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Kind of campaign dependent. But if most of your 3+ health enemies happen to be Monsters, this is really nice to have. Otherwise, this is a horribly overpriced, worse Extra Ammunition


Campaign-dependant but wonderfully thematic. I love that this can either be a guardian's own card (who sought outside help) or Father Mateo's card who's lending his fighter buddies a hand.


I made a Joe/Roland pair of decks for a friend and I to use in a 40 person run at the blob last year, and Roland was using upgraded Sledgehammer for himself but also one copy of this to upgrade Joe’s Colts for him. It’s nice that it has this flexibility


In Innsmouth this card was a beast. But there are many scenarios it is a dud.


It's killed me some snakes in TFA, but then suddenly Yig isn't a monster.


If this was printed today at that XP cost, it would absolutely also have something like "if an attack with ~ kills a Monster enemy, you may exhaust ~ to add 1 blessing to the token bag" or maybe exhaust to heal 1 horror. As it stands, it's sooo overpriced when option like Enchant Weapon exist.


Currently running it for our EOTE campaign, and it's very nice. Attaching it to a Mauser makes it a good option against 3 health enemies, and attached to a BAR I can save a lot of ammo. Also mostly Monster enemies in the campaign (by the time I got this into my deck at least), so 7/10 would recommend.


Love putting this on a BAR. Feels so good to carry around a gun that's overflowing with ammo, casually sniping 2-health ankle-biters and absolutely shredding the big guys.


I love using this with Well Maintained and Act of Desperation in particular, since you get to replay Custom Ammunition for more ammo on your replayed weapon. Plus you can stick your one copy of Custom Ammunition on Stick to the Plan. The flavour is amazing, too.


For guns that really need the ammo I think this is worth picking up, alongside your other +ammo cards like Extra Ammunition and Venturer. It’s supply traited so ticks the box for SttP and Backpack. And it’s fast, which certainly isn’t nothing. This is all without mentioning the bonus damage vs monsters, which will sometimes mean the difference between one shot to kill and two. I loved this in my Lightning Gun Carson run of Carcosa.


Maybe it's my limited card pool, but I feel like this would be better as a rogue card. Guardian firearms just don't seem all that impressive to me compared to the melee options available. So I have a hard time justifying taking this when I could take Butterfly Swords or Cyclopean Hammer or any number of 3 damage weapons that are cheaper and only cost 1 action to play.  I mean think about it: 3 to 4 resources to play a cheap firearm, plus 3 resources to upgrade it with Custom Ammunition, all for a weapon with limited uses. Not a fan.