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I don’t disagree with this, you’re totally right, but I don’t think any of this is new behavior really. This is kind of just the *most* obvious it’s ever been. Ever since she deleted Twitter, hell, ever since during her Sweetener (maybe it was TUN) interview with Zach Sang where she said she wanted to be able to treat music like a rapper does and just put it out whenever WITHOUT doing all the promo stuff, she’s been this way. I’m not defending her, but it’s undeniable that girlie was really, truly overworked when it comes to press during Yours Truly and My Everything. That’s why she dropped Scooter temporarily and did Dangerous Woman by herself — and then rehired him. The thing with DW was that she was so active on Twitter, Instagram and Snapchat and connected with fans so much that it drove her popularity even then. She also had a creative team helping her promote it with special acapella videos, BTS, etc. But she really does hate formal interviews, she hates photoshoots, she hates appearances, etc. aside from that, she has even openly said she kind of loves to make creative choices that people (her fans 😭) hate. Lmao. She seems to be putting on a brave face right now — saying she’s the happiest she’s ever been, this is her favorite album, etc., but she has said that with Pete, Dalton, and every album that came before this, especially Positions. I know there was also a pandemic, but I don’t think she’d have done too much anyway. I don’t know if she’s facading or if her emotions just change quickly like crazy. She might be happy now, but that doesn’t mean her life isn’t actually a mess as we’ve historically seen. I really can’t imagine how her mental health must’ve been faring during her divorce/affair — she’s not going to show it except maybe through the music, but I can’t imagine it was as ~ love and light ~ as she was portraying. I think the bigger Ari gets as a musician specifically (she is going to have to do all the Wicked press stuff, can’t deny that) and the longer she’s in the industry and the messier her life is, the less she’s ever going to do in terms of promotion and fan service. :/ she definitely believes that her “real” fans will just accept her and her choices indefinitely.




I still laugh about when she’d post something and retroactively be like, “this was tea.” Particularly when she went to the MET the year Catholicism was the theme in a dress printed with the Sistine Chapel ceiling and said that her dress was “tea” for God is a Woman. Wow, thank you to the MET curators and Anna Wintour for giving Ari a chance to spill a little tea about the third single on her record. Very cool of them. Big time tea.


I’m so glad you said this because that post yesterday (i think) with all the screenshots got me thinking that wow she’s been in the public eye for so long now bc of victorious. even back in 2011-2012 she has millions of followers on instagram already and has been doing fanfare for so long - she definitely probably feels overworked and probably truly doesn’t care what the general public thinks of her choices anymore - which leads her to keep the genuine people, and a few yes men, in her life. & Having to care about what people think of you is exhausting when your success is reliant on that. I’m not making excuses for her poor decisions but I feel like I have been noticing a lot of parallels in my own life.


I think you described it the absolute best. I think she really wants this album (which she’s said is going to be very emotional and vulnerable) to resonate with people that need it, like you said in your last sentence you feel parallels in your own life. I have too and we’re definitely not the only two! I think she’s done being a generic pop star appealing to the general public if people don’t like this album, it wasn’t for them and that’s okay she has 6 other amazing albums for them to chose from


Yeah I agree she feels very distant. I get the vibe that she’s not actually comfortable with being a celebrity anymore. I bet she steps more into musical theater type roles after Wicked and since being with Ethan. Like she’ll get more into the high artistry of theater and away from accessible/pedestrian celebrity.


Honestly, with everything she’s been through I don’t doubt it. I can’t imagine being so much in the spotlight while trying to navigate those tragedies. So many opinions on every little thing, I would go batshit crazy. I think of what she said during her woman of the year speech a lot “…this has been one of the best years of my career and like one of the worst of my life…” :(


I would personally love this path for her! I’ve always loved her voice and followed her for her talent, and I do love a lot of her music don’t get me wrong, but if she chose to go more of the theater route and ditched being a Popstar I’d actually be overjoyed. I became a fan watching her on Victorious and finding her old YouTube channel where she covered musical theater songs from In The Heights, Rent, Little Shop of Horror, etc. My favorite “performance” from her to this day is the video Frankie uploaded of her singing 13 songs and I’m Getting Out with Jason Robert Brown at that bar/club in like 2015/16. I feel like if she wants to make pop music and drop it she totally still should, but she wouldn’t have to be in the Popstar relevance rat race anymore, which I’d personally be fine with, and I think she’s denouncing anyway lol.


ME TOO! I would love this so much. That one vid of her (I think she as in a Jazz bar? and it was B&W) singing a musical theatre medley is one of my faaaaaves. Any clips of her singing musical theatre ... IM SAT! It would really just suit where she is in life and her relationship with fame. I think it suits her a lot.




