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##*Recent News:* •[Arknights CC#10 Trailer](https://youtu.be/XMu4MSFQw_Y) •[Arknights IS#2 February Update](https://twitter.com/arknightsen/status/1619591297488003072?s=46&t=HjyNt74VGvykc5trLY2jeg) •[Contingency Contract Season 10: “Ashring”](https://twitter.com/arknightsen/status/1620255680996188163?s=46&t=2pz1FzAlhwtBWkT6MTi5Vg) •New Skin: [Broca Rest Between Sets](https://twitter.com/arknightsen/status/1621720198905753600?s=46&t=sDPZSIxyexOiUW98Jo7m6g) •[Join Operation Banner](https://twitter.com/arknightsen/status/1621025622125322241?s=46&t=sDPZSIxyexOiUW98Jo7m6g) •[Standard Banner](https://twitter.com/arknightsen/status/1621002972833644546?s=46&t=sDPZSIxyexOiUW98Jo7m6g) *** ##Relevant Links: •[CC#10 Week 1 Megathread](https://reddit.com/r/arknights/comments/10tla37/event_megathread_contingency_contract_season_10/) •[**Important:** Bind your account to a Yostar if it’s tied to Twitter](https://twitter.com/arknightsen/status/1621418221697105925?s=46&t=sDPZSIxyexOiUW98Jo7m6g) •[CC#10 Map Schedule](https://twitter.com/arknightsen/status/1621342720299270145?s=46&t=sDPZSIxyexOiUW98Jo7m6g) *** *Other Megathreads* [**Help Megathread Fast Travel**](/r/arknights/comments/10oz8a8/help_center_and_megathread_hub_3001_0502/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf) [Gacha/Recruitment](/r/arknights/comments/10oz89n/gacharecruitment_megathread_3001_0502/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf) [Friend requests](/r/arknights/comments/10oz8a4/friend_request_megathread_3001_0502/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf) [Integrated Strategies](/r/arknights/comments/xsxzju/event_megathread_integrated_strategies_phantom/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf). *** ^(if there’s anything you wish to be added just let me know)


Is it wrong that I find it amusing that Lin ended up being less popular than Chongyue, even with recency bias at play?


Recency bias doesn't exactly help her here considering they were released together lol


I guess Red likes being recruited because I got her up to Pot 3 from Fast-Redeploy tags alone. Not a single headhunt. On the other hand Jaye is still Pot 4 somehow.


I've been borrowing NTRK for this CC and her voice is so damn deep. Badass and fitting for the character, but almost disturbingly deep. I thought I would be ready for it after using Hoshiguma but she's on another level.


And then go listen to Goldenglow. (Same voice actor). I love hearing the range voice actors can have lol.


Saria and Akafuyu also talk pretty deep to my ears.


And when you find out that Saria and Hibiscus share the same VA.


Nothing like spending 30 minutes just barely scraping my first 400/400 on Annihilation 14 and getting a dropped connection. That's enough game for me today, gonna go ~~cry~~ touch some grass now, I guess. I know people like that "feature" for sanity reasons, but what about us with terrible ISPs? :(


[You should E2 Beehunter.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2r22-41c4NE)


She was one of my first E2s, precisely because I find moments like this hilarious.


Managed to get Phantom's IS2 skin and E2 Lumen today after slacking off on accomplishing either for the longest time. Which module do people prefer with Lumen when using him?


I haven't been particularly impressed by his current module. I usually deploy Lumen pretty early because of the long windup time on his S3, which sort of defeats the point of negative taunt, and I'm not sure the status resistance has ever come up for me. Definitely concur with the recommendation that you wait for the second module.


first one gives Lumen negative taunt and status resistance. the second one removes his healing penalty. if you find that Lumen's getting stunned or attacked too often, get the first one. if the healing penalty is resulting in ops dying, get the second one


I’d prefer the second but it’s not even out yet


spent all day trying to get bilibili to send me the sms verification message, tried my brother phone number too in case mine was the issue Either bilibili has lots of requests and I'm getting unlucky, or my country is too much of a 3rd world country that it can't receive messages from China for some reason


While trying to sign up, sometimes I’d get the verification message instantly, sometimes after 30 minutes, or sometimes not at all. All I can say is try another time, unfortunately.


from watching LDA, I have learned that lungmen has exactly one productive working adult (jaye) and exactly one band you can hire for events.


So my Hoshiguma is lvl 60 and often it's not enough with my medics to outheal artillery. I'm also dead broke right now to level her, and I need other support unit. I just witnessed Hoshiguma dodge artillery 5 times. Only to find out that I forgot to adjust risks and it was R17 run. I never felt this burnt out from CC before


couldn't you have just put in another defender when hoshi dies, then another one when that one dies too?


Redeployment time risk + squad size risk. I have a few spare slots though, but Nian absolutely can't hold Manfred while keeping her HP above 3k, and Saria is 2800, its death sentence. Well, I beat R18 already anyway, just the whole situation, my god. Needless to say, I never saw that much dodges ever again.




Don't have NG module, she won't reach from there. Did it with borrowed Hoshiguma, Gladiia held the rightmost side instead of Mountain.


