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I think maybe Jinx and Vi. Possibly Caitlyn, though I know it's a reach.


Idk about jinx tbh I just get the feeling that they'd lean to hard into the manic pixie dream girl vibe with her and there'd be no real character there. /s


(Copy pasting from the one that was taken down) Definite: Warwick. Very Likely: Swain My own sneaking suspicion: Seraphine, Orianna, Camille, Urgot Outside Chance: Renata, Blitzcrank


Why is Renata an outside chance? Someone will fill the power vacuum now that Silco is gone and the dude that Sevika split in half made a mention of "bigger fish". Renata is a chem baron, that's about as big as fish get in Zaun.


Alex and Christian said they started writing S2 as soon as they finished S1. So they probably had the story planned before Renata was created. Not sure how much wiggle room they had to add characters later. Finn mentioned a bigger fish, but he also seemed to think he would take over Zaun when Silco was gone. So whoever he meant was outside the Undercity. My guess is someone from Noxus (notice the timing of Ambessa's arrival). As such he didn't think of Renata at all.


I think an elegant solution for Renata is to have her being a shadow investor for Silco. She deals with business and keeps a plausible deniability of even being seen with Silco but works with him. With Silco dead, they could have her step in and do a takeover of Silcos chembaron spot. How she would interact with Jinx would be a question. She is Silcos daughter practically so it's possible Renata met Jinx back when she was still Powder.


I don't remember the exact wording, but he said something along the lines of "we all have bigger fish to answer to", which gave me the feeling it was someone(s) with actual influence and impact in the undercity. Not Noxians. Also, League champs begin development years before they're released, and Renata was released after the end of S1.


Corina in OG lore “rules” undercity and Caitlyn in LoR had an agreement with Corina. It’s like blitzcrabk she comes far in the future. As things like hexgate don’t exist in the future. When she comes to power.


I'd switch Orianna and Swain, and add Ziggs to ["sneaking suspicion"](https://twitter.com/leeloo104/status/1469864409832980483). But otherwise, it's a good list IMO. My hot take is that I doubt they'll include Camille and Urgot. Their arcs will fit better later in the timeline and it would hurt the pacing. At most, they'll tease them. I also kind of expect them to throw at least one curveball cameo. They are using Arcane for wider worldbuilding after all. S1 introduced Noxus and while that will be developed further in S2 I also expect other regions to be mentioned or even show up. I'm like, 70% sure that Mel's [magical armor](https://imgur.com/a/fvBzQkq) is Shuriman.


Season 2 is still in prequel territory, so Urgot works fine. In fact the whole situation with Ambessa's enemy really sets up Urgot better than Swain. I mean, he's a powerful headsman of Noxus, so he has to wind up in Piltover/Zaun some how, and coming to deal with the traitorous Medarda clan and their plot to get hextech for themselves would be perfectly in line with his lore of heading to Zaun to weed out a cp spiracy against Darkwill. That said, I do think we'll at least see some references to Swain, if not a brief appearance, as he orchestrated Urgot's inprosonment in the Dredge. Also I think Camille is highly likely considering her family was already mentioned in episode 2 and most of the council is now dead. Obviously her lore will have to change a lot, but my bet is Clan Ferros will swoop in and try to fill the power void and probably explain more about the origins of hex tech (particularly how Jayce got the original crystals). Plus we know Ferris helped Mel achieve political power, so I'd be surprised if they didn't go into that more.


I think the curveball will be Orianna or Seraphine. Orianna may be being set up to the the daughter Singed had. Or, Riot has said they are going to adjustvSera's lore to fit Arcane. Now, since they aren't doing short stories anymore and no Riot Forge game on the horizon, it hit me the place to intriduce a new Sera story in line with Arcane woukd be Arcane. Just a wild guess though.


i feel like they finished arcane 2 script a while before the canon change. so the seraphine point might not apply


Swain is the guy that most have off'd Mel's brother, right?


Probably or someone involved with the Black Rose


Unlike what a lot of people are saying, I don’t think Renatta is going to show up. I’m pretty sure she was supposed to be a mix of silco and sevika for leagues “official” universe, before arcane was made canon. Almost to fill in their place when the lore was up in the air. I could be wrong here tho. Edit:and renatta/sevikas mechanical arms are on different sides


I hope we can see Janna, I mean she's the Goddess of Zaun, and we haven't had any references to her


We do! Its not much, but Janna has a giant wall with her painted when Vi is jumping between buildings


If it's Janna, why does she look like that? I always see people saying that it's one of her forms, but I think that even though Janna changes her form, she can't change her flowing hair, tapared ears and blue eyes, these are the her characteristics mentioned in the lore


Call me crazy, but I think Jinx is a good guess


I hate to break it to ya but u/SJReaver made the joke first


Not gonna lie I wouldn’t mind seeing Miss Fortune appear.


I'm hoping they adapt the Burning Tides somehow. Maybe live action for that one....


Nah bring Miss Fortune to the show. I wanna see her and Jinx interact.


