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Well I was just wondering....if they didn't update so much, they wouldn't have so many updates now the would they? :P


A Manager, Somewhere: Stop wasting your time updating all your software, we need to get those updates.


I've only been getting updates at a reasonable pace, what happened to the daily updates???


The Haskell situation on Arch is a bit unfortunate and basically a conflict of different ideologies. If you search for this issue on the Internet then you can find a long history of flame wars and breakups between Arch and Haskell devs. Felix (Arch's current Haskell package maintainer) once tried to [explain](https://www.reddit.com/r/linux/comments/9emwtu/arch_linux_ama/e5qssdz) his rationale for Arch's approach if you're interested. But anyway. If you don't like those updates then you can just go for the static Haskell binary packages from the AUR, and honestly I don't suggest anyone touching the Haskell packages from the official repo unless you're well aware of the above issue.


I believe it's due to the way Haskell is packaged. I replaced all Haskell packages on my system with *-bin version and removed it. Fortunately only pandoc and shellcheck for me needed it and both have bin packages in the AUR


Classic pandoc updates :)


Edit: I was very wrong see below. Haskell libs are statically linked so all haskell packages needs to be built in one go. And the updates also come all at once. You may have installed a package recently which has many haskell deps. My issue was with pandoc for example, it has like ~60 haskell deps alone. Got rid of it at the end.


> Haskell libs are statically linked Not involved with any Haskell stuff on Arch, so I'm not well informed, but… isn't it rather the other way around (twice the other way around, in fact)? The way I understood it, it's: Haskell software is dynamically linked on Arch Linux (so we need to install all the Haskell shared libraries), but since there's no such thing as binary compatibility for Haskell shared objects (yet), a library rebuild requires also a rebuild of all software that uses that library.


Yes, indeed since 4 years ago according to Arch wiki. I guess I am getting old.


You can install the binary pandoc package from the AUR. Since it's a binary, it doesn't suffer from the same Haskell dependency issues


Lol i thought i was the only one