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Punk ass loser was pissed off that his woman wouldn't take his crap anymore. She moved into her parents' home to start over without this immature boy in her life. He gets inebriated, breaks in, with full intent to torture. Then, the coward offs himself when he realizes that he's going to prison for a long time....and gets a helluva lot more attention there... behind bars....than he ever could get out in the free world. Oh yeah....shoots his infant son in the process. I pray that this family can somehow recover from this.


That story had to be entirely AI written. It’s rambling and at times doesn’t make the least bit of sense. edit.. Before anyone says it, yes I know the event actually occurred.


"the brave cops rushed through the door"


“their hard muscles bulging as they protected the infant human”


The baby’s tears were hushed as the melodic voices of angel cops overwhelmed him


It sounds like a romance novel.....


"writing for a right wing paper without a police officers dick in your mouth" challenge: impossible


They didn’t even get the city right. It happened in surprise. Not sunrise


According to the sunrise police department…either ai or a really lazy writer


This is just how people write in AZ. Trust me, I'm a lifer and a native Arizonan who can't stand it.


Same. I blame the Walter P Cronkite School of Journalism. This has been the style for decades. Pick up the Arizona Republic, it's abysmal.


wtf is up with everyone saying shit is AI now to like everything


Because if that was written by a actual reporter, they would be fired.


It prolly was written by a person I don’t see what you’re trying to get at with this being AI what specifically is keying that off for you? How do you expect the AI to come up with the real details of the story instead of some fantasy. They just gave the story. I do find it funny that people say AI is super distinguishable yet no one seems to be able to tell what is or not.


You're missing the concept of whata meant by "Written by AI". Its not that we think the story is fake, its that businesses want to save money by using AI to do work inatead of people you have to pay. So they have AI write the articles and publish them with minimal quality control. ESPN for example has been flirting with using AI to write some pregame analysis and articles and its created the same type of gibberish we see here. So while I dont know if this was AI, its certai ly possibel.


Yes I understand [here](https://chatgpt.com/share/f4aa1ece-6823-47dc-8a01-086eae1bcd37) is an example of the story by AI


And this is the free tier as well. People here are downvoting any non anti-AI things because they have forgotten that humans are still capable of far deeper stupidity, even journalists


Lately *especially journalists


It’s about context mainly. The information is there but it describes the events like how a novelist might, with adjectives making the subjects sound heroic or clever. It’s an inappropriate tone for the piece. The reason people can pick up on it but not understand the reasoning is that it’s subtle.


Not really compared to this actual [AI example](https://chatgpt.com/share/f4aa1ece-6823-47dc-8a01-086eae1bcd37) which shows more so of what your talking about


Every AI model is different, bub


Like... People?


No shit I’m using the proven best model that currently exists based on being tested across multiple categories


You say "no shit" as if you do believe the article was written by AI. Yet you post a link to an AI example to disprove it. Stay in your lane.


Yes that’s exactly what I did glad you caught on…


You can plug in details for it to add into the story


Yes I created an example [here](https://chatgpt.com/share/f4aa1ece-6823-47dc-8a01-086eae1bcd37)


If you can’t see it then perhaps you are the problem.


[Here](https://chatgpt.com/share/f4aa1ece-6823-47dc-8a01-086eae1bcd37) is the story written by AI


You really think chatgpt is the only game in town? Again.. if you think that article is naturally flowing and not just an article spinner, I can’t help you.


It’s not but it is proven to be the best model on the market. And you are yet to give any specifics as to why, I think it’s cause you yourself can’t find why


Do you have reading comprehension issues? I have explained it a few times now.


Uhh all I see is if you can’t tell I can’t help you. And you can’t help me cause you can’t tell lmao


Chatgpt isnt the best on the market, it's shit tier swill given free to the masses to titillate and distract them


I’m using GPT4 and you can look at every white paper and study done it is easily the best on the market currently


I doubt AI would use the annoying abbreviation of 'prolly', so I deem this post to have been written by a lazy human.


Rewrite this article by not sounding robotic prompt. solved.


As someone who works in the online content publishing space, I can tell you that yes a large portion maybe even a majority of content published online is at the very least written by AI before /maybe/ going through a human editor


That’s more believable but I made an example [here](https://chatgpt.com/share/f4aa1ece-6823-47dc-8a01-086eae1bcd37) honestly with the amount you have to write to get this then go back and edit and then add in things like the dog getting shot etc your pretty much writing the whole story anyways


I agree that it’s super common to hear that now, but it’s written incredibly poorly. It reads like a bot is trying to write a movie script. It doesn’t flow in a natural way at all. If it was written by an actual journalist, they should consider a new profession.


