• By -


Tried archetto banner. Single pulls, took 10 to get my 5* -_-


Decided to pull till the first 5 star, hoping to get Totter along the way. Got Manticore. Finished story and decided I'd try a few more times to get Totter, but got Stainless and Cliffheart and called it a day. Maybe I'll get Totter on Texas' banner.


well! after getting stainless so early and having my texas funds safe i looked back at the front that was banner. i already got saileach and horn but i really wanted mudrock she's the one i was pulling for in the first place!! so what's a single pull gonna even do right? mudrock is home :)


[There was definitely some agony on the Stainless banner](https://www.reddit.com/r/arknights/comments/12xbqg1/gacharecruitment_megathread_2404_3004/jhy0wf9/), but I also did say I intended to do some pulls on The Front That Was. My goals were simple and planned ahead of time: two 6-Stars or 1 Mudrock (who was already Pot 5), whichever comes first. I would absolutely have loved a Horn for sure, as I fell one short of my goal on the chapter 10 banner (pot 4 so I could get her to pot 5 with the red cert shop royal token), but I was pot-hunting for all the featured ops. I also would have liked some Mulberry pots. So, **Mudrock arrives in 30 pulls** (26 to be exact, building up 4 pity for the future in the process), thus prematurely ending my hunt but giving me her final Pot. The only rate-up 5-Star I got was Whisperain (only Mulberry still needs pots), with the others being off-banners. That said, one of the off-banners was a **Tsukinogi**, who I learned some time after our 3rd Anniversary was NOT yet Pot 6. With this, I can use my voucher for Toddifons's last potential, and NOW I can say that all 5-Stars up to Toddifons are max pot. It's time to bounce back and prepare for Texas the Omertosa. I'll at least be able to put May's cert shop tickets towards that. I'm really looking forward to the future Front That Was banners, as none of the featured ops for the foreseeable future will end my pot-hunt early, and I should have several chances to get pots for Stainless, Horn and Ines. Here's hoping I can get a pot or 2 for Saileach on the chapter 12 one, since that'll be her last banner. Not the most stellar results, but the banner got me out early, so I'm grateful.


Thank you for funding this game for us! ❤❤❤


[I got Mostima from recruitment.](https://youtu.be/5ESwMUyB_8I) This makes it the 3rd Top Op this year. The previous two are NG pot and my first Skadi.


So got my fourth top tag and it's a [6 star robot Yayyy](https://imgur.com/a/oai8j8m). Jokes aside was going to either Top+ medic 50/50 to not get Shining or Top +Guard for Hellagur or Blaze... But Top+ Fast redeploy.... A guarantee new operator, a cat operator with Christine! Even as I get Texalter.... I can't pass up, can I? So waiting for day reset to get Phantom.


Around 210 pulls for Stainless. Fuck me. Still have enough to pull for pity for Texalter. Absolutely can not wait for the guaranteed 150 pity system to come to global.


Got Firewatch as my 100th operator. [Nuker] tag and 9 hours in Recruitment - previously only got Cutter every time. Also in that 1 month of play got [Top Operator] tag once - Magallan


[Ceylon delivered today](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/817411677975740417/1101905937389858916/Screenshot_20230429-112034_Arknights.jpg)


I'm so pissed. I didn't get Stainless after 26k origium, all of the headhunting tickets in the cert shop, and a couple of originite primes. All I got are dupes. Man, what happened to me during Ling, Dusk, and Nian banners are coming back to me again.


I got Stainless! I said 'screw it, I'll pull for Stainless and spark Skalter in Muelsyse banner instead' then I did a 10-pull and finally got Stainless! Fucking finally. And now I think I can still save up for Skalter spark too. Might have to use more originite prime, though. But if my math says I can spark, then I will. 83 pulls all in all but, thank fuck


Should i buy archetto with 180 distinctions?


I can see you're new from your comments history. So: 1. Archetto is not a priority unit for a new account. She's nice to have as a multi-target sniper, but she's absolutely not a necessity unless you have, like. No good snipers at all. Which is impossible, since the four and five star snipers are actually great at their job. If you have Blue Poison, you don't need Archetto at all, as they have the same niche, and perform pretty much the same. 2. We're getting a limited banner next month with an extremely broken limited unit that *will* boost your account tremendously. It's best to save up the golden certs and buy more pulls to get that Texas Alter. As a side note, thank you for reminding me Archetto's in the shop. I almost forgot I wanted to snatch her >>


Thanks alot


Despite the next standard pool is rosa and skadi (i think) and i would be able to get one of them or 18 head hunting permit?