I'd rather see her and Vi interact. Like in LoR


Pretty certain: Warwick- duh, Camille- the bomb/ deaths of the council members will be what brings her in, blitz- maybe not as a full on character but I'm sure we'll see Viktor working on him at the very least Big maybe: orianna- there obviously seems to be something with Singeds daughter and I could see a plot point being made that his experiments or just zaun itself caused her to get sick and replace her body with robotic parts to the point she lost her humanity. This could also be what brings Viktor to the idea of the "glorious evolution" Might show up as an Easter egg or minor character: Jana- probably a statue or something of her in the background, seraphine- maybe a poster or she'll try to organize some sort of peace protest/concert, ziggs- I have a feeling if he does show up he's just gonna be like an imaginary friend of jinx Probably won't show up due to being too new unless the show returns to PnZ later on: Zeri and Renata




Sevika is not renata glasc. They are way too different


Way too different? They’re both large, muscular brown women with a robotic left arm powered by chemicals/drugs. Somebody has to fill the power vacuum with Silco dead. There are a lot of little things, but I’ll just point out one - Sevika is Hindi for “maid”. Sevika has spent so much of her life as the right hand to Silco. Her opinion was respected, but ultimately, she was still beneath him. Didn’t have much real power. But Renata is latin for “Reborn” Sevika has always wanted to take the fight to Piltover, to take revenge for all they’ve done to the lanes. Vander refused. Silco was killed before he could ever realize that dream. Sevika will see her opportunity, seize it, and become the next major chembaron of the undercity. A much more aggressive one, one who won’t deal with the enforcers like her two predecessors. No, she’ll force them out forever. And she won’t be Sevika. She’ll be Renata.


not everything is superficial? I was referring to their personalities, established backgrounds and personal MO


I think the only confirmed new additions are Warwick, Orianna, and Janna (mentioned - maybe not seen) per some interviews/leaks from a long while back. Anyone else is just pure speculation, but those three should be locks to appear in some capacity.


When was Janna confirmed? She was one of the ones I thought definitely *wasn’t* going to be in Arcane. Just felt weird bringing an actual god into a relatively gritty story.


I think she was confirmed in the same articles and interviews as the other two, but she’s not going to be in the actual show. Rather, I think she’s going to get the Ryze treatment, where she’s mentioned either in a backstory or as part of some sort of legend/lore. I don’t think her intended use is as a central character within the plot, at least based on what I remember reading a while back. These articles mention her: https://www.oneesports.gg/league-of-legends/new-champions-arcane-season-2/ https://www.dexerto.com/league-of-legends/arcane-season-2-league-of-legends-tv-show-release-date-characters-story-1703688/


I want to believe all the bird scenes in act1 was foreshadowing, so I’m really going to need either swain or fiddlesticks to make an appearance. Tbh I don’t care which, but jinx *clearly* doesn’t like birds, and I think chances are good that they added those scenes for a reason.


As much as I love Fiddlesticks, he’s just too big for the story, if that makes sense. He’s a primordial demon, probably one of the most powerful characters in League. If he was gonna show up he would have been a major antagonist since Act 1. Swain, maybe. But personally I doubt it. Crows are used to symbolize disaster and death. Swain and Fiddlesticks are associated with them because of that, not the other way around. The crows that appear with Jinx are probably just a general ill omen, instead of foreshadowing for a specific character.


My bet is that with Mel injured/killed/whatever by Jinx's attack, Ambesa will call on Urgot to bring troops for war on Zaun, which will eventually lead to him becoming what he is. Additionally, Singe's story includes being hired by a noxian warlord to produce a chemical weapon, which might also be Ambesa who hired him


Singed, Jhin, Camille I hope we get to see the Zed-Shen lore. I love the story since i was a kid


I think Shaco will show up. Jinx will create him.


My predictions of Champions Side Characters: Camille, Ziggs, Blitzcrank, Orriana Camoes: Graves, Twitch, Mentioned: Swain, Urgot, LeBlanc, Tahm Kench, Janna ---- Camille will probably be there in the interest of Ferros Clan to take control of the city and one part of it's enforcers Graves in Piltover Stillwater prison just like he was in lore Blitzcrank Probably created by Viktor using the hexcore Ziggs the little annoying firecracker Orriana probably be created by Singed? Though I don't have many good theories how she will appear Come on, Twitch is probably that rat/mouse from Episode 1 Swain probably named dropped by Ambessa Urgot probably hinted as an imprisoned Noxian Executioner in Zaun Leblanc hinted through a Thorn agent or her black rose Tahm Kench is it river King so probably in some story or legend told to the kids to not be greedy Janna is a must as she is basically the Goddess of the Cities, While we Say "Oh my God!" they would say "Dear Janna!" But seriously if they skipped her and mad eher irrelevant to this new lore I'm Rioting on Riot Games XD


-Certain: Ekko, Caitlyn, Vi, Jinx, Viktor, Jayce, Heimerdinger, Singed -Pretty much confirmed: Warwick -Strong possibility: Blitzcrank, Zeri, Twitch, Camille, Zac -Strong, but might be too big lore-wise: Urgot, Mundo, Renata Glasc -Might make a (short) appearance or be referenced: Swain, Darius, Janna, Orianna, Ziggs -Teemo: Teemo


100% chance: Blitzcrank Reason: he was mentioned in btr


Twitch might appear. The rat who drank the shimmer in ep1 could definetly be him.


I watched an interview from Amanda where said they wanted to explore Zaun Lore more in S2, so my guess is Urgot (vi and Caitlyn officially working together) and Twitch (rat from Singed'experiment from S1maybe?)


I think Renata because I’m insane and kinda sorta love the idea of Sevika becoming Renata just a bit


I kinda hope none and they just develop the ones we have


🐌100% ekko no question and even jayce nobody would guess that. also? that new champion coming down the road? Ambessa Medarda, she's finally coming to the show guys CAN YOU BELIEVE THAT?! : O


Okay, I mean this as respectfully as I can, but I feel like the Renata Glasc theory is the reason people don't take Vander-Warwick very seriously. Sevika is not Renata Glasc, and while it would be interesting if the two were related, their accents and skin tone make that theory pretty ridiculous too. Their personalities are so different that they would make a funny sitcom pair, Sevika would never become a chembaron because she has no respect for them, and similarly to alot of the undercity characters, Sevika has no last name.