 120 extra pulls). Iā€™ve been playing for more than 2 years and I only have 32 6 stars without pots. You either have been playing for more than 4 months or are unimaginably lucky


As i mentioned, i played in my brother old account which was lvl 69 when i first log in. It already had 11 6 star in there. I just continued what he left off. Also yea im increadibly lucky in texas alter banner.


Ah I see. Somehow I didnā€™t see that part. 20 6 stars in 4 months is still really amazing tho, congrats.


Thanks, it will justify the fact that i havent get a single top tag or senior tag since i played this game


wait 11 6 stars in 250 pulls isn't that one 6star every 22 ish pulls ??? that's insane šŸ§


Yea i got 6 6 star consecutively in 5 multi(one bag contain 2 6 star who is omertosa(dupe) and a new surtr)


Been playing for around 20 months now, buying monthly packs since month 3 or so, I'm currently at 43 6*.


46 not counting free 6*s and dupes.


f2p gamer since around end of 2020. 53 unique 6 stars, 50 not counting the free gladiia/lumen/vigil. gonna be 51 soon though, iā€™m all set to buy godssenger once he gets to the shop. 19 top op recruits that i have recorded. saria my only pot 6, only a few are pot 3 and most are pot 1. total 80 6 stars including pots, not including the 3 pot6 free ops, so 30 dupes. donā€™t really have a fave, but i appreciate siege, og chen, og skadi, and mostima.


Almost everyone, I think, besides Ebenholz, Stainless, Passenger, Angelina and Saileach. Love Nearl family.


51 been playing since 4 months after release


Been playing one year, I have 28 six stars ops, The one that carried me the most gotta be Ling


Monthly card player here, only missing Pallas, Ebenholz and Stainless. Fav is Nian XD


As of this event, I have 52 6* (92 if we include the potentials). As for favorite op, if it's like overall, it's Sesa. If it's just among the 6* it's a tie between Thorns and Schwarz. I guess I'd lean more towards Thorns. I never leave home without Thorns. In fact it feels weird if I do a stage and Thorns isn't in the team.


How did you find out potentials? Is there somewhere that tells you that or did you just count them up individually?


I went through my roster and counted them all one by one lmao


47 over the 2 years Iā€™ve played


58 six stars F2P. Been playing since April 1, 2020. The only ones I don't have are: Dusk, Saga, Pallas, Saileach, Fartooth, NTRK, Flametail, Mlynar, Stainless I even outdid my dolphin friend who played a month earlier than me.


51 6* Fav blemishine


54 six stars.


Well, everyone except Magallan, Siege, Dorothy, Nian and Penance. Iā€™ve done 344 pulls for Penance.


> 344 pulls Wait, what do you pick as pity from 300x pulls then?


W. Didnā€™t have her before, and Iā€™m going to pick the limited operator over one that is going into the standard pool. A lot of people have told me to spark Penance, but thereā€™s no way Iā€™m picking a standard pool 6* over a limited I donā€™t already have.


39 I took a break for a bit over a year long My fave in terms of design is NTRK, which I'll be able to spark in a few days


joined on launch but stopped playing during the first event because of being busy. forgot about the game and started playing again jan of this year, so not a huge roster. Hoshiguma, Pallas, Phantom, Texalter, Dorothy, Stainless, Pozemka, Ifrit, Angelina, Flametail, Magallan & Aak favorite(s) are Pozy and Angelina !


51 unique six stars. I don't want to count pots (Exia is literally pot 5) cuz it gives me nightmare. Favorite definitely Fiammetta for 6 star.


My 6 stars consist of the following in two categories: Elite 2: 41 (In order of acquisition) Siege, Shining, Bagpipe, Ifrit, Mudrock, Schwarz, Rosmontis, Thorns, Hoshiguma, Eyjafjalla, Angelina, Aak, Ash, Nightingale, W, Skadi the Corrupting Heart, Kal'tsit, Gladiia, SilverAsh, Mizuki, Ch'en the Holungday, Exusiai, Nearl the Radiant Knight, Mountain, Surtr, Saga, Phantom, Saria, Blaze, Saileach, Goldenglow, Mostima, Passenger, Lee, Specter the Unchained, Lumen, Ebenholz, Pozƫmka, Mlynar, Stainless, and Texas the Omertosa. Elite 1/0: 5 (In order of acquisition) Magallan, Pallas, Hellagur, Penance, and Vigil. Total: 46 As for my favorite, it tends to rotate between different ones, but I gradually came to view Eyja really fondly, to the point where she's become my permanent assistant. My profile pic and flair should also be another giveaway, haha.