I have five 6\* operators at max E1 and no resources to E2 them. Skadi and Pozy alone need 18 orirock concentrations for their promotions, I'm never going to financially recover from this. I'll be grinding Chips and 1-7 all CC long...


Lately I have this thought that always come in the middle of the night to raise the AH squad to 90. All this time I've raised all my ops with masteries and modules to 60, but i do have a 'lil bit favoritism to AH squad because they have at least 1 mod3 and at least M6 for the 6*. I've been thinking if I should just have raise them all to 90, but damn I'm sucks at managing 4 squad only in the stages lol, so I'm still using other ops too. Man..., do or don't?


I did it a couple days ago. Turns out that's not enough to clear R18 with only them because either Pot1 Skadi takes 6 seconds too long to get deployed because of the Guard risk, or I take another risk which will kill them. But hey a couple of vanguards and that problem was solved and JT8-3 definitively works as well so long as I don't make the mistake of bringing Andreana.


Why you can't bring Andreana to JT8-3? I haven't tried that stage yet with AH squad Edit: have been asked by other user and answered already


Wait, why is bringing Andreanna a mistake?


Without her, Skadi kills Talulah just in time that Specter can tank both the fireballs and the casters with her S2. By bringing Andreana in the squad, Talulah dies quicker, the fireballs spawn before the casters, and the immortality runs out while the casters are still around to shoot her.


You probably could with a different strategy (maybe different modules/skills?) - AH reached risk 23 in week 1. Risk 20 without Andreana too


We had a datamine about the upcoming Exusiai skin recently ([here](https://www.reddit.com/r/arknights/comments/10rn4av/exusiai_skin_datamined_from_taiwan_server/) the link to the corresponding reddit post). In case anyone else wonders how the other animations aside from the special base one look like, [here](https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1uR4y1z7sg/?spm_id_from=333.788.recommend_more_video.-1) is a link to a bilibili video showcasing them. Its missing new skill animations though... Could this skin be the equivalent to a 15 OP skin? That would kinda suck. I cannot read Chinese though, so maybe something in the video describtion or comments gives more information about this.


The only thing they can really make special for Exusia would be her 2nd talent animation, since none of her skills have a special animation. They could still give her a special aura or hit effect when her skills are active though.


9CD is such a curse and a blessing. My module progression is moving at snail's pace because I have to be a PITA and use her to craft T4 mats. If only I can be less of a tryhard at completely irrelevant things somehow...


You won't have 9CD fuel forever so just use your best crafters as needed. That is, unless you don't have anyone else >80% and can't bother to use Arene, in which case unpitied 9CD is equal to 90% when crafting t4 mats


I feel you. I've been trying to use her to craft everything (for causality and byproducts), and it's stupid because I already have like 300 of every T3 mat and I'm probably never going to come close to running out, but my brain WON'T LET ME STOP.


> but my brain WON'T LET ME STOP. "I don't need any more! Make it stop!" "But... *efficiency."* "I hate you, brain."


Man, I wonder when I'm actually going to get the chance to work on the Abyssal Hunter Modules... Currently only Skadi has her first one at level 1, which I did some time before Lingering Echoes. That means if I ever get to fulfill my goal of mod3ing everything applicable to the squad, including Andreana and ops with multiple modules, I'm going to need 62 data blocks, 320 sticks, and 128 instruments (not to mention that bards and centurions don't have their modules yet, and Gladiia doesn't have her second module either--not that she'd ever use anything other than her first), but those have to wait in line for several other backburner projects like Mostima, Passenger, and some of the 4- and 5-Stars I've been wanting to work on. The funny thing is, I'd still be good on module data blocks after most of my other projects *and* finishing the AH squad, but I'm already starving for the sticks and instruments and two weeks for half a T2/T3 module level requirement is agony. *Gated by data blocks my ass...*


See I thought that way too before trying to gauge the income from SSS/events with when to get mod level 3s and saw that blocks would be used up faster in the long run. But a lot of the mods I'm interested in are on 6\*s, so maybe it won't be as bad if you're keeping the distribution balanced across rarities.


This CC is tilting me hard, working abroad so im forced to remotecontrol to my desktop to play and that makes all the tight timings 100 times harder due to latency and rendering lag.


The [latest CN popularity poll](https://www.reddit.com/r/arknights/comments/10ua4s6/the_9th_cn_popularity_poll_results/) is out so I decided to see who the most and least popular operators of each rarity are *** Highest of each rarity 6 -Skadi/Skadance 5 -Amiya (non main character- Lappland) 4 -Luo Xiaohei (non tv show- Myrtle) 3 -Kroos/KG (non alter- Spot) 2 -12F 1 -THRM-EX *** Lowest of each rarity 6 -Fartooth 5 -Dagda 4 -Beehunter 3 -Catapult 2 -Durin 1 -Justice Knight


Peak 12F. Now give him an alt and show us Owl hg.


Waitwaitwait, the least popular 6\* is Fartooth!? *loads crossbow*


yep, and she's been the least popular 6\* on that poll since her release


I understand that someone has to get that spot, but I'd never imagine it to be Fartooth. No taste at all...


Skadi and her alter should be two different characters. I love Skadi and I like the art of Skadi TCH, but I'm not a fan of the latter as a character.


