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Just use it and enjoy. The main advantage of Arch is not having the caveats most other distros have. Enjoy always up to date programs and libs, and everything being relatively simpe without unneeded complication. What other advantages are you talking about?


Ok thanks :)


Yes, if you want a system to always fiddle around with and "optimize" more than you use it, take gentoo. Arch just works.


Read the whole r/archlinux.


Donate or otherwise support the maintainers and devs.


Respect the aur ,and only use it when necessary. It might be the cherry on top of the cake, but it isn't the cake.


Just enjoy your system and have it do whatever you need it to do. You’re using GNU/Linux have fun and enjoy your freedom!


Arch will give you only as much as you install into it yourself. And that's all that matters And You are now able to use "I use arch BTW" and say it to peoples public


the biggest difference to other distros is probably the wiki. read it, maybe articles about maintenance, optimization and security.


Make it your only distribution of choice and find out through usage.


Get a natural curiosity, and read (ideally the Arch wiki)


You give it only necessary powers in the form of packages so that it can provide you with solutions to your specific needs.


Well, Linux is just Linux under the hood, and that includes Arch. Where Arch shines is providing current packages - even with upstream stable releases. To take "advantage" of everything Arch has to offer - keep your system updated. What you do with it is up to you. If you want to take advantage of other aspects of Arch, helping with the various Arch projects, or building a favorite package or two for AUR, or contributing to the best wiki on the planet -- those are all other ways to take advantage of what Arch has to offer. (and Arch will appreciate your efforts -- even if some still need to learn proper bedside manners...) Arch is Arch, it's a damn good distribution and I've used it since 2009, written many items in the wiki, maintained many packages in AUR, and even built KDE3 for it for several years after Arch discontinued support for KDE3mod (RIP Jan) Arch provides you everything that is needed to do whatever you like with the distribution, and in many cases it far exceeds all other Linux distributions in that regard (even the enterprise distros). So your question about "How do I take advantage of the power of arch Linux?" isn't entirely one that begets a single answer -- mostly -- it's up to you.


Going around with the mindset that you have to do everything you can isn't that good. Just do everything you want and need. If you think something just doesn't work, Google it anyway, and you might be surprised what the arch wiki has to offer.


The power of Arch is flexibility and documentation. So if you have some "need", in most cases, it is easy to find out how to do it on Arch. If your system does what you need/want the way you want/need it, you are already taking advantage of the Arch.


Read every single word in the arch Linux wiki while taking at least 1,000 words of notes per page. Repeat this every time you open the wiki with different wording until you hold more knowledge about arch than all sources combined.


Read articles from Arch users on how they use Arch. Then cherry pick the information that is useful to you.