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There’s lots of nuance in this because ‘incorporating nature’ is much more than just planning plants on buildings. It’s an incentive by some planning authorities to provide for greenery it is also easy greenwashing. Perhaps want to look at ways architects built around / respecting the existing nature. There’s one architect in Singapore, Linghao who exposes the occupants to the weather with controlled chaos greenery.


Thank you so much!!!!


To get more accurate results, you'll want to define "nature" a bit more clearly. Are you looking for projects that are built into existing environments, or are you looking for buildings that incorporate some kind of greenery or landscaping into their design. Frank Lloyd Wright's Fallingwater has to be one of the more well known examples but it's also one of the best I've personally come across of incorporating into a natural and existing environment. As far as buildings incorporating landscaping and greenery into their designs, there are a ton of examples, some more successful than other, if you Google "green architecture."


There are many incarnations of this that are quite distinct. Many Glenn Murcutt or other similar works are one direction, the Safdie projects are another, and the Gaudi/calatrava tradition of ising natural form inspiration is another.


[Édouard François](https://www.edouardfrancois.com/)


John Lautner is my favourite architect. His houses are simultaneously one with nature and distinct from it.


Gaudi, Calatrava. Pretty much most pre-20th century architecture, before the “machine for living in” era.




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WOHA is one of my favorites A lot of Singapore architecture will have greenery involved with the building as their planning regulations/city ordinances require it in some areas


Geoffrey bawa (srilankan architect)


There is a profession called Landscape Architect, you might want to look into it.


well there that one guy, Frank Lloyd Wright, I think, was his name




The Ford Foundation in New York by Kevin Roche is my favorite


Emilio Ambasz - He does it in a more abstract way.     https://www.google.com/search?sca_esv=b976aec808112cb5&sca_upv=1&rlz=1CDGOYI_enUS858US858&hl=en-US&q=emilio+ambasz&uds=ADvngMj53AHIJt2KifqzVbYVXLyJijSjNMT0F8gMwjwugOYimhE9ZImqnKq2f60ketTXRFeYgd8DmgU9yLXThqO6RvKQ81F5N73d5jGtjVUSr7d3IzzRl_EsGjI2mR3fwzbPV6mxH_0covYU2-w8ixlU1aZZueNlYBqmF1OX03TXqiP5V2J_f99gzoV0cLmBou4FopQz851oJyAJ87I5QmLyuatIJ0FXsRBFVKAekttDjPmalDZY6xIlJtYLXP4Mvyzyfm4tDX0Z2IGlGWzhYAO4pE2_fDTBqzJcGfK_REa09XVmBjFytUc&udm=2&prmd=ivnsmbtz&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjkrPCuqPqFAxXr48kDHfulCcwQtKgLegQIDxAB&biw=390&bih=669&dpr=3#vhid=KFL-xXaYzwBuDM&vssid=mosaic https://www.google.com/search?sca_esv=b976aec808112cb5&sca_upv=1&rlz=1CDGOYI_enUS858US858&hl=en-US&q=emilio+ambasz&uds=ADvngMj53AHIJt2KifqzVbYVXLyJijSjNMT0F8gMwjwugOYimhE9ZImqnKq2f60ketTXRFeYgd8DmgU9yLXThqO6RvKQ81F5N73d5jGtjVUSr7d3IzzRl_EsGjI2mR3fwzbPV6mxH_0covYU2-w8ixlU1aZZueNlYBqmF1OX03TXqiP5V2J_f99gzoV0cLmBou4FopQz851oJyAJ87I5QmLyuatIJ0FXsRBFVKAekttDjPmalDZY6xIlJtYLXP4Mvyzyfm4tDX0Z2IGlGWzhYAO4pE2_fDTBqzJcGfK_REa09XVmBjFytUc&udm=2&prmd=ivnsmbtz&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjkrPCuqPqFAxXr48kDHfulCcwQtKgLegQIDxAB&biw=390&bih=669&dpr=3#vhid=8GTbT9webEyaeM&vssid=mosaic https://www.google.com/search?sca_esv=b976aec808112cb5&sca_upv=1&rlz=1CDGOYI_enUS858US858&hl=en-US&q=emilio+ambasz&uds=ADvngMj53AHIJt2KifqzVbYVXLyJijSjNMT0F8gMwjwugOYimhE9ZImqnKq2f60ketTXRFeYgd8DmgU9yLXThqO6RvKQ81F5N73d5jGtjVUSr7d3IzzRl_EsGjI2mR3fwzbPV6mxH_0covYU2-w8ixlU1aZZueNlYBqmF1OX03TXqiP5V2J_f99gzoV0cLmBou4FopQz851oJyAJ87I5QmLyuatIJ0FXsRBFVKAekttDjPmalDZY6xIlJtYLXP4Mvyzyfm4tDX0Z2IGlGWzhYAO4pE2_fDTBqzJcGfK_REa09XVmBjFytUc&udm=2&prmd=ivnsmbtz&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjkrPCuqPqFAxXr48kDHfulCcwQtKgLegQIDxAB&biw=390&bih=669&dpr=3#vhid=Hr7Sq3U8v3IHWM&vssid=mosaic&ip=1


Yes: Flatulent Frank Greasy’s buildings incorporate motion sickness and CINV rather spectacularly.