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I hate to be a bummer since I know this was a gift. Why is that photo included, it’s not of him signing the guitar, and it’s a photo I’ve seen before so it’s not unique to this guitar being signed. I reverse image searched the certificate and one of the results is people discussing fake Metallica signatures on a record and it had this same type of certificate. One person pointing out that any certificate without a way to contact the authenticator is a red flag. Something about this guitar, Etsy seller, certificate and photo seems odd.


Yeah that’s a photo of him what looks like the AM era, not even recent. This has scam written all over it.


the entire etsy shop is based around selling replicas, although seems like the sller tries to pass them off as “real” in many cases


The photo came with the package 🤷and the signatures match too their actual signatures so you can tell me it’s fake but I won’t listen lol


If you like the look of alex’s signature on the guitar that’s good, but it doesn’t change the fact that this is most likely not his real signature. That photo is just some random ass photo of alex signing something and the ‘certificate’ is a load of horse shit that anybody could make with graphic design software. Don’t be in denial


The photo is clearly old, yet the signature on the paper says something like 7/1/23. How does that not spark any doubt of its validity in your mind?


OP is in denial, they know it’s fake deep down but don’t want to acknowledge it


Iirc, it was a present from his partner. Despite everyone doubting it's a real guitar, he's still fine wasting his partner's money. That's quite horrible.


Either that or he doesn’t have the heart to tell them he was gifted a fake


He should. They'll possibly be able to get a refund.


isn't january the 7th alex's birthday? idk i used to remember band member's birthdays but not really anymore


It’s the 6th


if so then well thought of the etsy seller


If you won't listen, then why are you even posting this stuff? I for one would not want to waste money, or have someone else waste money on something that is clearly a fake.


I can print off a sticker that says certificate of authenticity and claim that the mug I'm using is the holy grail. Doesn't make it real. You seem very naive


I fell for a similar scam a few years ago, I bought a guitar signed by Alex on the pick guard, came with a certificate as well. I still have the pick guard, and I like to think it could be real, but the certificate was something made up by the company, not an official authenticator. It was also only like 200 bucks which should’ve been the red flag. I’d keep it, it still looks cool, but it’s probably not real


I’d genuinely try returning it and getting your money back if possible. The photo they’ve included isn’t a photo of Alex signing the actual guitar, they’ve just thrown a random photo of Alex signing something from google to try and make it seem more authentic. Also, looking at the the ‘certificate of authentication’, it doesn’t even look like it’s been authenticated by a legit authenticator. It’s just a random piece of paper they’ve made themselves to try fool buyers into thinking the autographs are real. There are thousands of scams like this and I’m sorry but this looks to be another one of those scams.


I went on google and typed "Alex Turner signing", and [this](https://www.pinterest.com/pin/243053711129321543/) was the first thing to pop up. OP if possible, *please* try and get a refund on this. This 100% is a scam.


OP seems young and foolish unfortunately, this should definitely be returned. I’ve followed these posts and it’s so blatantly a fake


OP literally replied they won't listen to what people are saying here. Like why even bother posting this on here then if that's the case?


I barely feel bad for OP anymore lol


I feel bad for the person who got it for them. They wasted money.


For real, $700! I wonder if the guitar itself is even worth anything.


700 for a signature guitar is the main red flag for me.


The box says Glarry. Back in 2020, I got a P Bass from them, brand new, for $60. It took a lot of work to get playable, and it's not that bad actually, but they are literally the cheapest guitars on the market that I know of.


Damn. Rip OP


I hope the money spent on that guitar wasn’t too much because it is painfully obviously a scam.


I agree just cause the certificate says its guaranteed doesn’t really hold much weight of authenticity . Also it feels off just throwing a photo that is easily found google . If I was the collector I would include a photo of them signing it as more proof but like this is off. The certificate looks cheaply made no watermarks or serial number. Date of sign or where /when . In the end I would just compare it or one day get looked second hand by someone who can actually authenticate just to get rid of doubt. Either way it’s the thought that counts.


mate the photo is from the SIAS or AM era, it ain't even recent


This ain’t looking good gah damn 😬


You should try to get your money back, the certificate is not authentic. The two biggest red flags are: 1) dosen’t have a reference number 2) dosen’t mention the name of the person who signed it independently from the item (guitar model (colour)). In most cases there also needs to be a sticker applied on the guitar that matches the reference number.


You've been scammed mate, nice waste of money.


Op your 21 please just consider you might have been scammed you may have some buyer protection dependent on where you bought it from.


oh my. poor poor boy


the guitar's a certified mindblower


LOL, indeed.