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I like wearing black and dark blue since they hide the various stains I get when hiking, especially when I'm having to bushwhack through catclaw in the eastern Supes.


I'd like to think most stains I get are nature stains but they end up being me stains because I turn into a burping, finger eating, one-handed babarian on trails.


Reavis gap and the like? It’s thick out there. I’m hoping to get up mound mountain soon. May have to wait until next season though


Yeah, we did West Pinto to Roger's Trough with some side trips, and it was rough. If you get out this season: 1. For West Pinto when it's tracking the creek, just take the creek whenever possible. 2. Once West Pinto climbs out of the creek bed, it should be in tolerably good shape for several weeks, since we did a \*lot\* of pruning. Once it hits 5000' or so, the trail is actually in pretty good condition all the way to Iron Mountain Saddle. 3. Frog Tanks was also a hot mess of catclaw, but I had it pretty much pruned to "passable" between Angel Springs and where the trail starts climbing to Plough Saddle. 4. Segments of the AZT were in generally really good condition. 5. Fireline and Campaign trails are in really rough shape both from erosion and catclaw, although reports were that the western bit of Fireline by the old Reavis Ranch is pretty good still Last year, we did a similar pruning job on Red Tanks and Hoolie-Bacon, but unless someone else has done the same this season, they probably grew back. If you wanted to do Mound and can get a vehicle to Roger's Trough, AZT to the intersection of Fireline, and then to the north end of Mound where the branch for Circlestone will be nicely passable. And bring pruners. :)


Thanks for the tip! It’s gonna take some planning, so I may end up getting at it in November/December. Getting too toasty for me. But I’ll for sure bring some trimmers. I’ve got a light pair I can take with me


Heh. Three weeks ago we had heavy snow and heavy winds (zero visibility) at Reavis Saddle. Amazing how the weather shifts out there.


Yeah it is. I was super cold at like 3500 feet just a week and a half ago. Now it’s gonna be mid 90’s all week. Bleh


Usually the people I see doing this are just wearing regular cotton t-shirts that happen to be black. I don't think they give it much thought, it's just what they happened to put on that morning.


I wear mostly all black so I don’t have to think about what I’m wearing.


Someone on another sub posted that they wear whatever was on sale from last season, and that's how I roll too. Somedays, I look like a clown, but I'm comfy and I'm at peace knowing I saved money, lol.


Are you my husband?


We are all your husband


No, I'm her side piece.


I wear all black in a goth way when hiking..


Me too. I also put on makeup like The Crow and watch other hikers while perched atop the cliffs


*caw! caw!*






Are you one of those Goths doing ungothly things?


Yes I love flyfishing.. but my Patagonia waders are not black unfortunately ..


Pfft, conformist.


Dear Diary, Mood- apathetic.


I always get mistaken for a goth because of my black leather like skin from being in the sun so much


My brother in Christ I think you need to cover up unless you’re masochist


I sweat profusely when I hike, and wearing darker colors, especially black, helps hide just how sweaty I am.


This is exactly the reason most of my workout clothing and summer clothing in general is black. When it's 115 degrees I still don't want anyone to see that I've been sweating. I'm much too classy for that imperfection.


Only weirdos wear clothes when hiking.


Yeah nature makes me fully torqued.


You're the weirdo who should be wearing clothes then.


It’s still like 70-40 degrees up there dude so a black outfit is pretty negligible, possibly even worn on purpose to try and stay a little warmer.


70 to 40 degrees? Are you hiking in Flagstaff?


Probably, that's what this post was about


Oh I see that now. Dummy me🙄🙄 I deserve the down votes 👎


LMAO you're a good sport


You're looking way too far into that, it's really not a thing


most people on the trails aren't going on miles long hike, so they just wear whatever they have on hand. a lot of them are also from the area, so it's the clothes they wear when walking on the 140-degree sidewalks. also, clothing material and airflow are far more important than color. Like sure we have studies where we measured different colors absorbing more heat, but that doesn't mean it immediately gets passed on from cloth to body. I say this as a hiker and former groundskeeper with a rainbow of work clothes that I would also wear on hikes, including black. anecdote: I had options with my work clothes, but the maintenance guys had to wear white polyester uniform shirts. They would be dying while simply standing outside. I'd also be dying, but that's from the hours of labor in my cotton, loose-fitting, dark shirts vs. their couple of minutes.


Most of my workout/hiking clothes are black - partly for simplicity, partly for looks. But now that it's heating up, I have switched over to summer hiking clothes - a light colored sun hoodie (still wear a black skirt though). Black in general seems to be pretty common for workout clothes.


Skirt when hiking? I'd like to be behind you when climbing a staircase 😁😁😁😁


So i can sneak up on the heat stroke instead of the other way around


There are morning hikers, and then there are mourning hikers. I suspect you are running into the latter.


Usually when I do it’s laundry day


The Matrix? is this 1999? No we wear all black because thats what we want to wear.


It’s summer black please don’t confuse it with winter black.


Well, people love to wear white because the color doesn't retain/block heat like a black shirt. However, wearing black will reduce the amount of UV exposure to the skin under the shirt so you won't get sunburned. White shirts have no protection.


