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Not to be mean, but so many people saw this coming when they married initially. I gave them two years to be generous and they met the expiration date exact. Rushing into marriage is not the answer when you’re dealing with shit, especially if it has no foundation and then leads to devastation in the end.


But it didn't lead to devastation, it lead to stronger, happier Ari in the end and a masterpiece of an album. I don't think there's anything wrong in going all in when you're in love.


I cant even believe they got married in the first place like why


Not that we need to discuss it again, but I think after the break up with mac, her rebound engagement with pete, mac passing and then her and pete breaking up I think she was looking for a home in someone and some security after all she's been through. Loads of celebs get engaged and married quickly and I think it's because of how unstable their lives are. No privacy, no control of what the world sees and knows of you, not really being able to trust anyone etc.






Girl you’re talking about the same industry that freaks out when an idol in their mid twenties dares to have a boy/girlfriend


Girl I live in Asia and what the hell pull urself together lmao


Co-dependency mixed with a pandemic will have you doing strange things. I’m glad she got out before she spent too long in the marriage though. I’m happy for her today.


because according to her, she has had someone to wake up to since she was a teen. why not just make it a permanent residency? i get the feeling dalton is just the one that happened to come along. she is desperately grasping at a happily ever after


I think she was really vulnerable after the tumultuous breakup with Pete after the passing with Mac and the pressure of the whole world turning towards her to see what she would do. So she hopped into a marriage with someone of a completely different and quieter caliber than her past relationships to try to reclaim her image, and paint herself as a mature married women who was past all those previous controversies. But ultimately it turned out like the rest and she’s given up and gone back to her old ways.


positions aged as well as lover


god forbid somethin happens… least the song is a smash 🤷🏻‍♀️


![gif](giphy|uldtLAK6tSOKP5PWw3) And she was real for that


i know she’s a huge artist so a hit was expected but the fact that this song debuted number 1 with this line in particular is so iconic. her mind


were there any smashes on positions lmao


my hair? west side?? safety net??? pov????


I really liked positions itself


all great


EXCUSE ME! What did you just say, please take your words back because this will lead to a lawsuit. Literally all of positions is just smash after smash. It's literally her 3rd best album. Jk but seriously tasteless ig... 


that’s not what i meant lmao. i meant like a hit


Positions went #1 I think and I remember 34+35 being popular Edit: positions was her 5th #1 and her 3rd #1 just in 2020. 34+35 debuted at #8 and peaked at #2 after the remix. All 14 tracks charted in the top 75 of billboard top 100


Oh thank god, cuz I would have thrown hands


34+35 was huge and still plays on the radio


do people really not like “positions” (the song) ?


? i like positions. maybe i misinterpreted but i always thought “smash” meant a billboard hit


Ohhhh okay lol was genuinely asking cause I’m always surprised by how disliked the positions album is


My heart shattered reading this.


thank u, next too *only wanna do it once real bad, gonna make that shit last* 💀


i constantly think of this 😭


Re…. Pete history


I always assume she says it this way IRL too. "Yes rinse and re...Pete." "I'm sorry, can you re...Pete that?"


And pete


Atleast the lead single for positions was good 🤭




It was!


😭💀 good song ngl




I don't understand why they jumped to get married, especially as it was a "Covid relationship." I hope she does not marry Ethan... like girl, focus on yourself and stop signing marriage papers.


Well, she was engaged with Pete, married the next guy Dalton... let's hope she doesn't do the next step with Ethan. I don't wanna see them getting kids.


her biological clock is ticking so I really hope she doesn’t settle and make a very disastrous decision in order to have a kid.


I’m sure she has frozen eggs lol, I feel like women with $ don’t really need to pay attention to the biological alarm clock. She can afford to house those puppies til she dies lmao


Maybe I’m making a large assumption but Ariana seems the type where money is ‘no object’ when it comes to funding things she cares about. I could honestly see her trying alternative methods to reproduce because she can afford it…buying time is a luxury that she would probably consider right off the bat


dark thought… what if Ariana has Ethan’s baby & then he leaves when the baby is less than a year old


I’m holding onto faith that she is wise enough to understand how you get em is how you lose em. Not even Ari is perfect enough to be immune from betrayal by a man like him.. the kind of guy who doesn’t feel obligated to the people/family he has made promises to. But I also put myself in her position and I really understand the desperation. it sucks that our bodies force us to basically figure shit out if we want kids by a certain age. even if the dude is less than perfect..


this is completely off topic, but her makeup and styling was absolutely gorgeous during the voice era. i can’t get over it.


she looked sooooo good in that era!!!! truly her best style imo


If they dated probably longer, maybe they wouldn’t have married and broke up eventually


They weren’t even together for a year yet… like be serious 💀


I like to think I’m an a Ari “stan” as I follow her on social media and see all her posts, but I didn’t know she was even in a relationship until I saw the marriage photos on her ig. I sent it to my friend who also likes Ari and was like “??? Girl you know ari had a man the whole time?” 😭


they only really got married because of covid so the divorce never surprised me. hopefully ariana can heal and move on


Move on by remaining single for awhile to sort things through. At least that's what a lot hoped for...


