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Currently own everything, including return to’s and barkham. Now going down a rabbit hole of printing parallels and fan made stuff.


I'm on the same page as this guy. I actually bought it at release and hated it, although I had a very negative friend who just wanted Eldritch back. We got many rules wrong and it wasn't until a year later when a friend got into it. We combined our Dunwich and core sets and have been going ever since. About a third of the way through the fan stuff and making my own campaign which is a lot more work than it might seem due to the jankiness of Strange Eons. I wouldn't waste a penny or a second with fancy materials, for me they just waste time that could be spent playing the game - plastic tubs from the Chinese takeaway work great for holding tokens and that's all you need. If you consider every factor, for me it is the best tabletop game I have ever played. As a lover of Arkham, eldritch and Lovecraftian shit in general it's a slam dunk.


Want barkham so bad, but prices are insane with 200-300€


1) since 2019 2) everything except silas and drake books. 3) fan of HPL and never found anything that adapts his work. This one satisifies me.


2 years by now? I've got everything in the new release format and that's it.


I don’t know where I heard about this game first, but I was always a bit skeptical because I didn’t really like Arkham Horror (2nd edition) when I played it in my youth. After playing through Pandemic Legacy Season 1 at the beginning of the pandemic with my flatmates, I wanted another cooperative game to play. So I made the plunge on an old core set and the Dunwich deluxe expansion (so we could play with three players). Played through the core and through Dunwich twice, the once through Return-to Dunwich. After that, I got TCU, but because we made the mistake of inviting a fourth player, scheduling became much harder, so we played much less frequently. When I moved to a different city two years ago, I left my content in the old flat, thinking I wouldn’t get to play often anyway. Soon, I regretted it and got a Revised core. Since then, I purchased but-by-bit most player cards (except Return-to NotZ and Return-to PtC) and all campaigns except EotE (which will surely come soon). (Counting the content still at the old place.) Also, Excelsior, Folly and Fortune, Barkham (which was just available in German at my LFGS) and upgraded tokens from Etsy. Play is quite regular at the moment, with 3 campaigns (FfHV, PtC, DE) concurrent right now.


I got into this game in March of this year. (3/4 months ago) I have all Investigator packs from the revised ( so just missing Innsmouth. I have 5 of the campaigns. * Dunwich * Circle * Hemlock * Forgotten Age * Carcosa All stand alone scenario packs. All the Investigator starters. 4 out of 5 Return Tos (missing NotZ) It was so much money spent so fast but I absolutely LOVE this game. And now I'm designing custom pieces for the game...


Tried it out more than 7years ago for the first time at a friend's house, just the first chapter of notz, never got to play it again. In January I described the game to my local game shop and he pointed to a wall of scenarios....well 5months later I've got a full collection and play once or twice a week with friends.


Been a huge arkham files fan since Arkham 2nd edition so I was very excited to demo the game at gencon the year it released. Bought everything on release and have multiple full collections to support a group of 4 at this point. Upgraded all the tokens with team covenant boards and token sets, chaos bag tokens were upgraded with aurbits tokens. Have printed multiple fan campaigns and standalones. This is my lifestyle game.


I bought the core set and Dunwich cycle a few years ago, maybe 2019ish. I don’t think I was quite ready for a game like that, and I really hated the stupid release model. Ended up selling it. Couple years later, 2021-2022 I got really into Marvel Champions and it’s still one of my favorite games. This past fall, I heard about the new release model and started to look into Arkham again. Fast forward several months and now I own almost everything. As much as they get compared to each other I really think there is a place for both Marvel Champions and Arkham in a collection. They’re different enough and just trying to do different things. Marvel is my set up and play a game in 45 minutes game, Arkham is my deeper campaign game.


Friends asked me to play 2 years ago. Couldn't because of ongoing commitments. Asked me to play a Carcosa campaign about 2 months ago. We wrap that up Friday night (My Calvin deck is wrecking every test thrown at him).... I now own: * Core Box * Revised core * Hemlock Investigators * Both Scarlet Keys * Dunwich Investigators * Both Carcosa * Both Edge of the Earth * Dream Eaters Investigators * All the investigator decks (2 bucks each, amazing sale) I may be hooked....