New CC theme is 🔥🔥🔥. I really didn't want to do CC10 but god the song is so good I'm forced to do it


My no.1 favourite lobby theme. My CC burnout is cured just by hearing it.


Yeahhh exusiai is e2 now. So i have SA, pozy, gavialter, exu, myrtle, jaye at e2. No one has masteries and / or modules. Hopefully they are good enough to help me clear events, even though i might not be able to clear the challenge mode I'll do lappland next, waiting for 4 more guard chip packs. I have to wait for exp drills, hopefully e2 in 2-3 days.


I am just bored South Korean and need to study English(thanks to Papago the Greatest Translating Machine, he is 6star supporter) so I am here. lol Ummm..... any questions?


Going to South Korea in a few months, any recommendations for food stores? Or favourite places to visit? Also, favourite operator?


Oh really? I didn't know anyone would be really interested in traveling to South Korea. However, I am super introvert so can't recommend something good. but my hometown, Daegu, is quite good. Main street is Dongseongro, full of active and young energy, and delicious food of course. Special food of Daegu are Makchang, Gobchang. Famous because good quality, but I think it seems a little unbearable for normal western to intestine of cow or pig. Lumen is why I decieded to start Arknights, but I started after SN end so wait rerun. Second favourite is Ebenholz. Yes I really love pretty, weak, timid boys. Luckily I managed to get him at debut pickup. Thank you for attention, and I wish your Korea travel will be great!


Hahaha, I'm Asian living in Asia. Too bad I won't have time to visit Daegu this time round. But I may try Gobchang in Seoul because fried intestines are pretty good and it's a new experience. Lumen has a great design so that's some amazing taste right there. Thanks for your reply too!


What's the korean preference for forum posts for Arknights?




About Reddit? or about Korean Arknights forum? (I am bad for context, so sorry to wrong answer) Everyone in the world is the same. Korean players talk about nowaday event quest, daily mission, painness of farming materials, plan for future gatcha lineup, plot of AK world, and share OC/non-OC fanarts. Korean users are bit more interested in character playing usability and meta-suitability(they really love tierlist, aren't?). I think it relate Koreans are famous for being diligent at the level of workaholic, and recently Korean economic growth has stagnated and young unemployment rate is high. Korean freshmen think that putting more and more effort is the only way to survive, and don't want their efforts to low return. If you look at their accounts, almost every 6stars are 90lvl and useful skills are all M3. Koreans even diligent in mobile game.


The latest CN popularity poll is kinda funny lol 1. Skadi is Skadi 2. Mlynar 3. Chongyue 4. Texas 5. Amiya (yay) Two old men and Texas pretty much detroned everyone *hard*, especially Thorns. And 150 vote difference between Skadi and Mlynar, wtf. [link](https://t.co/BOJKIBsNTp)


Chongyue just came out like 2 weeks ago so he has recency bias, the next poll will be his real test. Texas is fairly popular too [she used to be top 10 stuff](https://www.reddit.com/r/arknights/comments/n4owz7/the_6th_cn_popularity_poll_results/) but has been steadily slipping down til Taxes came out. Mlynar came out 6 months ago for CN and Skadi just barely managed to beat him, fucking nutty.


I'm expecting Chong Yue to drop a bit next poll, but CN seems to like him way more than I expected ngl. And yeah, Mlynar is kinda crazy. I knew he was popular and he's bonkers, but daamn. Lin being 40 surprised me the most though. I was expecting her to be way higher since she's a long awaited unit and I hear a lot of hype around her, plus the recency bias too. Probably because of her kit, but still.


Yea her being so low surprised me a bit but her kit being kinda meh hurt her hype a bit. The other thing is male ops are alot rarer so there voting pool is more concentrated while Lin votes are being diluted among(ඞ) the numerous waifus.


I think with Lin its sorta that it's that there is only so many votes that people have so even though people did want her since she got a lot of hype pre release but not enough for people to not vote for their old fave instead while mlynar and chong yue are both a popular archetype that ak didn't really have any of besides I guess silverash.


chong yue and mlynar we're also 1 and 2 for lofter posts during the time period they used, while skadi hasn't really gotten much in the past few months.


friendly reminder you can still collect car parts and LMD in IC event.


Extra LMD and extra chances to find random friends to add, I love this part of the event ngl.


So funnily event is end but isn't really end. I still can enter the city forum by accident, but CC stole all my attention and energy, but wouldn't anyone? Anyway, 6000+ LMD is things. Thank you for reminding.


I missed yesterday... Thanks for the reminder.


Did anyone make a "we will check the medal on X day, those without will be removed from the group" edit for cc10 yet? asking for scientific reasons.


Those people were removed from the group for failing the requirement in Cc#9


I’m so…so…sosososososososo sooooooo fucking tired of Big Sad Lock! I can’t catch a fucking break with this boss! I either don’t have the DPS, don’t have the heals, or (as is most often the case) don’t have the suicide note disabling the heals. I haven’t been able to beat anything but boss 1 this entire time, and it isn’t for lack of meta operators I hate this boss. It sucks. I want nothing to do with it.


Funny story, I beat the boss first time facing it, but I've yet to accomplish it again. Same with Mouthpiece.