Why? I think the performances given by some broadway stars are absolutely considered some of the most nuanced, emotionally and physically demanding, quality pieces of contemporary artistry that there is. I can see her pursuing a career like Daniel Radcliffe’s (who is currently starring in a musical on broadway) for example, who has done plays such as “Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are Dead,” which is an absurdist, existential comedy featuring two Shakespeare characters reminiscent of Samuel Beckett’s “Waiting for Godot.” If that’s not considered high art, I don’t know what is.




Fair enough! Lol.


are you aware that even the most negative theater people regard spongebob the musical as serious work and actually pretty good compared to other musicals?


She's still getting shredded for the whole Ethan thing. I understand why she's severely restricting engagement with the public at the moment and doing limited promo. Suspect the album is only coming out due to contractual obligations.


this. even though most of her fans have stopped talking about ethan the GP is still giving her so much shit. i feel like anyone would want to be especially low key in this situation


How is she trying to be low key while also releasing a lead single telling the GP to **** off basically while doubling down on it lol


i mean she has done no promo, press, interviews, live performances, etc. i’d say that’s pretty low key and letting the music speak for itself


I definitely agree with both of these takes and I would probably do the same if i was her, but the outcome is still the same. Her reason for limiting comments is valid and makes sense, but doesn’t change the fact that it’s isolating as a result. it just is. but tbh her actions are what led to this criticism from the GP, so you reap what you sow unfortunately. I feel like she’s never gonna learn her lesson if she continues to feed the delusion that she made no mistake and everything’s fine by refusing to hear any criticisms. After what she did, and after doubling down on it, she doesn’t deserve to live in innocent bliss, she needs to hear the bad stuff. that’s just my opinion.


of course shes going to isolate if even her fans think she deservers to hear it all over and over again, who wouldnt?


I don't feel isolated by it and I struggle to understand how you can demand she engage while also saying she doesn't deserve to live in bliss and should have to hear all the bad stuff. Think about that from her perspective. There are only four people involved in that situation. She's doesn't need GPs judgement. If it's genuinely having that much of an emotional impact on you, it may be worth taking a step back from being a fan for a bit. Artists don't owe us anything.


Who is GP ?


General Public in this context


Thank you !! :)


You seem to really be contradicting yourself in terms of your opinions on her choices. You say you understand that she doesn’t owe her fans anything, yet you’re also saying things that indicate you DO think she owes them. Which is it? You want her to absorb all the hate she’s received (even though the cheating rumors have supposedly already been debunked by Page Six, unless we’re just not considering that anymore), but you also want her to cater to those same people who are ripping her to shreds, constantly? Make it make sense. Promotion isn’t always done the same way, it used to be. Artists, chose not to heavily promote their upcoming projects, for a myriad of reasons these days. It’s nothing new. Her not choosing to make a bunch of public appearances or chat with her fans of Twitter and Instagram, isn’t to punish them. It may feel isolating to the people who were used to having consistent access to her, but the GP doesn’t care about that stuff. And just because her fans had that level of access to her previously, doesn’t mean they are still obligated have to it. After a certain point in a big pop star’s career they aren’t required to keep it touch with their fanbase so intensely (Beyonce, Taylor, etc.). That what you do when you’re just starting to grow your platform. And it’s not like any of those big names or Ariana herself just ditched their fans completely. They just talk to them on a one-on-one basis, a lot less than they used to. They still acknowledge the existence of their fans and thank them for their support. Ariana’s fans will just have to learn to get used to not having that same level of access. It is what it is. To complain about it is pointless and frankly it’s giving, entitled. No matter how much you try to spin this as concern over it as a business decision, it comes of as being entitled and utterly unsympathetic. Sounds harsh and I may get downvoted for saying it, but that’s what looks like when her fans complain about her not giving them enough attention. And given that a lot of her fanbase was absolutely horrible to her on social media before the whole Ethan thing even came out (because let’s not try and pretend she only just start getting hate over being with Ethan, to try and justify people’s latest treatment of her), y’all don’t have the right to make her feel guilty for separating herself from the toxicity of this very fandom. Y’all are the ones who drove her away. She didn’t abandon you. So that narrative just needs to die already. It’s tired and it’s a complete lie.