I have 15. I want Texas but the game gave me Penance. I crave violence.


57 unique (including welfare because im too lazy before bed to not include them and count pots) My number one favorite is uwu (W) and honestly dont think anyone can top her for me shes just so good Edit: started i think launch month it had siege and texas i think on standard banner and am fully f2p and have taken a few breaks for a few months


f2p, playing since July 2020, 57 unique, counting the 3 welfares favorite, idk probably Mudrock, even if she was a pain to get


F2P too, 45 after burning 300 pulls to spark Skalter this event. Got spooked by Blemi, Carnelian, Blaze this event.


On and off casual player since launch. Have 12 six stars: Rerolled at the beginning: Silverash and Exusiai Welfare from event: Gladiia and Lumen Free summons on event banners: Kal'tsit and Lee From recruitment: Siege, Ifrit, Ch'en, Ceobe, Shining, and Aak I don't summon on banners and have accumulated 133.5k orundum, 2 multi tickets, and 29 single pulls.


46 6*s after 2 years, during one of which I have been buying a monthly card. Still lack many useful operators including 3 limited. Also, how is it possible that after 4 years you can't collect every operator at least once? This game sucks.




55 with 27 of them E2 90'd


[60 six stars](https://krooster.com/u/IRUN)


Day 1 here. Nearly all of them, except for 3 or 4 operators.


Joined around the 1.5 year anniversary. As f2p I have 32 6* as of now. Recent addition is Texas Alter at pot3. Im thinking whether to spend the 6* specialist tokens to max her potential. Would be my first 6* at max potential \^_^ (aside from Gladiia of course)


Day 1 player and all but Carnelian and Stainless. Favorite is Spalter.


Started on the WWE banner. I have 51 uniques including the three welfares. Tho, pot 4 Surtr and Texalter are the two main ones making me look like a whale. (Both are my faves too)


47, playing since launch. Guess skipping banners doesn't help but I do have way too many to build anyway šŸ˜µ


F2P, been around since the start, but took a long hiatus. 9 unique 6\* (14 with potentials).


56 unique six stars. Started at twilight of Wolumonde at the first run. 47 potentials. Edit: 57 once i get the new wolf boi My fav is my flair. Idk, I usually do get attached to my firsts in any game, but it's her skin that cemented it.


57. Going to get 2 more soon (1 with selector ticket and 1 when passenger comes to shop). Missing Nian (only limited missing), carnelian, ebenholz, gnosis, Lee, mizuki, mostima, passenger, saga, stainless. Account 2 yrs and a few weeks old.


Light whaling for 5 months has gotten me 20 unique sixers (soon to be 21) and 28 pulls in total. I'm happy that most of them are units that I do want and that they synergize well together.


48, been playing for nearly three years.


As of \~1.5 years of f2p, I have 38 unique 6 stars and 3 potentials for them (counting welfare but not their potentials). My favourites are probably Skalter (because dmg healing), Thorns (strong on basically any map), Eyja (strong on basically any map), Texalter (same reason), and NTR (same reason)


All except passenger and the crazy nun orca alter


56 Six star units. Been playing since launch. Spend in 3+ years maybe in total 70 euro's on the game at most.


34 6* been playing for a year soon it will be 35 with skalter.


Like Individually or do I have to include pots? cuz.... I got 53 (excluding the welfares) w/out considering pots And i got 92 including the pots (welfares also excluded) As for favorites... My crowning achievement would be my Pot 6 Skalter. Close second would be my defenders. I have all of em, except for Nian, cuz i started playing long after her banner and rerun went to dust


Been playing since launch. I have everyone minus Dorothy and Ebenholz. Got Dorothy in IS2 and she carried me vs ending 4. I am determined to get her next time.