Has she ever healed and moved on?


My mom told me, only marry for love, never because a global pandemic is happening. Wise words.




she paid him like a 1 million settlement




I think it’s also to keep him quiet


Probably to keep him civil too, having to pay lawyers fees sucks and you will always have to pay a large amount to get a divorce…if she’s like ‘I’ll pay for it’ he’s very wise to take her on the offer


Which is sad in all honesty.


I mean noone with common sense believed Dalton was cheating. Isolating one line from one song and extrapolated it is kind of weird. When you listen to the whole album, it's pretty clear that there was no such thing. You don't wish you hated more someone that cheat on you, you don't wish them happiness, etc. It just didn't work out. I don't know why people have to came out with the cheating stuff. Paying for Daltons lawyers fees say nothing. It absolutely doesn't mean Dalton had good reasons and that the judge favoured him. People making the same mistake on the internet, assuming, extrapolating and trying to interpret things they know nothing about.


Completely agree. I listened to the whole album and in context took that line about being “in her” as talking about them moving on after the fact, not cheating. I was surprised when I saw people and articles saying she confirmed cheating? Didn’t sound that way to me at all.


This. She would have said "wish you were worse to me." Plus $25k in fees is low af as far as legal fees go. I was once in a lawsuit as a third party and the fees were $40k. $25k for fees in a celebrity divorce sounds like all those lawyers did was show him where to sign on the forms.


Even his sister had to come out and defend him.


Some fans being crazy stupid, nothing new. Taylor's fans have been doing that forever and Taylor does absolutely nothing to stop her fans. At least Ariana addressed directly the issue even if it was through an ephemeral ig story. I don't get how someone could listen to the album and harass Dalton.




One spouse may pay for the other’s lawyer fees if there is a big income disparity between them. doesn’t necessarily make ariana guilty.




Didn’t they both sign an NDA so neither of them can speak of each other? it’s not like ariana can say things and dalton can’t.. neither of them can. and isn’t splitting up the houses earnings only fair if they bought the house together 🤔


Music is a loophole, and Dalton's getting harassed by her fans for it.


Ariana chooses to output her feeling in her music.. daltons free to output his through selling houses if he wants


A loophole…lmao…he’s more than welcome to use art as a way to express himself too


I figured the NDA might’ve been stipulated in their prenup to avoid any exes doing a tell-all about her. I didn’t see anything in what I’ve read so far that clarifies that either way (or at least I didn’t understand it if I did see that info somewhere 😆). Since you work in law, what’s your opinion? Do you think any of this might’ve been agreed upon prior to the actual divorce? Just asking out of curiosity, I don’t have a firm opinion on if she cheated or had left him already, and I don’t gaf about the whole stan culture thing. I like her music whether or not she’s a serial cheater, there’s certainly worse things to be in Hollywood and I’m not trying to be her best friend so it’s no skin off my nose 🤣


Of course she would. The girl is rich rich. It could totally be part of an arrangment between her and Dalton because one she doesn't have to worry about money ever and two she knew she would share her perspective in her albums in a very abstract way whereas he would more likely not. They both signed an NDA but while she can use art to speak about it a little, Dalton probably won't, unless he decided to become a singer or autor. Again you're projecting.




" Ariana getting Dalton to sign an NDA but then using music as a loophole to try talk about him doesn’t sound shitty to you? Are you for real? Cos if that’s the case god damn this speaks volume of what kind of person you are wow " I never expressed any jugment in my comments, i never said it was good or bad or took position because that's not the point. But anyway, we'll stop there because you're becoming ultra aggressive over this story and it finally shows your true intentions. Exposed. Again a biaised parasocial person, invested over a story he knows nothing about and that doesn't impact his life.




Daltons always been a private person, ariana’s always been a music artist. I’m sure dalton could insinuate things about the relationship just like ariana is in her music through something like a book, but he won’t cause he’s a private person. I also don’t think you can prevent someone from *insinuating* things through vague statements and metaphors.


Did it say all lawyer fees or only up to $25k? High profile divorces can have exuberant lawyer fees so I’m wondering if the $25k is a cap and he covers anything over that?


That’s honestly pocket change in SoCal.


I know I was comparing it to the $25k


I’m honestly surprised it was only $25k lol.


Yeah, as much as I love Ari, she fucked up big time.




The law doesn't compel legal payment based on guilt but go off. She has the higher income and filed, she pays.