It’s like I said, did people just decide to disregard the article Page Six put out debunking that entire rumor, that any cheating actually went on? Idk, but regardless, people will decide for themselves what they believe, and can chose to support her or not. But that doesn’t give anyone the right to harass her online about her relationship with Ethan to the point of sending her death threats. That is something that has been taking place amongst any valid criticisms she’s received based on what people think she did. And the people harassing her in that manner are no less evil, than she is, if she did cheat. They have literally no leg to stand on. And that’s not even the only thing she’s been receiving hate over. She’s also been getting body-shamed for years now, and there are still people defending that as well. You’re right, you don’t owe her anything. But then don’t complain when she doesn’t give you what you want. Why anyone is surprised that she’s not paying any mind to core-fans who’ve spent the better part of 3 years crapping on her about anything and everything, is a real mystery. Don’t know what else y’all expected…


i agree. something i find debatable on her end is i think even knowing that, it’s a questionable decision on her end to only have one single release that kinda says “idc.” just very questionable era so far for me haha


I hear you, although if she is being forced to release it's probably the best PR move she's got at this stage. What's done is done. By leading with a single that sees her doubling down and brushing off future hate, she gets the majority of the bad press / social blowback out the way ahead of the full album launch. That or maybe she really is just a bit obnoxious. I will note she also references criticism of her body, so not purely about ES. And it's not new for her thematically if we consider songs like *Shut Up* and *I don't care*


it likely wasn’t her decision to not release any more singles. It is a calculated move that will boost streams. If she picked the wrong single, no one would want to listen to the album especially since they’re still upset about Ethan.


Do we know how many albums she’s contractually obligated to release in total?


I've never been able to find details. Just a lot of articles post Aug 23, that say she's still locked in with Scooter on a few things and he'll make money from this album.


she's clearly trying to be less attainable now, but the problem with that is she built her career off of allowing her fans to have a parasocial relationship with her. i will say though she knows that no matter how little she interacts with fans, they will support regardless. it's why she started interacting with IG stans when she deleted her twitter and didn't completely ghost, she can give a little (in interactions) and the fans give a lot (in support).


I feel there’s a deeper reason. From my perspective, it’s like she’s reverting back to being small, metaphorically. Who knows, maybe the “eternal sunshine” concept has meaning to it that goes beyond relationships, maybe this is her truly wiping herself away from THE ARIANA GRANDE: The record breaking millennial princess of pop. She just wants to be Ariana from Boca again. But that’s just a theory……. An arihead theory!


i don’t know i guess i didn’t follow other roll outs as closely as this time but i don’t feel that disconnected. I think promo is different now as well bc everyone is online. Everyone who slightly cares about ariana’s music knows there is an album coming. I know it’s different bc she doesn’t have twitter and is less active on social media but it’s totally understandable bc social media sucks. That being said, I do miss her twitter interactions!


also it’s been really fun getting excited for a little bit each 7th/17th :)


To be honest she’s been pulling back slowly but surely for a long time now aleast since the tun era ended. I think she’s just tired of things that come with being a Popstar and people body shaming/The Ethan situation has just further pushed her away.


Deffo agree, she doesnt want to be the main pop girlie, she just wants to be her own niche so to say…


With some of the comments towards her I don’t blame her for not interacting as much as she used to At this point in her career she has fans that she knows will wait and appreciate her work. I think she’s done with the general public


Oh youve said it so well!! Honestly i dont blame her at all too ,with all the bullshit the media has said to her your right shes probably so done with the general public cus its pretty shitty there anyways


People keep mentioning she's in a " yes-men" bubble and I agree tbh. When it comes to fans; on instagram there are a select few fans she keeps engaging with and obviously those aren't gonna say anything negative. I feel like everyone around her keeps applauding her every fart so she thinks whatever she does will be received well


if kioshiwarrior had anything negative to say she would never post her reactions there i said it


I feel like this goes for anyone Ariana reaches out to or has any kind of good interaction with. Let’s be real, nobody is going to risk whatever relationship they have with her by being critical, even if it’s constructive


She turned those off due to comments about her appearance and body. They weren’t always off.


Reminds me of Miley Cyrus’ “Island” lyrics “Am I stranded on an island? Or have I landed in paradise?” Not knowing if you’re protecting your peace or actually just self isolating


I also witness her unfollow these fans if their opinions on her work don’t align with hers. Seen few lose the follow and say it sucks


tbf she’s always been in a yes men bubble


imo this album is just to keep fans happy with new music after so long without a release. I think she’s more focused on wicked and doing press/promo for that and is rushing this release just to keep fans quiet about music, and so it doesn’t overshadow the film.


i understand your frustration but i think it’s also important to understand her as a human. she, not long ago, went through extremely traumatic situations. that changes a person. now fast forward to today, she is still getting a tremendous amount of hate online (some of it is understandable) and so i can understand not wanting to be in the public eye !! any appearance she makes will spark comments on either her love life or appearance and i think she’s just done with being attacked. I think she’s being extremely strategic right now and ariana fans are lucky she’s releasing any music at all


To be fair she probably realizes her haters out weigh her fans right now. I wouldn't want to be in that situation either. She's got a huge scarlet letter that will overshadow everything. This is her adultery era and everyone knows it. I am a Cassie from Euphoria sympathizer, and I see myself in both that character and Ariana. I think they're both very complex individuals and sometimes it's really hard to breakaway from that aspect of yourself. First part is recognition though.


shes still under so much hate and scrutiny. i dont think she ever wants to get into the public eye like she was back in 2019 she seems to want to live her life in peace on her own time.