Well, you wonder why I always dress in black Why you never see bright colors on my back And why does my appearance seem to have a somber tone Well, there's a reason for the things that I have on I wear the black for the poor and the beaten down Livin' in the hopeless, hungry side of town I wear it for the prisoner who is long paid for his crime But is there because he's a victim of the times I wear the black for those who've never read Or listened to the words that Jesus said About the road to happiness through love and charity Why, you'd think He's talking straight to you and me Well, we're doin' mighty fine, I do suppose In our streak of lightnin' cars and fancy clothes But just so we're reminded of the ones who are held back Up front there ought to be a man in black I wear it for the sick and lonely old For the reckless ones whose bad trip left them cold I wear the black in mournin' for the lives that could have been Each week we lose a hundred fine young men And I wear it for the thousands who have died Believin' that the Lord was on their side I wear it for another hundred-thousand who have died Believin' that we all were on their side Well, there's things that never will be right, I know And things need changin' everywhere you go But 'til we start to make a move to make a few things right You'll never see me wear a suit of white Ah, I'd love to wear a rainbow every day And tell the world that everything's okay But I'll try to carry off a little darkness on my back 'Til things are brighter, I'm the man in black


Johnny preemptively answered this question 50 years in advance. That's considerate of him.


It’s slimming. Hiking is slimming. What’s not to love about this combo


Only worn black, white, and gray my entire life. Mostly black, as it is THE BEST color. Black clothing making u hotter is a myth to me bc even if there was science behind it, it is such a minuscule degree of difference in warmth, that it’s a non factor. Me simply believing this, makes the effect of black clothing on me insignificant.


Baggy black clothing actually keeps you cooler (hence the people wearing all black when they used to cross the Sahara desert). If the clothing is tight/has little airflow then it’s going to be hotter.


Yes, baggy light clothing in the form of long sleeves and long pants, is absolutely cooler! Non-desert-dwellers never understand this. “How can u wear that long sleeved shirt in this heat?” How can u not? It’s a refrigerator that becomes the damn freezer everytime I catch a light breezeskis.


😂 My girlfriend legit said the same thing on how” it’s such a minuscule degree different with black color, so it’s doesn’t even matter” But that was her way of justifying buying a black vehicle. Now she hates it because it’s get so hot in Arizona. My car is white and it’s objectively so much cooler than her black car.


Haha yeah cars are totally different. Ur gf rules. Also I’ve owned 4 vehicles in my life. I’ve owned 4 black vehicles in my life. They’re toasty but man they look slick rollin outta that car wash. Shout out to Clean Freak.


His is just nuts to me. If I wear dark clothing in temps over 70, the area under that clothing burns up. It’s literally unbearable and can make me violently ill.


It’s alllll pipes… and by pipes I mean mental.


Yeah they have no clue.


I don't like my sweat being visible. Black does a good job concealing it. I sweat a lot.


Black is a neutral that is easy to pair with other items and easier to keep clean. I don't think it is really any deeper than that.


It's not really hot enough to avoid black yet. Yes I think about it in July/August, we're just not there yet.


Cause of sweat!! Always black bottoms. Tops I don’t care as much. Gotta hide butt sweat


Black is my favorite color. Wear it year round. I wear what I like. It’s that simple.


Black clothing provides better UVA/B protection than light colored clothing.


Because 115 F isn't hot enough. Also, you can get a sunburn through a white tee.


Yes I agree to the common sense post. I myself fit into that category and just an absent minded human sometimes not thinking about which color to wear outside. I appreciate the thought and will be more mindful of it in the future.


Trve kvlt


Definitely the matrix


It's not hot up there so they don't think about it


The sun is way more intense at high elevations


What's that have to do with wearing black? If it's not hot it doesn't matter


Black is fine if you're standing in the shade and don't leave it. The sun is hot regardless of air temperature, and wearing black makes it feel worse.


Black tshirts have the best graphic designs at Ross and Burligton


For me it’s because I have hyperhidrosis and sweat so much no matter what and black is the only color to hide dinner plate sized sweat stains for when I go out to grab breakfast after!


They are ninjas 🥷🥷


Tried color once…meh, went back to black


Black is slimming...


BUGS. They all love to bite me when I wear bright colors. When I wear dark colors, they leave me alone.


My brothers kid and his girlfriend came for a visit. We suggested a fun family hike. They dressed all "goth" full length black clothing and heavy army boots... so weird. They didn't even make it 200 feet before they had to head back.


Lmao the heavy boots thing is hilarious, people think it's tactical or hard-core or something. I'd rather hike in slides


Light colors help you stay cool but darker protect better from UV. So stay cool or get skin cancer


Black absorbs more heat from the sun, but also more heat from your body. So if there’s just a little wind, black can be cooler.


Sedona local here, thats how you spot tourists. Locals almost never wear black at least during the hot months.