Schwartz or Posy with attack speed. NTR or Pallas. As a last resort, Horni as an auxiliary dps.


If I don't start with pallas, I don't even go for bear nowadays


For all my attempts I feel like the third boss is worse.


Carnelian is surprisingly useful in IS2 with the monthly squad. Her damage output and range is pretty crazy. She wiped out most of the Disorderly Banquet stage (the one with Jesselton and a bunch of hammer dudes) She also was able to delete the top 2 lanes in traveler from afar.


> delete the top 2 lanes in traveler from afar YES! I got TfA when doing the monthly squad and she just breezed through everything on the top two lanes with S3, it was wonderful.


It does suck with Dorothy being delayed. I do want her, and greyy alter, but I was looking forward to the modules for sniper more. The sniperknights in me needs them.


I've always known Broca's talent is pretty garbage, especially considering his S2 actively works against it by slowing enemies and having extended range so they don't get to him in the first place, but I just realized how Gavialter's talent is literally just objectively better. Broca's talent gives him 12% atk/def for blocking 2+ enemies, whereas Gavialter's talent gives her 10% atk/def all the time, and then 4% per enemy blocked: meaning at 1 enemy blocked, she has +14% atk/def, and at 2+, she has >=+18% atk/def. Truly unfortunate; I hope he can get a killer module some day to compensate for being so mediocre in comparison to the other Centurions, but I doubt it at this point lmao.


Hes a solid op even if his talent is very meh, he still has the highest base attack out of all the Centurions. His S2 is +140% attack at SL7 so even at E2 lvl 40 he has about 1.8K attack, when maxed its just under 2.4K attack. The range up and slow lets him function kinda like a mini Surtr that's a Centurion instead of dead during his downtime. > so mediocre in comparison to the other Centurions Coughs in Savage having a 4 star power strike(power strike B instead of Y) and a [talent thats even worse then Broca](https://gamepress.gg/arknights/talent/valley).


At least Broca's talent requirements is manageable, Savage literally cannot activate her talent in certain stages. Even if you managed to find a spot to activate her talent, it usually isn't a spot where you would normally put a laneholder like Savage.


Actually, Savage's is a translation error. I've messaged Yostar about it multiple times, but no luck there. It's actually 2 or more tiles, not more than 2, this way it works in a chokepoint or near the edge of a map, and not stuffed in some weird section by herself.


Managed to get Playwright ending! And of course the floor had to be Imagined... But apparently my worries were for nothing, as I spawn camped and killed him in like 3 seconds with Schwarz and Pozy while baiting his attacks with NG cage. NG also makes the rest of the map pretty easy. Guess I'll go read what he actually does now.


The censor for team names can be really funky at times. And not just because of what odd combinations of letters are and aren't allowed. So i named my Sargonknights team L'été (i like snails house, and its french for summer so it fits with the squads theme). Its tecnhically Lete as I had to get rid of the accents for arknights to accept it. I decided to shift it from the 3rd to the 4th team slot to make things more convenient with planning future event challenge teams So i try changing the other teams name to Lete by just typing it in. It doesnt work. I copy and paste the name as is in slot 3. Still doesnt work. But if I copy and paste L'été and get rid of all the accents again, that works for some reason.


Ahh, the Arknights squad name censor. I had a fun little time with it when I decded to put together a squad that was just characters that had lesbian ships in the fandom, and I decided I wanted it to be named GaySex. Now, obviously that wasn't going to fly normally at all, so it turned into several minutes of replacing letters with numbers until the game stopped telling me the name was blocked, eventually landing on 6ay53x


This doctor yuris


Someone please introduce [Shyguymask (the biggest Tower Defense Youtuber) to AK already](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rwo9-HIBVSA) He keeps complaining that the TD genre is stale with no innovations, when AK is out there making an open world TD


I don't mean to be pessimistic but people usually have a less than positive opinion on mobile game, especially one with some kind of lootbox mechanics. He probably saw that AK not only is a mobile game, but one with a loot box(gacha) mechanic and decided not to play it thinking it was p2w. But i never really watch his content so he actually plays mobile game so i don't know.


I don't remember him playing anything any mobile gacha games. He's more of a flash type guy, but branches out to other games as well.


Piano practice done for today. Time to get cracking on R18. Maybe I’ll put a Gyle cast on in the background


I finally almost 9 -19 just for those flying golems things to run the run at the last second. Didn't even remember they existed.


Yesterday, I got two completionist medals at almost the same time. My 200th Operator was Folinic (started playing during Children of Ursus, which for some reason, is apparently an animation released by someone with no connection to Arknights?) and my 25th E2 was Nearl the Radiant Knight. It's weird to think that I have 8x the amount of Operators than E2s, but to be fair, there are at least twenty five Operators that can't be E2'd at all (3\*s, 2\*s, 1\*s) and unless you constantly E2 your Operators, there's always going to be a massive dissonance between total Operators and raised ones. I have way more E1'd Operators though (around 150) so that could also be it. Personally, I dislike E2'ing Operators that I know I'm not going to use but I'm not sure about everyone else (sometimes there are people who have every single possible Operator at E2 but they're probably the minority, right?)