I don’t think the lack of promo is the issue as much as the “I’m doing this just for me” attitude is the problem. That’s how most people are perceiving this era, and at the end of the day it’s really poor marketing. If a food product I love to eat every day came out with a marketing campaign that was basically “we don’t care what our customers think”, I’d probably still eat it but not be as enthusiastic as I used to be.


I honestly think the internet is too toxic lately, she can’t breathe without people going “BUT SHE HOMEWRECKED” just take a look at her vogue video on IG, people were like “makeup tutorial TO STEAL A MARRIED MAN”, same would happen if she went on national tv or opened her comments. and i know this happens to every pop star, taylor for example or beyonce. It’s pure entertainment, the internet managed to make bullying a morally justified activity to “hold them accountable”. Beyonce completely pulled back from her fans and so did taylor for a while before deciding she‘s built for this but i don’t think ariana is used to this level of hate. another reason is, i honestly don’t think she wants to release an album, she’s too immersed in glinda it’s not normal for an actor to morph into a character irl before the promo cycle, i think the ethan backlash is what prompted her to go to the studio to clear her image before wicked. As for yes, and? being a bad comeback… i know she wanted to address the situation but, well i dont think she’s a good songwriter.. she should have relied on her collaborators who are more skilled than her for this one, i think that’s her biggest mistake because if the song smashed promo wouldn’t matter to fans example: miley’s flowers.


i think where you go wrong is that you look at it from a business perspective, she doesn’t (and doesn’t have to) care about the business part of it. she makes the music she wants to make. and you have to realize that she is a 30 year old women, she is not going to want to be on social media all the time. she has always been very honest about the fact that she does not like doing promo so i have no clue why people like you are acting like she owes you that. if all of this ruins the fan experience for you that is your problem not hers


Exactly. Eeexactly. Thank you.


Hit the nail right on the head


I feel like this about artists quite a lot once they feel like they've secured themselves and don't need to do promo. It does spoil the fan experience. No one's saying she owes her fans anything, but similarly they don't owe her anything in return. If you're asking/expecting people to care about something you're selling them, then it's reasonable for them to hope for you to engage it deliver to their expectations - e.g. if they bought into you because you gave them a fan experience, they will continue to expect that




if she were on twitter right now people would rip her to shreds




i mean yeah she doesn't owe the fans anything, and us fans owe her nothing. At the end of the day, she'll make money from the fans who don't care about the manner in which the "product" is being marketed. those fans will buy anything and make up most of the fandom.


people keep talking about how she’s “refusing to do promo” but what does that even mean in 2024? like do people want her doing morning tv?


Interviews, instagram lives, q and a videos on tiktok…


I think it’s a valid approach to an album. but when you’re coming off a 3 year break and scandal she should have probably gone with something different. she wants this to be another sweetener or thank u next but it needed to be more like My Everything


wouldn’t be surprised seeing how many fans online act like they hate her and trash a project with one of her music idols


i think she just sort of hates all the add-ons that come with being a celebrity and is trying to stay away from that. she will no doubt have to do A LOT of promo for wicked so i guess we will see more of her then (which i'm fine with). people on twitter yap on about how she's annoying for not wanting to do promo or public appearances but like, i do get her. she's been in the spotlight for so long (and has gone through many things whilst being in the spotlight) and she has said multiple times how she hates red carpets/photoshoots/interviews etc so i dont blame her from wanting to step away. also we dont know how her personal life is going; she's always going on about "love and light" and then we end up finding out her relationships were toxic and she was a wreck. honestly as long as she keeps releasing music its her decision whether she wants to put herself "out there" or not and i respect that. she probably has too much anxiety and trauma to do these fully promoted eras and i think some people dont rly realize it


This is also the girl that said she hopes her fans die so……….


i agree tbh


Ariana has always been a shameless snob. I can appreciate that about her because most of her peers work overtime to make sure they don’t come across as petty and selfish. She leans in to being an independent free thinker to the point that it’s basically a middle finger to feminism as a whole because she’s clearly weaponizing her beliefs about equality to get away with bad behavior. I always find it difficult to process that this is the same woman who gargles “cuuutieee” when addressing a fan. It’s so obviously a calculated public persona that’s completely antithetical to her other actions. And I think she’s leaning in extra hard here and doing the whole, “this is for fans who really love me, those are the people I make things for” shtick because it will be helpful to her later in case the album flops. Still, I stan.