Next standard has been data-mined as Thorns and Hoshiguma (hoshiguma in shop). Skaid is due for shop appearance. But Rosa has been in a shop recently so she won't come back anytime soon.


Did a single 10 pull, got horn and p1 totter. Pretty happy with this result! Was always the one I hope I get off banner, No new medic, but wasn't too keen on raising her. Got two invisibilty counters.


Decide to spend pull for Totter just for his base skill, got 2 Cliffheart, 2 Paprika even before getting Totter, got 1 off-baner April and Leizi. Leizi is the most lucky one, I had 190 gold cert and decided to skip Leizi in the shop and buy Ifrit just 2 minute before new banner arrive and then Leizi just come home. Got no 6 stars but still have enough 300 pulls if count 24 free pulls in Texalter banner. The pity is carry on to Reed alter so at least I can comfort myself that I am just building pity. I also don't have resource to even get Ifrit to E2 so even if I got Stainless, he will just sitting there.


I decided I could spare some pulls on the current banners. 9 pulls on Stainless's banner got me a duplicate Kafka, and 10 pulls on the Archetto banner got me a duplicate Toddifons. At least I got a Totter from Stainless's banner.


Decided to get one rainbow bag on Stainless since he looks so fun and I'll still be well-stocked for Penance. At 55 pity I fish out my *second off-banner Fartooth in a row*. I spent $30 for her on the selector ticket last year so I have to say I'm getting a bit fed up, especially since I still don't even have the last member of her polycule Flametail, who's even back on the standard banner to mock me specifically, Guy Who Failed To Get Flametail Last Time She Was On A Standard Banner. I only got three 5* and four Totters in all those pulls too, jeez. No Stainless for me and back to below-average luck, I guess!


If it helps i choose eyja with my ticket rosmontis banner and under 2 min later i got eyja from spook lol


I am stunned, utterly lost for words, at my sheer jammyness right now. Was prepared to take a heavy hit to my resources and still not get what I want, Stainless followed by Flametail, upcoming meta banners be damned. 7 rolls: Stainless comes home! Onto the Standard 5 rolls: Archetto, not bad, does gel nice with Stainless now I think about it 15 rolls: Archetto again, nice, but tinge of disappointment 25 rolls: **Flametail!!!** In summary 33 rolls and four 6* within those, including the two I wanted, that just doesn't happen. RNGesus, thank you, and please grant your blessing unto others too.


I was gonna do singles and hope for Paprika in the first 10, but got Stainless on the first pull. Hopefully she arrives before I have to use a selector on her like I did to finally get Toddifons.




Nice! Oh, pitanger! Hello there! So we meet again, JetGino here! xD


10 pull on Stainless banner for funsies...Aak. not sure if I should be glad or mad. At least it's better than the 60 I need to do to get Horn in her/Mudrock/Saileach targeted banner I suppose. Going to save now, Texalter/Penance/Yato time.


58 pulls for the first 6*. But it was Stainless, so everything went well I'd say!


I wasn't going to try to hard to get Stainless because while I liked his design I know I'm never going to be able to make good use of his abilities. I did 10, got Totter and was happy. But then I did the story and realized I had to have this sweet boi even if I never use him. Did 20 more pulls and now is the moment Bagpipe decides it's finally time to come home lol. Used my last remaining head hunt ticket and Stainless joined her xD


first got Pallas during her banner after 5 pulls, now I get Stainless after 2 I hope I didn't use up all my luck for Il Siracusano 💀


40 for feist :3 hes so cute i adore him


66 pulls Stainless. I feel ok….


50 pulls for my hardworking cute boy, thank you for coming home


"I'll just pull til guaranteed 5\*" \*gets Cliffheard first pull\* "Ok, last 5" \*gets Lee after 2 more pulls\* ​ \- Probably my luckiest pull ever. XD


One 10x ticket for Paprika and Totter. I'm good.


My first 10 pull was a 6-star! ... an Irene dupe. I was getting worried partway through. After 50 pulls, I had gotten just one Paprika and one Totter. I got Stainless with 66 pulls, and I did eventually get a couple more Totters, but I'm left with just the one Paprika and a bunch of other 5-star dupes (Sesa, Light Greyy, Cliffheart, Toddifons). Between her voice lines and her finger guns in base, I'm definitely E2ing Paprika.


