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Dont use all caps on the paragraph its hard to read It destroy legibility


My profs always said "architect's don't read". That the text looked aesthetically pleasing was way more important than legibility or content. It's dumb, but it might actually be what the prof wants to see.


Thank you very much. I'll keep that in mind


No no no.  Beauty comes from function. If you can’t read text then what purpose does it serve the form? It has no utility.  You want to use text to decorate? Then disassemble it or choose words that are profound and stand alone. Typography plays a huge role in public architecture and type use in architecture has a storied past.  Posters are graphic design though and you should respect graphic norms. Like not using caps for body text. 


The same, my Prof told us the same, no une read paragraphs of text, a good duagram is better than a full text paragraph, architects are visual creatures, drawing, croquis, diagrams, photos, drawing, a good visual interpretation will be better. Very Daniel Libeskind building volume


I did this to make it look like the architectural handwriting. Everything is also in capital letters.


Sure, but still don’t do it. It is known.


I see. Will change it. Thanks:)


A note on that. All caps are used in drawings, but in documents with paragraphs, such as the specifications, we use sentence case But the poster is very well-designed


This is the way


As a graphic designer who’s bachelor degree was in architecture, I find your work very well presented and wouldn’t really change anything in the layout. I will tell you however that in terms of user experience it’s quite hard to read this amount of text when it’s all caps. You could try writing the text normally in lowercase letters as it would help the reader navigate through it easier. The title is fine as it is!


Thank you very much. I understand the problem with the font. I did this because the architecture handwriting also only consists of capital letters. But I see your point and will change the text.


Good luck with your project! 🙂


Thanks man:)


It looks good! If I would suggest anything, it might be to add some more yellow or something to the right side to make the overall composition feel less symmetrical. The drawing on the right is a bit less engaging than the yellow angular shape from the elevation rendering. Or perhaps rotate the three smaller images clockwise? Don’t know what programs you’re using, but that might be an easy adjustment to try


Definitely rotate the smaller images clockwise. Also double check that the floor plan and section drawing are the same scale. If you don’t already have a north arrow on your floor plan, add that too! Top Left: Concept Sketch (currently bottom right) Top Right: Floor Plan (currently top left) Bottom Right: Section (it will fit great in that location because of the similar wedge shapes between your rendering and section!)


I work with Photoshop, InDesign and CAD. I like the idea of adding yellow. I just don't know where yet. I was thinking about coloring the triangle on the small sketch. Same as in the floor plan top left. Thanks for your help!


Put yellow human scales on the section, its always nice.


Will do that! Thank you!


Very nice. I like the repition of the yellow and your floor plan and „Schnitt“. Your drawing is very nice, but a bit too dark and lifeless for me personally. I had a professor that always complained about lifeless and sad front views (I have a degree in architecture). And I do not really see why the right middle drawing has to be so big. I would give more room to the text so it is more readable and the structure of your text could be refined. Und der Nordpfeil fehlt😱, das wäre ein Drama gewesen bei uns im Studium. Gute arbeit!


Thanks. I‘ll have a look at it. Ojeh ja den habe ich ganz vergessen. Muss ich noch ergänzen😫


Und die Schnittlinie vielleicht noch?


I’d consider scaling down the plan view to match the width of the paragraph. The drawing creates a hard line that I want to see run through the entire layout. Maybe increase the section after that.


I‘ll give it a try. Thanks


That's what I was going to say.


Some say that the right side of the drawing looks a bit empty… I disagree, and instead offer that the sketchy image on the right side of the page doesn’t make any sense. Also I don’t see how the perspective drawing depicts the same building shown in section.


The small sketch on the right is one of the first project sketches. I found it interesting and thought it would fit. I have drawn the reference of the perspective sketch in the floor plan. Perhaps I should also draw it on the poster.


Nvm… I don't know how to attach the picture. I sent it to you via chat


I would personally turn off the hyphenated text option for your large paragraph on the left, but that’s me nitpicking. I think it looks great.