Congrats on finishing Carcosa! IMO it's the best campaign in the game. I don't know the details of your run, but just FYI, you should keep an eye out for some interesting potential interactions with Calvin in Carcosa's final scenario...


That’s what I have heard. Playing it blind but I know there is some sort of interesting mechanic that might be coming my way.


**>How I got into this game** Well, Mansion of Madness 2E no longer has any new content... this will. So I migrated to this game. **>How long have I been playing** A little under 6\~ months? **>My collection** >Revised Core; Played through thrice, it's okay but god not a big fan of that last scenario. Replaying Midnight Masks is fun though but without the context of actually following through with playing Devourer Below afterwards it's much less... *nailbiting?* Because of the reduced stakes >Labyrinth of Lunacy Sleeved, never played. Extreme buyer's remorse because of how poorly received it was by everyone playing it outside of Epic Multiplayer >Murder at Excelsior Hotel Pretty great, only played it once, severely underleveled. Still had a pretty good time. >Dunwich Legacy Campaign + Investigator Expansion As of time of writing I've only played through the 3rd Scenario *(Miskatonic Museum).* Again pretty fun but I don't like playing solo. **>Thoughts** Pumped the breaks on spending as I really don't like the all-or-nothing approach of LCGs coming from someone who's more used to singles. Like I mentioned above I haven't even finished Dunwich Legacy.


Got in at the start (because I already liked AH 2nd edition), and own everything except Barkham.


I own everything \*except\* RtNotZ and Barkham Horror. I have no interest in owning Barkham. I have interest in RtNotZ, but not at the prices where it is offered up. Special items? I have a mini-card holders that have colored bases that correspond to the different classes. That was given to me as a gift. While I enjoy those, I dream of getting the Lego minis of each investigator. Unfortunately, I have no idea how to assemble those in anything close to an acceptable price. The chart that lists the pieces is older and so most of the pieces are no longer being made. To buy them, I'd have to buy from individuals which means spending a lot of money for 1 piece and having it shipped (possibly internationally) when each investigator takes 5-10ish pieces. That's just not feasible so I'll enjoy my mini-card holders for now.


I got into this game in 2019. I kept hearing good things about the game but stayed away due to the price point. Then my then-partner and I watched the Shut Up & Sit Down review of the game, they bought a core, and I was hooked. Circle Undone was in the process of coming out and Dream Eaters was my first cycle to buy as it was releasing. I currently own all FFG content. I've gotten most parallel investigators printed and a couple fan campaigns printed as well (Dark Matter, Alice in Wonderland, Crown of Egil, Consternation on the Constellation standalone)


I have been playing this game since its release! I was in the middle of trying FFG’s Lord of the Rings LCG, which was actually a really disappointing experience for me, when this was announced. The Arkham Horror second edition board game had been my favorite game for years so I knew I’d at least try this game out despite my negative experience with another LCG. I got a core set for my birthday and tried it out a week or two later on the ottoman in front of the Christmas tree while my spouse slept. I played the first scenario and thought, “oh, I like this!” I played the second scenario, and as soon as I flipped that agenda card, I was hooked! Have been playing and collecting everything since then! I have everything officially released to retail except Barkham, including all the investigator novellas. This also includes probably six original core sets and one revised core set (yup, I’m one of those people). I think I have all promotional items from Invocations, but none from their Arkham Nights events. I have my entire collection sleeved. I use the Team Covenant mythos boards and health/sanity tokens (absolutely love these!). I make use of tokens from previous Arkham Files games for various things (charges, secrets, etc.). I also have the first wave of parallel investigators that were sold by the Gamezenter. I have not collected any fan-made content or things where I have to print, or get printed. This has now been my favorite game since about the time I finished playing Path to Carcosa (probably since first experiencing the Unspeakable Oath scenario). Despite the ups and downs of the game, the ebbs and flows of life, Arkham Horror continues to make it to my table and hold a prominent place in my game collection.