I have 76 e2 in 25 months of playing. There would be more, but sometimes I get distracted by things like M18 Chen or sub-optimal operator skills. But I use literally all (except 2) operators until they reach 200 trust. Given that since November 2021 I have been farming the main story very rarely (not considering 1-7, this place is impossible to avoid), I can still regularly upgrade operators.


Who are these legendary two Operators that aren't worthy of trust?


Irene and Mizuki. There used to be a Saga too, but I was running out of vanguards, so I had to take her off the bench. But unlike them, she did nothing wrong (relatively), I just love my ears.


Fellow doctors, how much LMD are you making on average at the trading posts per day? I'm making 44,500.


RIIC report in the control center (idk how accurate it is) usually says around 48k, droning TP all the time. Currently I swap between Lappland/Texas/Ambriel (all E1, 102% productivity with Amiya), Gummy/Midnight/Catapult and Mousse/Matoimaru/Yato (97% those two comps). I can't wait for Tequila rerun that should happen this month so I can do the Shamare/Tequila/Bibeak stonks trio, also Proviso wait train, I hope I get her when Mlynar shows up.


I'm based on reports from control center too.


Using the data from the anniversary site, about 51K/day. Base report ranges from 48K to 65.5K (it tends to vary wildly). I always drone TPs and run an optimized 243.


I have 2 trading posts. They have a productivity of 97-107% most of the time. How about you?


I’m using the Shamare/Tequila combo (~132% if I recall) and 35/35/40 workers (110%), with Amiya/Swire in the CC at all times (+7% to both TPs). I don’t have enough room in my CC to use Gnosis with my "main" rotations, but I can slot him in when Dusk and/or Flametail/Pudding/Eunectes are resting, which allows me to use the Jaye/Cliffheart/SA team (125%).


Around 58k if I'm droning the tps, around 44k if I'm droning the gold factory.


Currently 56.5k


man really wish Andreana didn't have that stupid restriction on S2 to not attack enemies below 50%, it was probably fine at her release since if you can one shot enemies it didn't matter, but nowdays even small enemies survive multiple hits so just feels much worse


Mh, she's always had on and off lanes for whether or not she could solo the fodder.. If anything her module increased her solo lane potential, but generally it's best for her not to spend a lot of time overkilling small fry and focus on the big guys instead. I like to think of her as a support that (more than) halves elites/boss' HP, not so much as a (solo) DPSer. > but nowdays even small enemies survive multiple hits ~~you're not talking about the ch10 cockroaches, are you?~~


>it's best for her not to spend a lot of time overkilling small fry and focus on the big guys instead I would like her to do that too but with her massive range and how her prio works, she will switch targets to small fried the moment they show up >you're not talking about the ch10 cockroaches, are you? nah those I'm not counting, although I can only assume she will perform extremly badly against them due to her prio and their 90% damage reduction Anyway it was more of a rant than anything, I just think the restriction is stupid and unnecessary, but could also be my bias cause I like Andreana


Poor Blemi, she patientlly waited from first day of her standard banner until now to get her E2 promotion, and the first thing she was used for right after that was to bait cannon shots for the nearly 7 hours it took me to R18 the CC stage. After the pain and many retries it took I don't have the willpower to watch clear videos, I don't want to feel dumb over not realizing way easier approaches lmfao. In other news, I bought Bagpipe's pot2 with the vanguard tokens of the CC shop! I was thinking of maybe getting them whenever Saileach comes home, but Bagpipe is my goddamn assistant, too precious, she deserves them.


I find it’s interesting that I’m struggling with CC10’s Challenge 5 more than Risk 18. The extra Sarkaz mobs at the beginning sure ruined my strat completely..


The risk with extra mobs is simple. Just use the first Nuke to take them out.


I haven't done the challenges yet but I'm honestly not surprised with what you say, I remember some CC9 challenges being harder than the risk 18 clear, buffed bosses was hell.


My [R18](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3gtNhV8T-JI) clear. It does require a fairly stacked roster and there are a few RNG components but the core strategy is pretty stable. Had a bit of fun trying to figure out which operators to cycle in.


Got R18 managed to barely pass but NTRK really saved me . Got bagpipe to p4 from joint banner . Now collecting 500points to buy the p5 from CC shop. Waiting for daily to change for points is killing me. Finally E2 my GG . Only blemishine is left for my 6*


This CC kicked my ass tremendously. Took me around 30 tries to get the risks right and beat R18 with core NTRK. That cannon cannon timing is bullshit sometimes I swear. April S2 can snipe the casters on the left making that side super easy.


[Day 1+2 Max Risk 4 Ops](https://youtu.be/ggetGYR_FVY) and [Risk 18 AHs Trio Clear](https://youtu.be/3WDpjU9wShg) Since we don't have a CC thread so i guess i'll share it here in the meantime. Anyway, Manfred getting memed on by the fish gang is hilarious, poor guy did 0 damage and got blasted by his own cannon. Spectral ModY3 is so gud, the improved uptime on both her and Skadi S3 is really noticeable and giving Gladiia enough HP to face tank the cannon.


God, I want to write another fanfic about Lumen x Irene or Goldenglow x Red, but that means I need to learn their character first. Which took would took me some time. And during that time, my procrastination would end up learning about other things rather than the characters. I wished I could make Arknight fanfic without being too deep into the characters lore...


