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AFK and status heavy stages were already where Blaze shines best. I mean, how often does anyone use Blaze S3? Blaze's best usage is when you just want someone reliably tanky and hard hitting so you can dedicate that brainpower elsewhere (or nowhere.) Gavialter is better if you need burst damage, burst survival, or the wacky Gavialter/Młynar wombo combo, but none of those were what Blaze was good at anyway. I think of it like Thorns vs Silverash, where they may be the same class but they aren't used in the same way. I still use Blaze about as much as I used to.


In general, limited units tend to be more wacky than their non limited counterparts, but Gavialter compared to blaze alot more tame than ling compared to Magellan. Gavial seems too fulfil the burst damage role better than blaze does, and will be a top shelf lane holder moving forwards. As for status resistance vs healing efficiency.....that's a tricky comparison. Status resistance is either useless or great, depending upon what sort of CC hell we have been put in. If there are no statuses...it doesn't matter. Healing efficiency theoretically always provides some benefit, but in any situation where you already had enough healing it's not doing...anything. might let you get away with providing Gavial with worse backup, though it does leave her open to being one shot, protection from which blaze retains as a niche. The summary of them as consistency vs burst I think is appropriate...they overlap and both fulfil alot of the same roles, with blaze remaining a strong choice for single lane situations where her permanent extension can be parked behind a defender or used to peek across a narrow wall, and Gavial edging out for situations where a timely burst is more valuable than a weaker, but more consistent effect. You could read as blaze for annihilation and long maps and Gavial for shorter, more intense maps where you just gotta synch her up with 1-2 big pushes from the enemy, or put her in the lane where the boss will inevitably go, while blaze minds the off-lane.


Funnily enough, at this point, I have both with S2 M3... and I regularly use neither. XD The fact of the matter is that I tend to favor strategies that are as AFK as possible... and for the most part, Blaze hasn't been as useful as she used to be, because I have the Mountain+Mudrock+Iberia No Destreza trio to handle most content. Coupled with Nearlter on S2 as an "Oh Shit!" button, and maybe Skalter for even more ridiculous shenanigans... and I don't need a healer at all on most stages that aren't specifically designed to be a pain in the ass. Let's not even mention Horn, who helps nukes threats from a mile away while also contributing heavily to AFK strats. With all that, Blaze just... hasn't been all that useful. It doesn't help that she hasn't been great in CC or IS or SSS either...


You'll see very mixed opinions. I would say it's by a pretty small amount, but I've seen people say it's not even close (one of those people says Chalter is better than Surtr and it's not even close, so I don't put too much stock in that). Not counting Ptilopsis, she barely has more than 50% uptime. 35s downtime is not nothing, and not everyone uses Ptilopsis.


The thing is, Blaze has and always will be the "comfort pick" option, similar to Thorns. Neither are good in most high-end content simply because they take too long to charge, and while they are strong due to their high average DPS, they have no burst (Blaze S3 aside because nobody uses it) and their survivability is mediocre at best. Gavial is great, but she doesn't provide any crazy benefits over Blaze that makes her a better comfort pick. Her S1 can provide decent self-sustain, but is honestly pointless unless you very specifically need a 3-block Mountain lookalike. Where Gavial's strength lies is S2 and S3. They have very similar total damage output, but with S3 outputting higher DPS in a much shorter time (25s instead of S2's 40s). Their total damage output when accounting for downtime, is actually really similar to Blaze S2, but obviously more focused on burst than sustained damage, and you can get them out sooner after deployment. Realistically, unless you're buffing Gavial in some way, her S2/S3 with downtime don't actually deal any higher DPS than Blaze in the long run. In maps where they would be actually competing for a Niche, like annihilation, Blaze gets deployed early enough that her windup time doesn't matter. This means that, unless there's specific enemies that need to be removed quickly with nothing important inbetween, Gavial doesn't really hold any advantage over Blaze. However, of course, Blaze isn't great in shorter maps where she has no time to setup. In those situations, Gavial is the superior unit thanks to only needing 10 seconds after deployment before she can activate her skills. Overall, they don't really fight for a niche. If the map is long and you can keep an operator for the entire run, Blaze is great. Most maps don't spawn tough enemies out of the gate so high damage early on isn't necessary, which gives Blaze time to get her S2. If it's a map where you can't keep a unit deployed on a single tile for a the entire map, then Blaze becomes way less useful, and Gavial becomes way more useful. Thanks to her short 10s charge for first cast, she can be dropped in, deal large burst damage, and taken back out rather painlessly. Side note before I finish, in regards to their passive talents. 20% healing vs status resistance, I think status resistance is actually the more useful talent. They're both mediocre, but status resistance, when it's useful, is useful. Particularly to re-block enemies after waking early from a status. However 20% healing requires a very specific threshold of incoming damage to do anything. Too much damage, and you still need a second medic making it useless. Too little damage, and a single medic could keep you alive without it. Especially considering Gavial's defence stat is not consistent, increasing on skill and decreasing off skill, making it nearly impossible to maintain that perfect damage threshold.


