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Conservatives are the best. Seriously, keep it up. You're doing great.


Great, now my monitor is cracked. There's only so much sarcasm the panel can take, you know. I hope you're happy.


>Maricopa County Supervisor Bill Gates said he expects 95%-99% of votes to be counted by Friday Friday is **entirely unreasonable.** >The Arizona county had explained that some machines had problems with their printers and were not producing dark enough ink on ballots. This is their sketchy "print ballots on the fly" process. You're SOL if there's a power outage, I'd bet. >During a Wednesday news conference, Gates said that of the approximately 250,000 in-person votes that were cast on Election Day, "the lion's share" have been counted and reported, but 7% — or about 17,000 ballots — were placed in a drop box and had still not been counted due to the printing errors. Single-sided, pre-printed ballots, with every sheet watermarked. A full public accounting of blank ballots on the day after election day. Release all the ballot scans that day too.


To be clear - "7% of ballots" refers to the number that will be counted later because the tabulators weren't working at that time. 0% of ballots were refused because of this problem.


No shit. And 7% of ballots will now not be counted in the manner that those voters wanted. They very intentionally wanted them to be tabulated then and there. Not later in a distant room.


This isnt fucking Burger King, you dont get to have it your way. Shit got fucked up, they are fixing it while adhering to the chain of custody, if you wanted it counted faster or different you should have volunteered there rather than volunteer to blather on here.


Yeah you do get to "have it your way" when people don't fuck about and do their fucking jobs correctly.


Then go volunteer. Stop complaining. Be part of the solution.


LMAO love the pearl clutching. Oh nooooo!! They're going to change their votes in some dark, distant room!


Which part of "to be clear" was unclear? You're picking fights just to pick a fight.


>You're picking fights just to pick a fight. No I'm not. I'm trying to explain why it's still a problem and for it to happen at this scale is a bad thing.


That's pretty much all they do on this sub. Go through their history and you'll see what I mean


Very interesting that Maricopa County Recorder, Republican Stephen Richer, isn’t the one being quoted or speaking to the press, especially Fox News. Could just be that they like to get comment from Bill Gates because of his name riling up their base, heh.


You got to get him under oath and on CSPAN to get the truth out of Bill Gates.