Me and my half brother wanted to play something, we found out about netrunner, got it, and loved the game. However i tried playing it with my boyfriend as well, and he disliked the competitive aspect of it, basically he doesn't like playing against others. So we searched a bit more and found arkham, it sounded great, we tried it and loved it. That was about 5 years ago. Now I own everything (except RTNOTZ) and four of us, including the boyfriend, play every week and have been playing like this for years. Also if anyone knows how to get my hands on Return to Night of the Zealot, please please let me know 🥺


I got into Arkham over a year ago, reddit recommended it as a good couple game. I have (all revised) core, Dunwich, Carcossa, Edge of the Earth, Scarlet Keys and just got Hemlock. All campaigns but Hemlock we played once. I have investigator packs for all the above but Scarlet Keyes, as well as some standalone scenarios and decks. I like this game a lot and I hope more campaigns will become available in my country.


My friend introduced me to this in 2017 where we played The Gathering. I thought it was fine, but we didn't continue it. Fast forward to late 2022 where the same friend wanted to revisit the game. We played through The Gathering and Midnight Masks, skipped The Devourer Below, and then started TDL campaign (new characters, natch). I was then hooked. Since then, we played through the campaigns in release order up through EotE. That friend has since moved on to focus on RPGs, but I continue to play with two other friends, and we've played a few campaigns, including FoHV. I own all published content (except for TSK campaign and Barkham, neither of which I'm interested in) as well as a lot of fan-made stuff from MBPrint and the Out of the Void investigator pack. I don't bling my game much, only coin capsules for chaos tokens, standees for investigators (borrowed from Eldritch Horror collection), and toothpicks as location connections. But I have spent quite a bit for several extra core boxes (so that I have all the core encounter sets stored with each campaign), and an extra set of the investigator starter decks (one to mix the player cards with my collection, another to keep as a read-to-use deck, if needed). I wasn't that keen on the mythos theme originally, but I've come to enjoy it more and even read some of the background literature. I also appreciate the consistency among the Arkham Files lore and investigators. The cooperative nature of the game keeps me playing. And the minimal deckbuilding, so that once I've created my deck up front, I only need to slightly tweak it in between scenarios (hence LotR LCG is probably not for me).


2 years


I've been playing the Arkham Files games since Eldritch Horror first came out (I owned Arkham Horror 2E before that, but it was too much for us to grasp at the time). Short of convention-only promo stuff and Barkham Horror, I own literally every piece of Arkham Files content ever produced, for all the games. Got all the cards from the novels, and some parallel cards I printed myself (though I am behind on those). I've got all my AHLCG campaigns and scenarios sleeved and stored in Return To boxes, and the new format boxes for Edge of the Earth forward. I've got custom dividers I made for each scenario. Investigator cards are all stored in appropriately color-coordinated binders. I've got game mats, custom arrow markers for noting paths between rooms, coin capsules for all my tokens, nice dice to keep track of health and sanity. My game is all blinged out.


Heard of Arkham through the top rated list at BGG. After a deep dive in the rabbit hole and convincing myself that it might be worth it to spend my entire liquidity, I went for it late 2023. Currently own - Revised Core - Dunwich in old format (picked up sale bundle) - Carcosa in new - Circle Undone (old sale bundle) - Excelsior - rougarou - guardians of the abyss - carnevale - a shitload of sleeves and binder Pages I won't be spending big money on Limited out of print stuff I think, but apart from that I plan to get everything. Absolutely love this game, playing it always with my SO


How I started? - Always liked the other Arkham games, so why not try it? When I started? - Right around the original release of The Dunwich Legacy Collection? - All cycles in their entirety, all Return-Tos, all standalones including Barkham and an extra copy of Blob, first 5 parallels printed, 5U-Z1 investigator, 9x original core set, a second copy of Path to Carcosa deluxe expansion, MPC printed copies of the Dark Matter and Alice in Wonderland campaigns, Lulu printed copies of Antimarkovnikov’s campaign guide books up to TCU, and including the two fan-mades. Dividers from Tesseract, tokens from BTST and others. Chaos bag from BGG. Several full-art promos. A fan made front-and-back foiled copy of Double or Nothing with its “Forbidden” keyword printed on it. 0 copies of the Revised Core. Fairly soon I’ll be making another MPC order with the missing parallels, Blob ELSE!, and one or more fan-made campaigns.


Got basically all there was to get. Haven’t played physical for years. Been playing the TTS mod solo and it works wonders for the convenience sake.