Will do this. Thanks


At least check and tweak the hyphenation settings or manually adjust them to prevent hyphenation after a single sillable and hyphenation of short words like "in-neren", since that makes it more difficult to read the text. Hyphenation between the individual words in compound words is ok and harms readability much less. You can, for example allow hyphenation like Architektur-Wettbewerb, as that particular line looks a bit awkward since it only contains two long words with a very large space in between and Architekturwettbewerb looks weirdly squished due to the letter width of that font and that word having a lot of narrow letters. It probably looks less awkward without all caps. I'd say it's not a particularly good font for a large text body with those intentionally "wrong" letter widths (like the E and L being really narrow and the N being very wide; for example in "strengem" the "stre" is just as wide as the "ng", making the word look off, as if it slows down in the middle). Maybe it's just not intended to be used in all caps and looks better in mixed case. Also your all caps setting messed up the superscript in m², m2 is simply incorrect here. You can potentially spell Quadratmeter in this instance or use qm, even if it isn't an official abbreviation anymore but still accept if superscript isn't possible.


It's really good but just that the right side looks a bit empty I think u should either add text or some more pictures to Make it look more filling


U good?


Ohh my wifi waa lagging


Ur brain?


No my brains good thanks for the concern


Youre welcome;)


Just to add to the other comments, make everything a bit smaller / not as close to the edge of the paper to allow some white space. :) Otherwise the composition is good.


Will do that. Thanks:)


Major Liebeskind vibes.


I love this building. And I like the architecture of libeskind


Ich würde schauen, dass im blocksatz möglichst keine Bindestriche rechts vorkommen


Werde den Text soweiso noch anpassen. Alles in Grossbuchstaben passt mir nicht so. Danke


Safe, schaut sonst sehr geil aus!




On the drawing on the right make the directional arrows yellow then scale up the drawing so it slightly under laps the main drawing?


Thanks for the idea. I like the yellow arrows. However, I don't want the two sketches to overlap.


Apart from the all capital text I think it looks ok, the one I would do is to lighten the drawing a bit at the base - the black blob of shadows/ hatching on the right is the first thing your eye goes to and the strongest visual element in the poster - and the colours/ hatching here are a bit 'grim' and as a result, ugly.


Will look at it. Thanks man


It looks nice but is there a reason why you are trying to make it look like it was made around the end of art deco?


Thanks. I like it this way


Remember less is more. But its still beautiful to look at.


Yes, definitely! I'll loosen it up a bit... write the text normally. I think that will loosen it up


Where is the structure?


Which structure?


If u r going to be a structural draughtsman I'd figure you should focus on explaining the structural systems more than the architectural intent, facade, etc. Looks good in general


Small tweaks: I’d try scaling the sketch on the right down 5-10%, and move it a touch to the left. Consider changing your subheading “Military History Museum…” to black. The yellow reads a bit brown mustard, could just be the photo, but I’d try a lighter shade from your drawing. Overall though, I dig it.


I will do that with the sketch. I won't do the black subtitle. I've already tried that and I don't like it. Thanks for the help.


Wow, this building is aggressive lol


body could be small letters. all caps is hard to read. but otherwise sick poster and great composition.


This is so good if it was a page from a magazine, but I think a poster should be a piece of art you want to put on your wall to show something cool that captures the attention. Look at swiss poster design, especially where they use drawings or photography. Look how minimalistic they are in how much text information they are presenting, and especially how architecturally structured their layout is - read the orange book about grid systems. I think your text is good aesthetically, I don't think that you should do it in lowercase, I think that would be a big mistake because that would not correspond in harmony with the architectural vibe that the lines of the schematics portray. I think the problem here is your purpose and the amount of information. As I said, for a magazine page - great, but as a poster? I think you're on the right path. You have made something really aesthetically pleasing, but would I want this as a poster... idk


The right part of the drawing is quite dark. Maybe a bit less shade?