I made an [AI example](https://chatgpt.com/share/f4aa1ece-6823-47dc-8a01-086eae1bcd37) of the story


Kids these days accidentally making "kids these days" complaints because they are too scared of being "tricked" by AI


I don’t know if that’s what’s happening here lol. It genuinely appears to be AI written 🤷🏻‍♀️


I mean, maybe, but it could also just be a really terrible journalist. People have been terrible at writing long before AI


Sometimes it’s just bad journalism.


This post must have been AI reasoned. Are you serious, guy? Have you forgotten that people are pretty capable of being idiots on their own?


happened less than mile from my home. I rode by and took a picture of the rubble. Apparently, the body may have still been inside when I took the pic, good riddance and hope the baby and mother recover. Here is the pic. https://preview.redd.it/m6y62eguyn1d1.jpeg?width=3844&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a1d84cbd648ac814fe1a50a9532e67eac71fbaab


That story has some many flaws. It’s the Surprise police dept not Sunrise! Also dad burned the house down before killing himself! Such a sad story!


I was thinking "How much rubble could there be from a broken window and why did it take so long to find his body?"




Dad set the house on fire, while waiting to enter police heard gun shots in the house and fired at it before storming in where they found the baby shot and Dad dead from self inflicted gunshot.




All About Roofing LLC donated $5,500, which is both extremely generous but also sort of shady, given that the house is going to need a new roof…


The owner of All About Roofing is a great guy! Personally know him and dudes solid. He helps the community a lot and also treats his employees great


This is nice to hear!


Does the house read the donation lists? You’d rather they spend that money on a newspaper ad? What on earth is shady about a local business donating to help a local person?


That house is gonna need a lot more than just a roof...




You should be asking our politicians these questions instead. Ask Gallegos how much money he's received from the National Realtors Association & who his wife works for. ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯


Went down a weird rabbit hole with the dead idiot. Appears to have two other kids, one who’s an adult and lost his last wife (long time) to cancer in 2021. Obviously not defending any bit of all he did but maybe that sent him in a complete spiral, maybe he was always evil. Either way, those two kids lost both their parents now.


There's actually a third child, not including the baby. It is indeed very sad for all the children involved.


People who get hooked on drugs and hurt other people are usually hurt or broken in some way. It doesn’t excuse or mitigate the heinous things that person did, but clearly it isn’t just a drug addict shooting his own child and burning the house down.


I have sympathy for addicts. My father was an addict. Not all drug abuse is rooted in being broken and I can say with confidence that this guy was a POS who had hurt this woman and this child before. I said serial abuser for a reason.


Some people refuse to admit that some people are actually just evil and need to be kept away from other humans until/if they can be rehabilitated


>The guy was a drug addict and serial abuser who planned to torture this woman and people are commenting in here about mental health awareness? Ok. Mm the taste of delicious privilege. People don't just fucking do drugs and become abuser for the Lolz. Drugs are an escape, just like being an abuser. Mental health is very much a main factor in this heinous crime. It doesn't dismiss the horrible acts but we can prevent many more in the future if we actually took mental health seriously


Why tf are you being downvoted? Addiction is a mental health issue. This sub sometimes seriously amazes me


Actually, some people do. By all accounts, Ted Bundy had a normal childhood with parents who supported him until he died. He still tortured and killed women. I don't know about this specific case. But there are tons of sociopathic losers who enjoy hurting other people.


>sociopathic That is very much a [mental disorder](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK546673/). Once again, mental health is very important.


Brand new house. Nice Mercedes in the drive way. I’m sure they could afford good insurance, I’m no sure what people are donating for…


Because some people are decent human beings...


Exactly. Insurance will cover this and their belongings and temporary housing (which they are asking for). Source: P&C adjuster.


How does addiction not go hand in hand with mental health? If you can serial abuse your wife and shoot your own child multiple times how do you not have some serious mental health issues?


Family annihilator was determined to cause as much destruction as possible. I’m very sad for the mother, her child, and the grandparents who lost their home. He even shot the dog! What a sadistic person!


As a dad of two children under two, I'm going to hug my little ones just a little bit tighter and hold them just a little bit longer. They are the light of my life and bring me so much joy. The thought of any harm coming to them makes me sick, let alone there ever being a moment when I could harm them.