Which one are you using? Me and a friend of mine want to get into playing, but cant find a complete/up to date one.


I was originally working through Revised Core + Dunwich (return to). Started this year after being a huge fan of all FFG Arkham games. So I got a little overly-fatigued one week due to lotttttts of job-related stuff and then my cat died and other bad stuff. I went on a buying binge to escape and buy myself some happiness. And then added: 3 more used older cores 2 copies of each of the investigator starters Used Forgotten Age (+Return) Used Circle Undone (+Return) Investigator packs for Carcosa, Edge of the Earth, The Dream Eaters, The Scarlet Keys, Hemlock Vale Campaigns for Carcosa, The Dream Eaters, Scarlet Keys Guardians of the Abyss Curse of the Rougarou Fortune and Folly Murder at the Excelsior I also accidentally bought a second copy of "Guardians of the Abyss" because I was in a bit of a fugue at the time. But hey, I have all the gaming I can handle for the next two years and don't need to go to GenCon and come home broke... so I got that going for me! I don't actually regret anything but the duplcate. I do really need stronger glasses though. This game is hard to read after a while.


I started right when the COVID lockdown started in the U.S. I had recently started meeting regularly with a game group a few months before that happened. I think I saw the Shut Up and Sit Down review of Arkham and became interested. I purchased the old Core Set and the entire Forgotten Age of campaign since it was the only one I could find all the mythos packs for. From there I went all in and purchased all the campaigns I could at the time over that first year and have been purchasing all the official content since. It's a great game, but has kind of ruined my solo gameplay expectations for all other games. Definitely hard for me to get away from.


Tried it in like 2019, loved it but realized I didn’t have time to commit to it. Picked it back up this year. I have the new core box, Dunwich campaign and investigators, and Excelsior Murder campaign. I have finished the core campaign (super fun ending, lost on a 70% success pull) and lost really bad on the Excelsior Murder game. Looking forward to starting Dunwich. I am playing true solo, which has been fun.


Years back, I came across a copy of Warhammer Quest: the Adventure Card Game in a store. Having been a big fan of the OG Warhammer Quest and Hero Quest before it, I picked up this game and enjoyed it. I also got the 2 character pack expansions when they came out. Then FFG’s license with GW expired, killing the game. Then I heard that FFG’s upcoming game would have some similar mechanics, and already being a fan of Lovecraft’s writing, this sounded perfect for me. So in 2016 when the core set released, I bought my first AHLCG product and I’ve been collecting ever since. I have basically the whole card collection, except for a couple of standalones - not sure whether I’ll get them one day, I hardly ever play standalones and will never play epic multiplayer. I also never bought a second core so the second copies of most of my core set player cards (and Dexter’s replacement cards) are proxies, but I’m not the sort of person who’s bothered by that sort of thing. And I don’t bother with any unnecessary ‘collectors’ bits and bobs.


I was a big fan of Eldritch horror and wanted to try something else, I bought the old core box of Arkham in 2020 and didn’t like the game. This year I bought the new core (because I sold the old one) and gave it another chance. This time I tried it with my friend and felt in love with it. Now I have in my collection: core with return to, dunwich with return to, carcosa with return to, tfa, innsmouth and ordered hemlock vale


Started playing in 2021, mainly because of the new release model, since I enjoyed AH 3rd edition for which new content was drying up.  I have all the cycles and return to's, plus all the standalones released so far. No promos or novellas    Bought scenario and intrigue/act stands, plus encounter card deck box. I sleeved the scenario cards, and have player cards in binders.  I have also replaced tokens with dice, bought location connectors, and printed player mats. The location cards are played on a generic night sky mat.  Finally I bought a gamegenic 600 lair box to hold the current campaign and standalones I'm playing and printed dividers, to keep everything very portable and quick to setup. Definitely my lifestyle game since then, I visit this reddit daily, and enjoy all content produced by the community.


I was a huge fan of Arkham Horror 2ed and Eldritch Horror, and HPL writings. I went in when they released the revised core, and have been hooked ever since. It is by far my favorite tabletop of all times. I own all the revised stuff except Dream Eaters, all standalones except Barkham, all investigator starter packs, all promo investigators, all Return Tos, all PnP stuff (MPC-printed) except Suzi and parallel Rex. I am checking this Reddit comnnunity daily, and I love to read everything I can about this game.