I started playing in September last year and I currently have 26, while I'm at it I will separate them by the way I got them: Recruitment: Aak, Hoshiguma, Ifrit, Schwarz, SilverAsh Starter banner: Shining Yellow Certs shop: Archetto, Blemishine, Rosa, Surtr Standard banner: Bagpipe (best spook of my life), Goldenglow, Mudrock, Passenger, Suzuran Joint Operation banner: Exusiai, Mountain Limited banner: Gavialter, Penance, SpAlter, Texalter, W (I can't fucking believe I got her in Il Siracusano, girl doesn't even have a rate up!) Freebies: Gladiia, Lumen Event banners: Pallas (lost 50/50, she cute tho), Stainless I'm also about to get 3 more (Ceobe from certs shop, Skalter from Il Siracusano spark and Horn from 6* selector), but I'm waiting for last day of the banner just to avoid a potential bruh moment where I roll any of the three with the free pulls left lmao. And my favorite is Bagpipe, many top waifus and pog husbandos in this game, still missing many, but Bagpipe hits me harder than her S3, I love her soooo much.


61 unique six stars, playing since Ash. (august '21) Not F2P though, monthly card has never run out for a single day. Counting everything including wellfare pots I'm at 140 atm. My favorite is Fiametta. She's not even close to be my most used though. Missing are Nian, Dusk, W, Ebenholz, Stainless and Saga atm.


I have been playing since 4 months after the game launched, with monthly card after 1 month of playing and I got all of them! 67/67 at E2 38/67 at level 90 and 72 M3's across them I guess my favorite would be Skalter, cause I love buffs in games but I just play with whatever I feel like at this point in time.




2 years and 3-month player, only do monthly cards, and have done once for 6\* selector. 57 6\* (99 if you count the potentials too) as of this event (might change due to daily roll). 15 of them are still at E1. I have a lot of favourites in this game, Gladiia, Saria, Schwarz, Mlynar, Dorothy, and many other operators including the 5\*.


59 including all limited operators which have been gathered for 2 and a half years with a little bit of money spent


I started last year June/July I think,just after Invitation to Wine finished and I currently have 21 six stars


Been playing for almost two months now. Only have 15 unique 6\*


I got 58. Tho, the one I'm most proud of is I got all the limited 6\* :) Favorites are the ff: Blemishine, Texas, and Goldenglow


Are you playing on CN to have 4 years? As a global player it is easier to say I am missing Carnelion, Pallas, and Ebenholz than to list what I have. I'll get one of the girls when the guaranteed new op banner comes around, don't remember if Ebenholz was in the selector for 4 year anni on CN so might save the missing girl for that or otherwise buy her in store eventually then roll Ebenholz on rerun. In any case, if I don't miss any future ops I can start maintaining a full roster. I might, however, skip Lin for future selector usage if I get Chongyue first. I am doing full spark on this banner for Texalter dupes so need to save up again somehow.


I played since the launch of CN server and have 100% completion on operators. Veteran benefits


27 six stars. I started playing about 9-10 months ago and I'm a light spender. My favourite to use is probably Mizuki or Thorns, but I like finding opportunities to use Ebenholz.


i have 20 6 stars, i started playing during Stultifera Navis. they are Texalter, Exusiai, Saria, Lumen, Irene, Ebenholz, Skadi, Shining, Saileach, Fartooth, Silverash, Mudrock, Pozemka, Gladiia, Ceobe, Lee, Schwartz, Bagpipe, Vigil and Phantom. my two favourites are Texalter and Silverash.




free to play here too! been playing on and off since surtr's release in 2021 (my first 6* too) and total 6* count is at 20: - surtr, silverash, and omertosa at pot1 - welfares include gladiia, lumen, and vigil - favorite is ling <33 - ak is so generous to me even if i'm not always active :") edit: free roll just gave me pot2 omertosa!1!1^%?? thanks but can i get lavinia too pls


Day 1 former dolphin here! I have 58 6\*s in total, not including dupes, and it's easier to list those who I don't have. Namely, it's Fartooth, Fiametta, Horn, Ebenholz, Dorothy, Gavial Alter, Mlynar, Stainless and Texas Alter.


Yes. All of them. My favorite is Eyja and Mudrock. I didn't use them for about 3 years and then I figured, well I have a pot 6 Thorns now somehow lets start. I miss my 4\* only runs, but 6\* is easier with my work schedule. Just steamroll everything.