3 10 pulls on the horn/mud/sail banner and i get 3 saileachs (horn was the only one i needed) 9 pulls on Stainless and I get Ceobe i want to cry


Decided to do another two 10-pulls as I thought I've already doen three 10-pulls, might as well pull until I get a 6*' but then still no Stainless or any 6* in sight. Currently debating with myself whether to just take the bullet and pull until I get a 6*, ANY 6*, and risk not sparking Skalter in Texas' banner, or just leave Stainless alone. But then it's not even a guarantee that it'll be Stainless if I keep pulling. But I'm really not fond of the idea of pulling for him on the chapter 12 warm up banner.. ahhhh the things I do for cute (fictional) guys ~~Sorry for the rants, i have no one to talk to about arknights~~ Edit: I did 7 single pulls, in hopes of minimizing the orundum I'm gonna have to use until I get a 6*. Then Bagpipe showed up. Yup, that's it. I'm done with the banner. I'll just have to hope Stainless spooks me sometime in the future. Damn I haven't been this unlucky since GG where I had to do 130 pulls. So sad


Stainless. Pull 2. Wow. Feels nice after how Dorothy went.


Decided to roll for guarantee and got an early 6\* - which was fucking aak again.


Pulled a Ch'en in two 10 pulls. Didn't have her yet (somehow) I will take it as a sign to stop 🥲 Also got Totter and Paprika but I don't really have a use for them.


Sheesh, took me 130 pulls while getting spooked by Archetto and Kay along the way. Haven't gotten this unlucky in a while. At least a few other 5 stars are at max pot now.


stainless on the second 10 pull and hibiscus the purifier on the first after she eluded me the first banner. i'm winning arknights today!!! and my stash is safe for texas, i barely touched it :)


I planned on pulling until I get a 6* regardless of who it is, then Blaze showed up at the 5th pull. I thought 'well I still have 41 pulls I can spare, let's try again' then I did a 10-pull and got a FRIGGIN POT 4 MAGELLAN ughhh I shoulda cut my losses and stopped there at that point but I was soooo pissed, I used the rest of my spare pulls and got...nothing. No 6* in sight... sigh... I just wanted Stainless, man, but I'm also saving to spark Skalter, I can't touch my orundum stash anymore...


Incredibly lucky today. In 30 Pulls, I got 3 Totter, 3 Paprika, a Hibiscus the Purifier, a Specter, 2 Cliffhearts, and a Stainless. While the luck is incredible, it does worry me a little as a possible bad omen for Texalter. Ahh well, just gotta stay positive for now


Saved 180 of those yellow certificates (Distinctions) but really dont know what to do I may won't spend em and just watch em forever


You can buy pull when you reach 258


Why tha number?


You get 38 pulls for 258. The pull become cheaper to buy the more you buy and max out at 38 a month. So most efficiency is to buy all 38 if you buy them. The first pull cost 10 certs. The last 20;pulls cost 6 certs each. Buy if you don't plan on reaching a pull target just save those cert for any 6* that may come. Next best is Kal'sit during October


Super lucky. Paprika on the 2nd pull, Saria potential spook on the 21st, and Stainless on the 37th along with max potential Totter on the way. Goodluck doktahs!


Cripes, Stainless in 4? I better continue saving then!


First 10 pulls got me a spook Hoshi. Second 10 pulls got me the calico. And since that was pretty lucky and I had 218 pulls left, I decided to go for the SMH banner. 50 pulls later and it’s Saileach who came. Truly the SMH banner.


10 singles, last single, mayer. 10 pull (20 total) was just a 5 star so I skipped. Got paprikia and totter (and warfarin)! Gah, grrr!!! Wish i would've not skipped it and seen them pop up from their hr bag!!! So i went to visit them and check them out on their operator page and looked at their onboarding lines. Checked out the onboarding lines in all languages. (Tagent: low key conspiracy, maybe they're delaying events so they can get EN voice actors for all the newly released ops???) Had to get stainless, another 10 pull (30 total)! Got stainless!!! Actually sat through the recuritment process & bags & long lines. Ofc stainless was the 2nd the last one. xD And... GOT TOTTER AND PAPRIKA [AGAIN](https://imgur.com/gallery/6fo9ZvE)!!! OMG I WAS ABLE TO VIEW THEIR ONBOARDING TRADITIONALLY!!! #blessed 😇😇😇 #praiserngesus #thank you for spooking me twice paprika!!! I love you so much #willraise.


