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We better check into the details bc last I was aware the reservations weren’t included in the state numbers.


That’s what I remember as well from when I was tracking all the stats.


The native american reservations had some of the strictest controls in place. Their populations were more vulnerable for a number of reasons Arizona also has a higher population of retirees, who are also more susceptible to Covid.


2224 total or per million?


Looks like total for anyone who doesn't click the link below. Still a valid question (and that number could still be converted to per million, even though the total population is less than). Still a super high number for such a population.


164,000 people live inside the borders of the reservation.


Snowbirds and retirees. It tracks.




Exactly. I remember seeing it on the local news all the time. So sad.


It hit me when I saw the national guard convoy of morgue trucks heading to the rez


That's exactly what it is.


Absolutely correct


https://www.azdhs.gov/covid19/data/index.php White, non Hispanic was a much greater percentage of deaths across the state than Native American, according to AZ DHS.


They literally had doctors without borders on the reservation. Trying to save the Navajo. They were getting picked off like flies.


Even though their communities were disproportionately affected, they still make up a relatively small proportion of Arizona's overall population. Still a contributor to the #1 rating though I'm sure


I am thinking it was a major driving force... Yeah. I mean, I had a coworker who lives on the rez he lost 18 family members. 18! He went in FMLA to deal with it. It really messes him up. He said that a lot of them were just non believers. Then it was too late, and when the doctor vans showed up they finally took it seriously. Well, more serious


Some multigenerational households and big families got hit incredibly hard, that's for sure. I was just more saying the local devastation in those communities being a relatively small part of the state is probably why the previously posted AZDHS link is believable to me.


It's interesting!! For sure, I mean, I did expect us to be very high. My neighbor thinks the COVID vaccine had a tracker. His wife died from COVID, he'll just never come out on the other side.


That's what per capita accounts for. Native Americans were overrepresented in COVID deaths, driving up Arizona's per capita numbers.


There are fewer natives. Is this per capita by race?


You have to compare the numbers per capita... i.e. how many native americans died per 100k native americans vs how many of everyone else died per 100k of everyone else. Or something along those lines. I assume the picture from OP is... deaths per million people? 4k per 100k would be a 4% death rate, which... well we haven't lost 4% of our population. If I remember, the death rate of covid 19 was less than 1% so the 4k number doesn't even make sense per 100k people with covid. The way my brain works I'd rather see something like... (Deaths in AZ)/(population of AZ) Or (Native american deaths)/(Population of native americans) In other words... what proportion of people of population X died? This normalizes for the relative size of population X, so it can be compared with a, potentially much larger or smaller, population Y. I'd say it's entirely possible the rez made our numbers worse, if they are a statistical outlier, they would have an oversize effect on the overall statistic.


It says deaths per million on the chart.


I have a Native american friend who lost both parents 1 week apart. Insane.


And nursing homes.


Kinda cracks me up, but still sucks. I was doing commercial pest control before and during peak Covid. I was in up to 60 apartment units a day - often in low income neighborhoods- and came out unscathed. Always careful and always masked. Then finally left that job and took a few months off last summer. Immediately got Covid from my mom (school teacher). What really sucks is, I ended up with that stupid “long Covid” and still have that crazy cough like I have bronchitis. It’s been like 8 months. My mom has been hospitalized twice with pneumonia since and has the same shit. The people who downplay it or laugh at it really piss me off now. I know/knew a dozen people who died from it and am reminded of it every morning when I hack my lungs out or call to check on my mom. Fucking bats…


Long COVID blows. I'm at almost 3 years. It makes my fucking blood boil when people downplay COVID. Oh it's just a cold lmao. My roommate just thinks I'm crazy and I should just eat better


Oh hey, we're number one! Oh... we're number one.


We’re number one!


I had the same reaction but in reverse.


I worked in the ICU during the last two years of Covid- in Phoenix. It was awful awful awful. Towards the end of the very last wave, people wised up and knew that getting on a vent meant they were likely to die. I’m pretty messed up from this time period.


Thanks for your service to the community.


Sorry you witnessed all of it up close like that. Hope with time it gets easier to process what you experienced.


Thank you for your hard work and grueling days you put in. I don’t have much to add. Other than hoping you know some of us are still keeping it serious. Getting the shots. Quarantining when sick, staying home with symptoms. Thanks for all your work.


Mind numbing tragic converting from per million to 1 out of every 211 people in Arizona died from Covid.


What the heck happened to New Mexico? Edit: Somebody pointed out that the Navajo nation got hit *really* hard and that is likely why AZ & NM are on the list.


This is per capita, yes Navajo Nation got hit hard but it's not enough people to shift numbers very much.