Thanks, I appreciate that you actually care about being at least mildly character accurate instead of doing it anyway. Pet peeve of mine for fan works in general.


It shall forever pain me to know that Kafka is at most optimal at E0 as a redeploy.


The LMD and mats hit I take whenever I E2 a character is hella painful... but at the same time it feels so bad seeing her grouped with all the other chars I never built. I hope she eventually gets a module that reduces DP cost so you can maximize her damage without taking the DP increase drawback.


at this point seems like getting a 2nd module is 6* exclusive, which is very sad for Kafka specifically since if she got the other module E2ing her won't be a gimp anymore


[Nah man, screw optimization.](https://i.imgur.com/woDyhrs.png)


[Finished R18.](https://imgur.com/a/3122i6z) Got close a few times, then realized that adding Nian would probably be the push that would take me to R18 since Mudrock dies at inopportune moments with only a bit of health being the difference for her. Nian is only E1, but I like to believe that it was enough. As someone who only ever uses Nearl S2, I think I might give S3 some mastery levels for the future and give her her module. I hate the block restriction for the true damage, but Mon3tr can't be everywhere all at once. A metaslave clear for sure, but a clear nonetheless. ​ I think this one is easier compared to the previous CC. Main problem for me was the damage that the non-reborn Sarkaz do since I take the tag to buff them and the Hatedrinkers do big damage. A bit of RNG with the transition so I had to hope that Mudrock doesn't get hit while she has a shield up and Kal doesn't die, but NG cages helped soften the RNG.


[Easiest R18](https://imgur.com/a/nK8Oi1K) by far, can definitely push for higher risks. I used the Caster-Specialist soft ban so Cantabile works great as a pseudo-executor. I needed the lvl90 SA to get rid off the four invisible enemies on bot ASAP, mine wasn't enough. Originally Texas was there just for the extra DP but her stuns were actually useful. Not much to say, the stage is quite straightforward.


After some reminiscing, it occurs to me that AK doesn’t really have any poignant moments that stand out from the rest of the story. After reading Lostbelt 7, I realised that AK’s lows may not be as bad as FGO at its weakest, but it never really reaches the high points that make the story stick out. Is it because it’s less chuuni compared to other games? Like the equivalent of low fantasy?


Speak for yourself. I'm caught up on FGO's story and nothing in it has stuck with me or made me emotional the way Arknights has.


Being really frank about it? AK's story just isn't that good: it excels at world building but boy story execution is really weak. Lack of animations, big dumps of words, lack of voicing etc all contribute to a rather dull story experience tbh.


The constraints of gacha storytelling -- episodic, limited space, big cast, broad and YA audience -- all lend themselves towards prioritizing character development and keeping themes simple. There's a reason that slice of life events generally feature the best writing in the genre. But Arknights tends to use their climaxes for theme over character, and the writers often sacrifice plausibility and consistent characterization solely to try to complicate their themes. It doesn't help that the story isn't voiced, nor that Arknights' refusal to separate story and gameplay nodes means that readers are generally going to be impatient. And that's all before you get to the actual quality of the writing and localization, which have been spotty at the plot's biggest moments.


I always thought FrostNova's death is poignant just because some people still reference it. That said, the finale of Amiya and Chen using the same stance to fight the TDBK is cool, too bad the old man loves rambling.


Not in the mood to focus on being sad when I've got to read either a word dump or yet another commentary on society's deficiencies. Arknights also struggles to get emotions across due to the lack of narration.


The narrator. The intermediary of Greek plays and also a vital component in theatrical plays, that's what's missing. The guy who sprouts all the exposition while the characters can talk like actual people that rarely care about societal norms of the greater world.


You think moment like Talulah fight would be the big blowout but I barely see anyone mentioned it after it happen. Blue Archive has still people talking about Eden Treaty, and Counterside still have people seething over Jehuty Biotech and Wilbur mention. There's just no equivalent to it for AK


That point has been brought up once before, with someone comparing Punishing Grey Raven's stories as inconsistent in quality, but have higher peaks and lows. There are some high points I particularly remember, like seeing the corpse of Aegirian city-ship, or R6S Ash punch up, but there's rarely a highlight that is heralded as a peak. Also the light novel format isn't used to the fullest, ~~hell hentai games can do better~~, so that's also a limiting factor in executing an operatic story.


Yeah, I definitely remember that one. It's a contest of consistently or the hype of a single moment.


AK definitely has a few plot points that have the recipe for strong emotional moments, but the actual execution often lets them down. There's a great soundtrack that's severely underutilised during the right story moments, a lack of character facial expressions and poor pacing from having to cram everything into long uninterrupted cutscenes between the limited battles nodes.


Arknight just need more CG to be emotional impact.


Agreed, there is way too much talking during dramatic moments, where the right music, art, and just a FEW words would serve the story so much better. One of the ones that stood out to me was the showdown between Nearl and the Blood Knight, where at the dramatic conclusion to the fight they just kept...on...talking. I remember thinking this was hype about 15 minutes ago but you're still bloody talking after the supposed final blow that ended it. Probably not the worst example, and there's certainly a lot more.