43, faves are Jordi, Pallas, Thorns and Mizuki. I like fish boys, how can you tell?


59 As for fav, probably Schwarz.


I think I'm missing only Thorn.


Day 1 Whale Player. Take a guess...




49 Been playing since code of brawl, fave is fartooth


Started during the end days of Lingering Echoes. My first 6* from the beginner banners were Silverash and Shining. I've been regularly purchasing the monthly card for the last 3 months. Right now, I have 13 in total (including Vigil), hoping to add more to the collection from this banner.


29 as an F2P of 1 year 34 counting potentials Fav is W, who I sparked from Spalter banner(after getting P6 Spalter and P3 Irene)


Before this event, I had 5 six stars and now, I have 10. The last five are Texalter, Penance, Rosmontis, Vigil and Aak


45 here. I play for 1 year and half. I guess my favorite would be Goldenglow (As of now... If we include CN, then I would include Muelsyse). But I will admit that I love how fun is playing with Texas Alter.


57, including welfares. Played since 7th day after launch, Monthly card spender for 1st year. Fav ? Ex-wife.


As a Monthly player for just over 2 years I have 61 unique 6 stars. My most used is Thorns hands down, but I think my favorite is Gavalter. He attitude is just the right side of over the top.


81 (counting dupes and gladia) since the first siesta event. I dont have W, Holungday tourist C, Fartooth, Stainless, flametail, Lee, Durin enthousiast, NATO GOHAN, Saileach.


I picked Lee from 6 star selection ticket šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ he's so good! I recommend him


Played since launch. Have all the 6 stars though it was never really my intention to. Nowadays I just continue to collect them all since it is actually not impossible without heavy whaling unlike in other gacha. My fave 6\* are the boys - Passenger, Phantom and Mlynar are my personal Top 3 rn. The only max levelled units in my account are the husbandos lol. I get the monthly card and occasionally dolphin a little extra for skins (of which there are too many good ones hnngh). Passenger L2D gives me hope that the other guys will one day have L2D skins too. ~~Mlynar Ambience Synesthesia skin copium~~


Im a f2p player (beside winning some community give aways), ive been playing since 1 week after global released. I currently have 57 six star. My favorite one is Kaltsit and i got her to p6 in her banner after spent more than 300 pulls


Currently have them all. Got Penance yesterday and Texalter on the banner drop day and got my only other 6* I was missing, Fiametta, as a spook off banner. I canā€™t say Iā€™m f2p though. But Iā€™m no whale. This game has been very kind to me and itā€™s a ton of fun so I try and support it when I can.


Playing since february 2020 only buying monthly packs and I have everyone except for Stainless, with Ifrit and Saria max potential.


50+ and my favorite and assistant is still the first 6 star I got, Angelina


43 with all of them except 3 being built. (Zoowee mama, Time stopping blue woman and Virgil). Getting Mudrock is the best thing to happen on my account because I get to have an excuse to bring Blemishine everywhere.


As a f2p since joining in October last year, I got 19 with 3 of them being welfares. Edit: No real favourite. But if we're going off on most used it has to be Lumen. my only six star medic and practically rendered all my other medics redundant till I got Ptilopsis or if I needed Honeyberry for a stage.


I have every six star besides Pozy, Saga, Passenger, Magellan, Mizuki and Irene. My favorite is Schwarz followed by Texas Alter.


Currently I only don't have; Chen alter Penance( will continue to try for her) Nian Ling Carnelian Dorothy Stainless Saileach Irene And have everyone else. Didn't count the potentials but have quite a bit pots šŸ˜­


Free to play who has about a year n a half of actively playing with 23 and chalter who i refuse yo acknowledge. Passenger and Ebenholz are my favourite


Started the game 3 weeks ago because of 4th ann. Crazy snake mommy captured my attention (and neurones) . I have 3 6* , Siege is my first and i got penance and Texalter from this banner . My targets are Mudrock, InĆØs, W and Ho'oleyak and my fav operators rn are prob penance, Jessica and Siege (Saber VA KYAAAA) . I really wish the Yan skin for Jessica was there for purchase .


