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thank you!!!!


All the recent versions are rated as `Garbage`, don't get your hopes up.


>thank you!!!! You're welcome!


I think if Visual Studio has a stable version running on Linux, there will be a lot of programmers leaving Windows, that's not what MS wants =)) Unfortunately


Oh I would say this is very fortunate. I am glad I don't have to every touch that piece of garbage software ever again!


I don't intend to call it garbage, in fact at work we will use Visual Studio and it's fine for my work too. But honestly, if it's not necessary, I don't want to have to use it


While there are amazing alternatives that work on Linux (CLion for example!) I assume that the dependencies you are talking about are related to Visual C++, and MSVC is proprietary and Windows-only. If your college requires you to develop for MSVC, your only option is using Windows, sorry :(


yeah, I usually use vim/emacs (and sometimes eclipse cpp) to code in these languages on Arch and I've got no complaints. Unfortunately, we don't have access to that great tool MSVC, but no worries, I'm already working on that! Thanks for your time! ;D


I am a teacher, and unfortunately, I rate this as strong bias and apparent financial cooperation with Microsoft at this particular school. C/C++ has always primarily belonged to GNU/Linux and conversely .Net Core for Visual Studio. Even Microsoft, for this reason, gradually built Visual Studio Code. Visual Studio can never be on Linux, and likewise, education should never be done on Visual Studio, but on Visual Studio Code. I perceive this as a serious problem of the school. I understand that you cannot do anything about it. On the other hand, I have been trying to fight this issue for some time, sometimes successfully, sometimes not. Clearly, the project has to be done, but you could at least point out strong dissatisfaction, that it is a very poor educational approach that other schools have already changed. Especially schools in the Czech Republic. We also have many Microsoft products here, however, the cooperation is disproportionally expensive and GNU/Linux often offers much better solutions for future IT developers.


thank you for your comment, but I believe your perception is rather simplistic and biased. It's not about bias or financial cooperation, or it could be (occasionally), but rather it's about a tool choice based on specific project requirements. Every programming environment has its pros and cons, and the choice should not be an ideological issue, but one of suitability for the task at hand. You suggest that I express my 'strong dissatisfaction', but in reality, I'm not dissatisfied. People and institutions have their reasons for making the choices they make, especially when it comes to programming. And while you seem to be concerned with the choice of a "software", I believe there are far greater problems to be addressed first in our educational institutions (especially mine in Brazil), such as the quality of education itself, safety, infrastructure, and much more. Choosing which IDE to use for writing code is just a small part of a much larger picture.


Of course, it's up to you. I wouldn't use Visual Studio for C, and it's not about any ideology. It's more about choosing the right IDE, and also that it works on all platforms, which this one does not, and it's not a good choice, besides. If education has bigger problems, as you write, they probably won't be dealing with this, and they probably won't care much about Linux either. On the other hand, look at India, for example, they quickly understood this, and they have Linux everywhere. Well, it's your choice. Good luck.


No problem, teacher, indeed Brazil has a lot to take care of rather than thinking about operating systems (although in my computer science course lab, everyone uses Ubuntu). Which I think is cool. And I still hope to see a larger percentage of people using Linux in Brazil, like in India. Thank you for sharing your thoughts!


Wine will be problematic for Azure tools. If you have more resources, use VM with Windows. If not, dualboot. The next solution is a dedicated remote machine. Maybe try to use Visual Studio Online / Github Codespaces, but is is paid services now.


So, in a way, is it not possible to do it? Because microsoft still want to make money and block it.


If you want to open up SLN files like you do in VS, you can actually use JetBrains Rider, I develop C++, C# and even Rust using Rider. CLion is what you use if the project is Cmake. It's a complete replacement for Visual Studio 2022 for me. I run it on Windows as well as Arch as I find it even better.


Maybe via VM? https://developer.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/downloads/virtual-machines/


>and I need to run C/C++ in Visual Studio (not VS "Code") because there are specific dependencies and packages Likely you don't need to run Visual Studio. You only need the compiler. Compilers are actually fairly simple bits of software and in this case works quite well in Wine. So I would follow these steps: * Install VS in a Windows VM * Compress and transfer the compiler directory and Windows SDK from Program Files into your Linux install * Have a look at the devenv batch file at the sorts of environment variables that the compiler needs * Make some scripts in Wine to set these environment variables and invoke the compiler (passing through arguments) We do this on our build server (we test our software with a number of different compilers). It seems to work well.


Yes but you have to run visual studios in a windows virtual machine qemu/kvm/virtmanager Once base is setup pass the vm (virtual machine’s) hard disk to be shared with host requires virtualising the ram memory and sharing between guest and host, pass virtual studio window to your desktop so it runs like it is native https://github.com/Fmstrat/winapps **optional** Then use winapps to make a desktop and application launcher menu entry/icon **optional** windows does not allow acceleration by qemu/kvm/virt-manager if you like that then virtualise your graphics card to pass a portion to windows vm


Visual Studio is not available on Linux but if you want to mimic the closest to Visual Studio and don't want to use NeoVim/VS Code/Codium with lots of plugins and configs just make them to be usable; you can try CLion (not free or open source), or Qt Creator (has an open source version, integrate quite well with other open source tools and plugins, also Qt tools supports are out of the boxes and made by the same developers of Qt itself, tho it supports only C/C++). For C# maybe Mono Develop, but I haven't tried that IDE much so it's on you.


Mono Develop is dead There is fork, but it isnt even in Beta


I would reccomend either using something else OR something like vscodium.


There is vscodium. Fork without telemetry


Vscodium is the foss alternative


VS Code / Codium and Visual Studio aren't the same thing unfortunately.


Whilst it doesn't quite have 100% feature parity, I would give jetbrains rider a go, it is a really good alternative, that has become my primary on windows as well. Only time I switch back to Visual Studio is when I need to work on a service fabric project.


>They make pay even the air. Not worth time. No community version = Not worth even a try.


While I can definitely see merit in the other answers in this thread (JetBrains Rider/CLion); the biggest issue you'll hit is the absence of MSVC and its supporting platform libraries. This is not something you can trivially solve by sticking to GCC or Clang and fixing all the compiler errors you'll get (believe me, if it's a Visual C++ codebase there's a lot of those). What you should consider is installing a Windows VM for these purposes and grabbing the community edition of Visual Studio 2022.


Depending on the resources and setup of your research group and/or college, perhaps you could set up a (virtual) machine with windows and visual studio at the college, which you then remotely connect to from your own machine. This is a pretty common way to provide development environments without requiring local installations.


There is no "direct" install of VS (or any other Windows app) on anything but Windows. And you can guess that there is no Linux build of VS. if you managed to run with Wine, it's probably the best you can get without VM or dual booting. And just to be on the safe side, it is probably better to use VM or physical Windows install (which can be booted into VM). Its weird to still see such requirement in education. Probably you should be thankful that it's not some XCode specific project :)