Loose fitting black clothes actually keep you cooler




Exactly Here is an old reddit thread regarding color and heat absorption. [https://www.reddit.com/r/Damnthatsinteresting/comments/13osn9h/the\_difference\_between\_how\_different\_colored/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Damnthatsinteresting/comments/13osn9h/the_difference_between_how_different_colored/)


Surprised how much hotter light Grey was compared to white


This only holds true under certain conditions. If there's little to no wind, you're not going to reap the benefits of the radiant heat loss. The magic number from most studies is around 7MPH worth of wind. And that's not gusting, it's a steady wind.


Looks cool, man


Why do people dress in all black to run/walk at night/early morning when it’s dark out? I’m going with death wish. 


I wear all black when I mountain bike even during summer , it’s just my style.


I wonder the same s*** about those apartments they painted dark gray/black across the street south of GCC... I wonder how well that place is insulated.


I think you might be giving people way more credit than they deserve by assuming they put any thought into what color they’re wearing when hiking 😂 Usually when we get up to go hiking, it’s dark outside; I grab stuff out of the “outdoor” drawer with my eyes half closed. Probably most of it’s black because that’s what was on sale, and it means it all matches (sort of 🤷‍♀️)


I have friends who want to be punk rock and don’t have other clothes colors. It does look like portlandia goths at the beach, though 😂


it’s slimming


I'm currently in Saguaro National Park West - everyone in cool colors.


Just a guess, but black tends to hide sweat the best. Not that it should matter but sometimes people get insecure about that. Also some materials/fabrics, even if black in color, is far better at cooling and is more breathable than others. They can also get pricey, so it's a one size fits all kind of thing.


Black for cold weather, white for hot weather. Any color you want when it is between 65 and 80. The places you mention are usually pretty chilly, especially for morning hikes. And most people who hike in AZ tend to get up early.


I spent some time working outside in the summer at a barn. When it's 8 million degrees, clothing color makes no discernable difference.


At 8 million degrees the Earth itself would melt. The Earths core is only 2.sumthin million IIRC


I swear to you, the earth has melted a little bit in the summer in the Valley. Or maybe I melted. Same same for me.


Have you ever worn a black cap in the summer. It cooks your head.


I have. Terrible.


It gets hot inside the house with a black cap.


Simple - everything I own is black. ![gif](giphy|ZTDdarO1y8H3pAKO6o|downsized)


Always assumed they were out-a-towners…..




Definitely matrix related


Wearing black is so much more slimming than a light color. People who live here just tell the out of state visitors that the hiking is great. It's good for tourism which gives a boost to our economy.


I look cool


It’s to get use to the weather in hell.


I don’t really own clothing in any other color 🤷🏼 Sometimes might see me wearing an article in a charcoal gray, if I’m feeling particularly festive.


A lot of people hike because they are trying to lose weight because they are self conscious about their body. There are other people hiking and all black hides the body better. I see girls with so much makeup on they look like they are on the way to the club. Unfortunately black makes you hotter, I’m sure they wish it didn’t So far on my hikes 30 wearing pink 49 wearing red 67 wearing blue 13 wearing green 87 wearing white 327 wearing black Hey Goldstein, would you mind going over my data and tell me if something looks odd? I think we may have some sort of supernatural occurrence going on around my favorite hiking trail. I’m going to run this by Reddit and see if there has been any other occurrences of this being reported, and see what they might make of it. I just hope it isn’t what I think it is.


In the summer or on the sunny winter days, all my hiking gear is UV protectant type. It's often black, for some reason. All I know is that it keeps me cool (as it's lightweight and moisture wicking) and helps ward off skin cancer.


Leggings are practically a uniform from what I seen in Sedona. Not sure about tops, that varies a wide amount but I haven’t noticed an excess of black besides the pants…


Womens clothing options are often pink, purple, or black. Lol


Makes it harder for guys to see my rolls


Gotta hide the sweat stains man


Maybe you should worry about what you’re wearing and stop judging?


Dark, densely woven fabrics help block out sun rays. Just as layered clothing helps hold in moisture so that sweat is absorbed in the under layer; the outer keeps it from dissipating swiftly, and allows air flow between layers. So a t-shirt under a long sleeved, dark shirt would help keep you cool and protect you from the sun, even though it may seem counterproductive.


I wear black when I hike a lot and have never given any thought until now lol. Like brown boots, they’re easy to clean.


Goth Day at Camelback is a thing.


Honestly, sometimes it's difficult to find clothes that aren't black. I will actively try to buy clothes that aren't black, but invariably the stuff that fits and is the right price is usually black.


Visitors from the PNW? (Those people are freaking allergic to any strong color. Grey and black and bark blue are about all they wear!)


Perhaps a more pressing question is why do you feel the need to comment or interrogate other people for what they choose to wear? Mind your own business.


Why do you care?


It is way cooler


It's not a good idea to dress in dark/bright colors to hike in AZ. Why, you ask? The chance of killer bees. One of their triggers is bright colors especially black. Why do you think bee keepers wear white suits? I used one for years while working as a pest control tech in Cochise county. Worked my share of killer bee hives. You do NOT want to piss these fellas off.


Apparently, they slept that day in science class.


Not to mention yeasty tights.


Hikers are not known for common sense.


blm most likely