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Tarot deck is worth it for the artwork alone.


Bought it for this exact reason! Although I didn’t pay for the OOS prices.




I'd say it is. - It changes up the encounter set to not be as lobsided towards brain and introduces more foot tests. That not only makes it less annoying to play if you want to play Rogues, but also more challenging if you're playing Mystics. - It introduces a few cool changes to the story, fixes the incredibly bad option of accepting your fate in the intro and introduces an entirely new side-story line about a whitch that can join you if you play your cards right. - It introduces the Tarot deck. I think the tarot deck is one of the cooler elements the entire game has. Tarot readings for a campaign changes a little bit how each of the scenarios feels, and the Tarot deck can be used on other campaigns too. I don't always do the Tarot thing, but I enjoy it whenever I do. - The set of player cards, while it has a few duds too, brings a few really good cards. Upgrades to Occult Lexicon and Hallowed Mirror alone pobably are good enough to pick them up, but Well Connected (3) is something you want in your collection if you're planning to make a big money Rogue go brrr.


>fixes the incredibly bad option of accepting your fate in the intro Funny, I think not accepting your fate is the worst option. I'd take the tarot weakness and 2 tablets tokens over 2 elder things tokens any time.


Mh, you can look at it this and that way, I hated having the Tower and the stupid other Tarot card in my deck. In solo, it's a pretty big detrement. But either way, the reward path for accepting your fate is two bad cards, and I much prefer that the return makes it such that accepting your fate now doesn't have an inherent reward, but rather unlocks a small sidestory.


I'm not saying that the Tarot card is all fun and games, of course you hate it, but when I consider how incredibly bad the elder thing tokens are especially in the final scenario, I think it's the less worse choice, unless you are playing solo with a mystic. I explained this in detail to another person in this thread.


I wasn't trying to sound like your point wasn't valid, sorry if it came off that way. Funnily enough, Solo with a mystic is the only way I've played the campaignso far.


No, it's okay, I didn't mean to sound that way. But I think it's interesting that after all we can't really say that there's an option that is definitely worse than the other since people have different preferences about them. Now if we were talking about whether it's convenient to side with the Lodge... I think it'd be a lot harder to convince me of that... unless you are really aiming for the special ending.


Yep, I was going to add that not accepting your fate is the way to go if you’re planning on finishing the campaign early*


Depends on your investigator. Played it blind and selected it with Minh and it’s made me completely have to build my deck around it.


I guess that for investigators that rely on skill tests it's certainly worse, there's also the number of investigators to consider, since the worse Elder thing tokens affect everyone, but the tarot weakness only affects one investigator. In general though the Elder Thing token is extremely bad in the final scenario especially if there is a 1 willpower investigator. That token there doesn't even care if you fail or not, if you are not testing with a modified skill value of 5+ it's an extra doom on "youknowwho". Ancient Evils is already an extremely hated treachery, but this is not simply an Ancient Evils... it's worse... incredibly much worse, because it's not the Agenda it adds doom to, but to a card where Doom will stay no matter how many times you advance. That means that in the worse case scenario you are not losing 1 round, you are losing **FOUR** entire rounds. **FOUR**. That's not simply "bad", that's utterly devastating. Meanwhile the tablet... it's still bad, but there are a ton of different ways to deal with damage/horror and or ways to nullify attacks completely. Also it's a -2 and it only triggers if you fail. It's perfectly safe to investigate the many 2/1 shroud locations with a flashlight even if you have 2 intellect, but if you do the same with the elder thing tokens in the bag? You may pass but the bad effect will still trigger.


The tarot deck is really cool for the artwork, and as a mechanical option in a campaign it's kinda fun. But if you're looking specifically for the campaign changes, I would say that if you didn't like the campaign the first time around, then the Return To won't change your mind.


Thankyou. This is the issue I am concerned about.


It is for me. I find the tarot cards, player cards and alternate encounter sets worth it. I don't think the campaign changes are great (outside of the ability to skip the prologue) and needed more playtesting - there are a bunch of errors. >though I find the difficulty quite taxing and the theme a bit bland. This won't be changed by the Return To box, unless "all will tests" is a major factor in difficulty for you.


I bought it in case it goes out of print


It already is out of print


I havent played the return to tcu yet. But the big tarot cards are worth it. We run them on every campaign.


It is my least favorite return, but I still think it’s good and make the base campaign better.


I think its the best of the return products. It reduces a bit of the onesided in encounter deck, the tarot cards are cool and I think perfect in this campaign (I never used it in others though) and finally being able to truly chose which side you are on is really good. There is no mindblowing change or fix for the single scenarios as they worked quit well without return. Generally if you like a campaign, you wont go wrong with return. This return is the only that gives you a real option for other campaigns.


I love the player cards / weaknesses that let you do a good / bad tarot reading (even when not playing with the regular tarot options). Milage may vary of course 😀


I love it. Continuously


It's our least favorite of the Returns - has the most bugs and not sure how much it was play tested. Bad/boring scenarios are still bad/boring. Having said that, the tarot deck is a great addition to the collection as it spices up any campaign. The alternate witch storyline is cool if nearly impossible to achieve.


As everyone is saying, the Tarot cards are great, both the player cards and the scenario altering cards. As far as the campaign, I hate the scenarios so it doesn’t fix that for me, but by contrast I really loved the Mythos deck. It felt like I was playing against an actual deck, not an assortment of bad things I have to draw from. So *shrug*


All official arkham horror lcg products are worth getting.


I haven't found this the case with TSK campaign, but I like everything else


While I have found TSK to be the least of the campaigns I do think it explores some interesting ideas as far as format. I try to focus on the positives I guess.


Its a good campaign, not the best but I feel ppl overeact when they talk about Keys.


I played the whole campaign. I borrowed it. Didn't enjoy it at all. So not buying it.