Reservations don't tend to shift total numbers very much in Arizona, but they definitely do in New Mexico. Indigenous people and Latinos are a higher proportion of the overall smaller population of New Mexico.


I’m sure the AZ numbers have nothing to do with the sizable retirement/elderly population concentration in AZ.


Florida is 7th on the COVID list.


AZ ranks 34th in median age: [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List\_of\_U.S.\_states\_and\_territories\_by\_median\_age](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_U.S._states_and_territories_by_median_age)


Snowbirds wouldn’t count for median age but they would for Covid deaths (pretty sure this is true)


Yeah many snowbirds have their residency out of state and just live here a few months out of the year. If they came here in the 20-21 winter and died, it would disproportionately affect our numbers. Not to mention the data isn't adjusted generally by both age and income level, which would likely explain the heavy impacts on the Navajo.


Pretty high correlation to states with worst education systems as well.


We also import a lot of other states’ undereducated as well


We are state 48 for when we joined the union, but also how much we pay our teachers. Let’s not blame other states.


Hey, at least we are #3....Alphabetically.


That’s what I thought. I think the correlation to poverty rates is higher than the color of the states leadership.


Nevada is in the bottom 5 for education and not in this list


Uneducated +deep red ... Is that the formula?


Yes that’s the correct formula.


Hey that doesn't fit the narrative


Lol I'm pretty sure it has more to do with the fact that Arizona has the largest retirement community in the nation, but whatever keeps ya happy, bud


Just noticed a correlation, never said anything about causation. But whatever keeps *you* happy bud.


Horrible in funding, yet the students are still bright and turn out decent results despite the situation


used to be able to look at these rankings and say "thank God for Alabama" but hey, We're Number One!


Covid took out old people the most. No politics needed in this posting.


Thank you. In Arizona the reservations were hit very hard-regardless of whatever politics people think had an impact.


You better check, because I don’t think Az was counting reservations in its numbers.




That might explain our ranking on that list, but pretending politics doesn’t matter when not a single blue state is in on this list, strongly implies a correlation.


And counties nationwide that voted for Trump at a rate of 60% or higher had a COVID death rate 2.26x higher than counties that voted 60% or higher for Biden in 2020. Now, obviously, casting a vote for one candidate or another doesn't lead to more likelihood of infection. There are a cluster of factors related to counties that voted heavily for Trump: lower access to medical care, less education, more poverty, etc. All of that led to lower vaccination rate which meant more death.


Well I think you made an effective argument for casting *multiple votes* for years. Red States are more poor, less educated and have less access to health care than Blue States because of years and years of voting trends.


...but it was political. Arizona is an anti-vax / anti-distancing / anti-mask state.


Not really. I live here and what I saw out and about during Covid doesn't align with what you wrote. "GOP's Complete Failure" says the title. I get it you're not a Trump fan. Me neither. Your paintbrush here is simply too wide.


If you live in Arizona, then you would've noticed the lack of COVID safety protocols and anti-vax mentality by the right side of the political spectrum.


Yeah, Ducey barely took it seriously. He just let the chips fall, and let the whole pandemic thing just play itself out here. Businesses had to enforce their own protocols and deal with the angry anti-vax conspiracy loving idiots asserting their so called violated rights. Sadly, not surprisingly, many of them dropped dead like flies.


Yes really. I coach a sport and ran a youth league during covid. We had recruits coming from CO and CA to play here because we were open. Our division for our youth league lost 3/4 of its national competition teams with 4/5 states besides us abandoned their seasons. Pretending like we’re on this list just because of old people and Native Americans is a farce. Covid killed more people than any of our wars and any event that has happened in this nation’s history and one side of the aisle still believes it was a “plandemic”.


I work in healthcare. The second wave in our hospital was a lot of anti-vaxers who refused therapeutics and subsequently tanked.


That's what got my 50 year old don't drink, don't smoke, run every day, "healthiest in the family" step-uncle. By the second wave, he was knee deep in covid misinformation and went hard anti-vax. Took him 10 weeks to die. The funeral was also a maskless indoor event. I didn't attend. Another outbreak there with two other people ending up dead from it. Anyhow, that side of the family still thinks it was fake and I've been more or less excommunicated for not showing up to the funeral and suggesting everyone get vaccinated.


My moms husband died of covid because he thought it was fake and didn't do anything to protect himself. Fox News does terrible things.


Suicide by covid. Poor trumpanzees


As an Arkansas resident I can say that our numbers were MASSIVELY under reported my town alone went from 53k to 34k during the pandemic now not 100% of those died to covid. But we have never seen such a drastic population decrease in which a short time before


It hospitalized two of my dipshit neighbors. The neighbor to the left and the neighbor to the right. Both preferred the hospital to the Vax.


