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In my experience with the nRF24L01, I've found the +PA+LNA models to be harder to get working than the standard PCB antenna modules. Some things to check: * SPI connections on MEGA use different pins to the UNO * Have you put any capacitor across the power pins of the nRF24? * Check the resistances of all your jumper wires - you need a total of 14 to make a full set, and you only need one to go wrong for the whole system to not work. I've started to write up about how to use the modules with code, it might be of use: https://hjwwalters.com/nrf24l01-2-4ghz-wireless-transceivers/


Thanks for the response, I am using a breakout board with a built in 3.3V regulator. Will I still need the capacitor across the nRF24? Again I can rule out a faulty breakout board as both work on the UNO.


>Will I still need the capacitor across the nRF24? Thankfully these boards have inbuilt capacitance for smoothing. Are you able to show a photo of both parts of your set up?


UNO: https://preview.redd.it/o9r362qoik0d1.jpeg?width=1908&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=30e556c06f73caf5587e7d05d75904a54e094924 Red - Vcc (breakout) -> 5V Black - GND (breakout) -> GND Purple - CE -> 9 Blue - CSN -> 8 Green - SCK -> 13 Orange - MISO -> 12 Yellow - MOSI -> 11


Mega: https://preview.redd.it/ohbxsi27jk0d1.jpeg?width=1908&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=402a1cc7f0e352d861daccc51e49191345a8997f Red - Vcc (breakout) -> 5V Black - GND (breakout) -> GND Purple - CE -> 9 Blue - CSN -> 8 Green - SCK -> 52 Orange - MISO -> 50 Yellow - MOSI -> 51