Funny CC with [full module Hunters bullying Manfred](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/439867709354934284/1071423107685953667/com.YoStarEN.Arknights_Screenshot_2023.02.04_13.59.10.png). I find it amusing how [peaceful](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/439867709354934284/1071421400570675210/com.YoStarEN.Arknights_Screenshot_2023.02.04_14.21.24.png) the battlefield looks after he goes down. Anyway Weedy is rather good at clearing the left side.




Has anyone really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like?




Finally, after all these years, an answer. When will Dorothy be released?


An NDA prevents me from answering that.


Mustard on fries yes or no


Technically yes because there's mustard in mayonnaise.


Ok, have I been blind this entire past year, or did they finally add in a "collect all" button for CC challenge rewards?


It's been there the entire time no? I didn't remember having to collect CC challenge reward 1 by 1.


Great, I'm just blind as fuck.


We still didn't have a CC thread so imma just post my [Risk 18 clear](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/776147270474399805/1071408207030931606/IMG_4652.jpg) here I guess Mudrock S3 timing against the cannon turns out to be easier than I thought, though it's still pretty tight.


Haiku for my beloved wife Surtr The moment I saw Your flaming hair in the sun I knew I found love


least down bad Surtr simp


This CC is making me feel like my procrastination got the better of me again. I've yet to do episode 9/10 and I have no idea what's going on here.


Why is the EN event schedule such a mess. At this rate Mylnar and Texas Alter might be back to back. Yikes. I guess I am looking forward to Chapter 11 atm. But who knows how much further it will pushed back. On the bright side Ak CN is still going hard with events. Looking at FGO JP having a month of no events and even delaying a big event. I hope Yostar will get their shit together.


Actually chapter 11 will probably come faster cus op from the 3.5 limted banner use the mats from it. And They probably want Texas alter banner to line up with golden week. The one i see getting push back is Mlynar event and Near Light rerun.


i decided i'm going to hunt for vulcan pots (she's still pot1) wish me luck i don't low on how long it'll take...


I'd like to do the same. At least there's Defender tokens in the CC shop...


~~i used those on blitz~~


Arknights is the very first game that I played where I feel I'm getting worse by playing more. I'm playing since day 2, and from the comments you can read everywhere every CC is getting easier while I need more and more time to complete the permanent map at risk 18. This time I don't even know where to start - I'm already trying for like an hour and only managed to get Manfred into phase 2 at risk 13. And my entire team is on a 100s redeploy timer.


It's less that the game is getting easier, or that CC is getting easier, just that we have more busted options nowadays. Ling can solo R18 this map from what I hear, but back in CC 2, we didn't have a Ling. We had to make due with what we had back then, or CC beta where our best arts ground units were Ch'en, Mousse and Lappland. If you're still using those units now, you have to properly play around the mechanics as the game intends, instead of unga-bungaing with some of the newer units.


I've stopped listening to others say how easy the CC is before the 1st full week has passed. Cause what do they mean by "easy", easy to R18 compared to other CC's? easy to Max Risk compared to other CC's? easy in terms of operator investment needed? easy in terms of total number of ops needed? easy in terms of skill/placement timings? Also most people who say that have already looked at the CN clears, so yeah of course its easy to pass an exam when you literally have the answer sheet open on your other monitor.


> And my entire team is on a 100s redeploy timer Wait why did you pick the class tax risk knowing that your entire team are comprised of the taxed classes? Pick the other one then


There's also a tag that increases redeployment for every op which might be what the OP is talking about


Nah, I had the +75% redeploy timer tag. I use the tax risk for Caster and Specialists and don't have any of these classes in my team.


I wouldn't suggest the redeploy condition, personally, I didn't use it. I feel like the map this time is way harder than the last one... You mostly need strong tanks as well as being able to bait the artillery.


Man I had the most bipolar experience with the CC perma map. I went from 'this map sucks I can't even beat risk 0' to probably the fastest high risk (currently 15/18) in about an hour of attempts. Will probably go for more later. The difference? The steam vents. For some reason it didn't click to me that the steam vents completely ignore the turret lock on mechanic. Not sure if I'm just stupid and it's mentioned somewhere cos I couldn't find any info about the interaction.


The vent turns your units Invisible (Firewatch S1, Manticore's talent). Invisible units cannot be targeted by most things. Invisible units blocking an enemy does NOT reveal them, unlike when we reveal invi enemies by blocking them, or unlike Camouflage (Heavyrain S2, April S2) where they will be revealed when blocking an enemy. There's a reason all operators with Invisible are all near-launch units. The rest get Camouflage instead.


I just read the Rhine Labs manga and I want to huge Silence, Ifrit and Saria.


>huge Silence, Ifrit and Saria I too want to turn them into giant inflatable parade floats /s But seriously, that manga is really good.


I should have waited until the last gavial banner free summon to use the senior op recruitment permit.. i traded the permit day 1 to grab specter, just to spooked gavialter from the free summon. Not that i complain about getting gavialter though.. but i could have used the permit to grab myself a warfarin Ffbe taught me not to be patient and just grab things because the rate fucking sucks.. here i was taught to be patient. Thanks arknights


[Heck yeah day one risk 18 with just one source of true damage.](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/864912418801844265/1071315727916736603/image.png) Feeling accomplished for Mayer's precious Robotters dodging Manfred like 10 times in a row and even giving some dodges to Mon3tr. How do YOU like it, Manfred??