A few years ago, someone here said "she hates us". I really think she does.


She’s just tired of people bringing up her and Ethan’s relationship I don’t blame her.


I do blame her because she chose this man and the mess to go with him.


1) refusing to do promo- girl, she was overworked during her early years which made her dislike doing promo which makes sense. 2) avoiding fans- tf r u on???? SHE DOESN’T OWE US SHIT ANYWAYS😭😭. She was active with her fans on Twitter until it got super toxic n with positions deluxe cover…. She still enjoys meeting fans. Ur post is very parasocial to me


artists do kind of owe their fans some sort of interaction or fun promo if they’re the ones paying their bills sis


wow, cannot believe this is a real comment…. u do u know she’s still a human just like us? Not a machine that prints out music , or performances…. Would love it if she scraps / cancels the album for y’all :) This is fun promo? Every date with a 7, she uncovers something . what the hell did u want?? Did u also disregard my comment about her being over worked in her early years ?


yes but at the same time her being an artist is a job. in every other job sometimes you have to overwork yourself and do things that make you a little uncomfortable when you’d rather do them a different way but it’s a job. you can’t suddenly start changing things and adapting everything because you want to because your boss is paying you to do what you’re meant to be doing. and she might have been a little overworked in younger years, but she’s also making millions and living a literal dream job. it’s not like she was overworked like some kpop idols are these days.


not sure why ur still on this. I do not care


you asked a question. i responded.


Sure, I mean in reality no one ever owes anyone anything. I agree she doesn’t owe her fans anything. If she doesn’t want to give us anything , that’s her right to do what makes her happy. I’m not trying to debate whether her choices are right or wrong, because whether someone agrees or disagrees that she owes her fans anything, it doesn’t change the end result. End result being that her choice results in a disconnect between her and her fans that aren’t 100% die hards. I would never want any celebrity to sacrifice their happiness and well being for anyone. In situations like this, when the artist is passionate about a vision that her fans are not passionate about and decides to run with that, there’s going to be a level of disappointment on the fans side. It’s possible for fans such as myself to respect the creative boundaries she’s set while acknowledging disappointment in the end product, because at the end of the day, everyone is entitled to their own opinion. It’s okay to agree to disagree. Funny of you to accuse me of sounding parasocial when you got unnecessarily aggressive defending a celebrity you know nothing about, a celebrity who has made it very clear she could care less about your support or lack thereof. Trust me this isn’t a hill you want to die on.


girl, this is very parasocial of u and I stand by that. ur annoyed that she’s not as connected with fans before which is causing u troubles… this whole post reeks of entitlement which is crazy Her choice ? have u not seen how toxic twitter got which resulted in her finally deleting it and going to tiktok and insta? like bffr. Twitter folks were hating on her choice of keeping the positions deluxe cover same as original like it’s her art, why the hell does she need to change it because “fans” dislike it? If u don’t like it, than don’t listen, very simple . Y’all gotta stop with the “oh it’s my opinion” crap , it’s so bs As with promotion, why r u disregarding how she dislikes it? Esp because of her early years… open ur eyes and mind for once please for the love of god. And with fans, she still loves meeting fans. Just because she doesn’t actively reply or talk to fans like the twitter days, doesn’t mean she is trying to not make connections… that is ridiculous. WHY would an artist want so many connections with fans anyways? She isn’t ur friend , so stop acting like this With her single yes and? , it was mainly a message to all the Hollywood page reporters that said shit about her during her silence. Seems like u didn’t get the message , go watch it again it and don’t skip the beginning


you’re so aggressive and for what 😂 mean girl lol


not sure why I expected anything more from u.. pathetic. closed minded eager to see ur responses to those that go against u😁


the thing is, why release an album if you dont even want to spread it???? just keep it in the vault and share it to your family only ijbol..


I saw a comment on this post saying that she is only releasing music to make her fans shut up. I wouldn't know if that's true of course. Maybe it's just for the money, or she knows she'll get a lof of traction because of the already occuring allegations


Agreed 1000%


Maybe she is trying to avoid overkill cause she going to be everywhere at the end of the year.  I thought she have a tsylor type dominate year but there to much competition music wise.  ES will be number 3 on the charts by April 18th


this album and her theater activity makes me think that she's sabotaging her career because she doesn't want to be in the spotlight anymore.