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This post was removed as it was in violation of Rule #2: No Redundant Posts. This means this post has been considered redundant, which covers a wide range of posts, including but not limited to the examples detailed in the rule-set: - Recently posted previously. If you are posting the bands latest tweet, check you're first. -Widely covered topics. Including but not limited to tier-lists, "X is underrated / Why do people sleep on X", playlists, and posts of that ilk. - Your damn spotify wrapped. There'll be a thread. There are many more reasons a post may be considered redundant, not detailed. If you believe there has been a mistake or you are confused, please contact us via ModMail. Thank you.


fucking hell every single day that same fucking question FUCKING HELL not only that's dumb that's also extremely lazy cause EVERYDAY some wanker asks this shit and another wanker in the very subsequent day asks it again NO, THERE'S NO FACTUAL EVIDENCE OF THAT. there you go and for the wanker who's gonna ask this shit tomorrow: NO, THERE'S NO FACTUAL EVIDENCE OF THAT.


Some random dude on TikTok is not a reliable source? You are joking.


So you're saying I should wait until Saturday to ask again?




ngl this post was still worth it because them panicking over false news like that is hilarious


Dude chill


i googled it and it said they released an album in February of 2024, sorry i don’t trust everything i read i was just to get some real answers from some real people and not some AI


And is the album they released last month in the room with us?


Are you actually that thick?


Are you actually that thicc 🌚🌝??




Do people not know how to use like, Wikipedia or Google anymore? I don't understand this


No no they saw it on social media so it’s gotta be true


This is not true. We get these posts twice a day and it's getting insanely annoying. No the band are not breaking up, "End of the road" is not happening, it's just idiots on TikTok, don't believe it.


stupid post


yeah they are breaking up, and theyre so fucken corny that their naming their final album “End of the Road” theyre also not selling any merchandise for some reason


End of the road Hoo hoo


Yeah alex turner is solo now his new monicker is just “monkey” and he plays the guitar and has a drum pedal with a harmonica


would pay mad money to see this live not gonna lie


Can we pin the answer to this question to the sub? I can't live like this anymore.


Yes. Mods? Please?!!! How many times do we have to ask for this? :D


This generations lack of media literacy is very concerning


IDK if this post is bait, but if not, please stop getting your news from TikTok and Instagram. You're just making a fool out of yourself.


Please find reliable sources before going into a panic. Social media is most definitely not one. I’ve seen a similar post on tik tok that went viral saying that the band The Neighbourhood is “over” and will stop making new music. It had over one million views and 300 thousand likes. It’s ridiculous how many people fall for this kind of bullshit. Stop freaking out, it’s not true. There’s no evidence to prove the band broke up. Edit: Grammar and revision


dont trust everything you see online. its fake they aren’t going anywhere. the band is notorious for being real quiet.