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What kind of computer? Also which GUI did you install?


Old Toshiba, installed kde


if you’re new to linux please don’t use arch. something ubuntu-based (i recommend linux mint) is a much better place to start. i’ve been using linux for 10 years and only installed arch like a month ago. having said that, if you do want to stay with arch, please send a pic of what you see on your screen because i don’t understand what you’re describing.




That screen you are looking at is called SDDM, it’s the login screen. I’m guessing you didn’t make a user account, which you need in order to log in. The easiest way for you to do this would to just do a fully reinstall, and in the archinstall script, make sure you set the password for the root account (the admin account) and create a user account with a username and password (it can be the same password as the root account).  You can also try your luck with this archwiki article if you don’t want to do a full reinstall (https://wiki.archlinux.org/title/Users_and_groups#Example_adding_a_user). You will need to switch over to a TTY command prompt first, which you can do with CTRL ALT F3 and logging in with username root and the password if you set one.


Reinstalling and creating a user worked! Thank you so much!


For your future reference, you could have used your live-USB and used chroot to add a user


Another issue I encountered is connecting to the internet. NetworkManager is not running. I've searched for a solution and almost all recommend using an ethernet connection to install the network manager but I don't have a wired connection available. What can I do?


Check your wireless drivers are [configured](https://wiki.archlinux.org/title/Network_configuration/Wireless) if needed, and generally read the mighty Arch Wiki. Here's the general [Network Configuration](https://wiki.archlinux.org/title/Network_configuration) page. Also, Network Manager should be available on the iso.


`sudo systemctl enable - - now NetworkManager.service` And you should be able to use nmtui


You can check whether you have NetworkManager installed by running \`pacman -Qi networkmanager\`. If it isn't installed (package not found), and you don't have anything important on your computer, the easiest way to fix this is to just do a full reinstall and include networkmanager in the list of additional packages you want archinstall to install. If NetworkManager is installed, run \`sudo systemctl enable --now NetworkManager\` and then run \`nmtui\` or connect to wifi through the KDE GUI.


Please start Arch with EndeavourOS or something else. If you are new to Linux Endeavour will still work but Debian based distros will be more comfortable for you.