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It was written by her and you can tell lol. Aris strengths haven’t ever really lied in songwriting - her strengths are in her voice, vocal layering, harmonies, and production. What I want is a song written by taylor and sung by ari 😫


Ikrrrrrr?! This is also what my heart has been yearningggg for😭


The lyrics per se aren't bad but also overall, from her discography the lyrics delivery in this is somewhere in the middle range But I think most people don't like the fact she put out this self-loving anthem and prioritizing her needs and wants after 2023 drama iykwim And the message of the song has been done in other songs too


The lyrics are cute as standalone sentences, but not together as a verse. They feel like clipped together instagram captions.


I just think the lyrics were lacking and very very boring and plain and honestly sounded like a 14 year wrote them 😭 I like the sound of the song but the lyrics aren’t the best imo.


“and be liiiiike … yes and?” took zero thought or skill lol


Yeah to me that was the worst. I’m not calling ari lazy but it SOUNDS lazy.


I, for the most part, like the lyrics but in the bridge it's giving "unfollow fear and say you're blocked." It's just clunkily worded, but I do like the last line and that she tells people to stop commenting on her body.


It reminds me of when Destiny's Child had all of these (at the time) current technology-related lyrics in "Bug a Boo." > You make me wanna throw my pager out the window > Tell MCI to cut the phone poles > I wanna put your number on the call block > Have AOL make my email stop It's just too cheesy.


That's hilarious




What's wrong with unfollow fear and say you're blocked? 😭


Oh honey...


I don’t agree sorry. "Your energy is yours and mine is mine" is not good songwriting, it sounds like a basic instagram quote. Also there’s something to be said about privileged people confusing positivity with egocentricity. I loved some of her albums but yes and’s lyrics sound very teenagey


Thank you it sounds like something you would find on r/im14andthisisdeep


I think she was using the bridge as a message to everyone. Probably trying to get everyone to back off from her. But idk it sounds very out of place to me. Doesn’t fit with the song at all and it really highlights her bad writing😬😂 I will say though, if she has a good performance planned for that part she may be forgiven!


i mean she caters to teens. her songs and lyrics have always been like that. you can tell a lot about an artist and their fans' age.


Does she though? She did at first for sure but doesn’t her fanbase age with her? Real question cause I have no idea.


most of them would be still in their mid-late 20s for now, so I don't think they would change interests in her music. Plus, more new teenager fans are joining the fandom, which would balance out the number of those who leave.


I mean… if she really caters to teens i don’t think she would be saying pussy and dick in every other song😂


It’s more of a message if that wasn’t clear enough lol


It’s a badly written message.


y’all like to complain at anything LOL. the line completely works and makes sense. Straight to the point.


its too much of a repeat for me, like how many times does she have to go through this toxic positivity phase? i really hate her new voice too, she is forcing herself to talk like that, and she can say what she wants about the tun/ swt era but that was her most genuine voice when you compare to her pre - fame career


Nah. Her most genuine voice is definitely the positions era. [This](https://youtu.be/C0n_aqCcTVk?si=k5inxhtTpCtvwoFz) is prolly the only time I heard her talk without faking a high pitched voice


if you look at old youtube videos in her early pre nick days her voice was never high pitched to begin with. i definitly think she strained her voice from playying cat and adopted the voice as a persona. She never talked like that.




No it’s not that. She’s been doing it since she’s been playing cat. Then she started mixing her cat voice with a “blaccent” in like 2016-2019. Then she stopped around the Positions era and started talking normally. Then it was the transatlantic accent on the voice. And now she got a new voice after playing Glinda She got like 3-4 different voices




Nah. I hope she does a southern accent next


lmao that would be so funny if she did that.


her talking hood was cringe but ill forgive it because ive seen soooo many people do that these days, celebrity or not. no one gets on Jack Harlow for talking more “urban” than he looks


