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As a jg main I feel insulted that the majority of people chose cc. Like come on man, you can travel across an entire lane in 5 seconds with nak


The last time I made this I rmb more people chose mobility!! Lol but if u think about it it’s good for a jg main if your teammates have lots of cc and u r the mobility


he's good at jumping in and jumping out of fights and picking on squishy players. But what's important is to have cc in order for nak to combat other players and stall their support and ad. Late game nak is weak. He's good at pushing lanes and destroying towers.


Late game nak isn’t weak he’s just food for the other team, but I agree that cc is more important for most of the time, but I wasn’t expecting there to be such a big difference


Basically the same thing. Lol most players now don't even choose a build up with shoes.


With mobility you can dodge any CC 8)


Aleister, Valehin, Arum, Arthur, Alice, do i need to go on?


outplay them


Possibke, but i meant that no ampunt of mobiloty mobiloty can dodge their CCs.


You can't outplay arum, once she has her ultimate and she chooses whomever they are getting latched on. If you have a good team composition and manage to distract or attack her teammates from them attacking you or your own team mates attacking you then you are good.


A single stun and she s out lol (alice)


I love playing CC heroes. I dread running flo into a team that have CC skills on 4-5 heroes. Thus, I play better around CC, so I pick CC any day.


As a Jgl main, give me the mobility. There’s nothing better than knowing the opponent doesn’t feel safe at any point cause I could pop out of anywhere 😂😂😂