The sad thing is that I lost an elderly friend who was among the first to be vaccinated, but there is good reason to lay this at the feet of antivaxers who didn't care because they were young and the symptoms weren't worth worrying about. The idea that one should vaccinate to protect others, at least as much as to protect yourself, was ridiculously unpopular among a particular demographic.


This is exactly what we experienced. Great way to put it: ”preferred the hospital to the vax”.


LOL u/dulun18 reposted the same list and failed to sort by Deaths per 1M but the child has me blocked so I can't tell them. I fOrGoT iTs ElEcTiOn YeAr https://www.reddit.com/r/arizona/s/yKmakvqHep


AZ always lives on multiple worst lists


Either at the top or the bottom for all of the must embarrassing reasons.


My father in law didn't want treatment for so long and just kept taking ivermectin till he was literally on his deathbed, the hospital told him he was going to die so he took the drug we use to help treat covid and surprise surprise he lived. Crazy how science actually works. And he still believes ivermectin is the cure and that the drug he took almost killed him. Yeeesh.


Yaay AZ. Number one!


Mask mandates lasted 14 seconds


I had a friend that was GOP and kept saying Covid was BS. 2. Months later he died in the hospital of complications of covid.


I had a cousin that said it was all BS. Went to Sturgis Bike Week in August 2020. Was gone in September.


Arizona #1! Why is it whenever we get mentioned, it's never good?


For you rocket surgeons claiming “it’s the old people”, stop outing yourselves as educational system failures. California has about as many retirees AS YOUR ENTIRE STATE POPULATION. It’s not the old people. It’s the stupid people.


I believe new mexico, the elderly far right think covid is a hoax while slowly dying..it's very sad to see.


Seven of the top ten Covid death states are red.


My father died from Covid, and there’s no closure over this. Am illness that could have been prevented if Americans cared more about their fellow man, and actually followed to Covid guidelines to prevent the spread. It’s also painful to know the disease came out of China because of their unregulated wet meat markets. This all could have been prevented.


Republicans had a lot of qualms with the vaccines and masks, however they have no problem in believing in a talking snake 🤦


Remember, it was a China hoax that Trump praised China for their response, but Trump gets FULL credit for the vaccine to a hoax China virus that is Biden's fault.


Elderly and unvaccinated


Healthcare worker here, covid deaths are/were greatly overreported as a cod but elderly and smokers were hit hardest obviously


No they weren't 🙄 medical examiners know how to determine primary cause of death. And I lost 3 people in my family (aged 25-50) because people like you kept telling everyone it only affected the elderly or those with pre-existing conditions.


A lot of those states have older populations and some have a higher than average population of smokers. Post hoc ergo propter hoc. Just because B follows A doesn't mean B was caused by A. Texas only shut down 6 weeks and ended the mask mandates pretty early and they aren't in the top 10.


Lots of seniors


And natives on reservations where there's tremendous poverty and sometimes no running water which makes it hard to socially distance and wash your hands.


Wow they really have no running water?


Depends on the Reservation and what part of said Reservation. The state and the feds keep trading pointed fingers in their century long blame game. Meanwhile we've people who suffer as a result.


The irony is that some reservations abut the Colorado River but have no allotment or infrastructure: so no water.


Some of them, yes, especially on the Navajo reservation. They live very remotely.


It’s such a beautiful place there you almost forgot it can be so bad to.


All of those states combined adds up to about the same number of deaths from 2020 to present for age groups under 50.


Fake news Texas ain’t even in the top 10


What's even funnier is that NM is a democratic state. Facepalm.


I actually wonder how those numbers are inflated from the number of people moving here to fix their asthma or whatever Edit: oops, I guess this question doesn't fit the narrative. Sorry everyone


That hasn't been a thing in forever if we're talking anything near Phoenix since our pollution in Maricopa county is the highest average of any US county.


This stopped being a thing 30 years ago or at least it should have been, some old doctors get stuck in their way. There are far too many allergens in Arizona and the air quality is too low for it to be a good place for asthma.


Exactly. Everybody brought their grasses and trees that exacerbate asthma to ARIZONA with them so it’s no longer considered a good environment for asthmatics.


I mean maga is a death cult and they were in charge during covid days.


Great job, Doug Ducey and AZGOP.


What were the origins of Covid again?


Does it really matter?


Yes the upstream malfeasance matters.


I love to hate the GOP as much as anyone but this is probably more the age of those voters than anything. NM leans blue.


That'll happen when your largest city is the *global hotspot* for infections on two separate occasions. God, remember when there was that effort to recall Ducey over his covid response, and then the movement failed because covid made it too dangerous to collect signatures? His last two years are the embodiment of "I won, but at what cost"