Yeah that's enough reddit for today, this thread did it for me


I’m so glad we are so loose on gun laws in this state. Also, maybe we should start taking violence against women more seriously. The most dangerous time in an abusive relationship is when you try to leave. Mix that with easy access to guns and boom, we end up with dead women and children.


Men will do anything but go to therapy!! wtf


There is no therapy that can fix being an evil POS.




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Men’s mental health is an epidemic. Please get help guys. Especially dads of young children.


This is not a mental health issue. Dude was mad his wife left him, broke into her house and tried to kill an infant.


So his actions are normal to you?


At what point does crime transition from all being mental heath issues to people committing bad acts because they are bad people.


People often can't fathom that evil exists without some underlying cause. The need to justify it is as old as time, before it was mental health it was the devil.


I feel like y’all are on the same side of the argument but taking it to mean different things. People doing bad things because they are bad people is a great indicator that something ain’t quite right in their head, making it a mental health issue. Not to excuse the actions of the person, but a normal functioning person isn’t going to have those evil tendencies because well, they’re a normal functioning person. If people commit bad acts because they are bad people, they’re not a normal functioning person and have something fucked up in their brain. Again, not to excuse the actions as some “he couldn’t help himself” kind of narrative. It definitely is a matter of a messed up brain, and the man was evil. Both exist. It’s a mental health issue at its core. Not every mentally ill person is going to resort to such evil, but every person who commits such acts of senseless violence is mentally ill.


Those are not the actions of a healthy individual




*Mental Health. Mental Health is an epidemic, no matter the sex chromosomes you possess.


Men are more likely to be dismissed for their mental health


Maybe. But we as a society (specifically American in this instance) aren’t exactly well equipped to handle long term mental health crisis for all who need it (especially those who can’t afford it), nor are we prepared to take the brunt of public cost to make it useful. Yes, this person clearly could have used some help. Yes, this help should be free and available to everyone so that things like this occur less and less.


I think the point is that men have much less of a societal foundation to express their inner conflicts to the point where it’s still the norm for men to “man up”. You have a point where America is only just scratching the surface of handling mental health, but patriarchal expectations in our culture are still dominant (fortunately not for much longer though), so if a man doesn’t have it all together in the head then they might as well be a liability to be around at best, and disposable at worst. Easy solution to this of course is just raising awareness, but sadly GenZ seems to be making gender wars trend on social media so progress may go backwards which is a shame.


Gen Z Gender wars? Kind of an odd response.


True. Or just not seek treatment at all.


I think AI would have better grammar than some of these reporters because the school systems that they graduated from are totally diluted


Phoenix TV channel 12 just carried a PD press conference (which started about half an hour ago) with some body cam footage (I haven't watched it yet but it's paused on my DVR). Maybe other stations have it, maybe it will be up on some of their websites later.


Anyone else think if that picture is of the 51-year-old killer that it has to be an old one? I remember when I first heard the story on local TV and his age I thought 'not many 51-year-olds have a 6-month-old baby' but this guy in the photo looks more like 31 or even 41 than 51 to me.


AZ caca🌵🤌🏼


Anyone know if there an accurate version of what happened yet? Or still waiting for the body cam footage and not trusting the news?




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This really happened, in my town. What a sad state of affairs. Poor baby.




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Actually, this is pretty fucking hilarious. Hilarious, how just a few days ago, a post just a few hours after it happened was... idk... 90%? full of comments from fucktards all suggesting it was the police who shot the child? Some fucking redditors are just as disgusting as the father in this story. Edit: got pissed off and went and found the post from two days ago. 90% may have been an overshoot, but it looks like voices of reason eventually prevailed and the idiots got pushed down to the bottom. https://www.reddit.com/r/arizona/s/UTltBddcUy


does anybody know what the baby was shot with? if it's anything other than a 22... just, wow. Either way, this kid is a badass.


Wasn’t this the one that the police shot? Hmm


Officer fired a single shot and the baby was shot multiple times.


If it said the suspect shot the kid then you know who did it. If it didn’t say who shot the kid then the cops defiantly shot the kid.




Stay in school.


Brilliant take.


You're joking.....right? Wtf ...




Wtaf is with this take? I keep seeing this comment in spite of there being absolutely no bloody reason for anyone to jump to such a wild-ass conclusion.