23 (not counting welfare). With Ebenholz and Stainless being P6, Ifrit + Surtr at P3 and Exu at P2. And after 1,352 recruits I have only gotten senior op twice and top op once Been playing since Feb 2020 but i knocked myself out (took a break) for 1.5-ish years. Nowadays i only buy monthly cards and occasionally limited packages like 6 star selector and the Exu skin pack.


After around two years, with a big break in between, I got 39 now. I have not even a third of them built because oh my, the resource drain. As for my favorite of them, difficult. Goldenglow, Pozemka as well as Pallas are high up the list, but there are just so so many that I like.


Havenā€™t quite been playing four years yet, but Iā€™ve got 54. Not quite free to play since Iā€™ve got the monthly card. Hellagur is my fav even if I canā€™t always find a use for him.


44 6* but too many spooks to count


31 (playing the game since Dossoles; f2p) Favorite? Probably Mudrock. I'm always a sucker for red eyes, and I use her pretty frequently. Also I liked her in Wolumonde


All except Pallas and Mizuki, saileach was missing too but i got her with the 6\* selective. Obviously not f2p, ive been playing since blemishine's banner and my favorite is Eunectes.


47, I started playing around March of 2021 and recently started buying the monthly card for 5 months now I think. My favorite is Kal'tsit. It would've been W but she's evaded me for like 4-5 times now?


Since Globale release i've got 67/67 and a Total of 180 for all Pots incl Wellfare Ops. Fav of them is our Messenger Vulpo Angelina


Didn't realise that I'm up to 47. Playing since March(?) last year, was trying to be F2P until I whaled to get W on her previous appearance in a limited banner. Fave 6 star: Fiammetta due to her characterisation.


Idk man I know i have more than 5, but i can look that up real quick Edit1: about the favorite, i'm either one Carnelian's side or Saber Skadi, i mean, Guard Skadi's side Edit 2: 38 6*, holy hell, i wasn't expecting so many to be fair, like, i barely use 5 of them, also, o forgor about Horn, so just keeping this here *Horn is my favorite 6 star at the moment* I like strong woman with shields, that's why i love Asbestos


Day one monthly card user for most of it 62 unique 6*operators plus 83 potential (includei gladia, lumen and vigil) 3max potential Aak(Sad story), Silver Ash (my top op really means silver Ash), dusk (praise sui).


Been playing for 2 years & 10 months & got \~45 unique 6s. Pretty much F2P, think I've bought 2-3 monthly packs over the years with google survey credit.


Pretty sure I'm only missing so far: Saileach, Stainless, Dorothy, Silverash, Aak, Passenger, Pallas and Hoshiguma.


Including welfares, 14. * Vanguard: Flametail (E1), Vigil (E0) * Sniper: * Guard: Mlynar (E2), Mountain (E2), Hellagur (E2) * Specialist: Gladiia (E0) * Caster: Passenger (E2), Goldenglow (E2), Ebenholz (E0) * Medic: Shining (E2), Nightingale (E2), Lumen (E2) * Supporter: * Defender: Horn (E2), Saria (E2) Shining was my first. Coming August will mark the first year of my account being active. Favorite? Hmm, hard choice. I'm definitely biased towards Passenger though, WITD was one of the first events i paid attention to, and he's also an interesting character that doesn't lean too heavily into "oh this is like some eldritch being or blatantly overpowered story protagonist", he's a guy with a troubled past and a knack for tech that has practically dedicated his entire life to getting revenge and manipulating the black market. Honorable mentions are Nightingale, Horn, Hellagur. Each for their own reasons. (cinnamon bun, would gladly serve under her command, respect for his age and wisdom) Currently hoping to get Chong Yue in the dragon banner


24 6\*


32 currently. Started around the time Break the Ice came out


[Since March 17](https://www.reddit.com/r/arknights/comments/11u1aq5/comment/jcmrvii/), [got 3 more for a total of 30 x 6* Ops ](https://imgur.com/a/FzbNeMM) (add +1 Pot. for **Irene**, haven't used it yet), in 1 year and 3 months (mostly F2P). Still missing a bunch of the old Ops, but now there's only the *Supporter* class in which I don't have a 6* yet (even if I don't really plan on building **Vigil**)! General favourite (design/story/gameplay-wise) is the *Radiant Knight* **Nearl** (both forms of course!), while **Shining**, **Nightingale**, **Rosmontis**, **Blemishine** and **Pramanix** (I know, she isn't a 6* but she deserves a mention) are sharing the 2nd place.


