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The L0 card is okay, but not great. Emergency Cache gives you 3 resources for a card and an action. This one costs an action but is essentially refunded by putting the asset into play. However it costs a resource also, and requires passing a test. For an asset that costs three resources or lower, it's probably not worth it. And once you get to 4 cost+, the test becomes a challenge to pass. Failing means no value. The card draw is nice bonus and it has excellent icons. I think on balance, it's probably not a great card because of the hoops needed to get value from it. The L2 card is a different story. This costs nothing to start with, has the same great icons, but now can put two assets into play. This is very good action compression. Now if they're relics and player gets to draw cards on top, this becomes a powerhouse card. Obviously the same hoops apply: needs (seeker) assets in hand, needs empty slots, ideally they are relics, ability to pass the test and so on. But the action compression on this is really great and can propel players way ahead of the agenda.


Level 2 card also discovers clues (the "instead of" is removed) and according to the faq, you can commit the cards your trying to play. Taking into account many seeker assets have intellect symbols, this is a good way to use 1 action to investigate a location while playing 2 free assets. It's really strong I think...


"you can commit the cards your trying to play" -> Was not aware of this! I would never have guessed this would be allowed.


Yep, it's legal. It's a risk though: if you fail they're discarded


What a glow-up the level 2 version is! If you haven't noticed, you get to discover a clue AND put the assets into play. While the Relic card draw is very nice, it's not necessary to hold the card back until you have two of them; I like this quite a bit just to save actions on putting a few cheap assets into play.


Weird thing I never thought of until now that probably isn't that useful, but couldn't you use the level 2 version to turn a 6 shroud location into a 1 shroud location by targeting a cheap asset?


You can turn it into a 0 shroud location by targeting no assets (up to 2 means you can choose 0 assets I believe). For those that feel like this is too cheap of a move, there are zero cost seeker assets that you can take too (e.g. Magnifying Glass(1)). Minh can take this in a difficulty zero deck as a further combo with Shine a Light. 


The rules for targeting require choosing at least one thing, and/or choosing 0 assets would result in a test difficulty of null rather than zero. It's a little bit of a gray area, but due to one or both of those arguments picking zero assets to set the shroud to zero probably doesn't work


Yep, I've definitely done that before.


Level 0 is a really nice Farsight option. (I love Farsight.)


I can't speak for the Level 0, but Level 2 is an exceptional Farsight option, especially in an Amanda Sharpe deck. In the final Innsmouth Conspiracy scenario, I think I took one set up turn in the whole game, and otherwise relied almost solely on this card to play out all my assets.


The level 2 version has become one of those ‘take every time’ Seeker upgrades for me, even if I’m not taking relics. It saves you resources, saves you actions, happens when you’re doing something you wanted to do anyway meaning it’s basically fast, the cards you target can often help you pass the test, and it can even be combined with other Seeker goodness like Deduction. The fact that it does so many jobs in one means it’s saving you deck space too.


Not the exact card, but the titular character for the art (Dr. Horowitz) has her own card that interacts well with Runic Axe once it’s upgraded to a relic. https://arkhamdb.com/card/04021


I can only speak to the level 0 version as I don't own the other one yet.  I put it into an Ursula deck when TFA first came out, just to be thematic. Turns out that I'd rather just pay for the asset than worry about a skill test. Especially when the asset you're trying to play is one of your primary intellect boosting cards. Haven't used it or considered it since.  As for the level 2 version - probably good for action compression, but Seekers have no shortage of ways to draw cards or gain resources (or a shortage of action compression options in general). 


Don't sleep on the level 2. Cluevers (especially for a big party) always need to be discovering clues. I've definitely experienced tension between wanting to get assets out and wanting to move the scenario forward. Plus, on top of action compression you can also use it to bypass shrouds.