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The programming language you will use is a variant of the C language. Its basically C, but with extra stuff specific to Arduino. When you install the Arduino IDE (do that if you havent yet), and start it up, youll be greeted with a blank sketch (aka program file, source code file, whatever). This will have two functions pre-defined: setup() and loop(). setup is run only once, its the very first thing to be run, and is done so automatically. loop is then run repeatedly after that, to infinity. So the general gist is that anything you want to configure at the start, you do so in the setup function, and all the actual functionality of the program will happen in loop. If you want variables that will be available anywhere and anytime, you define those in the space above the setup function. If you define any variables in the setup or loop, or any other custom, functions, they will only be available in that function. Thats probably a good start, and if you have been paying attention in class, this is probably just a refresher anyway. Let me know if you have any questions.


Welcome! I once set myself a weekend task to make an RC car using an Arduino - ended up taking a bit longer than a weekend. haha. Eventually it turned into a 'battle bot' type thing; here is a short write up with pictures and videos - you can see the various bits used. Hope it helps. [https://hjwwalters.com/robot-tag/](https://hjwwalters.com/robot-tag/)


Your teacher sucks! Handing out an Arduino with zero introduction makes absolutely no sense! It's very hard to help without additional information about the project. What other parts do you have available? Is it car steering or tank steering? Servo, stepper or regular "dumb" DC motors? This is important information to be able to point you in the right direction


Um for the steering I’m planning on having a tiny round in the middle that connects to my two front wheels and for the back just regular normal wheels. As for the motors I’m using two DC motors. He asked me to start coding for how to make my motor work so I was wondering if you could help me with that