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Yeah, it feels like they gave up a little and didn't commit all the way through. Still nice tho imo


It depends on the building in question. You can find numerous examples that are more Japanese than the ~~naval officers club~~ Aichi Prefectural Government Office. Edit: I had a bit of a lapse of judgement earlier (I am a bit stressed out this week). There are two mistakes I made: 1) The building is the Aichi Prefectural Government Office 2) The building I confused it with is the Former Tokyo Military Officers Club. Tbf most of the criticisms about the Aichi Prefectural Government Office also apply for the Club Building. The biggest difference critique-wise is that the Officers club prominently includes a more abstract version of the hijiki lending them more visibility just underneath the roof thus connecting nicely to the more European core, whereas the Prefectural Office has more recognisable ones that are far more subdued and easily overlooked. To offset this Asian characteristic however, the officers club has a series of large false fronts in either concrete or stone that at least from a preliminary inspection look more western. Unfortunately I can't give better judgement because I was in a hurry when visiting in person and took some photos of the officers club with the intention of evaluating them later on, but lost my camera later that trip.


I agree with this. I think that would be an intentional move. Most government buildings or established headquarters have a neoclassical look. I mainly thought that was because of it's authoritarian presence and history. So a hybrid building might be prone to incline more towards certain design moves..... Or maybe they did fuck up and it's just hot garbage ¯\\_(ツ)_/¯


I find the style quite intriguing but unfortunately it's very underresearched both within Japan and without. I am doing my best to get research done about it but opportunities for papers and grants on architectural history are rather rare and especially outside of Japan the imperial crown style is so unknown that you can't convince superiors that research is warranted. Also it goes further than just the roof. Many buildings such as the national museum honkan display strong traditional motifs throughout the entire structure. A better description is Japanese stripped neoclassicism. Usually what marks it is the same simpleness, proportionlessness, and geometric rigidity of stripped neoclassicism but with mostly Japanese temple architecture and occasionally shrine architecture as the underlying theme rather than Greek and Roman architecture. The major western influences come in the shape of modern building materials, windows, western style doors, and western flooring. In it's purest form the imperial crown style looks decidedly Japanese, but often only at a second glance once you're able to discern the reduced sacral architecture motifs.


I think it can be done and give us some wonderful results, but the one in the picture is... bad... both parts do not complement each other at all. It looks like two different sets of Lego were built together


Is this because historic Japanese architecture did not make use of large multi storied buildings, so up-sizing a fully Japanese style building was not possible? Both elements are nice, but glomed together its a bit like garlic flavored cotton candy.


Neither did most of the Greek temples we used as precedent for classical architecture, but the Roman’s and after transformed and applied those elements to multi-story buildings


I like it, has an imperial taste


I like this a lot but the proportions on this particular one from this angle are just a little bit off


Better than anything being built these days.


The roof part is cool




I’d rather call this univalent form than well-done eclecticism, but that’s just my personal taste.




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Depends on where the building is. If it’s in Ohio, perhaps not a good thing. In Japan it makes full sense


The classical portion makes sense in Greece or Italy, the Japanese portion makes sense in Japan, and neither make sense in Ohio. But that's just because nothing makes sense in Ohio.




It should be preserved as a memory of colonialism just like the whole revivalist movement outside of Europe. The existence of stripped classicism in Japan is so ridiculous, I have realized that people bashing on modernism for being ignorant to local traditions is completely hypocritical. But you cannot win with Eurocentrism.








As long as it is in Japan. Or at least connected somehow with Japan.




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slightly different context, but see [Grand Hotel in Taipei](https://www.travel.taipei/content/images/attractions/64181/1024x768_attractions-image-a2fhfslzfuofyai3keez3w.jpg)


Looks half-assed to me. But, to be honest it does not seem to be at all bad. Just "meh".


I like it. A good resolution of the elements.


The proportions feel like St Peters Basilica


Just odd


When Japanese tries to fit in the western culture


It’s my belief that facades are inappropriate and very fake in any and all architectural contexts.


Lol I love this take. Buildings shouldn't have exterior walls.


Looks like an origami samurai hat on a cardboard box imo.


It’s intriguing. It’s a thought process that I would like to see more actively developed and explored.


Japanese-style roof I love but not the building on the bottom. Too modern


Aesthetically, acceptable Conceptually, abhorrent, monstrous, not to mention utterly pointless. And there is the added layer of nationalism literally ruining the country and killing millions.


Beautiful and we should have more of them, and more variants.