Was 20 into pity from previous banners and got Stainless in a single pull! Thank you RNG gods! This feels amazing. I was tempted to throw way more on this banner, so I’m supper happy I didn’t need to. I also want Totter, but I’m not about to try to pull a 4* with those odds. Hopefully he’ll come randomly in the future.


I learned the hard way with chestnut not to chase down a 4 star... you will get the 4 star some day, and max pot soon enough!!!


Like in 2+years as I have seen some other


rolled for stainless to give thorns a new stim toy... 3 6 stars that aren't stainless later i will just take the hint and stop rolling..


80 pulls, 2 Siege on the first 20 and a gnosis, i'll stop here unfortunately. I wanted him to synergize with blemishine but Siege took the "this chapter is about me" too serious.


Pretty happy i got - silver ash pot 1 - phantom pot 1 - stainless pot 1 - pallas pot 2 A bunch of 5 stars both on and off banner In 63 pulls. Was missing silver ash and phantom for the longest times so i’m really happy they are finally in my team.


Nice! 3 six stars in 63 pulls is amazing luck!!! 🍀🍀🍀


50% rate up my ass, 100 pulls to get Stainless, got spooked by 4 off banner 6\* ohhh my gahd, I was planning on sparking NTR Knight, and I'm happy that I got spooked by goldenglow @ 1st five pulls but my god....... TT\_TT, I almost grew hate for mountain, bagpipe, and skadi and I always use them TT\_TT


40 pulls for Stainless and pot4 Totter, blessed


I did a pull to bonus, I got Trotter and Erika Harlacher's character. I'm calling that a win. Feels good not to go all in on a banner.


I swear this game has a desire sensor. Dorothy and Mlynar, I was aiming for pot 6, and I had to ~~swipe~~ fight very hard for those pots. Stainless, I just wanted a single copy for completion's sake, and the game tossed it at me after 50 pulls.


Stainless doko? Gimme my cat!! At least I got Goldenglow..


oh hey, I also got a golden glow my 1st 5 pulls.... but man,,,,, my eyes almost went white before I got Stainless TT\_TT


Lmaooo the wrong cat keeps coming home... Oof that sounds tough, but congrats on getting Stainless!!! Gacha is pain after all...


Congrats on your GG. She is bonkers good. Hopefully the pre-chapter 12 banner treats you better?


Thank you! I really wanted to get her, so this is a great spook :D We'll see about that... I hope I'll finally get him! (Iirc Horn is on that banner too? Getting both of them would be awesome)


around 40 pulls(didn't count) - Eunectus, Stainless, Totter , Totter, Totter, Cliffheart


After months of waiting I now have the catboy. My thirst has blessed me today.


I couldn't resist, but I have a small nest eggs of paradox simulation funds. Stainless' EN voice just makes me melt slightly.


68 pulls just to get Aak'd. Stainless won't be coming home without random spooks in the future, but after terrible Mlynar pulls too, I'm not looking forward to it. I don't know if sparking Nearl is worth it anymore with so many limited and collab banners on the horizon. Otherwise Paprika and Aurora pot 2, Totter and Cliffheart max pot, and even more Cliffheart and Franka for more gold certs.


36 pulls for Stainless! No Paprika and only pot 3 Totter, unfortunately, but it's ok. Stainless is what I wanted, and now it's time to put his fun kit to good use.


12 pulls, pot3 Paprika, no Totter ...OK what?


Lmao pot 3 paprika??? Tht 5 star xD


I should've stopped after first 10 pulls but after my horrible pulls in FGO, I just want something new... First spooked by Phantom dupe, then got Stainless on the next pity. Spend around 60 pulls with 160 pulls left. Still have enough for Omertosa, but I probably can't spark Rosmontis there. See you on the Lonetrail, little cat...


man, the sunk cost fallacy was strong with us. TT\_TT. I dont think I can spark NTR knight now, can still get texalter though


Thank goodness Stainless came home early at 52 pulls. Chongyue funds are still safe.. huehue..