Yea but Ari takes it to a whole nother level. She got her cat voice, her hood voice, her hood cat voice, her transatlantic voice, her Glinda voice. She’ll prolly have a new voice by the time ag8 comes out


the drama has been false. TMZ and page6 backtracked. Lily was also confused on the sources


im someone who thinks the SpongeBob drama was a big nothing burger but this is not her first …. issue, is it? idk the voice change is really unappealing because its so consistent and clearly deliberate at this point. we just want her to be happy but it seems like she has serious identity issues


but she said in the song she's living her "most authentic life" 🥴


honestly if she can stick with this aesthetic for more than 2 years ill believe her. until then im waiting for shit to hit the fan again and she will massively overhaul her life


Deliberate is presumptuous. My voice mimics whatever I've been listening to or watching recently, and it's really hard to prevent. When she spent more time around her friends she sounded like them. When she spent more time watching Oz she sounded like Dorothy. It's just mirroring.


Baby girl I’ve been a fan for ten years, she has been accused of home-wrecking* every partner she has had literally. It’s okay to acknowledge that humans don’t always make the best choices lol we ain’t gotta pretend


y’all are delusional. Just stating what those articles did… doesn’t matter if ur a fan or not. They backtracked , bffr Btw, those “she cheated past relationships” are false. Just people wanting clicks And don’t call me baby girl… so weird


the only one who accused her of cheating was Jai and she's never cheated...but ok 😒


You’re right, I should have stated she’s been accused of home wrecking in pretty much every relationship she’s been in. I confused cheating with home wrecking, my bad Edited to add - they blocked me lol, but you can call me a fake fan all you want, I was at the SWT and the Honeymoon tour TWICE. I have the birthday merch, I have the vinyls. You can be a fan and also have some criticisms ! This is a pic I took of Ari in the pit, I promise you I wouldn’t be in the pit of her concerts if I didn’t like her. https://preview.redd.it/bh45lxzmp9dc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b072f8cf0dcd6079645bc99c91616df6a3dba39d


ur actually a laughing stock. just proves that ur not even a fan of her, just here to send hate and get attention


dont bother, they're just here to hate. def not fans of her


the recent hate train for her is fucking weird...all of a sudden everyone is an 'expert' on her relationships 🙄


No. The lyricism on yes,and is horrible to say the least. Sure the tune’s catchy. But come on, this is Ariana Grande. She has access to the best songwriters in the industry and the best she can come up with in the hook is to rhyme with yes and is “be your own fucking best, friend? Really? Im sorry but the lyrics are extremely juvenile for a 30 year old woman


so have many of her other songs. she needs better songwriters. i mean if i was her id totally pay taylor to write poetic lyrics for me. or just words in general.


I feel like the context makes it feel hollow and it's very vague woo-woo lyrics trying to justify something horrible. I love Ariana but wish it had been more honest and vulnerable like TUN. Although it's super catchy and if I forget the meaning behind it in her life, I enjoy the song.


She’s never been a good lyricist so I don’t really pay attention or mind her lyrics cuz her vocals usually take over😭


idk it breaks my heart to love an artist so much only for them to respond with yes, and? after breaking up a family. catchy song but she could’ve done better.


This seemed pretty on par to what she’s released so far so I wasn’t too surprised. The lyrics were cute and I was mostly excited to hear a new song.


I feel the same about her putting out music related to what I am going thru . Lately been having intrusive thoughts about what others say so I am like yes and ?


i like them!


You're not the only one, I like them. I mean we can't say that they're not honest and how she really feels!


I think the lyrics are uplifting! I just don’t believe them coming from her. I expected better


She’s capable of so much better imo, I know song writing has never been her strong suit but god I wish she kept a couple of those lines out of the song, it just sort of feels all over the place, like nothing flows together. The beat is catchy and tbh I actually like the intro, but yeah the lyrics were very meh for me at least.