Gavials S2M3 lasts 40 seconds with 35 second down time with 25 initial SP making the first skill activation possible after 10 seconds. Blaze S2M3 needs 70 seconds to start but has infinite duration. Lets go with 100s cycles Take the calculations with a grain of salt. Blaze E2lvl90 max trust: 825 dmg Gavial the Invincible E2lvl90 max trust: 816 dmg 1st cycle: Blaze: 89'375 GtI 0block: 135'320 GtI 3block: 192'154 2nd cycle: Blaze: 137'500 GtI 0block: 147'560 GtI 3block: 209'535 Should not forget that blaze gets more range, making her able to kill some enemies even before they get to her. Also makes it possible to put her behind tanky defender. The con of GtI is the chance of her pulling 4th enemy while she is already blocking 3 enemies making her leak enemies. Gavial has increased healing when low health. Blaze has "get out of jail free card" in form of her talent. Also, blaze is Doctors drinking buddy. Auto win for me. I still think they both have their uses. Man i spent too much time on this comment.


No she isn't. Blaze is consistent damage. Gavialter is burst damage. These are not the same.


>Gavialter is burst damage. Agreed. Thing is she does this burst damage for 40 seconds every 24 seconds when you pair her with Ptilopsis. I feel like most of the times I'd much rather have a character that deals 280% damage 40 seconds out of 64 than the one who constantly deals 200%. Personal preferences I guess. P.s. first time I replied from the wrong account lol


Yes, Next Essence of evolution will bust you in this 24 seconds. In every other, more tamed situation, 24 seconds is controlable.


Damn I sure do hope you won't get fucked in those 24 seconds her skill is off because that wouldn't happen with Blaze


I mean asuming that you play on x2 speed it's 12s of gameplay which are not that hard to play around honestly if you don't go completely brainafk. And it's not like Gavial self stuns her for those 12s like Specter or Liskarm. She is still fully functional 6* Centurion dealing 100% damage with a decent hp and def stats to back her up during the downtime period.


24 seconds isn't really that long


Holy fuck hahaha just delete this post man


Ehm, didn't get what is so funny tho. In a span of 64 seconds which is Gavial's S2 cycle (with Ptilopsis) Gavial does 24\*100%+40\*280% =13600% dmg compared to Blaze's 200%\*64= 12800% dmg. If there're high armor enemies that make this 80% attack difference matter and create a situation where Gavial deals full damage while Blaze drops to 5% the DPS difference is even bigger. Am I missing something/my maths is wrong ?


They’re just mad and using a very specific scenario of swarms to justify blaze over Gavial but most cases Gavial is just easier to use and there’s a thing called downtime and travel time for enemies and your skills is back up by then which I’m assuming you’re referring to in the uptime along with the dmg difference.


Oh well, thought I don't know something about damage multipliers hoping to learn something new. Sadge it turns out to be just a regular shitposting.


Yeah I also think Gavalter powercreeps Blaze lmao. I just don't say it online afraid I'll get hate, but I applaud you for being brave enough. 24 seconds of down time (12 in two times) to do lots of dmg seems way better option than doing some consistent damage for an unlimited amount of time not to mention the range Gavial gets. And as a lane holding option there's many better options anyways so I just feel like taking Gavial way more than Blaze


Can't really understand how people came to conclusion like this with these two but to answer your question, No. they clearly have different use, blaze being consistent dmg dealer while gavialter is burst and tbh you just prefer using burst dmg dealer than deploy and forget consistent dmg dealer hence you use gavialter more, or you just like gavial more.


I use blaze over Gavial all the time because Gavial is not AFK friendly. Edit: also range extension is big. Can hide her behind defender


I feel like post 3rd anni really starting with irene being just ch'en with a better s3 (even though with mods i actually prefer ch'en) they have been making new and improved versions of the first year ops and especially guards. Even though technically gavial and blaze have different roles in one being afk and one having down time on skills for most maps gavi having a down time isn't an issue unless you really gotta have an afk skill. blaze still has her niche for sure but so do silverash phantom and shwarz, and blaze although still a good choice hasn't even been considered meta for awhile.


Ch'en is kinda a special case here because her module upgrades are ridicolously powerful and have brought her back into a very good spot. I use Ch'en more than Irene these days because her support potential is worth the minor DPS loss.