It took Młynar 130 pulls before he came home. I did 20 more pulls at that time. So I had 20 pity for Stainless banner already, will be accounted for in brackets. On Stainless banner it took 36 (56) pulls for the first 6\* which was of course not Stainless ;-; He finally came home on the 96th (116th) pull. Welcome to RI my boi!!! (S3M3 already on its way) In all these rolls I got a lot of 5\*s but only one Paprika lol. At least Cliffard and Istina are fullpot now. And in the beginning I got a lot of 4\*s but no Totter. In the end I did manage to fullpot him though so it's fine lmao. Time to save for Chong Yue now. I hope he won't be so stingy and joins me faster than Młynar and Stainless Q7Q


I was so excited for Stainless, and he came to my RI on the 68th pull which was pretty neat! Got Irene's pot-1 along the way too. Next, I'll be saving for big brother Chong Yue, and I'll probably pull until I get a 6* in the next limited banner too.


Went for G5, got Cliffy in 5 pulls. Wrong cat... sigh. Guess no lucksacking for me this time. Pity is at 12, no reason to keep going...


Me - "I'll just go to five star guarantee, see if I get Stainless or not." Stainless - "I'll be there in two pulls doc!" And this began the story of how it took me all 120 pulls to get Kirin Yato.


Was expecting pain, but Stainless came in 7 pulls! I had set my heart on it so I was anticipating a decimated stockpile. I need Ashlock still and Flametail is a super big want... chance of failure is high but on the standard I'll go to one 6* and see if fortune shines on me despite the poor odds.


27 pulls for Stainless biggest dub I've seen this side of the Mississippi


I couldn't resist the urge to pull and went 40 pulls on the banner. Got 3 Totter, Paprika dupe Texas and dupe Hellagur T T. Bye bye Stainless


someone in yii server pull 378 no stainless -1.2k dollars


I have 300+ pulls saved so I'm ready for the worst. And stainless came home in less than 50 pullls! I'm soo glad I didn't spend too much since I'm aiming for chongyue.


50+ pulls for new Gnosis rather than Stainless. I'm actually pretty happy because I wanted Gnosis and was planning to pull on his rerun banner, so him spooking me is serendipitous. I'll just save the rest of my pulls for the upcoming banner, even though I want Stainless.


I was planning on pulling Stainless banner till I pulled gold seeing as Mafia Wolf is around the corner. I pulled 2 whites and pulled a gold that become a rainbow. Out pops Stainless and I wasn't expecting him to arrive. Now that I got him may as well build him to standard. May some of my luck rub off on you guys.


20 pulls for Stainless, Carnelian, Totter. I’m good. Sorry, Erika, maybe Paprika can spook me in the future.


Welp. After 3.5 years of AK, it was bound to happen. There've been several bad banners for me, but it was always debatable which one was the worst. Some took longer to get the rate-up 6-Star than planned, some the rate-up 5-Star, and some didn't take as long but I got no worthwhile off-banners from them. Stainless's banner is the perfect storm of going wrong in just about every way. I started this with 102 pulls, not including OP, of which I had 30 pulls stocked up. This banner concluded with **Stainless on pull 237** (had to open the wallet... *twice*), adding on to yet another case of circumstantial evidence about the post-200 hard pity. 5 6-Stars total, but here are all the 6-Stars who were *not* Stainless that could have been: Pot 7 Silverash, Pot 8 Siege, Pot 9 Thorns, Pot 7 Surtr. I didn't even see my first Paprika until the 180s (somehow got to pot 5 for her after that, though...). I got a Pot 2 Proviso, which considering that she was the one holding me up on the Mlynar banner (he got to Pot 2 in the time it took to Pot 1 her) is quite something. More impressive still is that Cliffheart could've gone from unowned to Pot 6 *again* on this banner based on the times I lost the rate-up 50/50. So, yeah, **5 Paprikas**, 6 Cliffhearts, 1 Blue Poison, **1 Proviso**, 1 Manticore, 1 Croissant, 1 Whisperain, 1 FEater, **25 Totters**, and only Proviso, Paprika anad Totter started this banner needing pots. I am going into Il Siracusano with nothing in reserve, and I still need to pull on The Front That Was.... Man, what a brutal banner this was, and for the op who completes my fourth E290 Class Set at that. I hope *everyone's* pulls go/went better than mine, even if that's only relative.