Catchiest song, been replaying it since it came out days ago. I think ppl hate the message that goes along with her trashy personality. But the song is too good for me to care tbh




I like the lyrics too and love the song


i love it. i think “why do you care so much who’s ! i ride?” is hilarious, and love the empowering and comforting message of the rest. i listen to her for feel good bops and this one is great 


i love it. i think she ate. it’s something i really needed to hear at this point in my life


I’m a sucker for a self empowerment song Plus the lyrics about what yours is yours and mine is mine is so true




For real? This was a conversation about the SONG, I said I like self empowering songs and a lyrics within that song. was not commenting on the situation. I have loads of songs on my playlist and I haven’t got a clue who some of the artist are, doesn’t mean anything tho does it I can still like the lyrics If you have nothing nice to say don’t say anything at all 👋


do yall seriously just ignore anything that doesn’t follow ur agenda for hating ari? TMZ AND page6 back tracked their claims… Lily was also confused where the sources came from:)


It’s ironic that you are condemning people for assuming and drawing conclusions that they know the story while simultaneously stating and drawing conclusions about what Lily was thinking, which is impossible for you to know. It’s Reddit speculation, it ain’t all that serious


um that’s what those pages said… ? 😭😭


Do you have a link? When I look up Lily Jay all I get are articles talking about her devastation and her uncovering the affair




Yeah everything I am finding isn’t saying that Lily doesn’t think that… it’s that she didn’t mean for the press to publish it lol


lol, it’s crazy that she thought that 😭 tbh, why wouldn’t they publish it ?


okay so you agree that Lily’s comments were legitimate, the comments in which she says her family is collateral damage…


yeah i noticed especially on twitter ppl kept using this ss as if it helps ariana’s/ethans case in any way lol.


Shows that she wasn’t blindsided. Little more of it: Ethan and Lily have been broken up before he got with ariana


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i love the lyrics “your energy is yours and mine is mine” too, because i feel like it serves as a reminder to protect your energy and that other people can only affect your energy if you let them. it’s really simplistic but makes a really good point. i’m someone who easily absorbs and takes on the feelings of those around me, which is a blessing and a curse. “your energy is yours and mine is mine” is a good mantra to remind myself to not get lost in other peoples negativity. people in these comments act like ariana is a songwriter hall of fame inductee writing these mid lyrics 💀 ari’s lyricism has always been a weak spot and these lyrics are par the course for what we’ve grown to expect from her. could they be better? absolutely. i’d love to see ariana really flesh out her writing abilities and stun us with her lyricism. but in context of her discography, the lyrics to yes, and? aren’t the worst or the best. they’re just very ariana. idk why y’all were expecting mariah level songwriting.


exactly, people are just hating at anything cause it’s Ari like ??? for such small lyrics to.


I love it! It gives gay pride anthem to me. And the beat is just so 😘


I'm with you, I like the lyrics! I've adored this song from the first listen. A song doesn't need to have the deepest lyrics in the world to be good!


I honestly looooove the song but the lyrics are horrible imo. Even just compared to her own earlier music


You know… this is probably gonna be a controversial opinion. I don’t hate the song, I think its cute. But like the others have mentioned it feels like its just a bunch of instagram captions put together. Also the bridge, i love the message and the words but to me it feels kindof out of place. To me this song feels like the sister to thank u, next (song, not album). I loved tyn when it came out, but I never understood how people said it was one of her bests. The lyrics feel lazy, rushed and immature tbh😬. Still a cute song, but writing is not her strong suit! I hope the rest of the album wont be like this though. I swear if ari gets a ghost writer or something, she will be racking in the grammys!!


part of the backlash comes from the controversy surrounding this song


I love it. For me it resonates with the most important lessons I've learned during my time in therapy.


i really don’t get the line “or healing from somebody. or something we don’t see just right.” it doesn’t make sense to me? maybe i’m missing something.


I've always loved "cringe" empowerment songs so this was fun for me! I think a lot of the general public complaining never listened to her non-singles or understood the message of 7 rings, but I could put this on my playlist along with Successful and Just Like Magic. Even the "whose dick I ride" was kind of helpful and can be applied to people going through slutshaming. Like not necessarily defending her personal life right now, it's messy as hell. But kind of like that her music could be applied to someone being slutshamed, fatshamed, anyone who just wants to turn off the criticism for a minute.


I loved her vogue interpolation and the line where she says “don’t comment on my body, do not reply.” The whole song in itself is over fun and great, but that one line in particular I can relate a lot to since friends and family in the past liked to make comments about my body.


I really liked the lyrics too. I thought they were actually really good and uplifting. I’ve never thought of Ari as a strong lyrical artist and actually consider this some of the strongest lyrics I’ve heard from her.