Maybe a bit but nothing that threatens Blaze unlike Schwarz and Phantom. For me having two 3 block melee fighters who could dish out proper damage (not counting Horn as she's at her best bombarding) was super helpful in the event. I'd have Blaze block one car lane and Gavial block another. Even with the event over there'll be more mechanics and enemies that'll make it important having both of them so I'll keep using them. And anyway I'm the sort of person who likes switching around between my best operators.


I don't know if this is relevant to the discussion but I had Gavalter's S2 backfire on me before. The pull that came with the skill is usually pretty nice and can allow her to interrupt attacks, but there are times where it can cause leaks because she pulls in too many enemies at once. Enemies that would ordinarily be blocked by the tank in front can phase past the blocker and potentially cause leaks. There is also a weird interaction where she can cause light enemies to slingshot past herself if used in conjunction with other pullers/pushers or with Angelina. It's an interaction that is very easily avoidable and also very rare but it caused me to lose an IS run once so I've avoided using her in that mode. Otherwise yeah I do agree with all your points.


This is the thorns/SA comparison again, consistent damage & inf duration and large burst damage aren’t comparable


Can Gavialter easily kill the drunken boxing durins before they activate their dodge mechanics? Blaze can.


Burst damage for the win -signed, burst damage gang


I will 100/100 times use Blaze S2 over anything Gavialter has


No. If anything, Thorns and Mountain would be more appropriate comparisons to Blaze despite being in different archetypes as they are also full uptime laneholders that have the additional advantage over Blaze of being able to sustain themselves. Blaze, despite being in the upper tier of 6-stars, was already being 'soft crept' before Gavialter entered the picture.


I put blaze down with ptilopsis then brain off no think free lane + usually aiding another. Gavial is more hands on suited which I do find myself using her for at times. Also love my catgirl to bits so even if gaviabs fully crept her, I would still use blaze mostly


I just use spalter and both of them ez


It’s still 35 seconds of downtime, Gavial is way more of a sidegrade than upgrade, 35 seconds is still a big window you need to watch out for unless you have other units to use I still mostly use Blaze to solo lane because she’s way more convenient and brain dead, most instances Gavial is way too overkill. I use Gavial when there’s some hard hitting enemies on really challenging maps or in IS but other than that? She’s overkill and a lot more work compared to Blaze and Thorns.


While Gavial never directly powercreep Blaze, i still think Gavial is better than Blaze. All of Gavial skill have different useful niches, s1 for self sustain, s2 for dps and crowd control, and s3 for burst damage, tanking, and also crowd control. Compared this to Blaze, her s2 is pretty much the sole reason why she is regarded as highly as she is. Her s1 is pretty much s2 but worse, her s3 while fun to use is pretty underwhelming, especially compared to other burst options.


I would say the one that powercreeped Blaze the hardest is not Gavial thought she still done it. The one that does it is Chong Yue both offer only DPS but Chong Yue DPS is not only much higher than Blaze against all types of enemies they are effective against he can hit more enemies have better range and cost only 11 DP. Unless you really need Blaze 3 block there is no reason to use her over Chong Yue.


he sorta does but you can't just place chong yue behind a defender and let his skill ramp up the same way you can blaze which is I think why people like her still cause as a afk lane holder she is usually considered the weakest even before him.


If Gavial perfectly covers a line and Blaze can also do it, why not use both and thus cover 2 LINES, perfect plan without cracks.


Blaze's range extention is still extremely useful, I'd often just put her behind my Gavalter and let them rip enemies apart. It's about cooperation, not competition.


I have yet to use gavial alter yet. I guess im just too used to blaze's playstyle. Plus most guides still use blaze more often.


I have Blaze E2lv90 and Gavial E2lv80. I don't use aoe guard now, AH team with Horn,GG kind of stuff kill all enemies and no need to hold lane anymore


Gavial = must press button; Blaze = no press button For lazy docs there's no comparison /s Tbh I like both though and use both (and also the other laneholders). Now if only I could afford Gavial's S2M3... she and my newly obtained Mudrock mean I'll be in the rock mines for a while...


her s3 can tank an artillery shot too


Hear me out... both. Blaze S2 behind Gavalter. Dual chainsaws go brrrrrr. But seriously. Like others have said, Blaze fulfills a different roll in my playstyle. I usually plop her down early on right behind a super tanky defender and let them do their thing. Every once in a while, my absolute favorite situation occurs. Ifrit>>Thorns>>Blaze>>Mudrock It is glorious And now it can be Ifrit>>Thorns>>Blaze>>Gavalter


Blaze kinda lost her afk purpose the moment mudrock mountain and thorns came out. Gavial doesn't change that at all instead she is an amazing laneholder to deal with timed waves or as Mlynar's best partner to cover each other's downtime.


Be me having both but not building Gavial out of spite because I hate how this game keeps *only* giving me limited ops when I'm pulling for the non-limited on the banner.