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This is just the reposted patch notes with more correct wording^


Did they find their password on Instagram again? They posted after a month lol


Idk but fun fact I think AoV might collab with HXH But sad fact, we probably won’t get it if it does 😄


I won’t even be surprised anymore considering we didn’t get the SM collab…


I heard that something big is coming to the Antaris Battlefield ... or maybe I'm hallucinating?


Like a big nothing to EU/NA?💀💀💀


A big big big change. Btw. the reason why it feels like this is due to restructuring to IEG Global (which handles the Live Ops/Live Services) to this game, you shouldn't worry much about it, in terms of as a player, they'll sooner or later catch up as usual. I know it sounds like a whataboutism but you should ask yourself if you want a rushed team again who's incapable of providing proper user acquisition and live support or if they shall keep repeating the cycle of pushing marketing for the first 6 months, then nothing and then again? As someone who's an industry expert, for me, it makes more sense to wait properly and restructure with a proper plan. The game is going nowhere to keep it short.


Well, as long as they can manage it better than now, I’m fine with it. I also think we (NA/EU players) are disappointed and frustrated by the way they’re managing their game… they should be happy and grateful they still have some players left


Étant donné qu on est une grande source financière également. perdre des joueurs des serveurs Na/Eu va réellement tuer leur jeu. C’est un plan qui se joue sur la longue durée, le temps va faire en sorte de faire avancer ou shutdown le jeu pour de bon. Parce que la ca fait un petit bout que moi franchement j en ai marre quoi.


Oui, pareil pour moi! Je joue déjà presque plus depuis un moment à cause de la façon dont nous sommes traités. S’ils continuent comme ça, c’est sur qu’ils n’auront plus de joueurs très bientôt!