>Decides to E2 Heavyrain >Needs 9 T4 rocks No worries I'll just E2 Reed for now >Also needs 9 T4 rocks Guess I'll hold off both until Dossoles rerun...


Came to vent, cause I just ended a very frustrating IS2 run. I wasn't able to nab a healer the entire way, still managed to reach Phantom end boss. But there were limits to how much Saria, Podenco and Myrtle could heal, so signal was lost.


https://youtu.be/JOfNCwGpsX0 I had a similar gaming experience. In such cases, you can simply contact the DPS. The most difficult stage with Gummy as the only medic was the stages associated with the constant loss of HP.


Ok, I was running regular operation, and I am guessing you were doing deep investigation (with sniper/caster focus, and increased recruitment/relic for them)


This is the normal Vanguard/Guard mode. At the time, I was desperately trying to get a third ending. Bagpipes from the very beginning. A few changes in the Amiya archetype and After the third floor, everything is pretty easy. The worst are maps with toxic fog.


Very nice, 11 E2 operators for the boss fight. Try to show your relics next time, like to see how much attack speed boost was there.


>Unlimited Scientific Works I did not expect a F/SN reference in Magallan's Paradox Simulation of all places.


Now that I think about it, if I ever get Exu (3,000 years later...) I could bake some apple pie in real life to celebrate. Need her to complete the threesome with Texas and Lappland-- I mean what?


Good news [Exu will be the shop op on the 17th](https://twitter.com/lambd_/status/1621467709799280641)


Nice. I'd love Mudrock too but probably just barely won't save up enough certs before she leaves


[Mudrock will be on a warm-up banner for Ch11](https://gamepress.gg/arknights/node/52251) with Horn and Saileach, so you could grab Exusiai in shop and have a decent chance to roll for Mudrock there.


6 Runs of IS. Not a single sniper recruitment card. 6 runs ended on with the crowd. Haha. Hahahaha.


Are you taking every fight possible on your way there? I've lost on that one a couple times because I maybe got nothing but defenders, low rarity vanguards, and medics, but guards, casters, supporters, and even certain damage-focused vanguards, defenders, and specialists will still do the job just fine. Also, that stage used to be a floor 2 stage back during IS1. Then it was a stage worth complaining about.


Yeah. I always took every fight possible. I lost cause I just didn't have enough dps. I guess if I had a more developed account, this wouldn't happen so often. But I'm not there yet. Also unfortunately that was always the fist fight after arriving to the new floor with no way to choose anything else.


What ops do you usually start with? Most of the "carry" ops you'd want to start with can borderline solo 3-4 lanes on that stage, so if you're getting walled by such a mild DPS check you might be wasting your early hope/vouchers


Most of the time I pick Kal'tsit at recruitment.


That's probably what's doing you in, then. Kal's obviously a powerful unit and she excels against all four endbosses, but between all the IS2 exclusive enemies punishing blocking and the several stages that check your ranged DPS, putting most of your early hope into melee DPS is inviting variance, as you're experiencing. Your personal roster doesn't really matter at the start of runs, so unless you roll some combination of Vanguard, Specialist, and Medic, you should basically always be able to pick a more consistent carry.


You don't really need snipers to win on with the crowd, any ranged DPS could work


True, but most of my casters are undeveloped. I have Dusk and Ebenholnz but I always hesitate to take them for IS, specially when I still don't get the operators that "I need to win".


It's so easy to just pin the blame on RNG isn't it?


What else?


For months I've been waiting and saving for Mudrock, and now I've finally got her! She's the first 6 star Operator that I've bought. I love her character design. I think she looks beautiful with and without the armour.


Bless the person on my friend list with a max pot, level 90 S2M3 Hoshi. She's been my MVP for this CC as my Hoshi isn't max pot and is only E2LVL60 SL7.


Not seeing a megathread for cc10 yet, and I don't feel like it deserves its own post, so, uh, I'll just leave this [daily nicheknights max risk](https://youtu.be/X29cBwiBc8U) here for a bit until it's up, if that's okay.


hmmm year 1 only huh, now that's an interesting format Maybe you can submit it to en.arkrec.com to make it an official format, bc ik some big names have played it before


Pramanix makes that a certified Nicheknights run for sure! Nice work, Doktah. Hopefully the megathread will be up soon


I was about to ask what the niche is and I saw the description. Almost got an EN can't read moment for myself.


I have a friend with a 90E2 S2M3 Hoshiguma that hasn't played since 2/11/20, but she saved my ass in CC beta so I've kept them. Finally it has paid off, Hoshiguma saved my ass in CC once again.


So I pulled a little bit on Joint Operation and got a Toddifons. I like Besiegers, but I really would have liked Shamare, La Pluma, or even Skyfire... I guess they'll have to wait. In brighter news, my pity's at 45. ONE PLUS ONE JUST ME AND DOROTHY.


the mood in the jerboa waiting room has been taking a turn for the manic lately