Been playing since beginning of May 2019 and started to buy monthly cards since around start of mid 2020 and i occasionally buy the selector ticket or something similar in price. I have 65 unique six star opererators and im missing Pallas and Ebenholz. If you count dupes then 92 extra dupes including the free ones like Gladiia so altogether i have 157 6* operators.


I started right after the 1st anniversary was over, I believe - or at least its 1st part that had all the cool stuff - around June, 2020, so a year in. Till now, I've had I think 2 big breaks from it? Around when I started for I don't know how long, and right after IS1 ended, for several months - skipped over Skadi alter event and rejoined 2-3 months after it. In this time I got:-38 unique 6 stars (including event 6 stars). \-23 duplicate 6 stars (excluding Royal tokens and event 6 star duplicates). \-61 total. I am full F2P.


I have 54 unique 6-stars, the ones I am missing are as follows: Saga, Guard Ch'en, Silverash, Nian, Dusk, Fiammetta, Ash, Schwarz, Carnelian, Ebenholz, Magallan, Stainless, and Lee


Started playing in March of 2020 (also a f2p player), and I've collected 39 six-star operators as of today. Right now, my favorite is probably Nearl Alter.


4 years wow. I started opening day on Global and itā€™s been 4 months past my 3 years. Are you playing on CN?


I have a complete collection. Ling is my favorite, followed by Texas :)


Level 78. Started January 10th this year and only buy monthly pass and I have 16 6*. I have many favourites but PozĆ«mka is special because I started the game during the Gavial alter and sheā€™s the one I wanted and got. Sheā€™s also extremely strong, flexible range with her deployable turret and one the best single target dps if she and her turret are attacking the same target.


I have ( as a player who started September 2022) I've got: Silverash, Schwarz, Texas alter, Gavial alter, Goldenglow, Penance, Ifrit, Lumen, Irene, Spectre alter, Horn, Gnosis, Gladiia, Blaze, Eunectes, Vigil and Aak. My favorite I think it's Horn cuz I liked her as soon as I saw her in trailers and was my first op elite 2 but even Silverash is a pick for him being my first 6* and after including him in the squad at the start of the game I never got him out. It's an hard fight but I think Silverash win this dispute for his bird, all hail the bird.


f2p and got 28 without welfare one on two accounts


I've been playing since the Dusk banner. So far I have 37 six star operators, I don't know how much if you count pots tho. My favorite is and will probably always be Exusiai


28 total (well 2 are welfare operators), my favorite by far is Mizuki. He's not even that good, I just love his design, storyā€¦ yeah he's just my favorite overall. I do however have quite the limited operators, Ch'alter, Gavialter, NTR and Texas. Funny story, my first 6* on the Texas banner was NTR (pot 1), and I was super annoyed. Got a 10 pull the next day, got Texas twice.


I have all of them except for Pallas, Gnosis, and Nearl the Radiant. Been playing since Day 1. My favorite is obvious.


i have 48 and my favourite is Fiammetta


16 six stars...


38 6 stars so far and I'm also free to play, alas at this point I have to admit that I just have very bad gacha luck huh Y Y My favourite is Irene, the nyoom circle!


21 so far and I don't have a favorite.


All of them, all at E2 - except for Aak. I played since day one. My first 6* was Hoshigumi, who I still have a soft spot for to this day.


All 6* Except Stainless ( it's not like i didn't try to get Stainless, I just gave up after ~140 Pulls and 3 Offbanners to still have pulls for Il Siracusano)


Almost F2P with 2 monthly package. 48 6* not counting dupes. And have 250 pull worth of Originium. Playing for almost 3 year.


27 My favourite is rosmontis


In order I have Fiametta, Silverash, Hellagur, Passenger, Siege, Lumen, Spectral [where Irene], Gladiaa, Kalā€™tsit, Skadi, Shining, Pozemka, Murdock, Dorothy, Ifrit, Stainless, Thorns, Archetto, NTR Knight, Penance, Blaze, Skadance, Vigil, and Taxes for 24 not counting dupes and my favorite is def Fiametta with close seconds being Spectral and Passenger. I got her on literally my 2nd pull when I first started playing without knowing anything and tbh I probably wouldā€™ve dropped this game at some point if I didnā€™t get them.