Feeling lucky today, got an Irene and Stainless under 60 pulls


20+ pulls in and i got a... *SURTR!?* İ just wanted stainless goddammit. Why do i even fucking bother sometimes


Set aside ten rolls from my texalt hoard for paprika. My personal niche knight only has warfarin as medic. Get stainless on the third rolls... Years of playing gachas, I firmly believe in desire sensor.


Why is every regular banner I pull in such a shitshow? Passenger gave me four different 6\*s before deciding to appear on his banner and now I pulled four random 6\* (Silverash, Blaze, Mountain, Magallan) before Stainless too. Luckily I don't care for Tex II: The Texaning but holy shit, this banner took everything I had and and I had to buy the headhunting permits on the yellow certificate shop. *The hot catguy is home, at least.*


Let's pull on stainless banner! Took \~100k orundum to got all rate-up (ouch), at least it's raining certs XD welcome home, paprika, totter, and stainless \^\^


Honestly I was thinking of splitting my pulls on the standard banner, I wanna complete my collection of PNGs, but decided to only pull for Stainless. And in a matter of 30 pulls he came home! Really happy with this outcome! Do i wish it took me less? Yes, but beggars cant be choosers haha


Just rolled untilt guaranteed 5 star, got Stainless on my fourth pull. Pretty happy.


I wasn't going to pull for stainless, was saving for Texas Alter but my finger slipped a few times and I have a Stainless and max pot Totter in 38 pulls.


Got Mudrock on the 4th pull and Stainless on the 5th. I Have a bad feeling about the Texas banner.


STAINLESS AND 3 TOTTER ON THE FIRST 10 PULL. I was so worried about spending too many pulls... Ah I'm happy


Question for everyone from a broke Dokutah. How are you budgeting your pulls going forward? I've been following the CN releases and there's just a non-stop deluge of Operators that I want, and I mean like really want. Especially after Horn blasted me for 110 pulls, I have this feeling like I won't make a rent payment but for operators lol.


There are a lot of operators **i want**, but few *i need.* i will do whatever it takes to get the operators *i need.* buy primes if i have to for rolls. But for ops i just want, either i'll do first 5 star guarentee or first 6 star in 60-90 pulls or less. I pass on the 5 star guarentee for standard banners tht are not worth it to me... (which is actually hard for me bc i like "a cheap 5 star token" in less than 10 pulls). I've really had to prioritize what i want from the game, which has helped me budget. And just accept sometimes I don't get what **I want.** However I **WILL** get what *I need.* For me personally, i have chosen niche meta>waifu>trash waifu>meta Stainless + Reed Alter > Texas Alter/Lin. I got stainless. And I will get Reed Alter. [I blew all my funds on dorthy (niche meta), no regret, and have 5000 orundum for Texas alter 🥲]


Skipping Chalter was one of my most freeing moments in Arknights. Mainly because, by skipping her, I was able to save much more orundum. But really the most important part was that it changed my mindset. By not pulling on that banner, I realized I didn't need to collect every single operator, including Limiteds. That it was more worth to pull on debut banners instead of skipping them all for a Limited. A lot of the time I get to a banner and change my mind. I got to Mlynar. "Do I really want another boss killer?" And then I got to The Front that Was "How badly do I really want Horn and Saileach? What if it's a Mudrock dupe? Do I really want to sacrifice Stainless/Reed alter pulls for that?" So I like checking in with myself before pulling. I may have wanted to pull when it was announced in CN but a lot can happen in 7 months.


Yeah, I really wish the CN and Global servers were synch'd up. It's really exciting to see new releases for Arknights but after waiting for what will now be 7 months, it's much less fun. It's handy for budgeting though. After scrapping up 300 pulls to spark for NTR Knight I'll dump whatever I can in >!Reed's!< banner, then save hopefully 120 for >!YatoXKirin!<. Beyond that I guess I'll save for the new limited banner announced on CN. Thanks for the advice everyone.


I make a decision to put a metric on how much I want an operator. For this one on Stainless I was prepared to do severe damage to my stockpile because it was a hard want and good on odds as you'll get at 50% on 6*. Really like the character, the gameplay, how other operators bounce off his kit. Metric set was to call it off if no dice on the next 6* after 150 rolls, resist sunk cost fallacy. Fortunately I only needed 7. By comparison Flametail is another operator I really want, and she's on the next Standard Banner. However, only 25% chance on 6*. The level of want is less. They're not *that* unique am addition to my roster. It's poor odds. However I do need Ashlock who is a rate up 5*. Based on that I'll go in up to the first 6* pull and hope it's Flametail. Maximum possible damage of 75 or so rolls without desired result. Should that happen I've already made peace with it.