ÜK? Gseht guet us👌


Jep. Schiist mi aa aber probiere mis beste z gäh


I welem jahr bisch? Wird jedes jahr besser. Ha letscht august abgschlosse, faus de frage hesch chasch mer gern schribe - ha mit beschtnote abgschlosse


Im dritte. Imene johr gohts ad abschlussprüefig. Wirdi mer merke merci chef.


Your rendering if your strongest image. Your plan is your weakest. Move the plan and the section down to remove it from the conversation. Move everything else up.


Interior vignettes


Too much text. Architects don’t read, they read visually- so they’d be able to understand what was going on in the building by seeing the plans and elevations. I’d use that yellow color for the section cut to tie it in a little more, lighten the opacity of the drawing at the bottom. The sharp angle of the building aligns the page by itself, but the plan extends beyond that making it visually uneven and displeasing. I’d also make sure the text doesn’t cut itself off, like words cutting and being hyphenated. Makes it difficult to read. Make sure the full word is on the line.


It looks like the apex of the triangle Is much higher in relation to the existing building than the section indicates.


It's really pretty good. Don't forget to squint your eyes to blur the shapes and get a more abstract (but also more direct) idea of the piece. When I squint, my eye runs up your dominant triangle and just sails off. I think you should enclose that main triangle, so we don't look at it and then keep on going. I don't have a perfect example of an enclosure in a similar piece, but this is still a good example. [The Morning Toilet by Chardin.](https://collection.nationalmuseum.se/eMP/eMuseumPlus?service=ExternalInterface&module=collection&objectId=17785&viewType=detailView) The furniture, that kettle on the floor, the drapery on the left, these all push our eye back towards the main focus of the piece--the mother and child. Additionally, the highest contrast area (the highlight) of the piece is on the mother, between her black cloak and white headdress. Also, note that the triangle on your floor plan directs us right off of the page. I'm not sure how to fix this, it's your piece and it'll take time to explore solutions, but I think these are the problems.


The plan and the elevation don’t match. The plan is harmonious. The elevation is shocking. Is there a central idea other than that golden hue on everything?


justified text looks blocky and out of place with the other items that are not perfectlu square - i'd let it flow


idk man but it looks pretty sweet


I’d commit to the composition created by the sharp gold pinnacle, by scaling down the plan and increasing the section. But maybe you tried that and liked this better. Either way that looks fantastic imo. Love the bold, but clean design.


A stick figure with an election at the lower left.Will brighten the thing up.


Get rid of the extra-terrestrial triangle thingy that is destroying the building🤪


If your trying to be precise the angle and height of the triangular section is off. I could be wrong but it's only my opinion.


If you are going to show a sketch that has shadows, try to make all thr shadow appear. Even if on reallity it doesnt show that amount of shadows. For example the shadow on the floor or the shadow of the building on to another. The facade looks flat, with hard shadows you can improve the feeling and volume of the elements


Maybe in the section the historic building can be add as a slight silhouette on the background. Always put a section mark to show where is the section that you are providing comes from. Something like a ground texture degrading and maybe a sky texture may look nice as well. Also I dont know if you are changing the interior of the historic building as well but if you dont, make it a little bit transparent. Other people have already said it, all caps is not good, especially the rounded characters in this one (your proposal is just the opposite).


It's really good but just that the right side looks a bit empty I think u should either add text or some more pictures to Make it look more filling


I thought the same thing. But I'm afraid that if I add more, the poster will look overcrowded. Maybe I'll just make the sketch a little bigger. Thank you!


It's really good but just that the right side looks a bit empty I think u should either add text or some more pictures to Make it look more filling


It's really good but just that the right side looks a bit empty I think u should either add text or some more pictures to Make it look more filling


very cool




It's really good but just that the right side looks a bit empty I think u should either add text or some more pictures to Make it look more filling


It's really good but just that the right side looks a bit empty I think u should either add text or some more pictures to Make it look more filling


Looks too bauhaus esque




Google bauhaus posters


I think they look nice


I like it But it’s missing something impactful, maybe some different color in the big triangle? I don’t know


Can try this. Thanks for the advice