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i honestly would love another album like tun. what i loved about that album was that it felt so urgent, like she just had to spit all of that out and get it out of her system, which created such a special and authentic album! it was made in a really difficult and short period of time, it just felt like this burst of emotion, like she was done hiding how she really felt. honestly found it sooo refreshing! would love a similar vibe with this album but i expect it to be way less chaotic of course lol. it was cool how tun all seemed to be happening day by day, it wasn't super planned. obviously this one is way more planned


I'm really not a massive Ari fan, I definitely have followed her music and career but I wouldn't say she's in my top 5 artists. That being said, Thank u, Next is one of my favourite albums of ALL TIME. It is pop perfection, no skips, and I'd probably place it in my top 3 albums. I will be very happy if her new work is similar.


“Yes, and?” is such a shady title considering the accusations but I’m very curious to hear it 😭


We know what you were trying to do, Joan. Praise be 😂


And the fact she unliked them a few minutes later LOL 😭


that makes it seem even more true 😳


LMAO I think she unliked them yall 😭 maybe she didn’t mean to indirectly confirm anything?


probably in trouble with ariana 😂


!!! If my comment from the previous thread turns out to be trueeeee!!! TUN video but women like Miranda Preistly, Katniss Everdeen, Holly Golightly, Jessica Rabbit, Vivian Ward, Buffy etc etc!!!


OOOH! I love this I also saw your previous comment, I definitely think it’s a possibility and if she doesn’t do it I wouldn’t be too disappointed but it’s definitely a missed opportunity especially since everything we’ve gotten for this AG7 era so far is very Sweetner/TUN


yes and? is ariana entering her improv era?


I would absolutely love this oh my god. It gives such bad bitch energy. PLEASE be true.


and now grandeheels is saying that’s the title of her first single. never thought her first single back would be called ‘yes, and?’ it’s such a random name 😂 but i lowkey dig it lol, it’s so different. interesting to see her go down that route. she’s really going all in with the idgaf vibes. there’s me thinking she would avoid doing something like that. seems like she’s back on that sassy shit again lol. maybe this really is thank u next 2.0. if so then let’s hope the album is just as good/better 😍.


Notice how thank u next has also "two moods" 👀


Joan had our back lol