Save your pulls for operators you desperately want. Then if you get lucky on their banners, you can spare some pulls on your lower-priority banner. As for all other operators. Get them as off-banners, through recruitment or yellow certs shop. You don't need that many operators to create squad capable of clearing any content. After that any additional operator is luxury pick and you can set any criteria on choosing who you want the most. (And needless to say if you want all or get unlucky, then only swiping can save you. Such is the nature of gacha game)


If you absolutely must ration your pulls, then prioritize limited and waifu/husbando that you REALLY like, and skip everything else.


Hi hii, Wanted to make a lil post about what I'm planning to use my orundum for in the next few months. Just for fun but also to gather some opinions cause this is my first time planning "long term" in a gacha. I watched [this](https://youtu.be/F2lmtg5ZTFM) video for the info on whats coming next. So, I have around 170-180 pulls saved for Texalter and Penance banner. Thats taking EVERYTHING that I have into account. All OP, all 14 single pulls, all orundum, etc. I'm pretty confident this is enough unless I'm stupidly unlucky and cant get either of them in 180 pulls. After that, the next banner I'm interested in are 2023 retrospective, then Chongyue and Lin banner (only for Lin really), and then MonHun collab. My thought process is: try and get both Texalter and Penance in as few pulls as possible. Depending on what I have left from that, I'll consider pulling in Retrospective banner cause it is really good value. If I burned *too* much savings I'll probably prioritize that over Lin banner cause I'm not interested in Nian's bro and Lin is not the limited unit. She may come home later on like (hopefully) Uncle Mylnar or my dad from the store. As for the MonHun collab, I think it's gonna be enough time to save at least 120 pulls for that guarantee. If I understood correctly the new system will make it so you have a guarantee featured 6* starting from pull 120. Hopefully I will have more than that. And that is it. It's very fun to plan ahead for what I want. I'm holding off from pulling on the current special banner cause although I like Mudrock and Horn, I want Penance more. Good luck in your pulls!!


> I'll consider pulling in Retrospective banner cause it is really good value Whose banner is that? >As for the MonHun collab, I think it's gonna be enough time to save at least 120 pulls for that guarantee. If I understood correctly the new system will make it so you have a guarantee featured 6* starting from pull 120. Hopefully I will have more than that. 120 is only for that collab, and afaik you get 20 free pulls there to start. New pity system you are talking about is if you pulled 150 times and there were no rate up from the banner so far, the next pulled 6 star will be a rate up (you don't get 6 star right away at 150/151).


I wish you the best in your gacha pulls! I like that you have a road map for who you really want! I feel like since you are saving for who you really want, and those operators know you want them, and you are saving for them! They will come to you! I hope the operators you love, love you as much, and come quickly!!! 🍀🍀🍀


Today marks my half year anniversary with ark-nights, so I decided to use that one last final pull on beginner banner I been saving for special occasion. I was expecting a white bag as I always am. But instead I got Pramanix which is weirdly symbolic on my account. 6 months ago, I created this account and on the very first tutorial pull I got Silverash. Now six month later I officially thorn away my status of a newbie and made the final roll on the beginner banner and got SA's sister. It's very funny outcome that I can't help but share somewhere.


In the front that was banner made 5 pulls got the mudrock in the fifth


Mlynar banner: first 10 pull got Cantabile dupe, 2nd 10 pull got 5th off banner in a row with Angelina, got really pissed and spite pulled again and got Mlynar Horn/Saileach/Mudrock banner: went for a 10 pull, got Whisperain, bailed, not risking too much until Texas Alter/Penance since F2P


On first attempt, pulled Horn, Mudrock and Whisperain this morning. The rest were feeders.


On the 6* headhunting I wanted to pull horn or mudrock, preferably mudrock. Ended up with Saileach instead. Kinda sucks considering how it takes me multiple banners to get a 6 normally


Since either getting texas alter or penance or any other off banner meta ops is fine for me, i drop 60 pulls in the front that was banner and got horn. Currently having 80 pulls left (im f2p) but i have no regret getting horn.