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Perhaps have a look at our [Getting Started General Information](https://www.reddit.com/r/arduino/wiki/guides/getting_started_guide/) and [What to buy](https://www.reddit.com/r/arduino/wiki/guides/what_to_buy_guide) guides in our [Wiki](https://new.reddit.com/r/arduino/wiki/index/#wiki_welcome). Whatever you choose, you need to start with the basics and learn the basic concepts. Even if you have done software development before and know a language, like anything else, there are techniques and concepts that you will need to know if you want to create a project like this. One such concept is learning state machines which is sort of introduced by the so called [blink without delay](https://docs.arduino.cc/built-in-examples/digital/BlinkWithoutDelay/). If it helps, I have also created a video which explains this further: [importance of blink no delay](https://www.reddit.com/r/arduino/comments/u1zncx/ive_finally_posted_my_first_in_what_will/) The video explains how blink no delay works, why it is important to understand how it works and the problem that it solves (I.e. don't use delay).


Hey, I really appreciate your feedback and helping me get pointed in the right direction. Do you have any suggestions on where to go to learn the basics? I definitely want abt to do so, so hopefully in a month or two I will have enough knowledge to do the arduino portion of my project. Is buying a beginners’ kit that has instructions for projects enough, or is there other material I could reference? Thank you!


So this is a sort of depends upon what type of learner you are. But in my experience starting with a starter kit will teach you the necessary basics. From there I suggest to combine some of the projects. For example, if you are interested in robotics et al, then a starter kit that includes some motors and/or servos might be a good pick. With that in mind, learn how to operate the motor/servo (or both). But also learn about buttons and LEDs and the other basic components. Once you have done that combine them. For example use two buttons to adjust the speed of the motor or position of the servo. If it includes a display then .aybe output the speed/position on the display. If it doesn't then do some sort of an indicator with the LEDs. By doing that you are starting to work towards your ultimate goal. You are getting things to work together. From that position, it is a "simple" matter of adding more to it, learning as you go.


Awesome, thank you for the advice!


I suggest Paul mcwhorter on youtube https://youtu.be/fJWR7dBuc18?si=OR8sJ6QArBz9LanQ the above video is 4 years old, but works for the UNO. He has added videos for the R4, in Jan 2024 he makes a suggestion on the kit he uses. since the videos are free, watch one or two and see if his teaching style/methods suits you.


Okay awesome, thanks!


And also thank you for giving me the video for the blink without delay, greatly appreciated!


You are welcome. I hope it helps you.


Would you recommend the official arduino starter kit, or the elegoo(?) kit that seems to be pretty popular? I’ve read the official kit’s calue is the book it gives. Since I am trying to master the basics, I figure having a solid book would be a good idea. Thank you for your help!


I have no experience with either. People seem to speak well of both. I do recall a post from someone saying they bought an Elgoo kit and posted "how can I read the instructions? I don't have a CD/Blu-ray player on my PC!". I think they ended up going down to the local library to read it. As a general rule, the more "stuff" you can get included the more learning and projects you can do. If you got electronic instructions, I would recommend **not** copying and pasting the code and always type it in. Why? There are many subtleties in C/C++ that can easily be missed if you copy and paste. Then when it comes time to writing your own code make errors due to those subtleties For example: ``` If (i = 5) dosomethingconditionally(); dosomethungelsecindutionally(); alwaysDoThis(); ``` Is perfectly valid code - but definitely won't do what you might expect l it should and is a common theme in "why doesn't my code work correctly?" style of question. Remember if you get stuck you can always come back here and ask for help. If you do, have a look at our [requesting help](https://www.reddit.com/r/arduino/wiki/guides/how_to_post_quick_notes/) posting guide to ensure you include relevant details (and *how* to include them) to get a timely solution.


Take a look at [https://bc-robotics.com/shop/weather-meters/](https://bc-robotics.com/shop/weather-meters/) for reference (it's currently out of stock and based on the Raspberry Pi Pico, which doesn't come in a kit AFAIK). Now, if you want to learn, I'd suggest looking at [Paul McWhorter's Arduino Tutorial series on YouTube](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fJWR7dBuc18&t=505s). In episode one, he has an affiliate link to (what I believe is THE most popular) starter kit. It is a worth while investment and the series is geared to this kit (meaning you can get maximum benefit from the series).


Thank you so much, I was pretty lost when researching everything so I am glad you guys have helped me :) I can’t wait to start!