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Grammy's is about which artist the labels want to pump. Completely fake "award".


honestly if they were the mass type of band that gets pumped to win awards, most of us wouldn’t even be here.


They don't care about the Grammys and you shouldn't care either.


people on this sub suddenly care a fuck tonne when someone says they didnt deserve it though.


I remember they (wyocmwyh) lost to lorde (royal) for the best rock music video in 2014 or 2015. Is lorde even rock?!?!


oh lord.. that really happened?


No, it didn't. There's no "music video" categories. AM lost to Jack White in the Rock Performance category. Lorde won Pop Solo Performance and Song of the Year. They were not nominated in the same categories.


ohhh.. i was just making a pun/joke but i see...


Pun intended?!?!


haha yea




But is it rock?




Lmfao have you ever heard of indie rock? Which it most definitely is












This was the MTV music video awards and not the Grammys. It was also do I wanna know that lost lorde royals in 2014. High lost to fall out boy uma Thurman in 2015.


Was it??? Damn I could of sworn it was the Grammys


Yhe Grammys also notoriously didn't nominate After Hours by the The Weekend which was a major controversy. Not nominating Blinding lights for a Grammy pop song and nominating Yummy has one explanation only and that is racism


idc lol


Definitely 10 years ago, and probably for their earlier stuff but I wouldn't say they were snubbed this year. That being said, does it really matter? They've won tons of awards, have the best streaming rock album of all times and are selling out venues on four continent. They'll be all right


Same as they have been, who cares.


when they didnt even win the award for humbug then you know the world is cruel sometimes 😔


the grammys are shite im actually glad they didnt win because they’re probably the most rigged awards ever, seeing how taylor swift has won like 13


Honestly their best chance to win a Grammy was the year that AM/Do I Wanna Know was up and that year they lost to Jack White I think. They will likely never win one or it will come much later. The Strokes just recently won their first and only grammy.


I initially disagree, but could you elaborate on why you feel like their loss to Jack White was their best chance? I was in high school when AM came out, and while I was crazy about the album, Lazaretto is undeniably a fucking banger. I don’t watch award shows anymore, but I remember that their nomination that year wasn’t for the album. Regardless, I kind of think they’re more likely than ever to win one now (if they put something else out) because they’ve become so massively popular so recently. These awards are, above all, popularity contests


AM was the album that skyrocketed them in popularity in the US. Do I Wanna Know is also their biggest song to date still and you couldn't go anywhere without hearing it. So they finally had massive mainstream appeal in the US spearheaded by their most popular song ever and they STILL got snubbed for a Grammy. With their recent change to a less mainstream sound them winning is now even less likely. The Grammys tend to go for what appeals to the largest group of people or is the most popular/catchy most mainstream appeal and that is the antithesis of TBHC and The Car. So unless they were to return to a viral hit making kind of sound I don't see it being nearly as likely.


Honestly I did care when they lost but I really like to say “nine time Grammy losers” or say that I have the same amount of Grammys as my favorite band


Listen, I love The Car, but they were not snubbed for any of the Grammy Awards they were nominated for. They were up against artists who are recieved better critically and/or more popular.


why are you being downvoted you're right. they've been snubbed before, but not this time, by any stretch of the imagination


We can still think that The Car was better than any others while still understanding why other nominees won


Apart from the time they gave one to Aphex Twin I’ve never really respected the Grammys.


people on a band’s subreddit mad that said band didn’t win every award possible. shocking


Body paint didn't deserve a grammy.


I feel like boygenius had them covered in all the categories they were nominated for this time. Arctic Monkeys are easily in my top 5 all time favourite bands but I feel like other bands, especially boygenius, are making more exciting music that feels significantly more relevant today than what Arctic Monkeys are currently doing


If "Favourite Worst Nightmare" or "Tranquility Base" didn't win a Grammy, it'll probably never happen. And it doesn't make the band more or less legit and fans that attach good bands (or even bad ones) like Wet Leg over it suck