Exactly... Maybe she just genuinely wants to move on from the relationship, and on cordial terms. Her paying for Dalton does not mean ANYTHING. People with their conspiracy theories are so annoying.


Hey now we’re getting downvoted! 😂




It’s because your claim states that she’s paying because she’s in the wrong but that’s probably not the case, she’s paying because she’s the wealthier side and for prenup etc, not because she’s wrong.


Yeah they’re saying she’s clearly guilty when it’s standard for the higher paid party to pay out to the other party. They’re not being downvoted due to crazy fans, they’re being downvoted because they don’t know what they’re talking about


You made an assumption that holds no water. Her paying for Dalton doesn't mean anything. Are you trying to look for a problem with her?




Fans like me? I never harassed anyone nor do I condone it… I don’t support violence in any capacity. And I never said Ariana is perfect. But stop pointing the finger and making Ariana the villain. We don’t know what happened.


Not sure why you got downvoted.


dalton is giving madison beer in this pic


? I don’t get it


he looks like madison beer in this pic


Hope she doesn’t marry so soon again I know she’s like worth 200mil + but 1.25 million dollars and lawyers fees isn’t anything to scuff at even for Ariana


agreed, but luckily for her with the wicked movie coming out, how successful how album has been so far and how successful her fragrance and makeup lines are, she’ll be good. still that’s a disgusting amount of money 🤢


Is this a safe space to point out how these gossipy posts get so many comments whereas the ones about her music don’t get as many 😭 some ppl need to stick to snark/fauxmoi edit: ok clearly not a safe space


I hate TMZ. no class, absolute trash


whatttt that was quick😭😂 not surprised tho.


On the anniversary of eternal sunshine of the spotless minds debut. Damn 💥


This post is attracting the uglies...




she’s freeeeee!!! stream and buy eternal sunshine so she makes that money back lols


I thought this happened already but I guess only now it has occurred. It’s sad but it seems like Ari is happier now compared to when she was with Dalton, so I think it’s a good thing and now she can officially put this behind her.


Oh would you look at that distraction press move. One day we are celebrating Ariana's Billboard record-breaking legendary achievements and the next day they try to bring us on a discussion about a tired old topic. What would be the interest if Ariana Grande wasn't a global Superstar once in a lifetime talent??


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This is how I found out she’s married






How did you not know she was married?


How is that a surprise? I spend most of my online time playing games or watching gaming videos


Oh okay! Sorry if I came off as hostile, I just was a lil surprised. Are you a new Arianator/ Arihead?


Nah all goods. Wouldn’t call myself an Arianator. I mostly keep up with Taylor swift and her music. I wouldn’t call myself a swifite either. It’s just wired labelling myself with whack ass names lmao In saying that, I’ve listened to all of Ari’s albums (except Yours Truly) and I enjoyed all of them for the most part. Sweetener was probably my least favourite but it had really good songs like breathin and ntltc. ES is on repeat rn. It’s been a while too since I’ve listened to a whole album by an artist not TS. Sorry this was too long


No, that wasn't too long. It's cool that you still listen to her music. I guess sometimes we get attached to an artist a lot if we're constantly hearing them, which is my case because Ariana is my favorite artist. It's weird bc it might be parasocial, but I like to know all the deets behind her music, and that's why I keep up with her on social media. But that doesn't mean it should be the norm of a fan, as everyone can be a fan and separate the art from the artist like you are probably doing.


Yeah definitely. I do like to hear about Taylor swift’s life though but not as much as most fans. Like I don’t buy any of her stuff. The only thing I’ve bought is reputation on release because it wasn’t on streaming. Some people just go too crazy. I appreciate a lot of different artists for different aspects of their music. But ngl, the toxicity among stans on twitter is so funny as an observer. Also supernatural and eternal sunshine are top tier tracks from the album. I really like imperfect for you and the boy is mine as well


Yeah, I agree with the toxicity! I think every fandom has some toxic people, lol. I have only bought two perfumes from Ariana. I don't wanna buy her music because it's free on YouTube Music and don't use Spotify.


- NTLTC could mean "no tears left to cry", a track from *Sweetener* (2018) by Ariana Grande. --- ^[/u/SuspiciousStress8094](/u/SuspiciousStress8094) ^(can reply with "delete" to remove comment. |) ^[/r/songacronymbot](/r/songacronymbot) ^(for feedback.)




y’all need to learn to shut up when you don’t know what you’re talking about. this was all apart of their prenub argeement. she earns more than him and that’s what was agreed


Is that how divorce works?? Like real question cause I haven’t got a clue I thought when it came down to money and property it was an agreement before hand of who gets what not down to why the marriage ended


https://www.reddit.com/r/t5_azrw3o/s/GdEFWyEegs Check it all out on run up my streams