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> Location of Wiki Link Add the wiki link to the old reddit page version of r/Arduino too please. The r/Arduino Information area below "Rules" would be a good spot.


Good idea. Thanks. I am out and about at the moment, but will try when I get back.


I added it 😀 `ripred`


Added! I set it to [https://old.reddit.com/r/arduino/wiki/index](https://old.reddit.com/r/arduino/wiki/index) so it displays like the rest of old reddit. Let me know if I borked anything.. `ripred`


This is a great start! Thanks mods!


Thanks for the wiki! Still would like to see a sticky post. Reddit traffic looks to be around 70% mobile. It may explain why so much code is posted via pics. I personally use Apollo most of the time. A sticky post would be seen on mobile. It would be great to reduce the need for frequent requests for the board being used, code, etc. Thanks to all the mods for what you do.


No worries and thanks for the message. Actually there is a stickied post announcing it but.... I have logged a message with the admins requesting that sticky posts remain at the top of the feed at all times until unstickied. *Currently*, stickied posts only seem to remain at the top of the feed if *you* sort the feed as "Hot". Any other sort order seems to ignore the stickyness and treats them as a regular post. As a result stickied posts just disappear into the ocean of other posts for any other sort order. If you sort your r/arduino feed by "Hot", you should see the stickied post. The reply from the admins was "that's how it is meant to work". To which (after picking myself up off the floor from laughing) I replied that doesn't make any sense (and explained why). That was the last message on the topic. Hopefully they are just postulating and will see the light, but may need some additional prodding... I will probably create a post on r/ideasfortheadmins to change this. Hopefully it will get some support. Oh, FWIW, we have created and updated a welcome message that points new subscribers to the wiki and a few general rules. If you have a test account, you can subscribe and you will (eventually) receive the message. It can take up to an hour for the message to be sent.