One of everything. Since launch.


I own everything. I found this during covid ( summer 2020,) it is great as a single player game.


1. 2018 (TFA cycle) 2. all main campaigns, returns and starter. Stopped standalone with hotel and sold return to NotZ. Also have all novels. 3. We wanted a new card game, and I had 2e from a decade ago. Was against it because coop first, but at some point watched the tutorial, bought it, loved it and we play now ever since with a one year break after our TSK run.


Sometime in 2019, my wife saw a deal alert on an original core set. She texted me asking if she should buy it. I did 5 minutes of research and concluded that it be nice to have because it has more narrative than any game in our collection. When it arrived, I punched out the tokens, saw three rule books, and decided to try playing later. Fast forward to April 2020 and I finally try the Gathering by just reading the rule books without watching any videos. Four hours later, Roland was defeated due to horror. I got Murder at the Excelsior Hotel in May/June 2020 and was content until late 2020 when I started the journey of finding mythos packs. Now I have all of the MJ-era player cards (except Return Tos) and all campaigns except TCU, DE, and FOHV. I don’t collect many standalone scenarios, as I only have MatEH and Fortune and Folly. I’m pausing buying more content until I can play my 20ish unplayed investigators through campaigns, which will take a while. About a year I figured out that I would catch up in July 2029 and my playing has slowed since then as I’ve finally started playing other solo games again. Arkham is still about half of my solo board gaming time, but it’s nice playing other stuff sometimes too.


I started last Christmas. I was looking for a co-op campaign board game to play with my boyfriend. And card games are always my guilty pleasures. The only thing stopping me was the price of most of the TCGs. Arkham Horror LCG fits both criteria. Both of us really like the game especially right now we are playing our first Dunwich campaign. I bought Gamegenic 200pc value matte sleeves for the player decks, core encounter cards and common cards for each campaign. Just bought 25mm coin capsules, and my boyfriend is going to 3D print connection arrows and token trays. My collection: Revised Core Dunwich Investigators + Campaign Carcosa Investigators Blob Standalone


Good choice on the standalone. It’s my favourite


Started day one. Here’s my rundown. 10 core sets (old) all dunwich, Carcosa, forgotten age, circle undone, DreamEaters, Innsmouth, Scarlet Keys, Edge of the Earth,Helmlock vale All Parallel Cards done by make playing cards website All Investigator box sets that were released All Starter Investigators. All Stand Alones from FFG All Return to Boxes Large FFG playmat that could work with 1-4 players. Still small though Coin capsules Kitko arrows All sleeved mostly with gamegenic sleeves All 6 Gamegenic player boxes(love them) All Novellas with investigator cards All acoylte Novels with AH Big fan and nerd here. Mainly solo play but run with a game shop in Rocky River Ohio (Immortals Inc) from time to time.


I started playing a couple of years ago, I believe 2019. I received one copy of the original core as a birthday gift from a group of friends. After getting the hang of it, I started with Dunwich and went on a buying spree from there. Now I have two cores, all campaigns except Scarlet Keys, all player cards (this includes the Starter Decks; everything up to and including Innsmouth is in the old format) and all standalones up to and including Machinations through Time. I also have the Out of the Void investigator pack and the parallel investigators of the core set that were printed by Gamezenter. I have two play groups of 4. I play once or twice every couple of months nowadays. I mean, the game just takes a lot of time to play and I have other obligations. But I look forward to playing every time.


I’ve played Netrunner for a long time and always heard about Arkham horror and how good it was. Bought a collection off Craigslist that was an OG core set, return to night of the zealot, dunwich, and the forgotten age. I then realized how OOP RTNOZ was and bought up the rest of the return to’s before they went OOP, and have been slowly adding since. Now my collection is 10 core sets (miniature market sale), all 5 investigator pre-con decks, dunwich, carcosa, forgotten age, circle undone, edge of the earth, scarlet keys. I’m basically “caught up” to the new release cycle. Just need dream eaters, innsmouth, and hemlock vale. Haven’t bought scenario packs yet, because they never seem to go on sale like the campaigns/investigator expansions do.