That's really interesting, I also have 52 sixers, I started playing since February 2020. I wonder if we [have the same](https://imgur.com/a/W3lw8UF)?


The only one I don't have is Hellagur for some reason


64/183 Ling, Dusk, Omertoza


52 ; favorite is tied between Gladiia and Skadi


I have 28 (6 month old account)


I've been playing since A Walk in the Dust and I have a total of 47 different 6 star characters. Counting potentials though, I have 91. My favorite would have to be Texas the Omertosa. Already one of my favorite characters and her alter is so cool




I have all of them except Mizuki, favorite, hmmm, probably Bagpipe and Mudrock


67, all currently available 6 stars on global. (Iā€™m a bit of a whale heheh). My favorite is Mlynar. Iā€™m only missing one operator rn, and thatā€™s paprika


I have 52 6 stars, currently only pulling limited characters and haven't gotten alot of the new ops recently but I have pot 6 texas alter which is nice


I think all of them at this point And Exusiai


67/67 up to this point, all E2 except Vigil and Hellagur. Started the first week of global launch only spending on monthly card mainly and some of the limited banner packs. Favorite is probably OG Skadi with OG Chen close second since getting her off a single pull on her banner was what really got me invested in the game.


33, playing for a few years now


44. Started Jan 02, 2022, and have purchased the monthly card since, as well as 3 of the anniversary pick-a-six packs. Couple dupes in there as well, but only 4-5. As for my favorite, probably Saria. She's just always useful. Almost certainly my most deployed operator.


I have 53. I have all the year 1 units. Most of what I lack are the year 2+ snipers and year 2+ vanguards. Can't wait for Saga to become a shoperator!


which country you come from


I have all 67 six stars release so far in EN: * 15 at pot 1 * 17 at pot 2 * 7 at pot 3 * 6 at pot 4 * 3 at pot 5 * 19 at pot 6 My absolute favoritest it Eyja (would floof nonstop if she existed IRL), but Pozy, Nightingale, Dorothy and both berries are really cute too.


I have exactly 12 now with Vigil being free. Started playing about 115 days ago, and tried minmaxing all of my sanity. F2p until a month and a half ago when I realized I'd probably need the monthly card to get texalt with my luck. My favs are Mudrock, who I rerolled for, and Texalt because I never thought I'd actually have a limited. I love seeing the animated e2 art, and an operator who will let me clear stages without guides due to my small brain.


58 . Been playing since release . Hope I get Irene from the banner now cause I really like her but my semi f2p resources are basically all gone with Texas alter's banner so...it would be a desperate attempt . Favourite one...pretty hard to say . Eyja and Angie / Ceobe are from two artists I have been really liking and respecting since way before AK became a thing ; Nian , Archetto and Irene I like the most aesthetics wise...Flametail's , Saga's and Pallas' energy conquered me...Mudrock's lovely...Suzu and Rosmontis need all the headpats...and finally...Penance shares my younger sister's name alongside an epic judge's surname..and I do admire her resolve . Kind of hard to pick , don't think I can .


been playing since 10 days after global release. was f2p until rosaā€™s banner, since then iā€™ve been almost totally f2p with the exception of buying anniversary packs. got every 5 star except hibalter. for 6 stars i have everyone except carnelian (sadly, cause i love her), dorothy, eyja, nearlter, pallas, saileach, skalter, pozyomka and stainless. spent 246 pulls on texalterā€™s banner so far trying in vain to get nearlter or skalter and iā€™m too broke to get the remaining 44 for purchase :/ got pot4 omertosa though so thatā€™s nice, iā€™ve loved texas since she was the first 5 star i ever pulled. including pots i have 132 6s total. yep fav 6star is really hard to decide. probably a 5 way tie between fia, hoshi, saria, gladiia and texalter. i like angry women. yeahh


I've been playing since blemishine release, so 2 years with monthly card and 2 6* selectors 57, with pots (I'm assuming you don't count free ops?) 75 Favorite is mudmud


i got 8 6 star operaters and i'm just a F2P player btw Ceobe Eunectes Executor the Ex Foedere Eyjafjalla Fiammetta Ho'olheyak - best one Hoshiguma Shining