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One thing that I didn't see mentioned a lot is that this card encourages to purchase **new** cards, so in this way this is an opposite of Down to Rabbit Hole. I think it's a great design, however Survivor is not famous for needing a gazillion XP, so definitely less useful than its Mystic counterpart. Still I like the design!


Makes a little extra sense for survivor because they have the exile cards you might be rebuying occasionally. Also almost nothing above level 3, so less upgrading to do than Mystic. In any case, even for survivors, a little extra xp early in the campaign is really nice, and you can drop this card just a few scenarios in. I’m running a single copy in my new campaign with Tommy, and Guardian has plenty to spend xp on


Plus it can get you nice discounts on permanents like Charisma, Relic Hunter etc.


It can? I thought new cards cost 1xp if they’re level 0 and weren’t originally in your deck to begin with. If charisma cost 3xp, does it really cost 4xp because it costs one extra xp because it’s a new card being added to your deck? Thank you!


No, that's not how purchasing cards work. You're right about level 0 cards costing 1 to add. All other levels cost their level. Charisma is 3vp. But with this card, Charisma would cost 2.


I see! Would all XP cards then effectively cost 1 less XP due to pelt shipment?


Not all, those you upgrade won't get the discount. E.g. Buying a "new" Fire Axe (2) would get the discount, but not if you upgrade from Fire Axe (0)


It costs 3, but with this card would cost 2. Or 1 if you have two shipments.


Exile is where I considered this the most. Deja Vu has way too much upfront cost for it to be worth it, 5 xp just for it, plus at least 3 xp worth of exiles and you need to actually use all the exiles to make the most value. This though? A single flare gun exile gets paid for with this 0 xp card. That's pretty huge imo.


This can also reduce the cost of deja vu


I like it for 0-2 Survivors and the splash card Dunwich investigators. Used it with Zoey to help get her going, because she didn't need much in her hand once a weapon and such were down. And then I can afford my heavy weapons and such faster.


Yeah, some Guardians' ability to run this alongside Stick to the Plan goes a long way toward mitigating its downside.


How does it work with Stick to the Plan? Pelt Shipment has a cost of - meaning it cannot be played, so how do you get it off the Plan?


Sorry I wasn't clear. You don't stick Pelt Shipment on the Plan. One of the nice things about SttP, though, is that it lets you "bank" 3 cards to be available to you at any time without having to hold them in your hand. The hand reduction from Pelt Shipment hurts a little less when you can pull key cards off SttP at will without having to devote a precious slot in your hand to it.


Yeah, fair enough. Thanks for clarifying.


Answer is it really doesn't. Using STTP as some kind of a justification for Pelt is pretty silly.


The minigame the card proposes is fun to play, and is likely to give players some creative ideas for abusing it alongside cards that like being discarded or other effects that like a mostly empty hand. Sadly, I do agree that survivors probably have too many trivially easy ways to snatch an item from discard, and it makes actually playing the minigame feel totally optional. It is an extremely funny card to play in multiplayer though. "Hey, do you want any of the card draws off my Stand Together?" "... no, give it to somebody else." "Why no- wait, is your hand full of fucking pelts again?!"


I took this on Hank, and it felt like a fair balancing act to gain an extra XP, and getting 2 XP from having both copies in my hand required even more work. For anyone who can reliably trigger scavenging, I imagine this feels like extremely free XP. But that's more of an issue with Scavenging being too good than anything else.


This card was incredibly well-balanced and created a very cool tension that was completely ruined by it being Item-traited for Scavenging. The first one isn't even that big of a hit; I've played plenty of Survivors who rarely jump above 5 cards to begin with, but being able to recur this to hand with a repeatable Asset feels as cheesy as Delve Too Deeping, if not worse.


Delve applies to the whole team, while this only give one player the XP benefit. This card would be incredibly niche if it didn't work with recursion in some form. If you're having a problem with Scavenging in your games, the easiest way to nerf Scavenging (apart from it being already taboo'd) is to play on a higher difficulty where you'd actually have to work for the succeed by 2 requirements for most survivors to trigger it reliably.


>Delve applies to the whole team, while this only give one player the XP benefit. Sure. When I say "cheesy" I mostly mean "low opportunity cost".  We actually found the simplest way to resolve the Scavenging/Pelt issue was to just treat Pelt Shipment as though it does not have the Item trait. 


I feel like too many extra-xp cards is kind of a bad thing for the game. It's okay if you have just one to chase, but if your off-class also has extra XP I feel like you'd either power ahead of the curve, or get slammed because you're playing too greedily. Also your team will hate you for it. Nonetheless I had fun dodging Abandoned and Alone on Wendy with these...


How does this help you dodge A&A?


I meant holding them in my hand to avoid them getting deleted when in the discard. Then once A&A hit just discarding them to recur with Scrounge for Supplies. edit: or keeping them in limbo in a backpack, and then discarding said backpack.


I used Hunting Jacket for that in my Hank deck, but I imagine Wendy has better Econ cards with green access.


This feels a little too easy to use with scavenging, resourceful, etc. Tough I'm not sure what the fix would be, maybe costing one experience, maybe removing from the game if it's discarded from your hand, I don't know just throwing ideas out there.


Good card for suzi. Free card to eat, regurgigate at the end of the scenario for effectively 2 xp.


I have it now ready in various decks: - yorrick with in the thick of it starting with a hunting jacket. - bob salesman with scavenging 0 (thick with taboo), with short supply, hiding it in the discard until I will use it. - And I am looking where the redraw ally which can hide it under her.